Important Vital clues missed in hunt for Claremont Serial Killer/s
West Australian Newspaper
With Important Vital clues missed in hunt for Claremont Serial Killer/s
Sunday, 1 January 2017
The scene at the Continental Hotel in Claremont the Saturday night
This is a most important article detailing what the new set of police in charge of the Macro Task Force say are the three main clues that those previously in charge of the Macro Task Force missed when investigating the Claremont Serial Killings over the last 20 years.
1. Drivers License of Karakatta Cemetery Victim is alledged to have been handled by the rapist and found by a local girl a year or so later.
Note: This alleged clue seems extremely suspect because a driver's license found a year later could have been handled by anyone over that year. It would be easy for the police ot plant someone’s DNA on this drivers license.
2. Fibres from a car seat allegedly found on the body of Jane Rimmer that matches a certain type of model car such as a Holden Commodore station wagons or sedan could have come from hundreds of actual cars, including an unmarked police car.
Police used Holden Commodores all the time in the 1990's as unmarked police cars.
It is doubted that any fibres from a Holden Commodore car found on the body of Jane Rimmer could to be easily be used as proof beyond reasonable doubt that the Holden Commodore station wagon that Bradley Edwards used in 1996 and 1997 came from Bradley Robert Edward’s particular car.
It could have been one of hundreds of Commodore cars including an unmarked police car driven by a policeman on or off duty, or driven by a friend of the policeman who borrowed the car such as a girl friend.
In fact a witness has made a sworn statement that she was the girlfriend of a particular Western Australian Police officer …. and that the particular police officer used to supply her illegal drugs such as crystal meth, heroin, cocaine, marijuana and alcohol … this girlfriend of this particular Western Australian Police Officer was allowed by the Western Australian Police and the particular police officer to drive the particular police officer's unmarked police car at any time of the day or night …. speeding while drunk and high on illegal drugs without fear of being charged with any criminal offences.
In fact when the girlfriend of this particular police officer was picked up by police speeding … way over the legal blood alcohol limit and high on illegal drugs ... as soon as the police realised that the car was an unmarked police car normally used by this particular police officer, the police would immediately let the girlfriend of the particular police officer go …. and allowed her to drive away drunk and with on illegal drugs uncharged with any criminal offences.
3. The police allege that there is some sort of DNA evidence that was originally missed or overlooked that were found on the body of Ciara Glennon.
Any alleged DNA evidence that has now been claimed to have been found on the body of Ciara Glennon after twenty years could well have been planted and falsified by the police.
DNA of a person found on an item that is on the body of a deceased murdered person some twenty years later usually by itself is not sufficient to convict a person of a murder of that person.
There are all sorts of possible explanations as to why a person's DNA has been found on an item that was attached to or on the body of the deceased murdered person.
A lot depends on what type of item that the DNA was found on or if the DNA was found on the skin or under the finger nails of the deceased murdered person …. such as showing the DNA of a person under the finger nails of the deceased murdered person … which would strongly suggest that the deceased murdered person scratched the attacker at the time of the attack.
Such DNA evidence would be a lot stronger against an accused person whose DNA matched DNA found under the finger nails of the deceased murdered person.
It is noted that the police indicated that there was no DNA evidence found on the bodies of Ciara Glennon or Jane Rimmer which maybe be because the murderer or muderers or original abductors were careful not to leave any DNA evidence on the body of the deceased murdered person or on any items of clothing or other items left on the bodies of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon,
it could have been because of the amount of time between the time of the abduction and murder and the time the bodies were found was long enough for the weather and elements to have destroyed any possible DNA evidence..
One would find it extremely difficult to believe that the person or people involved in the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon, who committed this horrendous crime, were not clever and calculating enough to have worn gloves and other DNA leaving protection at all times when touching Ciara Glennon or any of Ciara Glenons belongings, jewlery, rings, watch, clothes etc., before or after Ciara Glennon disappeared and eventually murdered.
The person or people involved in the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon and Jane Rimmer was or were very clever …. cunning … well planned …. and obviously had a good knowledge of the way police investigate crimes … as the person or person seemed amazingly confident about being able to commit these horrendous serious crimes and not be discovered and arrested …
….. either because the person or people involved made sure no possible clues were left for the police investigators to find or discover and there are no witnesses left alive that could talk or if still alive would be game to talk ... for fear of their family or themselves also being murdered as well..
.. or …. the person or people involved in committing these horrendous serious crimes or ordering these crimes to be carried out ... knew that they were protected by the Western Australian Police from being investigated and prosecuted for criminal behaviour ... either because the person or people were Western Australian Police or the person or people knew that they were extremely confident of never being investigated or charged with any criminal offences because of some specific control, influence, or power they had and have in the police, courts, legal, business, media, finance and/or political systems of Western Australia.
The scene at the Continental Hotel in Claremont the Saturday night
Detectives missed three early opportunities that could have led them to the Claremont serial killer in the 1990s, according to The Post newspaper.
The western suburbs paper, which has followed the case closely for 20 years, yesterday reported that the missed leads included clues left on the driver’s licence of a 17-year-old girl who was abducted and raped in 1995, a crime which police now believe was committed by the same offender.
They also included car upholstery samples recovered from the body of second murder victim Jane Rimmer sent to the wrong Chemistry Centre department in 1996 and lost, and a “critical item” overlooked from the body of third victim Ciara Glennon.
The 17-year-old was abducted from Rowe Park opposite the Claremont Showground subway in February 1995, and raped at Karrakatta Cemetery.
Post editor Bret Christian wrote that her attacker handled the victim’s driver’s licence, which was later found discarded by a young local girl.
He reported that detectives investigating the sex assault did not doorknock in the area. It was not until more than a year later when Macro task force investigators looking for the killer of Sarah Spiers and Ms Rimmer did, and obtained the licence.
The second reported missed opportunity was when car upholstery samples recovered from the body of Ms Rimmer were lost. They were found when the Chem Centre moved to Bentley in 2011. When tested, the samples revealed crucial clues.
The third reported missed opportunity was when a critical forensic item from the body of Ms Glennon, murdered in 1997, was overlooked. It was tested in Britain well after 2004 and revealed “the breakthrough clue”.
A WA Police spokeswoman said: “As this matter is now before the courts and there remains an ongoing investigation WA Police will not be making any further comment”.
Further Comment by an investigator for the Claremont Seial Killers Investigation Team (NYT_CSKIT)
A photo of the Hungry Jacks sign were boys were sitting justr after 12pm eating Hungry Jacks Burgers when they saw Giara Glennon walk past on Sirling Highway on early Sunday morning the 15th of March, 1997.
1.The Western Australian Police Macro Task force deliberately mispresented the truth the the Western Australian Public and the Western Australian and Australian newspapers and TV Networks by always for the last 20 odd years saying that the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer was on the video footage taken just after midnight on the 9th of June, 1996 on the famous video footage talking to a man outside the Continenal Hotel in Bay View Terrace, Claremont, Western Australia ... when as per the report given to the Western Australian Police by four 21 year old university students ... they saw Jame Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway at about 12.30 am on the 9th of June, 1996 near the corner of Stirling Highway and Lock Street, Claremont, and was heading towards Nedlads of Perth and not heading towards Mosmand Park of Wembley where Jame Rimmer lived ...
2. The Western Australian Police Macro Task force deliberately mispresented the truth the the Western Australian Public and the Western Australian and Australian newspapers and TV Networks by always for the last 20 odd years saying that the circumstances of the last known sighting of CIiara Gllenon was that the boys sitting ont he busstop opposite Hungry Jacks actually saw Ciara Glennon leaning ove ron her knees talking to the drive of alight colourted vehicle on Stirling Highway, Claremont, when the boys has stated that they never saw any vehicle after seeing Ciara Glennon walk past them, and that they only say tha back lights of a car that looked like the can may be be putting its breaks on ...but never actually saw Ciara Glennon standing taking to anyone in the car ..... this the re-inactment on the TV program of the last sighting of Ciara Glennon was deliberately false .....
The question remains if why did the Macro Task Force alie about the about last sightings of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon?
This is a question that the Commissioner of Police for Western Australian should answer to the Western Australian People and the new Labor Western Australian Government and to the people of Australai as well.
]The other very dispurbing thing is that there was so much evidence offered by the public over the last 20 odd years to the Macro Task Force appointed by the Commissioner of the Western Australian Police Service to investigate the Claremont Serial Killings ..that the Mcacro Task Force have not bothered to properly investigate and when they bothered ot investigated it was a long time after the crimes have been committed ... making it harder to collect the important evidence needed to apprehend the person to people involved in the Claremont Seriasl Killings..
For example there person who saw a taxi driver early in the morning without lights near were the body of Ciara Glennon was found aboit tyhe time Ciara Glennon went missing ... who said there was aperson sitting ont he back of the taxi.... this is important independent evidence that fairly well proved beyoond reaosnable doublt that there was a taxi involved, a person who had access to a taxi involved and that there was at least two people involved in the uabduction and murder of Ciara Gennon....which fairly proves that the police are wrong in saying that Bradley Rober Edwards committed the abdiction and murder of Jane Rimer and Ciara Glennon all by himself .... the evidence that a taxi was seem with a person int he back about where the body of Ciara Glennon was found about the time that Ciara Glennon was abducted .... fits in with the statement by Noel Geoffrey Coward who said that there was this guy called Tony who was a taxit driver and a woman involved who sat in the back of the taxit where the bodies were dumped...
The late Leonard Walter "Len" Buckeridge (15 June 1936 – 11 March 2014) was a Multi Billionaire Australian businessman known for founding the Buckeridge Group of Companies (BGC) who was a well known Liberal Party Funder, backer and close friend of all liberal party Western Australian Premiers and Liberal Party Australian Premiers, who is with his close friend and associate Colin Barnett, the Western Australian Premier from 2008 to February 2017, and the Tony Abbott, the former Liberal Party Prime Minister of Australia at the Hyatt Hotel in 2003.
Barnett and his Liberal Government were re-elected to a second term.
Alistair Castairs Borg, ex-Deputy Western Australian Pubic Trustee committed many serious crimes as a favour for powerful people in the Western Australian Public Trustee, Len Buckeridge and those in charge of the Western Austyralian Liberal Government, who signed many false and fraudulent affidavits in the Supreme Court prepared by barrister David Lancelot Jones, barrister Dr John James Hockley and other lawyers and barristers … and instructed barrister David Lancelot Jones, barrister Dr John James Hockley and other lawyers and barristers to tell lies in the Supreme Court and other courts on his own behalf, and also on behalf of, the WA Public Trustee’s and the WA Government’s, who was rewarded in 2005 by being appointed the Executive Officer of the State Administrative Tribunal for Western Australia, in charge of $16 million running costs ..Alistair Castairs Borg, ex-Deputy Western Australian Pubic Trustee was one of the powerful people that John Roderick McKecknie, the former first Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia protected from criminal prosecution of any kind ... Len Buckeridge was another ...
Follow Oliver Peterson @oliverpeterson
CLAREMONT UPDATE: I will not confirm or disconfirm the media statements.
Karl O'Callaghan, the Western Australian Police Commissioner and well respected Red Lodge Freemason
Robert Falconer the Police Commissioner for Western Australia and well respected Red Lodge Freemason, who was the Western Australian Police Commissioner for Western Australia at the time of the Claremont Serial Killings
Richard Fairfax Court and well respected Red Lodge Freemason
was the Western Australian Liberal Party Premier during the time of the Claremont Serial Killings
Richard Fairfax Court AC (born 27 September 1947 in Nedlands), is a former Western Australian politician, serving as Premier of Western Australia from 1993 to 2001. A member of the Liberal Party of Australia, he represented the Perth-area electorate of Nedlands in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly from 1983 to 2001.
Richard Court was born into a political family. His father, Sir Charles Court, was the previous member for Nedlands (1953–1982) and served as Premier from 1974 to 1982. His older brother Barry Court was president of the Pastoralists' and Graziers' Association, married Margaret Court, and became President of the Liberal Party of Western Australia in March 2008
Sir Charles Court Australian politician, Premier of Western Australia and father of Richard Fairfax Court. Sir Charles Walter Michael Court, AK KCMG OBE (29 September 1911 – 22 December 2007) was a Western Australian politician, and the 21st Premier of Western Australia from 1974 to 1982. He was a member of the Liberal Party.
Len Buckeridge and his de-facto wife Siok Puay Koh known as Tootsie at the Australian Liberal Party Function held at the Hyatt Hotel in 2003, where the wined and dining with all the top Australian Liberal Party Politicians. It was common knowledge in Perth, Western Australian political, legal, police, and business circles that Len Buckeridge and his defacto Siok Puay Koh were more powerful than the Premier of Western Australia, the Commissioner for Police for Western Australia and the Australian Liberal Prime Ministers for Australia .... one of Len Buckeridge's staff proudly explained that his boss Len Buckeridge was so powerful that Len Buckeridge could ring the Police Commissioner, the Premier or the Prime Minister of Australia at 3 am in the morning and tell them to jump in any direction Len Buckeridge wanted .... and the reply from either the the Police Commissioner, the Premier or the Prime Minister of Australia who be to ask ... " ... Len ... how high do you want me to jump and is what direction? "
It became well known and stated in the media, books and various publications with the facts never disputed by Len Buckeridge at ant time that Len Buckeridge form the 1970's onwards had the "Green Light" from the Freemason controlled police to be able commit or order any criminal action and know that he would not be investigated or prosecuted or charged for any criminal offence.. which is similar to what Roger Rogerson and the the N.S.W Police gave to career criminal Neddy Smiih ....
Len Buckeridge was accused of many serious criminal offences in books and publications and on the Internet and at no time did Len Buckeridge ever dispute these serious accusations and at no time did he ever threaten to sue the people or organisations that made these serious allegations against Len Buckeridge .....thus there can be no doubt these allegations were fact ... the amazing thing is that senior Liberal Party politicians including the Colin Barnett the Premier of Western Australia and former Liberal Party Australian Prime Minusters such as John Winston Howard and Tony Abbott were always proud to have their photo taken by the Australia Media in company with career criminal the late Len Buckeridge
Above are photos the later Len Buckeridge's memorial held at the Civic Centre in Cottesloe in arch, 2014 where the who's who of the Western Australia business, legal, political and social circles attended to worship the late Len Buckeridge is what looks like a state memorial where the head of state such as a king is remembered with great joy for what he did for the state and country ... Len Buckeridge and his silent Trial families partners that pumped billions of dollars into Len Buckeridge's BGC companies from the 1970's onward certainly did make people and the economy rich over those around 50 years, but at what cost one has to ask ... when you ended up with a silent criminal group effectively from behind the scenes running and owning the largest group of companies in Western Australia .... and employing over 6,000 people in legal jobs and many in illegal jobs also running the criminal world of Perth, Western Australia that can not be challenged too easily for the selling of illegal drugs, running prostitution and committing murders at their will and desire for what ever reason ... sometimes in the line of their profit making business and sometime for pure pleasure ...
Sarah McMahon's life was in serious danger as she knew too much and could bring the truth out,
but before Sarah McMahon disappeared she gave a sworn statement exposing all those involved
Jane Rimmer was 23 when she went missing in 1996 after a night out in Claremont
In July 2007 six-year-old Leela and her mother, 27-year-old Chantelle McDougall, along with two other men vacated their premises in Nannup Western Australia.
All indications were that they were going on holiday to Brazil possibly via New Zealand.
Extensive enquiries have failed to locate Chantelle McDougall and there are concerns for her safety and welfare.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Chantelle please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000
Missing since:Sunday, July 1, 2007
Last seen:Nannup WA
Year of birth:2001
Age now:15
July 2007 six-year-old Leela and her mother 27-year-old Chantelle
McDougall along with two other men vacated their premises in Nannup
Western Australia.
All indications were that they were going on holiday to Brazil possibly via New Zealand.
Extensive enquiries have failed to locate Leela McDougall and there are concerns for her safety and welfare.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Leela please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
John James Hockley - Barrister in Perth's Law Chambers involved in bashing a litigant outside the Supreme Court of Western Australia because the litigant dared to ask
"...Mr Hockley are are you prepared to accept large sums of money from the Western Australian Public Trustee, the State of Western Australia and Len Buckeridge for presenting false and misleading information to the Supreme Court?....".
.Barrister John James Hockley, who was originally was from Sydney, and was earning much there, was paid to come to Perth Western Australia, to represent the Western Australian Public Trustee and the Western Australian Liberal Government, after all Barrister David Lancelot Jones was taken on a Criminal Contempt Charge for knowingly presenting false and misleading information to the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
Barrister, John James Hockley was paid over $200,000 for presenting fabrications and withholding material information to the Supreme Court of Western Australia, and helping, the Western Australian Liberal Government, the Western Australian Public Trustee Len Buckeridge, Len Buckeridge's family company Ether Investments Pty Ltd and the BGC Group of companies to defraud a luxury two story multi-million dollar Swan River Frontage family home at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia during the period 1994 to 1998.
Continental Hotel
Bay View Terrace, Claremont
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking - Student
Author:Andrew Clennell
Date: 19 June 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition.
The full story is explained in the new book being published and film being made entitles
“Missing abducted and murdered in Western Australia”.
It is widely believed that Alistair Crowley known as The Beast was a Secret agent who also worked for MI6 in British Intelligence and the Occult section of British Intelligence
Secret Agent 666 - Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence - 6-23-8
Human sacrifices are today still practised by the Jews of Eastern Europe, as is set forth at length by the late Sir Richard Burton in the MS. which the wealthy Jews of England have compassed heaven and earth to suppress, and evidenced by the ever-recurring Pogroms against which so senseless an outcry is made by those who live among those degenerate Jews who are at least not cannibals. Having thus implicitly defended the recent antisemitic pogroms in Kishinev Russia and elsewhere, on the grounds that the murder of thousands of Jews was a rational response to the implied danger of Jewish ritual cannibalism, Crowley rhetorically asked how a system of value such as Qabala could come from what "the general position of the ethnologist" called "an entirely barbarous race, devoid of any spiritual pursuit," and "polytheists" to boot. As Crowley himself practiced polytheism, some read these remarks as irony. Crowley repeated his claim that Jews in Eastern Europe practice ritual child-murder in at least one later work as well, namely the section on mysticism in Book Four or Magick. Here he uses quotation marks for "ritual murder" and for "Christian" children.
Secret Agent 666 - Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence -b6-23-8
Secret Agent 666 - Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence
6-23-8 - Aleister Crowley is best today as a founding father of modern occultism. His wide, hypnotic eyes peer at us on the cover of The Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and his influence can be found everywhere in popular culture. "The Great Beast" has been the subject of several biographies, some painting him as a misunderstood genius, others as a manipulative charlatan. None of them have looked seriously at his career as an agent of British Intelligence. Using documents gleaned from British, American, French and Italian archives, Secret Agent 666 sensationally reveals that Crowley played a major role in the sinking of the Lusitania, a plot to overthrow the government of Spain, the thwarting of Irish and Indian nationalist conspiracies, and the 1941 flight of Rudolf Hess. Author Richard Spence argues that Crowley-in his own unconventional way-was a patriotic Englishman who endured years of public vilification in part to mask his role as a secret agent. The verification of the Great Beast's participation in the twentieth century's most astounding government plots will likely blow the minds of history as well as occult aficionados. Author Richard B. Spence has been seen on various documentaries on The History Channel and is a consultant for Washington D.C.'s International Spy Museum. He is also the author of Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly (Feral House).
22 February 2008
22 February 2008
Mark Dixie has left a world-wide trail of shattered lives - and several possible murder victims.
In Britain, he was responsible for a series of violent sex attacks on women.
In Spain, he was suspected of battering and molesting three women within minutes.
And while he was working as a chef in Perth, Western Australia, there were three unsolved killings of attractive young women.
Police believe Mark Dixie may have committed other serious crimes in Australia
He was also involved in several incidents of violence or perverted behaviour. But he managed to avoid leaving any crucial DNA evidence and was deported back to Britain - to murder Sally Anne Bowman.
Mark Phillip Dixie was born in Balham, south London on September 24, 1970 to advertising manager Phillip Dixie and his wife Lesley. Eighteen months later the couple divorced and Dixie never saw his father again.
His mother remarried in 1980 and his stepfather Ronald McDonald regularly beat and abused him. Two years later, his mother dumped him on the doorstep of a children's home in Streatham and has never bothered to make contact since.
Dixie was taken into care and started his criminal career at 14 with a series of muggings in Plumstead. At 15 he was expelled from school for punching a teacher, and spent six weeks at a young offenders' unit as a punishment for vandalism.
At 16 he was referred by the children's home to a psychiatrist following concerns about his emotional problems and the effect of his heavy cannabis abuse on his mental state, which led to at least two indecent assaults on women.
At the home he met his first girlfriend, Sandra Beckhaus, and they moved in together to a flat in Plumstead where a Jehovah's Witness called one day. Dixie, then 17, punched her, fracturing her jaw, and grabbed her throat demanding sex. She managed to escape but said the attack by the 'monster' had ruined her life.
Dixie was jailed for six months for indecent assault and actual bodily harm in August 1988. Less than a year later he was given a community service order after exposing himself to two women.
In 1993 he went to Australia where he fathered two children with Sandra - neither of whom is now in contact with him. He overstayed his visa and faced deportation, so he disappeared and turned up with a new name.
When Dixie strolled into a cafe in Perth in January 1996, he introduced himself as Shane Turner, a top chef who had worked in restaurants around Europe and Australia. The owner, Anthony McMahon, hired him for £160 a week. Mr McMahon recalls: "He could be moody at times, but I put that down to him being a chef."
Dixie rented a flat a few miles away, near the coastal suburb of Claremont. Sarah Spiers, 18, went missing the same month that Dixie arrived at the cafe. Her body has never been found.
That June, Jane Rimmer, 23, was killed and her body was found in bushland two months later. Ciara Glennon, 27, was the last known victim and disappeared in March 1997. Her body was found north of Perth in bushland. All the women lived near Dixie.
That year Dixie was sacked after holding a knife to a waiter's throat. He got a new job at the Dunsborough Beach Lodge where he smoked huge amounts of cannabis in his quarters. Police suspect he loitered on the beachfront looking for victims and local papers at the time carried several reports of 'flashers'.
It later emerged that he broke into a flat yards from his home before stabbing and raping a Thai student, leaving her for dead.
Miraculously she survived to describe her ordeal, but Dixie managed to evade capture.
On January 1, 1999 a woman out running was horrified when a naked man jumped out of a car. When she screamed, he ran back to the car and drove off, but she gave police a full description of the vehicle.
They tracked Dixie down and he was deported on April 23, 1999. Crucially, British police were never told about his Australian offences. After his arrest for the Sally Anne Bowman murder, detectives from a Perth 'cold case' squad investigated Dixie. But without any DNA to link him to any of the cases, the inquiry had to be dropped.
Back in Britain, he was referred to Croydon mental health services by his GP after he complained of 'desperate thoughts' and said he feared he was going 'potty'.
He told doctors that he was suffering from insomnia, severe depression, mood swings, violent temper tantrums, anxiety attacks and fear of public places.
In one paranoid outburst, he punched a friend just because he approached him from the right.
But despite his deteriorating mental state, experts sent him off with anti-depressants and recommendations of counselling after Dixie convinced them that he would take up Tai Chi to soothe his troubled mind.
He never received any counselling because he failed to keep follow-up appointments and his case was closed by June 2002.
That month he began a relationship with 23-year-old Stacey Nivet and they moved to Spain where she became pregnant with a son.
On the Costa del Sol, police believe he robbed, battered and sexually assaulted three women in Fuengirola.
Returning to Britain in October 2003, Dixie and Miss Nivet moved into a flat on Blenheim Crescent, Croydon, ten doors from where he would attack Sally Anne. There is, however, no suggestion that Dixie ever met the would-be model.
The couple then moved to East Grinstead in East Sussex. After three stormy years together, their relationship broke down under the strain of Dixie's heavy cocaine habit, which took up most of his wages.
Miss Nivet, who said Dixie would often get rough and bite her, threw him out of their two-bedroom flat on September 1, 2005, just over three weeks before Sally Anne's death.
Dixie responded by leaving on a coach bound for Amsterdam to 'fulfil a lifelong dream' where he took cannabis, Ecstasy and cocaine while visiting prostitutes. He returned when he ran out of cash and went to stay with his cousin Anthony Down in Coulsdon, near Croydon.
On the night of Sally Anne's murder, Dixie tried to persuade Miss Nivet to take him back and celebrate his 35th birthday with him. But she refused. Furious, he went on a bender with friends consuming lager, wine, spirits, cocaine and cannabis.
By the time he arrived at the home of a friend where he planned to stay the night, he was desperate for sex, so he picked up a knife and walked into the night.
At 3.30am on September 25, less than an hour before Sally Anne died and four streets from the murder scene, a 36-year-old mother-of-three had her mobile phone stolen and was assaulted by a man police are convinced was Dixie.
Disturbed by a taxi, he ran off with her mobile phone and headed for his old stamping ground of Blenheim Crescent where, at 4.15am, he saw Sally Anne being dropped off by her boyfriend Lewis Sproston. Lying in wait behind a skip, he attacked the teenager yards from the safety of her front door.
He repeatedly bit her and knifed her seven times before sexually assaulting her as she lay dying.
Finally, he removed her underwear and handbag as souvenirs - just as he had during the attacks in Spain and Australia.
He calmly returned to a friend's flat where he had been staying, smoked a spliff and dozed off.
Six months to the day after the murder, he celebrated by filming himself committing a sex act in front of a newspaper bearing Sally Anne's image.
Dixie embarked on a new relationship with Kate McConaghie, a fellow-chef at the pub where he worked in Horley, Surrey. The 20-year-old blonde describes him as 'moody' but 'nice looking' and says he initially 'treated me like a princess'.
But before long he was viciously biting her during sex.
Miss McConaghie said: "When I learned he had been arrested for Sally Anne's murder and remembered how she had been bitten during the attack it sent a chill of fear and revulsion through me."
The Bowman murder team, meanwhile, were searching for Sally Anne's killer.
Although he had left a DNA sample at the scene, no match could be found on the national database as Dixie's previous convictions dated back before samples were routinely taken from suspects.
Then, last June, Dixie got drunk and became involved in a brawl in Horley. He burst into tears when Surrey Police arrested him and took a DNA sample. The killing spree was over.
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There is more and more evidence coming forward to show that the murders and abductions of girls in Claremont, Perth, Western Australia are partly to do with occult business, with some of girls having being beheaded so their skulls can be used in satanistic occult ceremonies.
Sunday Night on June 16, 2015,
Sunday Night on June 16, 2015
The probe into the Claremont serial killings is the longest act
CHRIS BATH: We begin tonight on the streets of Perth in the leafy suburb of Claremont and the burning mystery - who is the Claremont serial killer? Three young women disappeared after visiting the same nightclub and bar strip and making the mistake of getting into the wrong car. The bodies of two of the women were found in bush-land, the other is still missing. Almost two decades on, the original lead investigator has agreed to take us inside the case in the hope of sparking new leads. While another senior retired cop has come forward with explosive claims about the competence of the investigation and concerns key information he provided wasn't taken seriously and other, possibly helpful intelligence, was ignored. We'll hear also from those most desperate for answers - the families of the victims. Steve Pennell’s has our special report.
PAUL FERGUSON: Most parents expect their children to go to their funeral. When you raise a child and that person is in their late teens, early 20s, and they're murdered, the family have to, first and foremost, come to the realisation that they've lost their child, they've outlived their child...the trauma that the child went to prior to the death. And the person responsible, are they going to be held accountable? It's huge, absolutely huge.
STEVE PENNELLS: On a quiet road in northern Perth, former homicide cop Paul Ferguson is heading back to a defining scene.
PAUL FERGUSON: The killer has taken her out of the vehicle, gone down the slope and 20 metres or so down the base of the bottom of the slope, has dumped her body. Just effectively dumped her body. We had a third victim.
STEVE PENNELLS: It was 3 April 1997. Her name was Ciara Glennon.
PAUL FERGUSON: She was a lawyer, quite an intelligent young lady, didn’t take a lot of risks. There was no doubt that she was the third victim. The fact that Ciara's body was just dumped could mean a number of things. First and foremost that he was arrogant.
STEVE PENNELLS: He wanted the body found.
PAUL FERGUSON: He wanted the body found. He gets a buzz twofold - one, out of the killings and two, out of all the publicity he’s getting.
STEVE PENNELLS: 27-year-old Ciara Glennon, 23-year-old Jane Rimmer, and 18-year-old Sarah Spiers, all victims of Perth's notorious Claremont serial killer. They just got into the wrong car.
PAUL FERGUSON: Got into the wrong car and it cost them their lives. The answer is out there. Someone who is listening has the answer.
STEVE PENNELLS: Paul Ferguson was the original head of Macro, the taskforce formed to find a killer. Almost 20 years on, he’s agreed to talk because he, and the families of the victims, are as desperate as ever for answers.
PAUL FERGUSON: That's why I'm talking to you because WA Police have chosen not to be part of this program. And, yeah, I'm fully aware of that. I gave up two years of my life working on the Macro Taskforce. I know that the offender thinks at this stage that he is, she is, they are smart and they've got away with it.
STEVE PENNELLS: Did you look at absolutely everything?
PAUL FERGUSON: Everything.
STEVE PENNELLS: Lots of dead ends.
PAUL FERGUSON: A lot of dead ends, yes.
STEVE PENNELLS: How resource-intensive was this?
PAUL FERGUSON: Oh, huge. Huge. Absolutely huge.
STEVE PENNELLS: If the Macro Taskforce was huge when Paul Ferguson ran it for its first two years, it was about to go off the scale. Under later leadership, the Claremont investigation would become the biggest and most expensive in Australian criminal history. A massive, at times bizarre investigation, it has never found its target.
MICHELLE ROBERTS: Do I have confidence in them to conduct these high-level investigations into serious crimes? I have to say, looking from the outside, no, I don't.
CON BAYENS: It seems to me that the Macro Taskforce was a situation where the cops really mucked up and now we've got a cover-up. And that's the saddest part, that they've never just sort of said, "Oh, we made a mistake."
STEVE PENNELLS: Con Bayens is another retired cop. And he's speaking out for the first time. He'll take us back to a chilling incident that for him says everything about the secretive, dysfunctional operation of Macro.
ACTOR: This is not good.
STEVE PENNELLS: And straightaway your mind went to the Claremont killer?
STEVE PENNELLS: 14 years on, the former vice officer is wondering what happened to a brief he prepared on a very suspicious character he pulled over during a major undercover operation.
CON BAYENS: What happened in Highgate that night, what I saw that night, has haunted me for a lot of years.
ACTOR: Just want to step out of the car, please?
STEVE PENNELLS: And he's at a loss to understand just why the Claremont investigation wasn’t interested in the potential treasure-trove of intelligence his operation was gathering. What do you think the reaction will be to what you're saying?
CON BAYENS: They won't be happy with it. They definitely won't be happy with it. Um, I'm not under that veil of secrecy. I've never signed any of their secrecy clauses. Um... Yeah, they would prefer that I didn't speak, without a doubt, but here we are.
STEVE PENNELLS: You're breaking the code.
CON BAYENS: Yeah, but for the right reasons.
DON SPIERS: Oh, I think about her fondly. I think about her every day. Fortunately no bad thoughts. They’re all, you know, happy thoughts. Only bad thoughts about when she actually disappeared. I felt as though someone had opened me up with a scalpel.
STEVE PENNELLS: Don Spiers was shearing outside Darkan in southern WA when his wife Carol called with worrying news - their daughter, Sarah, was missing.
DON SPIERS: I was working at a friend's property. His wife came up to the shed on the Monday morning and said, "Carol wants you to ring her straightaway." And with that sort of message I knew there was something seriously wrong. And so we jumped in the car and drove to Perth and just thinking of different scenarios that may have happened and maybe she'd walk in the door at four o'clock. But that never happened. And things just deteriorated from there. Each time, you know, you think of a worse scenario, but hoping that she'd be safe.
PAUL FERGUSON: She was a quiet girl, a very intelligent young lady, had a very close circle of friends. Didn't put herself at risk unnecessarily. Um...and was relatively quiet.
STEVE PENNELLS: A few months later, another girl went missing.
DON SPIERS: Yes. Jane Rimmer, 9th June.
STEVE PENNELLS: So, straightaway you thought they might be linked.
DON SPIERS: Without a doubt. Yeah, without a doubt.
ADAM RIMMER: Obviously there was something drastically wrong. We had invited her to the movies as a group; there was a group of us going. She declined. We didn't see her after that.
STEVE PENNELLS: Months apart, Sarah's, then Jane's fateful nights unfolded with chilling similarity. They began with drinks at beachside Cottesloe and moved on to neighbouring Claremont. Both decided late in the evening to leave the pack and go it alone. They never made it home. When did you first believe it was a serial killer?
PAUL FERGUSON: Early in the disappearance of Jane Rimmer, the coincidence, or the links between Jane and Sarah were quite strong. And the team were very, very comfortable they were looking at the same offender responsible for both girls' disappearance.
ADAM RIMMER: I remember getting the phone call from the police. And they said that they had found a body and they believed it to be... to be Jane. They were just going through some final confirmations, but it was... Yeah, it was a pretty... pretty dark day.
STEVE PENNELLS: Do you remember the first time you came down here?
PAUL FERGUSON: Oh, yes. Yeah. It was the day that Jane's body was found. It was a Sunday if I remember correctly. Got a phone call to say that a body had been found and they suspected it was one of the... one of the girls from Claremont. The area was sealed off and Jane was there.
COLIN BARNETT: That confirmed everyone’s worst fears. I think it was expected, but still, when it came, it was a shock that this was a murder.
STEVE PENNELLS: Now State Premier, Colin Barnett’s electorate takes in Claremont. And then, a few months later, Ciara went missing.
COLIN BARNETT: Yes. And again, Ciara Glennon, a very well-known family throughout the area. And this, again, I think created a sense that this was not a one-off event - this was a serial killer.
STEVE PENNELLS: Ciara's night out was almost a blueprint of Sarah's and Jane's. Once again, it's drinks with friends at Claremont. And later, a decision to leave the group and head eventually to Stirling Highway to make her way home. As Ciara walks down the highway, a man at this bus stop yells out to her that she's crazy for hitchhiking. A few minutes later she's seen leaning into the window of a car, having a conversation. When the man turns back, both the car and Ciara are gone.
PAUL FERGUSON: So, you walk down the hill and what there was, there was some scrub, similar to this one here, which was about 25 metres down, and her body was just placed on the ground underneath that low-lying scrub.
STEVE PENNELLS: Investigators figured the women must have trusted whomever it was who picked them up, so much of their effort was focused on taxi drivers. At one stage, Macro set about swabbing thousands of Perth cabbies for DNA. All the time, pressure was building for a breakthrough.
COLIN BARNETT: People would come to me, just to talk about it, to get some sort of reassurance that the investigations were proceeding and every effort was being made. I don't know why they came to the local Member of Parliament. They would have talked to local police. But there was a lot of suspicion in the community. And people felt a need to talk about it.
PAUL FERGUSON: (SIGHS) it certainly increases the pressure, I can assure you. What's going on? And like a lot of other people, why hasn't this been solved? So, from a management point of view and from a pressure point of view, internally it escalated, externally it escalated.
STEVE PENNELLS: Very soon, Paul Ferguson would be moved off the Macro Taskforce.
CON BAYENS: Like, he's a good top investigator, um, been in the criminal investigation branch for years, obviously a highly trained investigator and all of a sudden, he's been thrown out. What can you make of that? Once again, you can only speculate. Because in the absence of any explanation, that's all the officers are left with.
STEVE PENNELLS: What did you speculate?
CON BAYENS: He'd rubbed somebody the wrong way and they wanted him out of the show.
STEVE PENNELLS: He was shafted?
CON BAYENS: Yeah. Yeah. And rather undiplomatically as well.
STEVE PENNELLS: A rising star named David Caporn took the helm at Macro. He'd made a name for himself cracking a high-profile murder case.
JOHN QUIGLEY: The police force regard Caporn at that stage as the gun investigator who had in very quick time solved the Pamela Lawrence murder by arresting Andrew Mallard. Just a mere technicality that he arrested the wrong bloke and got him stitched up for a life term. That was just a mere technicality. But apart from that, he was, in the eyes of the police department, their top investigator. It's just tragic.
DAVID CAPORN: Never before have people on a taskforce been able to make a difference that we can make by resolving these crimes.
STEVE PENNELLS: Before long, Macro would fix on one suspect and one suspect only - a public servant named Lance Williams.
LANCE WILLIAMS: I always said all the time that I've had nothing to do with it.
STEVE PENNELLS: And, according to Con Bayens, they didn't want to know about anyone else.
CON BAYENS: Look, the type of people I was encountering every night, every one of them had the potential to be the Claremont serial killer. And I said, "And, Dave, look, "I understand you're heading the Macro Taskforce.” I'm assuming that these murders are sexually motivated or whatever, "so if there's anything I can help you with..." "I'll let you know every offender we intercept." His response, I didn't expect. He said, "Don't worry about it, Con, we’ve got our man." And those words will stick with me forever. And I just went, "Really?" Well, that just hit about 10 on my weird shit-o-meter.
Reporter: Steve Pennells | Producers: Lisa Ryan, Debi Marshall - Sunday Night on May 31, 2015
Con Bayens, former head of a WA prostitution taskforce, says he could have met the Claremont killer
The former head of the Western Australian Police task-force responsible for catching the notorious Claremont killer has spoken out about the investigation that never hit its mark.
It’s haunted investigators for nearly two decades. Australia’s biggest and most expensive police investigation into the Claremont murders has never been solved.
Paul Ferguson, the former head of the taskforce charged with finding the serial killer, has spoken out to try and generate new leads.
VIDEO The Claremont killer - part one
VIDEO Catching the Claremont killer: Part two
"I gave up two years of my life working on the Macro task-force. I know that the offender thinks at this stage that he is/she is/they are smart and they've got away with it," Ferguson told Sunday Night.
"That's why I'm talking to you because WA Police have chosen not to be part of this program. And, yeah, I'm fully aware of that."
After he was removed as head of Macro task-force in 1997 David Caporn was appointed but also had no luck finding the killer.
But the former head of WA’s prostitution task-force, Con Bayens, told Sunday Night that Macro’s secrecy and obsessive focus on one suspect derailed the investigation behind the scenes.
All victims of Perth's notorious Claremont serial killer, 27-year-old Ciara Glennon, 23-year-old Jane Rimmer, and 18-year-old Sarah Spiers were intelligent women who were abducted during a night out in Claremont, WA.
Their fateful nights unfolded with chilling similarity. They began with drinks at beachside Cottesloe and moved on to neighbouring Claremont. Both decided late in the evening to leave the pack and go it alone.
Ciara and Jane's bodies were both found dumped in bushland.
"The fact that the body was just dumped could mean a number of things. First and foremost it means he's arrogant... He wanted the body found," Paul Ferguson said.
The women were all similar in appearance and age and particular focus was given to taxi drivers in the hunt for the killer.
Bayens said he picked up a man in Highgate, an area notorious for prostitution, with all the hallmarks of a killer, but he was ignored by those in charge.
He stopped a man he believed to be loitering in an unmarked police car.
"The boot was lined in blue plastic. There was wire ties, a pair of pliers, some masking tape," Bayens said.
"We had one girl murdered, we had another one missing. He could have been the killer."
But Bayens said he was told by the head of the taskforce that they already had their man.
He never saw a response to the brief he prepared on the man in Highgate, despite his striking similarities to the killer profile.
"What happened in Highgate that night, what I saw that night, has haunted me for a lot of years," Bayens said.
The man Macro set its sights on was a public servant named Lance Williams.
Williams always maintained his innocence and after years of heavy scrutiny, including round-the-clock surveillance, he was simply dropped as a suspect without explanation.
As our program was going to air, WA police responded to our queries about the brief prepared by Bayens.
They claim Bayens did receive a response, which he adamantly denies.
"This seems to me that the Macro task-force was a situation where police have really mucked up and now we have got a cover up, and that's the saddest part. That they never said 'we made a mistake'."
Paul Ferguson says he wants to renew the search for the killer in the hope of finding justice and peace, particularly for Sarah's family.
Unlike the other women, Sarah Spiers was never found. Her father has spent nearly 20 years following every lead he can to locate her body.
"Most parents expect their children to go to their funeral," Ferguson said.
"When you raise a child and that person is in their late teens, early 20s, and they're murdered, the family have to... come to the realisation that they've lost their child, they've outlived their child and the trauma that the child went to prior to the death."
If you can help investigators, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Sunday Night on May 31, 2015
Sunday Night received this response from WA Police regarding Con Bayen's evidence, which he claims was disregarded by the Macro Taskforce:
Response from Con Bayens:
Second Police Statement from WA Media Head, Neil Stanbury:
Response from Con Bayens:
Sunday Night's original letter to Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan, which received no response.
Despite ongoing investigation Taskforce Macro the mass murderer who killed three women in affluent Perth suburb Claremont hasn't been found
Jane Rimmer's body was found in 1996 two months after she disappared,
Ciara Glennon's was found just under three weeks after her 1997 disappearance
The Claremont Killer serial murders is a notorious Australian cold case
Three women were abducted in 1996 and 1997 from the Perth suburb
The cases were all strikingly similar, yet the killer has never been found
A former detective speaks out about a potential suspect who walked
Says investigators were fixed on one man, rejected all other possibilities
Con Bayens recalls a chilling incident which set off alarm bells
Case is Australia's longest running and most expensive investigation
By Lucy Thackray for Daily Mail Australia
PUBLISHED: 31 May 2015
The Claremont killer, who abducted and murdered three young blonde women, was never captured and could still be walking the streets almost 20 years on – and it's suggested police may have let the culprit go.
Taskforce Macro have been investigaing the Perth serial murders in what has become Australia's longest running and most expensive active man hunt
The FBI, Nassar and a former Mossad agent have been called on to assist - yet the person or people responsible remain at large.
The bodies of Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27, were found dumped in bushland in 1996 and 1997 respectively.
However, the body of the first victim, 18-year-old Sarah Spiers is yet to be found after she disappeared from a pub in the affluent Perth suburb of Claremont on Australia Day in 1996.
Police officers have now spoken out to allege the investigations were bungled, with potential suspects allowed to walk and key pieces of evidence disregarded.
A terrifying encounter with a sinister man in a car equipped with 'abduction tools' has been pinpointed as a potential moment the police allowed a prime suspect to walk away without inquiry, as they were too focused on a man they believed to be the killer.
'It seems to me the Macro taskforce was a situation where the cops really mucked up and now we've got a cover up. And that's the saddest part, that they've never said 'we made a mistake', said former West Australian officer Con Bayens.
Sarah Spiers and Jane Rimmer both disappeared after spending time at Bayview Terrace in Perth's Claremont (pictured). Ciara Glennon had been at another establishment in the precinct, just 200 metres away
The former head of WA's prostitution taskforce says police looking for the Claremont serial killer in the 1990s and 2000s were dismissive of a suspect because they were too focused on trying to tie another man to the crime.
In 2008 the man, public servant Lance Williams, was finally dismissed as a suspect after years of round-the-clock surveillance.
Mr Bayens fears investigators failed to adequately probe potential suspects he encountered while running his taskforce between July 2000 and August 2002.
One particularly harrowing night has 'haunted' him 'for years' and Mr Bayens is adamant the disturbing man he found was never properly investigated by the taskforce.
The former head of WA's prostitution taskforce Con Bayens believes the taskforce missed crucial opportunities to explore suspects - including a suspicious character he encountered in 2002
Mr Bayens recalls the chilling night he pulled over a man during an undercover operation in Highgate in 2002 - 11 kilometres away from Claremont.
The boot was lined with blue plastic and there was a pair of pliers and masking tape – disturbing equipment which he believed appeared to be for an abduction.
The driver was questioned but Mr Bayens does not know why he was cleared in inquiries by officers on Task Force Macro, which was set up to investigate the killings.
The boot was lined with blue plastic and there was a pair of pliers and masking tape – disturbing equipment which he believed appeared to be for an abduction
Mr Bayens said the head investigator into the killings had rejected his offer to pass on information from the undercover operation, which was uncovering people every night 'and every one of them had the potential to be the Claremont serial killer.'
However, his offer was rejected by the chief investigator, to his astonishment.
'He said, 'Don't worry about it, Con, we've got our man.' And those words will stick with me forever,' he said.
'That just hit about 10 on my weird s***-o-meter.'
WA Police insist they looked into the sinister man Mr Bayens encountered, but the former constable insists the enquiry never took place.
Cover of the book Devil's Garden by Debi Marshall
about the Claremont Serial Killings who was critical of the police investigations
12 years after her disappearance, CCTV footage of Jane Rimmer outside Claremont's Continental Hotel was finally released. She ran into a man she seemed to recgonise just minutes before she disappeared
'What happened? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'd love to see the proof,' he said.
Police still believe they will find the killer, who abducted and murdered the women after they partied at nightspots in the affluent suburb of Claremont.
The three disappearances were extremely similar – as former Ferguson puts it 'they each got into the wrong car and it cost them their lives.'
Investigators believe the women trusted the drivers of the vehicles so focussed their attention on taxi drivers –taking DNA samples from thousands of registered cab drivers in the city.
The three disappearances were extremely similar – as former Ferguson puts it 'they each got into the wrong car and it cost them their lives' (the taskforce pictured in the 1990s)
The women disappeared in 1996 and 1997 in the ritzy western Perth suburb, Claremont in an area that was a hub of activity.
Sarah Spiers was just 18 years old when she became the first victim in the Claremont serial murders.
She left a nightclub in Claremont, Club Bayview, on Australia Day 1996 and called for a cab from a payphone at 2.06. By the time the taxi arrived at 2.14am, she had disappeared. Her body has never been found.
On June 6 of that year childcare worker Jane Rimmer, 23, disappeared from the same Claremont pub – Club Bayview after declining a lift with friends.
Her body was found two months later August 3 in dense bushland south of Perth. She was found naked, partially decomposed and covered with leaves and twigs.
The third incident occurred early the following year on March 15, 1997. Ciara Glennon, a 27-year-old lawyer, disappeared from Claremont's Continental Hotel, just 200 metres from Club Bayview in the same party precinct.
She wandered out onto the Sterling Highway, potentially in search of a taxi. A witness told police they saw her talking to someone in a car. When the witness looked back a moment later, Ciara and the car were both gone.
Sarah Spiers was just 18 years old when she became the first victim in the Claremont serial murders
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Use this thread to post snips of MSM articles, images, timelines and maps relevant to the Claremont Serial Killer
Use this thread to post snips of MSM articles, images, timelines and maps relevant to the Claremont Serial Killer
Sequence of events.
- Friday 26 January (early Friday morning, Australia Day Public Holiday) 1996: Sarah Spiers, 18, disappears from the centre of Claremont (a posh suburb a few kilometres South-West of Perth, Western Australia). Last seen phoning for a taxi after leaving a nightclub very close to the Claremont Hotel (as it is now called). By the time the taxi arrive she was gone. Her body has not been found. She is obviously presumed to have been murdered.
- Sunday (early Sunday morning) 9 June 1996: Jane Rimmer, 23, is murdered. Last seen standing outside the Claremont Hotel (as it is now called). She had declined to share a taxi home with her friends a few minutes earlier. Her body was found in bushland near Woolcoot Road, Wellard, (South of Perth) in August 1996.
-Friday 14 March 1997: Ciara Glennon, a 27-year-old lawyer, is murdered. She leaves the Claremont Hotel earlier than her friends (at around 11PM) to catch a taxi home. Her body is found in bushland (North of Perth) three weeks later.
- Police have never revealed how the two women whose bodies were found were killed " for fear of jeopardizing their enquiries".聽
- Throughout 1997: thousands of Perth taxi drivers are DNA tested, and there is a huge amount of public awareness of this case due to news coverage. Women in the Perth area become especially careful travelling home at night. Depending on who you listen to, the police being watching several key suspects very VERY closely. This surveillance may or may not still be in operation today.
- 1997 - present: no more murders occur that are attributed to the Claremont Serial Killer.
- 2008: on the Australian TV show "Crime Investigation Australia", during an episode about the Claremont Serial Killer, police release 1996 CCTV footage taken from the Claremont Hotel. It shows the second victim, Jane Rimmer, standing outside the hotel shortly before she disappeared. A "mystery man" is seen to approach her, and she looks at him and smiles noticeably (as if she recognises him). The footage then cuts out as the security camera then switched to a different part of the Hotel. It switches back to outside (where Jane is still standing) a short time later. Jane is now seen standing and looking in the direction where the mystery man was walking. The camera switches away, and then back to the outside of the hotel once more. This time, however, Jane is gone.
- There is no proof at all that they "mystery man" is involved in her disappearance. However, to this day he remains the ONLY person outside the Hotel that night captured on CCTV that the police have been unable to identify. He is also the only person that Jane is seen to interact with (and is likely the last person she would have spoken to).聽
- The reason the police waited until 2008 to release the CCTV footage featuring the "mystery man" is because the original footage (1990s CCTV footage, shot at night) was of bad quality. NASA were asked to enhance it, but were unable to do so. A production company was able to do some kind of digital enhancement on it, but this apparently was not a great improvement.
Key suspects (source: Crime Investigation Australia, 2008).
Presumably, both these men are still under some level of surveillance to this day...
- Suspect #1: a known "sexual pervert". Kept gun underneath passenger seat of his car. Used to drive 'round Claremont on certain nights of the week. Was familiar with the areas of bush where Ciara Glennon's (third victim) body was found. Could not provide any alibis for the nights the women were murdered.
- Suspect #2: a well-educated Martial Artish from a wealthy English family (who was 34 years old in 1996/1997). Worked closely with Sarah Spiers (first victim) and hat met Jane Rimmer at least once. However, he told "blatant lies" about his familiarity with these women during his police interviews. Could not provide any alibis for the nights the women were murdered. Polygraph test results were "inconclusive".
- "Wildcard" suspect: UK murderer (and possible serial killer) Mark Dixie. Killed a woman in the UK (Sally Anne Bowman), in 2005, in similar circumstances to the Claremont murders. He lived in Claremont at the time of the murders, in fact they started shortly after he arrived and was hired as a chef. Moved out of the area (was fired) in 1997 and the murders ceased. He has been DNA tested by Western Australian Police, but the test results were presumably negative (or at least inconclusive).
Sources of information.
Crime Investigation Australia: The Claremont Murders (Part 1 of 4):
Crime Investigation Australia: The Claremont Murders (Part 2 of 4):
Crime Investigation Australia: The Claremont Murders (Part 3 of 4):
Crime Investigation Australia: The Claremont Murders (Part 4 of 4):
CCTV footage, featured on Criminal Investigation Australia, of "mystery man" suspect approaching Jane Rimmer (victim number 2):
Claremont serial murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of other Stirling Hwy. area assaults:
Article linking the 1994 Katrakatta rape to Ciara's murder:
The CCTV footage of Jane Rimmer released by WA police this week should have been shown to the public “a long time ago”, according to a top detective who conducted a review of the Claremont serial killer investigation.
South Australian policeman Detective Superintendent Paul Schramm, who ran one of the major audits of the Macro Taskforce inquiry, has told the ABC that the controversial video was now outdated.
Det-Supt Schramm doubted the mystery man seen speaking to Ms Rimmer could be identified from the poor-quality vision, 12 years after the event.
September 25, 2004: Closing in on a killer
Screen Shot from video at below link.
‘Fresh clues’ in Claremont serial killings
3 December, 2004: Expert panel finds new information on Claremont mystery
December 5, 2015: Two new clues to serial killer - By BRET CHRISTIAN
Read more:
Two new clues to the Claremont serial killer have been uncovered.
The man who terrorised the western suburbs in the mid-1990s drove a white mid-1990s Holden Commodore VS Series 1, most likely a station wagon, to abduct and murder at least two of his victims.
The killer also has some link to screen-printing, the manual process of printing coloured words and patterns on fabric such as T-shirts and other clothing.
25 June, 2000: The Courage of our Convictions - The Claremont Serial Killer - (Click on 'show transcript')
Read more:
Several young Perth women have disappeared, and two bodies found dumped in the desert.
Stricken families and police want to try everything to get the killer...DNA tests on all taxi drivers, American style profiling, lie detectors, and finely judged leaks to the media - all to build the pressure.
It's the biggest murder hunt in our history - but what if it's not fair?
The Age - Saturday May 30, 1998
Who Killed These Women? - The Hunt For A Serial Killer - Part Two
The Age, Saturday May 30, 1998
Who Killed These Women? - The Hunt For A Serial Killer - Part One
"In this edited text of an hour-long Channel 7 interview, Lance Williams, questioned by Alison Fan, denies any knowledge of the Claremont killings."
Claremont serial killer case: WA Police investigate 1995 rape lead
Read more:
October 16, 2015
Perth lawyer Terry Dobson, once a detective who had worked on the Claremont cases, told Radio 6PR the revelation was not a surprise.
He said the Karrakatta matter was looked at "very early on" when a local Claremont detective, an experienced officer, had called in and nominated that crime as being worthy of following up. "A number of officers" had shared his opinion that Karrakatta was "the start of it".
anonkidJuly 19, 2011 at 12:33 pm
Crowley was NOT a poseur.
His writings represent some of the foremost work in Satanist teachings. He was a pioneer intellectually and ritualistically.
He did not worship Satan for kicks alone, this was an evil man, in the truest sense of the word.
This is the kind of person who would drug himself up and go and meditate into the pyramids of Giza until a demon appeared to him. The ritual he would do the night before would involve the horrific death ritual of a young blonde blue eyed pre adolescent boy.
If you think Satanism is just something weird “poseurs” write about then you have no idea how institutionalized it is. It has only grown since
Aleister Crowley in "The Big Book of Weirdos"
Readers will likely be familiar with Aleister Crowley, the notorious English occultist, bisexual libertine, recreational drug user, founder of the Thelemic religion, leader of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), and all-around scary wicked person. Those familiar with Crowley strictly through his esoteric writings, however, may be interested to know that one the “Great Beast’s” first forays into publishing consisted of a perverse little volume of erotic poetry entitled White Stains.
It was issued in Amsterdam in 1898 by Leonard Smithers; a leading publisher of English pornography, but also of controversial literature. His clients included Aubrey Beardsley, Arthur Symons, and Oscar Wilde. White Stains was published in a print run of one hundred copies which, according to rumors in the book world, Crowley is said to have white-stained himself. Most of these were destroyed in 1924 by British Customs; the surviving first editions currently sell for around $4,000 – $10,000.
The authorship of White Stains was attributed to George Archibald Bishop, a “neuropath of the second empire;” Bishop being the family name of Crowley’s hated, fundamentalist uncle. A lyrical exploration of every sexual taboo from bestiality to pederasty to necrophilia, Crowley conceived it as a literary response to Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis. “The thesis of von Krafft-Ebing’s book was that sexual aberrations were the result of physiological disease,” says an essayist at, but Crowley…
“…was of the opinion that any such aberration were psychological in nature and turned to artistic expression to make his point. Crowley states [in his 1989 Confessions] “I therefore invented a poet who went wrong, who began with normal innocent enthusiasms, and gradually developed various vices. He ends by being stricken with disease and madness, culminating in murder. In his poems he describes his downfall, always explaining the psychology of each act.”
True to form, Crowley saw fit to invoke the blessing of the Virgin Mary in the prefatory sonnet to this work. Let’s look at some excerpts.
In “Necrophilia,” Crowley elegises the luxury of flesh decaying and bowels torn:
Void of the ecstasies of Art
It were in life to have lain by thee,
And felt thy kisses rain on me,
And the hot beating of thy heart,
When thy warm sweat should leave me cold,
And my worn soul find out no bliss
In the obscenities I kiss,
And the things shameful that I hold.
My nostrils sniff the luxury
Of flesh decaying, bowels torn
Of festive worms, like Venus, born
Of entrails foaming like the sea.
Yea, thou art dead. Thy buttocks now
Are swan-soft, and thou sweatest not;
And hast a strange desire begot
In me, to lick thy bloody brow;
To gnaw thy hollow cheeks, and pull
Thy lustful tongue from out its sheath;
To wallow in the bowels of death,
And rip thy belly, and fill full
My hands with all putridities;
To chew thy dainty testicles;
To revel with the worms in Hell’s
Delight in such obscenities;
To pour within thine heart the seed
Mingled with poisonous discharge
From a swollen gland, inflamed and large
With gonorrhoea’s delicious breed;
To probe thy belly, and to drink
The godless fluids, and the pool
Of rank putrescence from the stool
Thy hanged corpse gave, whose luscious stink
Excites these songs sublime. The rod
Gains new desire; dive, howl, cling, suck,
Rave, shreik, and chew; excite the fuck,
Hold me, I come! I’m dead! My God!
“To My First-Born” celebrates wholesome pride of a father-to-be:
To My First-Born
At last a father! In Mathilde’s womb
The poison quickens, and the tare-seeds shoot;
On my old upas-tree a bastard fruit
Is grafted. One more generation’s doom
Fixes its fangs. Crime’s flame, disease’s gloom,
Are thy birth-dower. Another prostitute
Predestined, born man, damned to grow a brute!
Another travels tainted to the tomb!
My sin, my madness, in thy blood are set,
A vile imperishable coronet,
To hound thee into hell! God spits at thee
The curse thy parents earned. Revenge be thine!
Kiss Lust, kill Truth, and worship at Sin’s shrine.
And foul His face with dung — thy infamy!
And finally, “Suggested Additiona Stanzas for ‘a Ballad of Burdens'” was a PSA, of sorts:
Suggested Additional Stanzas
for ‘A Ballad of Burdens’
The burden of caught clap. How sore it is!
A burden of sad shameful suffering,
The bitter bastard of a bloody kiss,
The Parthian arrow poisoned from Love’s sling!
Lo, sweet Lord Christ, thou knowest how sore a thing
Is a cock crooked and consumed of fire
Shooting out venomous sap that hath a sting!
This is the end of every man’s desire.
The burden of bought boys. Behold, dear Lord,
How plump their buttocks be, lift up Thine eyes,
See how their cocks stand at an amorous word,
How their lips suck out life until love dies,
See, Lord, Thou knowest, how wearily one lies
Cursing the lusts that fail, the deeds that tire;
Shrunk is San Cresce to a sorry size.
This is the end of every man’s desire.
Aleister Crowley
Crowley, Aleister. White Stains. 1898.
Norton, Rictor. A History of Homoerotica: Aleister Crowley’s White Stains. 1977.
Nuhad418. White Stains: Pornographic Occult Poetry as Shadow Confrontation and Cathartic Liberation. 2005.
Symonds, John. Introduction to the 1973 edition of White Stains. 1973.
Wikipedia: Aleister Crowley, White Stains.
Articleoccult, poetry, sexuality, taboos, witches
Editor HaystackJuly 17, 2011 at 10:47 am
I agree. He was pretty clearly making an effort to shock people, but I’m willing to forgive him for it because the environment he was rebelling against could be so moralistic and tyrannical. Even if what he was doing was juvenile or histrionic, it did a service by pushing the boundaries that constrained free expression, religious belief, etc.
How exactly is he trying to shock people, he was clearly expressing his Sexual desires, its only you who find it shocking for if you into the same thing he was into, this wouldn’t be shocking at all
gypsyscarlettJuly 17, 2011 at 12:16 pm
I found myself nodding in agreement to both of your comments. Good points made by each.
I always enjoy reading about the “other side” of Victoriana. So much more was going on back then.
People definitely didn’t live the genteel, prim, prudish lives they were depicted as leading in so many English novels of the time.
Editor HaystackJuly 18, 2011 at 6:58 pm
So enlighten us.
anonkidJuly 19, 2011 at 12:33 pm
Crowley was NOT a poseur.
His writings represent some of the foremost work in Satanist teachings. He was a pioneer intellectually and ritualistically.
He did not worship Satan for kicks alone, this was an evil man, in the truest sense of the word.
This is the kind of person who would drug himself up and go and meditate into the pyramids of Giza until a demon appeared to him. The ritual he would do the night before would involve the horrific death ritual of a young blonde blue eyed pre adolescent boy.
If you think Satanism is just something weird “poseurs” write about then you have no idea how institutionalized it is. It has only grown since
Aleister Crowley Was A British Agent
Encouraged Germany To Sink Lusitania
Historian Reveals The Double Life Of 'The Great Beast 666'
MOSCOW, Idaho Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), known as "the Great Beast 666," is most widely remembered as a practitioner of black magic and the father of modern occultism.His hideous reputation lives on, and has grown. In 2002, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) conducted a poll on the 100 most influential Britons of all time. Crowley came in at number 73. Crowley has been the subject of several biographies, but none that investigate his alleged connection to British Intelligence.
"That notion was dismissed by most biographers as idle boasting," said Richard Spence, professor and chair of the University of Idaho's Department of History. His recently published book, "Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult," reveals new facets of Crowley's life and raises new questions about his character. The book began as an article Spence wrote for the International Journal for Intelligence and Counter Intelligence in 2000. Following its publication, history buffs and occult aficionados from around the world began contacting Spence with tidbits of information and leads.
Referencing documents in British, American, French and Italian archives, Spence discovered that Crowley was connected to the sinking of the Lusitania, a British luxury liner that was torpedoed off of Ireland, killing 1,198 of the people aboard; the sinking turned public opinion in many countries against Germany in World War I. Crowley also helped thwart Irish and Indian nationalist conspiracies, connived with the Communist International and played a murky role in the 1941 flight of Rudolf Hess.It is difficult to discern where Crowley the man and Crowley the public persona overlap. Spence is intrigued by Crowley's use of the occult as cover and support for other activities.
"He was such a disreputable and even evil character in the public mind that arguably no responsible intelligence official would think of employing him," said Spence. "But the very fact that he seemed such an improbable spy was perhaps the best recommendation for using him."
Spence, whose dogged approach to historical research has earned him a reputation as "a frustrated detective," began his study by securing documents from the now defunct U.S. Army Military Intelligence Division. The file revealed an American investigation into Crowley's activities in 1918, which led to the discovery that he was an employee of the British government.
Later in his life, Crowley claimed that he came to the U.S. as a British undercover agent with a mission to infiltrate and undermine the German propaganda effort. "He did undermine that effort," said Spence. "His writing was an over-the-top parody of saber-rattling German militarism."
He actively encouraged German aggressiveness, such as the attack on the Lusitania, with the ultimate aim of bringing America into the war. In doing so, "Crowley followed precisely the wishes of Admiral Hall, chief of British Naval Intelligence," said Spence.
"Crowley was an adept amateur psychologist, had an uncanny ability to influence people and probably utilized hypnotic suggestion in his undercover work," Spence added. "The other thing he made good use of was drugs. In New York, he carried out very detailed studies on the effects of mescaline (peyote). He would invite various friends over for dinner, fix them curry and dose the food with mescaline. Then he observed and took notes on their behavior."
Mescaline, Spence noted, was later used by intelligence agencies for experiments in behavior modification and mind control.
Measuring the degree to which his occultism was a calculated cover "gets tricky," said Spence. "From my perspective, it ultimately isn't all that important whether he was sincere or a grand faker. He was certainly a person who could seem one thing while actually being something quite the opposite."
Though extremely unconventional in his behavior, "when push came to shove, Crowley had a visceral loyalty to England," said Spence. "Because he did things that could not be publicly discussed, he could never really defend himself against these charges, though he did make attempts to redeem his reputation."
Because of the inaccessibility of many key intelligence files, redeeming or simply clarifying Crowley's reputation has been a challenge for Spence. British government documents have been particularly difficult to access. "If I was looking for agricultural statistics I could just go in and get them," he said with a laugh. "But the more you have to hunt for something, the more satisfying it is when you get the answers. I like solving puzzles."
Spence has appeared on the History Channel, and he has spoken at the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. He also is the author of "Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly" and "Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left."
Local book signing events will be announced later this summer.
The British Occult Secret Service - The Untold Story
By Michael Howard By Michael Howard
"Since the time of Elizabeth I, British secret services have worked according to the principle of 'the end justifies the means'. Money, bribery, blackmail these are their recruitment methods..."
Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), October 2007. It is not really surprising that historically occultism and espionage have often been strange bedfellows. The black art of espionage is about obtaining secret information and witches, psychics and astrologers have always claimed to be able to predict the future and know about things hidden from ordinary people. Gathering intelligence is carried out under a cloak of secrecy and occultists are adept at keeping their activities concealed from sight. Like secret agents they also use codes, symbols and cryptograms to hide information from outsiders. Occultists and intelligence officers are similar in many ways, as both inhabit a shadowy underworld of secrets, deception and disinformation. It is therefore not unusual that often these two professions have shared the same members.
The 'father of the British Secret Service' was the Elizabethan lawyer, politician, diplomat and spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. He was a Protestant and as a young man during the bloody reign of the Catholic Queen Mary was forced to flee abroad to escape persecution. While in exile, Walsingham learnt Italian and French and became acquainted with the work of the famous Venetian Secret Service that used its spying skills for trade and commerce under the cloak of diplomacy.
When Queen Elizabeth I was crowned Francis Walsingham returned to England. He was appointed as a secretary to the English ambassador to the French court in Paris and also worked as a secret agent reporting back the intelligence he gleaned to Queen Elizabeth's Secretary of State, Sir William Cecil, later Lord Burghley. Between 1568 and 1570 Walsingham, who had become a Member of Parliament, worked in England in domestic counter-espionage exposing Catholic plots against the monarchy.
In 1570 Walsingham was appointed as the new ambassador to France. He proceeded to set up his own network of undercover agents in France, Italy, Spain and the Low Countries. The late Cecil Williamson, who worked for British Intelligence during World War II and later ran a witchcraft museum, told this writer that Walsingham often used witches as spies.
The Mysterious Dr Dee
One of the famous occultists he is known to have recruited was Queen Elizabeth's court astrologer and the magical architect of the British Empire, the Welsh magician Dr John Dee. Walsingham was involved in the machinations for the proposed marriage of the Duc d'Anjou and Elizabeth. At the spy master's personal recommendation, the queen dispatched Dee to France with orders to report back on the progress of the marriage negotiations. The magus travelled to the Duchy of Lorraine and drew up the birth charts of both the Duc and his brother, who was also regarded as a possible husband for the English monarch. Dr Dee, probably influenced by Walsingham, diplomatically reported back to London that the stars suggested a political alliance would be far wiser than matrimony and the queen took his advice.
In 1573 Sir Francis returned to London and became a privy councillor. This placed him at the heart of government and he proceeded to set up what amounted to the first organised foreign espionage service to operate from England. In 1566 he had put in place a pan-European network of spies extending as far to the east as Turkey and Russia, where Dr Dee reported on the goings-on at the Tsar's court. This network mostly gathered intelligence on the military activities of the Spanish, who were England's primary enemies at this time. Walsingham was also responsible for foiling the Catholic plot whose exposure led to the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. Using Dr Dee's psychic powers, he was apparently able to discover that the plotters were passing secret messages to the imprisoned Scottish queen hidden in bottles of wine.
While travelling in Europe in 1562, Dr Dee had come across a book written by Abbot Trimethus of Spanhiem (1462-1516). This was a guide to writing ciphers and secret codes for magical purposes and Dee informed Sir William Cecil about his discovery. On his return to England Dr Dee adapted the abbot's cryptography and gave it to Sir Francis Walsingham for use by his secret agents. He also passed on the political and military intelligence he had acquired during his travels across Europe. It has been alleged that Dee used the famous Enochian magical alphabet as a code to disguise this information. If he had been arrested his captors would not have understood it and dismissed it as nonsense.
In 1587 Dee even claimed he had received a spirit message from one of his angelic contacts concerning a threat to the English Fleet. The message said that a group of disguised Frenchmen working for the Spaniards was secretly visiting the Forest of Dean. The forest was the centre for English ship-building and the French agents planned to bribe disloyal foresters to burn it down. Dr Dee sent his supernatural intelligence to Walsingham and the saboteurs, who were masquerading as squatters, were arrested.
Information supplied to Sir Francis Walsingham from his European spy network convinced him that a Spanish armada would be launched against England in 1588. He asked Dee to use his knowledge of astrology to calculate the weather prospects for an invasion. The magus told him there would an impending disaster in Europe caused by a devastating storm. When news of this prophecy was leaked and reached Spain, naval recruitment fell and there were desertions of sailors from the Spanish Fleet. In Lisbon an astrologer who repeated the prediction was charged with spreading false information. In an act of psychological warfare, Dr Dee also informed Emperor Rudolf of Bohemia (the modern Czech Republic) and King Stephen of Poland that the predicted storm would "cause the fall of a mighty empire." Rudolf, who was an occultist and Dee's patron when he stayed in Bohemia, passed on the warning to the Spanish ambassador.
It is a fact that in 1588 a great storm did scatter the ships of the Spanish Armada in the English Channel and aided the English victory. This metrological event was popularly credited to a magical ritual performed by the buccaneer Sir Francis Drake on the cliffs at Plymouth. Superstitious people believed Drake was a wizard and sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for success over the Spanish. It is claimed that he also organised several covens of witches to work magically to raise the storm and prevent the invasion. Meanwhile, as a result of scrying in his shewstone or crystal, Dr Dee saw a symbolic vision of a castle with its drawbridge drawn up (England) and the image of the elemental king of fire. As a result he urged the Navy to employ fire-ships against the Armada and they did so with good results.
After Sir Francis Walsingham's death in 1590, and the ascension to the English throne of the Scottish king James, Dr John Dee fell into royal disfavour. The new king had an unhealthy obsession with witchcraft and his early reign was dominated by this preoccupation. It led him to employ the Secret Service in his own personal vendetta against suspected witches. James I ordered its agents to hunt down alleged practitioners of witchcraft and expose their alleged plots against the monarchy. One of those involved was the Earl of Bothwell, accused of high treason for organising a coven of Scottish witches to work magic against the king in an attempt to seize the throne. To assist his secret agents in their new witch-hunting activities, King James persuaded Parliament in 1604 to pass a new and stronger Witchcraft Act to deal with the problem. The Bill was rushed through and it was made law within three months.
Dashwood & the Hellfire Club
In the 18th century the Secret Service became concerned at the activities of the so-called 'Hellfire Club' founded by Sir Francis Dashwood, later the Chancellor of the Exchequer and a close friend and political adviser of King George III. As a young man Dashwood went on the Grand Tour of Europe that was compulsory for aristocrats and he was initiated into a Masonic lodge in France. While visiting Italy he developed anti-Catholic views, violently broke up a celebration of the Mass and insulted the Pope. Even though he was an aristocrat, Dashwood was disgusted at the vast wealth of the Roman Church compared with the poverty of its devoted worshippers. He also became fascinated by classical mythology and decorated his country house at West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire with murals, paintings and statues of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.
Sir Francis Dashwood founded a secret society called the Order of the Friars of St Francis of Medmenham (more popularly known as the Hellfire Club) named after the abbey he had purchased on the banks of the River Thames where its meetings were held. Rumours circulated in the coffee houses of London that the Friars practised sexual orgies featuring aristocratic ladies and prostitutes dressed up as nuns. There were also satanic rites such as Black Masses where the naked body of a noblewoman acted as an altar. However, according to one senior member of the Hellfire Club, this occult mummery was just an amusing diversion for the dandies. The inner circle of the Order was actually dedicated to the serious revival of the pagan Eleusian Mysteries and the worship of the Bona Dea or Great Mother Goddess. Dashwood's present-day descendant, also called Sir Francis, confirmed this fact in a BBC radio interview some years ago,
It has been claimed secret agents infiltrated the Hellfire Club because of its many famous members. They included the Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, who was the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Paymaster General Thomas Potter, several members of Parliament, the Lord Mayor of London, a son of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earl of Bute, who was the prime minister, and it has been claimed even the Prince of Wales. At least four members of the group were known to be actively involved in espionage. They was a radical MP called John Wilkes, a transvestite French diplomat, Chevalier D'Eon de Beaumont, the American statesman and philosopher Benjamin Franklin, and Sir Francis Dashwood himself. Wilkes had allegedly recruited the chevalier into the British Secret Service.
During his stay in Russia on the Grand Tour Dashwood had spied on the court of the Tsar through his close friendship with the Grand Duchess Catherine. In Italy he gathered intelligence on the exiled Stuart dynasty and their supporters, although the head of the British Secret Service in Rome believed Dashwood was a Jacobite agent. In fact he was only pretending to support the Stuart cause and was passing on information about their activities directly back to London. In later years Sir Francis and Benjamin Franklin were involved in a clandestine plan to reconcile the American colonists and the British government to prevent the War of Independence.
Rudolf Hess & the British Occult Connection
During World War II British Intelligence invited many occultists into its ranks because it needed their specialist knowledge and skills. The assistant director of Naval Intelligence during the war was Lt. Commander Ian Fleming RN, best known later as a thriller writer and the creator of the famous fictional spy James Bond 007. Fleming was also interested in astrology and numerology and he was a friend of the notorious magician Aleister Crowley, who had worked for MI6 (the Secret Intelligence Service) during World War I and in the 1920s and 1930s spying on Germans with occult interests (see 'The Magus Was A Spy' by Dr Richard Spence in New Dawn No. 105, November-December 2007).
Ian Fleming conceived an audacious plan to lure a high-ranking member of the German government into defecting to Britain so as to provide a morale-boosting propaganda coup. This idea had been inspired by a novel written by Fleming's brother, Peter, called Flying Visit (Jonathan Cape 1940). Peter Fleming was a journalist and also worked for both MI5 (the Security Service) and the propaganda section of the clandestine Special Operations Executive (SOE). The novel imagined that Hitler's plane crash-landed in England and he was captured. The Reichminister and deputy fuehrer himself, Rudolf Hess, was chosen as a suitable candidate for the actual plot. This was because he was a supporter of peace with Britain and was also under the influence of astrologers and occultists. It was believed this could be used against him.
Commander Fleming recreated The Link, a defunct Anglo-German friendship society of the 1930s that had a wealthy membership of Nazi sympathisers drawn from the British Establishment. Ironically, or perhaps coincidentally, The Link had been founded by Admiral Sir Barry Domville, an ex-director of the Naval Intelligence Department (NID), after he retired in 1930. Domville was arrested and interned in May 1940 because MI5 believed he was plotting a fascist coup d'etat supported by aristocratic peacemongers. The admiral was a friend of Major-General J.F.C. 'Boney' Fuller CBE, a famous military analyst who designed the tactics for the first tank battle in World War I. Fuller also invented the concept of blitzkrieg used so successfully in World War II by the German Panzers. Fuller was an open admirer of Hitler (he attended the fuehrer's 50th birthday party in 1939), a leading member of Sir Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists (BUF), a friend of Ian Fleming and a leading disciple of Aleister Crowley. In the 1930s Fuller formed the extreme-right wing Nordic League (aka the White Knights of Britain), allegedly established by Nazi agents. However in the 1950s he was a member of a MI6 supported group of Russian émigrés engaged in anti-communist propaganda. It has been suggested that Fuller was not interned during the war with other leading fascists such as Mosley and Domville because he was a MI6 double-agent.
Ian Fleming's idea was to persuade the German High Command in Berlin, and especially Rudolf Hess, that when war broke out The Link had not disbanded but had gone underground. It had allegedly regrouped and recruited even more prominent pro-Nazi members in the British Establishment including aristocrats and royalty. These were represented by the NID as influential people with the political muscle to overthrow prime minister Winston Churchill's national wartime government, call a ceasefire and agree to a peace treaty with Germany. Under its terms Britain would keep control of its Empire and Germany would have free reign in occupied Europe. The Nazis also hoped that British troops would be sent to fight alongside the German Wehrmacht and the SS against the Soviet Union in a joint anti-communist crusade.
Hitler did not want to invade and occupy Britain. Instead he would have preferred to negotiate a treaty with a sympathetic new government in London. It has been suggested that the only reason the fuehrer abandoned Operation Sea Lion the proposed invasion of Southern England and instead invaded the Soviet Union was to force Churchill to accept peace terms. If the Red Army had been defeated Britain would truly have been standing alone, as Hitler did not believe the Americans had the political will to enter the war. Unfortunately he underestimated the ability and resolve of the Soviets to defend their motherland and also the clandestine support that the US was already offering Great Britain.
The NID plot to ensnare Rudolf Hess used bogus astrological predictions combined with political intelligence. Hess was persuaded that a Scottish aristocrat, the Duke of Hamilton, was willing to negotiate peace terms on behalf of the influential people at the top of British society who wanted to end the war. The duke had met Hess at the Berlin Olympics in 1936 and the deputy fuehrer for some reason thought he was a member of the surviving Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Ian Fleming commissioned an astrologer to produce a faked astrological forecast indicating that 10 May 1941 would be a propitious date for Rudolf Hess to fly to Scotland and meet secretly with the Duke of Hamilton and other members of the so-called British 'peace party'. Hess' occult advisors had also told him there would be an unusual planetary conjunction on 10 May. On that day six planets would be aligned in the zodiac sign of Taurus and conjoined to the full moon. At the same time Hitler's chart showed 'malefic' astrological aspects. Hess saw himself in the role of a messianic hero saving Germany from possible future defeat by making peace with the British. All the (false) reports reaching the deputy fuehrer about the political situation in England and the astrological aspects convinced him that his mission would be a success.
Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland on 10 May 1941 in the firm belief that on landing he would be met by the Duke of Hamilton and the Duke of Kent and whisked off to London for a private audience with King George VI. He had been convinced by the misinformation fed to him by British Intelligence that these three men represented a genuine peace movement capable of removing the warmonger Churchill and agreeing to German terms. Hess had also previously met the Duke of Windsor when he had visited Berlin before the war. As a result Hess was persuaded that some members of the German-descended royal family were sympathetic to Nazism. Certainly the Duke of Saxo-Coburg, formerly Prince Charles Edward, a grandson of Queen Victoria and a close friend of the Duke of Windsor, had willingly embraced Nazism. In fact Hitler had appointed him as the head of the German branch of the Red Cross that was responsible for exterminating the mentally sick and physically disabled.
Unfortunately instead of meeting pro-Nazi aristocrats and royals when he landed, Hess was captured by a local farmer and a Home Guard unit. They handed him over to the police and he was transferred to London to be interrogated by MI5. Unfortunately the British government completely mishandled the capture of Hess. It has been suggested that Churchill believed the subterfuge by the NID and SIS suggesting leading members of the British Establishment might be pro-German may have been based on fact. For that reason the government did not capitalise on Hess' 'peace mission'. The German High Command had also disowned him and said that his flight had been unauthorised. They also suggested that Hess might be insane so his value for propaganda purposes was undermined and diminished.
Rudolf Hess' apparent defection caused widespread panic in Berlin concerning the influence of occultism on the Nazi Party. The Gestapo immediately launched Operation Aktion Hess. On the direct orders of Hitler, they rounded up hundreds of occultists, psychics and astrologers, including Hess's leading occult advisor Ernst Schulte-Strathaus. In June 1941 a decree was issued banning all public performances of clairvoyance, astrology, fortune-telling or telepathy. Anybody associated with Hess and his esoteric interests was thrown into concentration camps and occult secret societies were closed down. Because of staff shortages in the Gestapo, officers from the Naval Intelligence Service were drafted in to interrogate some of the arrested psychics. It has been claimed that they recruited some of them for secret operations using dowsing on maps with pendulums to hunt down British submarines.
It has also been claimed that Ian Fleming and the NID was involved in a plot to silence the Spiritualist medium Helen Duncan, the penultimate person to be charged under the old Witchcraft Act of 1736. She was arrested in 1944 after holding a séance during which allegedly the spirit of a dead sailor from the sinking of the HMS Bolham physically manifested. As the news of the loss had not been publicly released, and the Admiralty was keeping it secret for morale purposes, Duncan became a target for the security services. She and other psychics were regarded as a serious threat to national security and they became the object of a MI5/NID dirty tricks operation to silence leaks. This suggests that the Intelligence Services actually believed these mediums had genuine powers. Duncan's arrest and subsequent trial, which in fact was condemned by Winston Churchill as a waste of public funds, was allegedly meant to deter other mediums. The War Office was paranoid that military secrets about the forthcoming D-Day landings in Normandy would be revealed at séances and become public knowledge or passed to the Germans.
Derek Wilson, Sir Francis Walsingham (Constable 2007)
Richard Deacon, John Dee (Muller 1968)
Donald McCormack, The Hellfire Club (Jarrolds 1958)
P.Mannix, The Hellfire Club (Four Square 1961)
M.R.D. Foot, SOE: The Special Operations Executive 1940-46 (BBC publications 1984)
J.M. McKenzie The Secret History of the SOE 1940-1945 (St Ermins Press 2000)
Nigel West, The Secret War: The Story of SOE (Hodder & Stoughton 1992)
Richard Deacon, The History of British Secret Service (Frederick Muller 1979)
Donald McCormick, The Life of Ian Fleming (Peter Owen 1993)
MICHAEL HOWARD has had a lifelong interest in intelligence matters and the strange links between the occult and politics. Since 1976 he has edited The Cauldron newsletter (<> featuring witchcraft, folklore and Earth Mysteries. He is the author of Secret Societies: Their Influence and Power from Antiquity to the Present Day, published by Destiny Books USA.
The above article appears in
New Dawn No. 107 (Mar-Apr 2008)
New Dawn Magazine and the respective authors.
4) Occultists At War
Fake Astrological Advice Passed On To The Gullible Rudolf Hess
(Author anonymous; could be by an intelligence agency, because it carries a link to a Hannah Newman webpage)
The Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) was founded August 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff. He had been schooled in occultism, Islamic mysticism, alchemy, Rosicrucianism and much else, in Turkey, where he had also been initiated into Freemasonry.
Its original name was Studiengruppe für Germanisches Altertum (Study Group for German Antiquity), but it soon started to disseminate anti-republican and anti-Semitic propaganda.
A movement to promote Thulian ideas among industrial workers and to offset Marxism, was formed in August 1918 - the Workers' Political Circle with Thulist Karl Harrer as chairman.
From this came the German Workers' Party in 1919.
A year later this became the NSDAP under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. It had members from the top echelons of the party, including Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg, though not Adolf Hitler. Serbottendorff stated, "Thule members were the people to whom Hitler first turned and who first allied themselves with Hitler."
The swastika flag adopted by the NSDAP was the brain-child of another Thulist, Dr Krohn. ...
With the victory of the Nazi Party, the occult tradition was carried on in the Third Reich mainly by the SS, who Reichsführer, Himmler, was an avid student of the occult. An SS occult research department, the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) was established in 1935 with SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers at its head. Occult research took SS researchers as far afield as Tibet. Sievers had the Tantrik prayer, the Bardo Thodol, read over his body after his execution at Nuremberg.
National Socialism and the Third Reich represented a major attempt by high esoteric Adepts to re-establish a Culture based on the Laws of Nature, against the entrenched forces of anti-Life. Nothing that ambitious had been tried since the founding of the American Republic by Masonic adepts. ...
Himmler and the S.S.
The S.S. (Schutzstaffel) was originally formed as a personal bodyguard to Hitler, and numbered around 300 when Heinrich Himmler joined. But when he rose to its leadership in 1929, things changed a bit. Four years later, membership had soared to 52,000. He established headquarters at a medieval castle called Wewelsburg, where his secret inner order met once a year. According to Walther Schellenberg's memoirs:
Each member had his own armchair with an engraved silver nameplate, and each had to devote himself to a ritual of spiritual exercises aimed mainly at mental concentration. The focal point of Wewelsburg, evidently owing much to the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, was a great dining hall with an oak table to seat twelve picked from the senior Gruppenführers. The walls were to be adorned with their coats of arms.
Underneath this dining hall there was kept a so-called "realm of the dead", a circular well in which these coats of arms would be burnt and the ashes worshipped after the "knight" had died. (There are tales of Himmler using the severed heads of deceased S.S. officers to communicate with ascended masters). In addition to this, each knight had his own room, "decorated in accordance with one of the great ancestors of Aryan majesty." Himmler's own room was dedicated to a Saxon King Henry the Fowler, whose ghost Himmler sometimes conversed with.
Outside of the inner order, SS officers were discouraged from participating in Christian ceremonies, including weddings and christenings, and celebrated the Winter Solstice instead of Christmas. The traditional day of gift exchange was switched to the day of the summer solstice celebration. These ceremonies were replete with sacred fires, torchlit processions, and invocations of Teutonic deities, all performed by files of young blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan supermen. Although Himmler admired the ceremonial nature of Catholicism and modeled the S.S. partially on the Order of the Jesuits, he also despised Christianity for what he considered its weak, masochistic nature. He held further resentment because of the persecution of German witches during the Inquisition. ...
The Allied Occult Offense
Himmler was obsessed by the idea that British Intelligence was being run by the Rosicrucian order, and that occult adepts were in charge of MI5. Whether or not that was true, the Germans were certainly not the only participants in the war using the power of magick to their advantage. Levenda provides the details of a "Cult Counterstrike" organized by the intelligence agencies of the U.S. and Britain, an effort centering around the "most evil man in the world", the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.
Crowley had gone to live in New York during WWI after being rejected for military service by the British government, and began writing "pro-German propaganda" for a magazine called The Fatherland, published by George Viereck. Crowley took over as editor. He later claimed that he had really been working for British Intelligence, because his articles were so outlandish that the journal was reduced to absurdity, a caricature of serious political discussion, which would help the British cause more than harm it.
There is some evidence to suggest that Crowley was working for MI5 during this time, spying on his fellow OTO initiate Karl Germer, a German intelligence agent, so perhaps his excuse for working for The Fatherland is sound. Whatever the case, he was definitely hired by MI5 during WWII. Crowley had become friends with author Dennis Wheatley, well-known for a number of fiction and non-fiction books based on the occult who had once worked for Winston Churchill's Joint Planning Staff. He had been introduced to Crowley by a journalist named Tom Driberg, who would later become a spy for MI5 as well, and who would come into possession of Crowley's diaries shortly after his death in 1947.
Wheatley also introduced Crowley to yet another MI5 agent, Maxwell Knight. Knight was the real historical figure behind the fictional character "M" in all the James Bond novels, written by Knight's friend in the Department of Naval Intelligence, Ian Fleming. Crowley met Knight for dinner at Wheatley's house, and it was there that Crowley agreed to take them both on as magick students.
Later, Ian Fleming dreamed up a way to use Crowley's expertise in a scheme against the Germans. The scheme involved an Anglo-German organization known as "The Link", a supposed "cultural society" which had once been under the leadership of Sir Barry Domville, Director of Naval Intelligence from 1927 to 1930. The Link had been investigated by Maxwell Knight in the 1930s because of its involvement in German spy operations, and was soon dissolved after much incriminating evidence was found. As Levenda describes, Fleming "thought that the Nazis could be made to believe that the The Link was still in existence, they could use it as bait for the Nazi leadership. The point was to convince the Nazis that The Link had sufficient influence to overthrow the Churchill government and thereby to install a more pliable British government, one which would gladly negotiate a separate peace with Hitler."
The suggestion came in the form of fake astrological advice passed on to the gullible Rudolf Hess, who was already under the delusion that only he could talk the British into peace with Germany, and that it was his destiny to do so. One of his staff astrologers, Dr. Ernst Schulte-Strathaus, under British employ, encouraged Hess to make his mission to England on May 10, 1941 a significant date because of a rare conjunction of six planets in the sign of Taurus. The Duke of Hamilton was also enlisted to let Hess know that he would be happy to entertain him should he plan to go through with such an endeavor. So Hess, a trained pilot, embarked on a rather dangerous solo flight to the British Isles, parachuting into Scotland donned in various occult symbols, where he was immediately arrested by the waiting Brits. Fleming tried to obtain permission for Crowley to debrief Hess in order to develop intelligence on the occult scene in the Third Reich and particularly the Nazi leadership. But this permission was denied, and Hess spent the rest of his days in prison not being much use to anybody. What could have been a major propaganda coup against the Nazis went utterly wasted, as if by tacit agreement on both sides.
After Hess' arrest, Hitler denounced him as a crazed madman, and began persecuting astrologers and occultists in his own domains more so than ever before. Crowley continued trying to help the Allied cause, but most of his ideas were rejected. One, however, while initially dismissed, was later implemented. This involved dropping occult pamphlets on the German countryside that predicted a dire outcome for the war and depicted the Nazi leadership as Satanic. A forgery of a popular German astrological magazine called Zenit was created and dropped onto enemy battlefields. It was set for full-scale distribution, but the delivery was intercepted by the Gestapo before it could be completed.
Besides Crowley, there were other occultists involved in the fight against the Third Reich. One of Crowley's protegés, Jack Parsons, who was the Head of the Agapé O.T.O. Lodge in California as well as a charter member of both Cal-Tech and the Jet propulsion Laboratory, invented the "Greek Fire" rocket propellant which was widely used by the United State Navy between 1944 and 1945. It was a solution that could have only come from someone with a working knowledge of the arcane lore of alchemy and magic. (Parsons later killed himself in an accident involving fulminate of mercury. He had been driven crazy and proclaimed himself the Anti-Christ after becoming involved with one "Frater H", who was actually a spy sent by Naval Intelligence to infiltrate the O.T.O. That spy's name was L. Ron Hubbard!) There was also a Golden dawn initiate named Sam Untermyer, an attorney and wealthy philanthropist once called a "Satanist" by a British newspaper. Untermyer started the "Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights" and the "World-Anti-Nazi Council, which both promoted the boycott of German products. He also donated money to the hunt for Nazi agents coming into New York. And with the help of a man named Richard Rollins, he started a secret society called "the Board" which engaged in counterespionage against Nazi groups who were recruiting in the United States.
World War II was a magick war, and a holy war, a war in which both sides consider themselves to be fighting the forces of evil. It was a war operated behind the scenes by mystical adepts using their esoteric knowledge of symbolism, astrology, meditation, astral travel, clairvoyance, and mind control against the enemy. A war inspired by age-old beliefs in the Elder Gods of Europe's ancient past.
Aleister Crowley - Racist, Antisemite, And Misogynist
... Throughout the period of 1895, he maintained a vigorous sex life, which was largely conducted with prostitutes and girls he picked up at local pubs and cigar shops, but eventually extended into homosexual activities in which he played the passive role.[13] During the course of his life, Crowley practiced sexual magic rituals with both men and women. ...
Crowley was a product of his age in some senses more than others. Biographer Lawrence Sutin stated that "blatant bigotry is a persistent minor element in Crowley's writings."[65] The book's introduction calls Crowley "a spoiled scion of a wealthy Victorian family who embodied many of the worst John Bull racial and social prejudices of his upper-class contemporaries,"[66] Sutin also writes, "Crowley embodied the contradiction that writhed within many Western intellectuals of the time: deeply held racist viewpoints courtesy of their culture, coupled with a fascination with people of colour."[67]
Crowley defended the use of violence against the Chinese, specifically the lower classes.[68] He applied the term "nigger" to Italians (in Diary of a Drug Fiend Book I, Chapter 9) and Indians,[69] and called the Indian theosophist Jiddu Krishnamurti "negroid."
Crowley, according to his biographer, Lawrence Sutin, used racial epithets to bully Victor Neuburg during a sadomasochistic magical working: "Crowley leveled numerous brutal verbal attacks on Neuburg's family and Jewish ancestry...".[70] The two became lovers by the end of that year if not before, but "[w]hether or not Crowley and Neuburg had sexual relations during this magical retirement is unclear," according to Sutin.
Crowley's published expressions of antisemitism were disturbing enough to later editors of his works that one of them, Israel Regardie, attempted to suppress them. In 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley (Samuel Weiser, 1975), Regardie, a Jew, explained his complete excision of Crowley's antisemitic commentary on the Kabbalah in the 6th unnumbered page of his editorial introduction: "I am ... omitting Crowley's Preface to the book. It is a nasty, malicious piece of writing, and does not do justice to the system with which he is dealing."[71]
What Regardie had removed was Crowley's "Preface to Sepher Sephiroth", originally published in Equinox 1:8. Written in 1911,[72] at the same time that Menahem Mendel Beilis was accused of ritual cannibalism in Kiev, Russia, it contained a clear statement of Crowley's belief in the blood libel against the Jews:[73]
Human sacrifices are today still practised by the Jews of Eastern Europe, as is set forth at length by the late Sir Richard Burton in the MS. which the wealthy Jews of England have compassed heaven and earth to suppress,[74] and evidenced by the ever-recurring Pogroms against which so senseless an outcry is made by those who live among those degenerate Jews who are at least not cannibals.[73]
Having thus implicitly defended the recent antisemitic pogroms in Kishinev Russia and elsewhere, on the grounds that the murder of thousands of Jews was a rational response to the implied danger of Jewish ritual cannibalism, Crowley rhetorically asked how a system of value such as Qabala could come from what "the general position of the ethnologist" called "an entirely barbarous race, devoid of any spiritual pursuit," and "polytheists" to boot.[73] As Crowley himself practiced polytheism, some read these remarks as irony.[54]
Crowley repeated his claim that Jews in Eastern Europe practice ritual child-murder in at least one later work as well, namely the section on mysticism in Book Four or Magick. Here he uses quotation marks for "ritual murder" and for "Christian" children.[75]
An article at The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum makes the following claim while speaking of the previously mentioned remark[55] elsewhere in Magick:
At first glance Crowley seems to be advocating an atrocity, the sacrifice of a child, the bugaboo of witchhunters and anti-Semites everywhere. But in fact he is claiming that the historical legend of child sacrifice, used to persecute so many "witches" and Jews, veils a sexual formula of self-sacrifice. In a secret document of the IX*, the "blood libel" against the Jews -- the story that they celebrate covert rituals employing the blood of sacrificed children -- is taken as a statement that certain sects of the Hassidim possess this secret. The early Christians were accused of such practices by the Roman establishment, and the Gnostic Catholic Church considers this to be evidence of a continuity of the sexual secret from the Gnostics.[76]
Crowley studied and promoted the mystical and magical teachings of some of the same ethnic groups he attacked, in particular Indian yoga, Jewish Kabbalah and goetia, and the Chinese I Ching. Also, in Confessions Chapter 86[5] , as well as a private diary which Lawrence Sutin quotes in Do What Thou Wilt chapter 7, Crowley recorded a memory of a "past life" as the Chinese Taoist writer Ko Hsuan. In another remembered life, Crowley said, he took part in a "Council of Masters" that included many from Asia. He has this to say about the virtues of "Eurasians" and then Jews:
I do not believe that their universally admitted baseness is due to a mixture of blood or the presumable peculiarity of their parents; but that they are forced into vileness by the attitude of both their white and coloured neighbours. A similar case is presented by the Jew, who really does only too often possess the bad qualities for which he is disliked; but they are not proper to his race. No people can show finer specimens of humanity. The Hebrew poets and prophets are sublime. The Jewish soldier is courageous, the Jewish rich man generous. The race possesses imagination, romance, loyalty, probity and humanity in an exceptional degree.
But the Jew has been persecuted so relentlessly that his survival has depended on the development of his worst qualities; avarice, servility, falseness, cunning and the rest. Even the highest-class Eurasians such as Ananda Koomaraswamy suffer acutely from the shame of being considered outcast. The irrationality and injustice of their neighbours heightens the feeling and it breeds the very abominations which the snobbish inhumanity of their fellow-men expects of them.[77]
All these remarks must necessarily be contrasted or reconciled with Crowley's explicit philosophical instructions in Magick Without Tears. Chapter 73, which is entitled "'Monsters', Niggers, Jews, etc," states his essentially individualistic and anti-racialist views, citing relevant verses from The Book of the Law: "Ye are against the people, o my chosen!" (Liber Al II:25), "Every man and every woman is a star" (Liber Al I:3). Here Crowley emphasizes by way of commentary upon these verses the instant debasement and un-Thelemic viewpoint which any notion of human beings as "classes" or "races" -whether belonged-to or feared- instead of as individuals, is likely to bring. The "Thelemic" philosophical position which he taught in this volume (which is a series of letters of direct personal instruction to various disciples) is clearly an anti-racialistic one. Even in private comments on Mein Kampf, Crowley said that his own preferred "master class" was above all distinctions of race.[78]
Biographer Lawrence Sutin stated that Crowley "largely accepted the notion, implicitly embodied in Victorian sexology, of women as secondary social beings in terms of intellect and sensibility."[79] Occult scholar Tim Maroney compares him to other figures and movements of the time and suggests that some others might have shown more respect for women.[80]
Crowley stated that women, except "a few rare individuals," care most about having children and will conspire against their husbands if they lack children to whom to devote themselves.[81] In Confessions, Crowley says he learned this from his first marriage.[82] He claimed that their intentions were to force a man to abandon his life's work for their interests. He only found women "tolerable", he wrote, when they served the role of solely helping a man in his life's work. However, he said that they were incapable of actually understanding the work. He also claimed that women did not have individuality and were solely guided by their habits or impulses.[83]
Nevertheless, when he sought what he called the supreme magical-mystical attainment, Crowley asked Leah Hirsig to direct his ordeals, marking the first time since the schism in the Golden Dawn that another person verifiably took charge of his initiation.[84] In the Hierophant section of the Book of Thoth, he interprets a verse from the Book of the Law that speaks of "the woman girt with a sword; she represents the Scarlet Woman in the hierarchy of the new Aeon.(...)This woman represents Venus as she now is in this new aeon; no longer the mere vehicle of her male counterpart, but armed and militant." ...
Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7 41262296 Mirror: I use the old Mac OS; being incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you.
Never respond to emails offering pornography or sex; never click on links they provide. Intelligence agencies may be using them to lure and trap dissidents (e.g. on charges of "sex with a minor" or "being in possession of child pornography"). Mordecai Vanunu was lured by a "honey trap", after which he was jailed solitary for 18 years; and he never even got the honey. Don't try to fight the government with guns - that just gives them an excuse for getting rid of you. Your most potent weapon is information - that's what Big Brother is really scared of.
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An why were tare they missing, abducted or murdered?
Jean Climas - 1969
Anne Zappelli-THE BEAUTY QUEEN 1969
22/9/1969 Anne Zapelli ex Geraldton although from Morowa. policeman boyfriend.
missing walking home from drive-in theatre. SA pedophile in area at time death bed confession.
Gina Merrifield - 1972
Raelene Eaton -1974
Yvonne Waters - 1974
Age:19 Height (cm): Hair Colour:Brown Eye Colour: Brown Build:Medium Date of Disappearance:10/12/1975 Town/City:Nanturra State:WA Country:Australia Features Circumstances: 19-year-old Glenyce Rae McGowan was travelling from her hometown of Perth, Western Australia to Tom Price,in the north of the state to visit a friend on the night of December 10, 1975. Due to heavy flooding in the area, Glenyce McGowan was forced to camp overnight at a roadhouse near Nanturra,which is north of the town of Carnarvon. Other travellers were also waiting for the roads to claer at the same roadhouse. Glenyce McGowan disappeared from the roadhouse by the next morning. Her car was located where she had initially parked it the night before. There has been no sign of her since that night. WHO ABDUCTED, RAPED OR KILLED THESE WOMEN? - 25/8/1969 Jean Climas ex Mosman Park missin on the 25th August, 1969 who was initially from Vic. Jean Climas
Anne Zappelli went missing and was murdered in September 1969 in Geralton, Western Australia WA police to further investigate Anne Zappelli murder THE BEAUTY QUEEN MURDER
The beauty queen murder
RAHNI SADLER: Anne Zappelli was a young woman from country Western Australia, beginning to make her way in the world. Colin Zappelli: If you look at a photo of her, that sort of tells you what she was like. She stood out in a crowd, you know, she was just a good person. Rhonda Zappelli: She was tiny and small and delicate and dainty, she was very attractive and very personable. And you know she went into the Miss Australia Quest even though she was quite shy. I'm sure she would've gone onto a great life. It just wasn't to be. RAHNI SADLER: In September 1969 on a lonely road, on a cold night, life. Thanks to somebody, her life came to an end Beauty queen, she was murdered in Anne Zappelli was raped and murdered. Anne Cecille ZAPPELLI Born: 14 May 1949 , Gender: Female, Dies 22nd September, 1969, Person ID: 12594 Family IDL F740 Death of a beauty queen by Anrienne Jones , Sunday 25th March, 2001 The image of 20-year-old Miss Australia hopeful Anne Zappelli is forever frozen as a young figure in a white dress walking briskly down a dimly lit country highway to her death. Anna Zappelli was raped and murdered somewhere either side of midnight on September 25, 1969, in a vacant block 60 metres from the West Australian Country town of Geralton as she walked home from the local drive-in. Until a deathbed confession to rape and murder 19 years after the event and a second inquest 31 years on, her death remained one of Australia's greatest mysteries. Gina Merrifield went missing in 1972 in Western Australia, 1972, English, Video edition: Wanted, the killer of Gina Merrifield [videorecording].
Bookmark: Physical Description
Raelene Eaton and Yvonne Waters Last seen:Scarborough WA. Jurisdiction:Western Australia Raelene Eaton's Year of birth:1957 Raelene Eaton's now in 2007 would be around 59 years old , Raelene Eaton's gender is female, Raelene Eaton's high is 150 cm, Raelene Eaton's Hair is :Black Raelene Eaton's Eyes are :Hazel Raelene Eaton's distinguishing features: Has a mole on the left side of her neck, and the bottom centre tooth is fitted with a gold cap.
Raelene Eaton and Yvonne Waters were last seen at about 6.45pm on 7 April 1974 leaving the White Sands Hotel, Scarborough in the company of three unidentified men.
Ms Shirley Finn was found slumped in a car with four bullets Shirley Finn: CCC rules out examining brothel madam's murder unless allegations of police misconduct arise By Stephanie Dalzell - 25 May 2015.
Western Australia's corruption watchdog has ruled out examining the cold case murder of brothel madam Shirley Finn unless allegations of police misconduct arise. Ms Finn was found slumped in a car with four bullets in the back of her head at the Royal Perth Golf Club in 1975. At the time, she was being investigated by the taxation office and had threatened to blow the whistle on the payment of kickbacks to various groups to keep her business operating. A former police officer came forward with claims detectives threatened to kill him if he spoke up about seeing Ms Finn drinking with police on the night of her murder. There were calls for the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) to conduct its own investigation into WA Police's handling of the incident, but in a statement, the watchdog's commissioner John McKechnie said the investigation of a murder was a task for police. "The remit of the CCC relates to police misconduct, or misconduct by other public officers, either now or in the past," he said. "Commission officers will meet with WA Police to discuss progress and whether the current investigation has identified any alleged police misconduct and/or reviewable police action. "I have written to the Commissioner of Police asking for any information that may be relevant to our function. "If allegations of police misconduct come to light, then we will assess them in the normal way." GLENYCE RAE MCGOWAN ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1975
Age:19 Height (cm): Hair Colour:Brown Eye Colour: Brown Build:Medium Date of Disappearance:10/12/1975 Town/City:Nanturra State:WA Country:Australia Features Circumstances: 19-year-old Glenyce Rae McGowan was travelling from her hometown of Perth, Western Australia to Tom Price,in the north of the state to visit a friend on the night of December 10, 1975. Due to heavy flooding in the area, Glenyce McGowan was forced to camp overnight at a roadhouse near Nanturra,which is north of the town of Carnarvon. Other travellers were also waiting for the roads to claer at the same roadhouse. Glenyce McGowan disappeared from the roadhouse by the next morning. Her car was located where she had initially parked it the night before. There has been no sign of her since that night.
Coline Joan Fountain went missing aged 16 year and 2 months form Esperance in December, 1978
Felicia Wilson Felicia Wilson went missing in from the Kwinanna, Western Australia area in 1979
In January 1979 Felicia Wilson was bashed to death and mutilated behind December 1979 - Kerryn Mary Tate found draped over a burning log at Karragullen; Personal Details KERRYN MARY TATE, 19 Kerryn Tate disappeared from the Perth metropolitan area on the 28th of December 1979. Her remains were found draped over a burnt tree stump off the Brookton Hwy at Boulder Rock two days later. A pendant found at the site was used to help identify her. A pendant found at the site was used to help identify her.
Anette Carolyn Deverall, was last seen alive outside the Mandurah Post Office in 1980. ANNETTE DEVERELL, 19
Between 6/10/1986 - 10/11/1986 there were five known Personal Details:
David Troy Masters. Photo courtesy of Australian Police Journal. Masters murdered 21-year-old British tourist Fiona Carty in a backpackers’ lodge in Katherine in the Northern Territory. Sally Beatrix Greenham Sally Beatrix Greenham went missing on the 20th August, 1987 Age: 43 years Height: 166 cm Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
Julie Cutler was last seen at 12.30am on 20 June 1988 leaving the Parmelia Hilton Hotel, WA, after a staff function. Her car was found two days later in the sea off Cottesloe Beach. February 15, 1988 - 18-year-old woman indecently assaulted
Julie Cutler last seen 12:30am 20 June 1988 Kerry Turner went missing from Victoria Park, Western Australia on June 30, 1991
ABC Radio Perth By David Weber 28 Jun 2016 The parents of a murdered Perth woman have joined police in a renewed plea for help to catch her killer nearly 25 years after their daughter was last seen alive.
Kerry Turner's body found near Canning Dam after night out in Perth Her parents say they have not had closure Police urge anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers The body of Kerry Turner, 18, was discovered in late July 1991 hidden behind a log in bushland in the Canning Dam area. She was last seen getting into a car on Shepperton Road in East Victoria Park after a night out four weeks earlier. The murder case is still open. RADINA MARIE DJUKICH DISAPPEARED ON SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1992 Missing since May 16, 1992 from Perth, Western Australia. Circumstances of Disappearance SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1992 Age at Time of Disappearance: 14 years old Last Seen: May 16, 1992 Location Perth, Western Australia. Classification: Missing Date Of Birth: July 29 1977 Height: 5'3" - 160 cm. Distinguishing Characteristics: She has a noticeable turned left eye. White female. Blue eyes, Auburn hair. Last Seen Wearing: Blue jeans ("JAG" brand), red jumper and sports shoes. Circumstances: Radina Djukich was reported missing by Ronald Joseph Buckland on May 16, 1992, six weeks after she was released into his care after an appearance in the Children's Court. At the time, Buckland was on parole after serving part of a six-year sentence for breaking and entering. He had an extensive criminal record, including convictions for assault and armed robbery. In 1982, he had been declared an habitual criminal. Buckland was not Radina's father in any legal sense, yet the Children's Court released her on a $1000 surety with the condition that she lived with Buckland and observed a 7pm to 7am curfew. When she disappeared Buckland said she had run away interstate. A year later, Buckland murdered his 18-year-old girlfriend, Vicki Robinson, after an argument, and buried her body in bush near Yanchep. He is serving a 20-year sentence for the crime. In 1996, Buckland told police Radina had been murdered but denied responsibility. He led officers on an unsuccessful search for her body around the Star Swamp in the Perth suburb of North Beach. Radina's mother, Christine Djukich, wants to know why her daughter was released into the care of a violent offender who claimed to be her father. If you have any information or sightings please contact Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000. Cariad Slater missing on the 13th of July 1992 from Saturday January 1, 1994 Claremont Subway Attack 1994 Jan 1 woman driving home from Club Bay View fights off man who dragged her from her car and tried to rape her near the Claremont subway 1994 May 23 Pamela Lawrence is murdered at her shop in Mosman Park. 1994 Oct A 31-year-old woman breaks her ankle when she leaps from a speeding taxi on Princess Road Sunday February 12 1995 Karrakatta, Claremont Cemetery attack.
Jan. 1996 - Church Lane - Women bashed and indecently assaulted Sunday March 3 1996 at 2:00am 1996 Mar 3 A 21-year-old woman is bashed and indecently assaulted in Church Lane behind Club Bay View. June 1996 - Jane Rimmer- Abducted Claremont, Found dead, cause of death unknown Mar. 1997 - Ciara Glennon- Abducted Claremont, Found dead, cause of death unknown Nov. 1998 - Lisa Brown, missing (sex worker, last seen on Palmerston St.) ETRONELLA ALBERT, Suspicious Death Suspicious Death PETRONELLA ALBERT, 31 MARCH, 1999 CASE NUMBER: 5305 Suspicious Death PETRONELLA ALBERT CASE DATE: WEDNESDAY 31 MARCH 1999 LOCATION: BROOME WA 6725 CASE NO: 5305 Petronella ALBERT was 21 years of age at the time of her disappearance and was last seen leaving her home address in Broome WA at approximately 8:30am on Wednesday the 28th of April 1999. It is not known where the missing person was going. Police are concerned for her welfare. If you have any information about the disappearance of Petronella ALBERT, make a report online or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, where all calls are strictly confidential, and rewards are offered. Make a Report DEBORAH ANDERSON, Suspicious Death 31 DEC 1999, CASE NO: 5698 Suspicious Death
Late seen alive on Monday the 24th of January 2000, body found on on Tuesday the 25th of January 2000, discovered in a burnt out motor vehicle parked outside Marant’s Deli Lunch Bar at the Middle Swan Shopping Centre, Deborah’s incinerated body. CASE DATE: FRIDAY 31 DECEMBER 1999 LOCATION: MIDDLE SWAN WA CASE NO: 5698 DESCRIPTION (at time): AGE: 24 years HEIGHT: 178cm EYES: Blue HAIR: Short brown hair COMPLEXION: Fair Deborah spent the holiday residing at her father’s Woodvale home where she was last seen alive by him at 9.00am on Monday the 24th of January 2000. When he returned shortly afterwards at 11.45am he noticed his defacto’s vehicle missing and assumed Deborah had borrowed the car with the intention of returning it by the afternoon so his defacto could drive to work. Deborah did not return that day, prompting her father and his defacto to inquire with hospitals and police in a desperate bid to find her. The search ended shortly after midnight on Tuesday the 25th of January 2000, when Deborah’s body was discovered. The 25th of January 2000, is a date that will never be forgotten by the family of Deborah Michelle ANDERSON. Discovered in a burnt out motor vehicle parked outside Marant’s Deli Lunch Bar at the Middle Swan Shopping Centre, Deborah’s incinerated body was discovered after several triple 0 calls were made to FESA about the grim finding. Engulfed in flames, the small white 1990 Ford Laser hatchback with Deborah’s body inside triggered a full scale homicide investigation involving Midland Detectives, the Major Crime Squad, Arson Squad and the Forensic Division. Despite extensive inquiries by investigators, more than 14 years have gone by and the full circumstances surrounding the horrific death of Deborah Anderson are still unknown. Born in Perth on the 20th of August 1975, Deborah moved to the United Kingdom in 1990 to be with her mother, returning nine years later in August 1999 to re-unite with her father and commence a cooking course at the Australian School of Tourism and Hotel Management. Scheduled to return to the course in February 2000 following the Christmas break, Deborah spent the holiday residing at her father’s Woodvale home where she was last seen alive by him at 9.00am on Monday the 24th of January 2000. When he returned shortly afterwards at 11.45am he noticed his defacto’s vehicle missing and assumed Deborah had borrowed the car with the intention of returning it by the afternoon so his defacto could drive to work. Deborah did not return that day, prompting her father and his defacto to inquire with hospitals and police in a desperate bid to find her. The search ended shortly after midnight on Tuesday the 25th of January 2000, when Deborah’s body was discovered. Inquiries into her death revealed that at 9.39am on Monday the 24th of January 2000, an amount of money was withdrawn from Deborah’s bank account from an ATM at the Woodvale shops. Inquiries also revealed that Deborah may have driven along the Brand Highway, as far as Geraldton before returning to Perth the morning of January 25. Police are appealing for anyone with any information to contact Crime Stoppers – Your help could provide the missing piece of information to that may help solve this murder and provide the family with the answers they are desperately chasing. If you can help with this unsolved crime, please make a report online or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, where all calls are strictly confidential, and rewards are offered. Please quote Reference Number 5692. Make a report
Nov. 2000 - Sarah McMahon, missing (last seen in Claremont, knew Morey)
Went missing on Monday 30th April, 2001 Apr. 2002 - Survivor (attacked on Palmerston, St.Perth
18 March 2002, Christine Michelle Schipp last seen Northbridge Mar. 2003 - Darylyn Ugle, murdered (sex worker, body found near Mundaring Weir) Dec. 2003 - Survivor (sex worker, escaped near Mundaring Weir) 8th August, 2005 - Robyn Santen went Missing in Leederville- Cottesloe area, and has never been found. Originally Posted by Bartholemeus Karra - blitz attack (planned) Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996-1997, Perth, Western Australia - #7 *ARREST* 7-12-2015 Mo Joe Originally Posted by JWSleuth A good list compiled by sutton, paper trail and silver tongue albeit it 12 months old Snipped from paper trails post:
Went missing on Monday 30th April, 2001 Suspicious Death
CASE DATE: MONDAY 30 APRIL 2001 LOCATION: SWAN VIEW WA CASE NO: 3886 Laura Kate MUCKERSIE Sadly, at just 20 years of age, Laura Kate Muckersie was found deceased in a storm water drain at the intersection of Fairfax and Morrison Roads in Swan View, on Monday the 30th of July, 2001. Her body was located by two young boys early that morning where she lay fully clothed, facing upwards and partly submerged in water. The circumstances surrounding Laura’s death remain a mystery and the tragedy continues to haunt her family and friends who are left behind wanting answers. Laura’s last hours were spent at the Darling Ridge Shopping Centre where she made a number of phone calls from the phone box before travelling further up Morrison Road to the phone box situated at Fairfax Park where she made her last known telephone call. That night Laura’s handbag was located several meters away from the phone box, but Laura was no where to be found. Loved ones urge anyone with information surrounding Laura’s death to help resolve the unanswered questions which remain. The night Laura disappeared she was wearing : Blue denim jeans Black lycra top tucked into jeans Three jumpers with the outer jumper being blue, grey and white Nike jogger style shoes Digital watch Gold hoop earrings Gold stud earring Gold ring.
Last edited by papertrail; 11-25-2015 at 01:04 PM.
Last edited by papertrail; 11-25-2015 at 01:04 PM.
17-12-2015 Mo Joe Please add Laura Muckersie, Three more to add to the list.
22/9/1969 Anne Zapelli ex Geraldton sisappeared on 2th of September 1969 who was from Morowa.
WA police to further investigate Zappelli murder
COMPERE: Now police in Western Australia say there'll be further investigations into the murder of beauty queen Anne Zappelli in Geraldton nearly 32 years ago. JEAN CLIMAS HAS BEEN MISSING SINCE APRIL, 1969 Jean Climas Victorian police want information about this woman, who was last seen in Mosman Park in 1969 and known as Jean Climas (or Shaw or Batten). JEAN CLIMAS Personal Details At time of disappearance: Missing since 1969 from Mosman Park, Western Australia Employment: Jean worked at a local lunch bar or milk bar in Mosman Park Age:20 Year of birth: Height: 154 cm - 5'1/2" Build: Medium Eyes: Hair: Blonde but may be naturally dark, curly Complexion: Fair Gender: Female Distinguishing Feature: Alias: Jean Shaw, Jean Batten Circumstances: Jean Climas vanished in Mosman Park in 1969. Described as quiet and shy, she was 20 when she moved into a 5 storey block of flats possibly on Murray Avenue 15 minutes walk from Victoria Street (train) Station in Mosman Park and worked in a nearby deli. Miss Climas left her children, aged six months and 18 months, in Bendigo, Victoria with her sister and moved to Mosman Park, in April 1969, in the company of a man. He got a job at Renaware, selling pots and pans, then apparently left Mosman Park alone after a few months and drove north and eventually to South Australia. Jean Climas has not been heard from since her move to Mosman Park, and all efforts to locate her have proven fruitless. Investigators If you have any information concerning this case, please contact: Bendigo, Victoria Police (03) 5440 2540 Liam Croy, PerthNow- December 23, 2016 CLAREMONT KILLINGS: Man question by cold case detectives CLUE: Taxi clue to Ciara Glennon's death LEADS: WA Police say they remain positive killings will be solved, Killer could have driven a white Holden IT started just after 2am on a Saturday in January, when 18-year-old Sarah Spiers vanished outside Claremont’s Club Bay View. Australia Day 1996 had become the morning after and the former Iona College student was ready to leave. Sarah Spiers booked a taxi from a public phone to take her home to South Perth. By the time the taxi arrived eight minutes later, Sarah Spiers was gone. It is nothing out of the ordinary for a taxi driver but it would later be considered the start of WA’s most high-profile murder mystery — the Claremont serial killings. Police know that Ms Spiers was waiting for the taxi because she was seen by two men in a car that stopped for a red light at Stirling Highway and Stirling Road. It was where she had asked the taxi to pick her up. As the men left the intersection, the driver saw in his rear-view mirror another car approach Ms Spiers. He assumed it was a taxi arriving to pick her up. Ms Spiers’ failure to return home on Saturday caused concern, which built to outright panic by Monday morning. Her father Don went to the police. Ms Spiers’ friends and relatives handed out “missing person” flyers. A few days later, Mr Spiers joined homicide squad detectives in a public appeal for help. Det-Insp. Paul Ferguson, now retired, said earlier this year that it felt as if she had disappeared into thin air. More than four months passed before Perth was shaken again. Police get missing persons reports on a regular basis but something was off about the disappearance of Jane Rimmer late on Saturday, June 9. It was all too familiar. Like Ms Spiers, the 23-year-old had travelled from Cottesloe to Claremont to keep partying. Like Ms Spiers, her last known movements were near Bay View Terrace. Jane Rimmer at a ball at Hollywood High School. Ms Rimmer had parted ways with her friends to walk from Club Bay View to the Continental Hotel. Security camera vision showed her standing outside “The Conti”, at first speaking to a broad-shouldered man, then standing alone. It would be the last time the childcare worker was seen alive. Her family’s nightmare began when she did not attend a lunch they had organised the next day. Her family’s nightmare began when she did not attend a lunch they had organised the next day. Ms Rimmer’s parents Trevor and Jenny searched her Wembley flat and called her friends before reporting her missing after midnight. Police wasted no time setting up a task force given the obvious parallels with the disappearance of Ms Spiers. Ms Rimmer’s body was found by a woman named Tammy in bushland in Wellard in August. The experience still haunts Tammy but speaking ahead of the 20th anniversary of the killings this year, she said she believed the killer would be found. “Every dog has its day,” she said. Mr Ferguson said officers in the newly formed Macro task force knew they had to work fast. “It was a very stressful time for everyone knowing that the longer an investigation runs, the more chance there was that the culprit would offend again,” he said this year. In the months that followed, police would identify more than 700 people who had been in Claremont on the night in question. All were shown grainy security camera stills of the broad-shouldered man seen speaking to Ms Rimmer before she went missing. While police publicly played down speculation about a serial killer, FBI-trained specialists were brought in to help build a profile. Breakthroughs proved elusive.
JOHN FLINT, PerthNow - December 27, 2014 COLD case detectives investigating the Claremont serial killings are reaching out to new people, asking them to fill out a questionnaire and provide DNA. Pensioner Noel Geoffrey Coward was interviewed on December 18 at Curtin House by two detectives from the Special Crime Squad. Ciara Glennon was murdered in 1997. Jane Rimmer. But Mr Coward is not a person of interest in the case. For many years he has been urging police to look closely at a former taxi driver he brought to their attention after the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon in 1997. Mr Coward is unsure why detectives wanted him to fill out the questionnaire or why they wanted his DNA. He said one of the detectives explained it was part of “a process of elimination” and they were making the same approach to many more people whose names were on file. He said the special crime squad had gone to some effort to locate him and arrange the interview. WA Police would not comment on Mr Coward’s account of the interview. Detective-Inspector Casey Prins of the special crime squad provided a brief statement to The Sunday Times. He said: “Claremont (Macro) is an ongoing investigation, hence inquiries will continue to be made. “WA Police remain committed to resolving these and other significant offences.” The statement is identical to one issued by Insp Prins in 2012 when the media reported on another man who was interviewed. Mr Coward said he told the two detectives he wouldn’t fill out the questionnaire or let them have his DNA. “Primarily (that was) because I don’t trust them,” he said. “And because they had not, in my opinion, investigated the original evidence I supplied. “(The detective) said he could not show me (the questionnaire) unless I complied and filled it out.” Mr Coward said the detectives then tried to convince him that the former taxi driver was “not their man” and that he had been last interviewed by police in 2011. Mr Coward is known to The Sunday Times because he brought his suspicions about the taxi driver to the newspaper in 2001. At the time, the Macro task force, set up to investigate the killings, was focused on an introverted public servant who lived with his parents in Cottesloe. The then prime suspect was the target of around-the-clock surveillance. WA Police were criticised in intervening years for being too narrowly focused at the time. Mr Coward believes police failed in the early years to properly investigate the former taxi driver, who he claims was in Claremont at the precise time Ciara Glennon went missing, and was driving his taxi on the nights the other murder victims, Sarah Spiers and Jane Rimmer, vanished from the entertainment precinct. Mr Coward said there was other evidence he passed to the police that should have raised a flag about the man.
JOHN FLINT, PerthNow - January 3, 2015 4:00pm MORE than 17 years after Ciara Glennon’s body was found in dense bushland 45km north of Perth, The taxi had its headlights off as it turned off Pipidinny Rd, Eglinton, on to Wanneroo Rd in the pre-dawn darkness, the Two Rocks resident told The Sunday Times. The man’s detailed account is supported by his wife, who insists she tried to inform police
Josephine Jennings Missing since:Friday, September 1, L Last seen:Kalgoorlie Western Australia, Jusidiction: Western Australia- date of Birth 1964 Ag Distinguishing features:Has a tattoo ' I love You' on the inside of her left ankle; Circumstances: Josephine Jennings was last seen in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia around September 1995. Josephine Jennings I have a good memory for some things, but a lot eludes me, trust me on that! Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia #10 P.1 Tilbury was convicted in 1971 for the murder of Lynette Robeson and again in 1989 for the murder of Vanessa Devlin. 1996 Mar 3rd a 21-year-old woman is bashed and indecently
Jane Rimmer was 23 when she went missing in 1996 after a night out in Claremont Ms Rimmer, 23, was abducted from Claremont in June 1996 and her body found in bushland south of Perth that August.
Ciara Glennon was 27 when she disappeared in March 1997 in upmarket Claremont in Perth Ms Glennon, 27, disappeared on March 15 1997. Her body was found in bushland north of Perth 19 days after she was last seen in Claremont.
Disappearance in 1997 of 21-year-old Kimberley woman Sara-Lee Davey from Broome.
Another murder allegedly mentioned in the suicide note was of Sara-Lee Davey - who has been on the national missing persons list since she vanished in 1997. The former navy mechanic was also a suspect in the 1997 disappearance of 21-year-old Kimberley woman Sara-Lee Davey from Broome. Dorrough was questioned over her disappearance at the time. SWara lee Davey was last seen: Tuesday, 14 January 1997 Year of birth: 1973 Height: 175cm Build: Slim Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Complexion:Olive Gender: Female Distinguishing Feature: Circumstances Sara was last seen driving a four wheel drive type vehicle in Saville Street, Broome at 5.00 pm on Tuesday January 14, 1997. This is the last known location that she visited in Broome prior to her disappearance. Despite extensive inquiries by police and family her whereabouts are not known SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1997 PETA SIMONW WEBER WENT MISSING IN ALBAY, WESTERN AUSTRALIA Age: 25 Years Height: 152 cm Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Circumstances: Peta WEBER and her husband were fishing off The Gap, Albany at 0645 hrs, on the 22nd of June 1997. Peta went off to the toilet and has not been seen since. Despite extensive inquiries, Police have been unable to locate her. Last seen:Black leggings, purple/blue parker with hood, ugg boots or white shoes. If anyone has seen Peta Simone WEBER , or has information regarding this persons whereabouts, please contact 1800 333 000
PHOTO Gerard Ross was abducted while visiting Perth with his family from the country town of Newman. Several new persons of interest have been identified in the unsolved murder of an 11-year-old schoolboy in Perth, police say.
Gerard Ross was abducted while on a family holiday in Rockingham in 1997. His body was found dumped in a pine plantation near Baldivis and Stakehill roads 20 kilometres away, 14 days later after several unconfirmed sightings. WA Police have made a fresh appeal to the public to help find his killer following a cold-case review which began in 2014. Since then the Special Crime Squad has been working through the review recommendations and opened up new lines of inquiry which police hope will lead to a breakthrough, Acting Detective Inspector Jon Munday said. "This was a crime that shocked all West Australians," Acting Inspector Munday said.
ABC NEWS: CHARLOTTE HAMLYN "Despite the passage of time the WA Police remain committed to resolving this matter and bringing the killer or killers to justice, as well as providing some closure for the Ross family." Police say several new persons of interest have been identified, but would not give any information about who they were or their possible links to the case. "We believe there are still people in the community who know what happened to Gerard," Acting Inspector Munday said. "I would ask them that, given the passage of time or changes in circumstances or allegiances, [they] please reconsider and come forward. "Ask yourself 'what if it was my child or what if it was my grandchild'."
Police have released an image of a hat worn by Gerard, that was never recovered from the scene, which they hope may have been spotted by the public, or jog someone's memory.
SUPPLIED: WA POLICE They are also trying to identify the driver of a beige or cream sedan that reportedly approached a young boy waiting at a Kent Street bus stop near the Rockingham public library a few weeks before Gerard disappeared. "We don't have a precise date, but in August 1997 a male driver pulled over at the bus stop and asked the 11-year-old if he wanted a lift," Acting Inspector Munday said. "When the boy declined, the man drove away." "The vehicle and its driver have never been identified due to the vague description provided but we are still keen to speak to that person, if only to eliminate him from the investigation." WA Police say they have collected more than 5,000 pieces of physical evidence in the long-running investigation and have spoken to almost 1,200 witnesses. In 1998, the WA Government offered a $100,000 reward for information about Gerard's murder, and that offer still remains in place, according to police. Police also ruled out any link to the death of Queensland teenager Daniel Morcombe who disappeared in similar circumstances on the Sunshine Coast in 2003. Brett Peter Cowan, who was born in Western Australia, was convicted of that murder after an eight-year investigation. Police said Cowan was in custody in Queensland at the time of Gerard's murder.
Gerard's mother Cyrese, who now lives in Scotland, released a statement. "Gerard would have turned 31 last November and has sadly missed out on so much life," she said. "He will never experience the joy in sharing his love, creative talent and sense of humour with his niece or when starting his own family. "We make this appeal on behalf of Gerard, and ask you to provide any information, no matter how small or insignificant. "Please come forward as it can make the difference to Gerard's life and give him the justice he deserves."
Lisa Brown has been missing since 12.30am on 10 November 1998 from the Palmerston Street, Perth City area. WA: Man in court over murder of massage parlour worker A 24-year-old man has appeared in a Perth court charged with the murder of a massageparlour worker who disappeared three years ago. DENNIS IAN BELL was not required to enter a plea in the Perth magistrate's Court over the murder of 23-year-old JENNIFER WILBY, who disappeared in May 1999. The charge against BELL followed the discovery of Ms WILBY's remains in a shallow bushgrave at Karragullen, 40km south-east of Perth, on August 4. BELL was arrested early last Friday in the inner Melbourne suburb of South Yarra. He was charged with the murder in Melbourne and extradited to Perth to appear in court today. BELL's been remanded in custody to reappear on September 6. AAP RTV lk/alm/sd/rp KEYWORD: BELL (PERTH) WA: Man charged over death of massage parlour worker A 24-year-old man will appear in a Melbourne magistrates court today charged with murderinga Perth massage parlour worker whose remains have been found three years after she wentmissing. Melbourne police arrested the man, from the Perth suburb of Maylands, shortly aftermidnight eastern time. He's been charged him with the murder of 23-year-old JENNIFER WILBY. Ms WILBY'S remains were found by bushwalkers at Karragullen, south of Perth, on Sunday. She was reported missing in May 1999. The man charged over her murder was arrested in South Yarra. Police will ask that he be remanded in custody to allow time for Perth officers toarrive in the Victorian capital to seek his extradition. AAP RTV sd/dl KEYWORD: REMAINS (PERTH)
Personal Details ___________________________________
By Vanessa Schmitt, Mandurah Coastal Times 22/Jun/2011 Margaret Dodd. Exclusive: A CADAVER dog arrived in WA from Queensland on Monday to search the area around Badgingarra for missing Mandurah teenager Hayley Dodd. ___________________________________ Missing teen's mother unaware of killer's confession
Lisa Joanne GOVAN Lisa Joanne GOVAN
Lisa Govan was last seen at approximately 7.30am on the morning of Friday 8 October 1999 in the vicinity of the Foundry Hotel bottle shop, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Sarah McMahon has not attended work since Wednesday, 8 November 2000.
Susan Margaret Christie was reported missing on November 20, 2001 by her first husband, Ian Ure. Hatice Gurbuz 18 year old went missing from Maddington
LUKE ELIOT Monday, November 07, 2011 Donald Morey Donal Morey is a suspect in the murder of Darylyn Meridith Ugle, Violent attacker is suspect in murders Violent attacker is suspect in murders LUKE ELIOT -, Monday, November 07, 2011
1s a suspect in the murder of Darylyn Meridith Ugle, a prostitute who was last seen alive while soliciting for sex in March 2003
A street prostitute who narrowly survived a brutal bashing at the hands of a sexual deviant who is suspected of being involved in two unsolved suspected murders says she is still haunted by the chilling attack and believes her assailant may have killed other women. In her first media interview since the December 2003 attack, the woman, who did not want her name published, described crawling through a swamp and scaling a 2.4m high concrete wall in a bid to escape. "I know there are other girls who aren't as lucky as I was," the woman said. In September 2005, career criminal Donald Victor Morey was convicted after trial of attempted murder. In handing down a 13-year jail term, Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Miller accepted the prosecutor's submission that there was no sexual motive to Morey's crime as he was impotent at the time. "This woman was a random target and . . . it was predatory conduct on your part," Justice Miller said. "It was a premeditated offence, that you planned to take her to a remote area and it was not the case that you voluntarily desisted from what you were doing." Morey's appeals were dismissed and he remains behind bars. He is a suspect in the murder of Darylyn Meridith Ugle, a prostitute who was last seen alive while soliciting for sex in March 2003, and to the disappearance of Sarah McMahon, a 20-year-old Parkerville woman who has not been seen leaving her Claremont workplace exactly 11 years ago today. Her vehicle was found at Swan District Hospital. Morey denies involvement in both cases but admits he knew Ms McMahon. Ms Ugle's body was found in April 2003 near Mundaring Weir - a short distance from Morey's Chidlow home and from the Helena Valley street where he took his December 2003 victim. The two prostitutes knew each other. Dec. 2003 - Survivor (sex worker, escaped near Mundaring Weir)
A street prostitute who narrowly survived a brutal bashing at the hands of a sexual deviant who is suspected of being involved in two unsolved suspected murders says she is still haunted by the chilling attack and believes her assailant may have killed other women. In her first media interview since the December 2003 attack, the woman, who did not want her name published, described crawling through a swamp and scaling a 2.4m high concrete wall in a bid to escape. "I know there are other girls who aren't as lucky as I was," the woman said. In September 2005, career criminal Donald Victor Morey was convicted after trial of attempted murder. In handing down a 13-year jail term, Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Miller accepted the prosecutor's submission that there was no sexual motive to Morey's crime as he was impotent at the time. "This woman was a random target and . . . it was predatory conduct on your part," Justice Miller said. "It was a premeditated offence, that you planned to take her to a remote area and it was not the case that you voluntarily desisted from what you were doing." Morey's appeals were dismissed and he remains behind bars.
Australian Federal Police MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2005 Donelle Newberry missing betwen November and December, 2005 Personal Details Posted by James Brian
MISSING SINCE 1ST JULY, 2007 FROM HER RESIDENCE IN NANNUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. CHANTELL MCDOUGALL IS A FEMALE WAS BORN IN 1980 AND IN THE YEAR 2007 IS 36 YEARS OLD CHANTELL MCDOUGALL IS 163CM IN HEIGHT AND IS MEDIUM BUILD WITH BROWN HAIR AND BLUE EYES Circumstances: In July 2007 six-year-old Leela and her mother, 27-year-old Chantelle McDougall, along with two other men vacated their premises in Nannup Western Australia. All indications were that they were going on holiday to Brazil possibly via New Zealand. Extensive enquiries have failed to locate Chantelle McDougall and there are concerns for her safety and welfare. If you have information that may assist police to locate Chantelle please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 Leela MCDOUGALL
Missing since:Sunday, July 1, 2007 Last seen:Nannup WA Jurisdiction:WA Year of birth:2001 Age now:15 Gender:Female Hair:Blonde Eyes:Blue Circumstances: In July 2007 six-year-old Leela and her mother 27-year-old Chantelle McDougall along with two other men vacated their premises in Nannup Western Australia. PHOTO: Corryn Rayney's killer has never been found August 7, 2007 By Joanna Menagh The murder of court registrar Corryn Rayney was one of the biggest legal cases ever heard in Perth, both in the scope of its criminal investigation, and the closeness of the media coverage. The discovery of Corryn's body, buried head-down in a deep bush grave in Kings Park, sparked an almost two-and-a-half-year investigation which culminated in the arrest and charging of her husband, high-profile barrister Lloyd Rayney. He was found not guilty, and is now pursuing the state of Western Australia for defamation, after a senior police officer named him the prime and only suspect years before he was charged Into thin air_ The disappearance of Iveta Mitchell Two long, sad years have passed since Sinki Nikolic last heard the infectious laugh of her best friend, Iveta Mitchell. Today marks the second anniversary of the day Mrs Mitchell, a loving mother-of-three, vanished into thin air. It's a day her friends have been dreading. Facebook images of Iveta Mitchell Mrs Mitchell, a 37-year-old Parmelia mum, disappeared in the early hours of May 3, 2010, after an argument with her husband, Chad Mitchell, at their Meares Avenue home. They had fought over money he'd spent, funds meant to go towards paying off their mortgage that Mr Mitchell had used to buy drugs. According to Mr Mitchell, his wife went for a cigarette at nearby Barney Park and never came back. This year, like the one past, Ms Nikolic and a group of Mrs Mitchell's closest friends will spend the evening at Barney Park remembering their friend. She does not hold out hope Mrs Mitchell is alive, nor does she believe Mr Mitchell will attend the memorial, but Ms Nikolic has vowed to keep her friend’s memory burning until she knows exactly what happened that May night. "To be honest, it doesn't feel like any questions have been answered. I haven't heard anything about the investigation in ages. "There's no trace whatsoever of what happened to Iveta – it’s mind boggling. It’s like she just vanished into thin air. "To be honest, it doesn't feel like any questions have been answered. I haven't heard anything about the investigation in ages. In your head there are just more and more questions that keep popping up," Ms Nikolic said. "There's no trace whatsoever of what happened to Iveta – it’s mind boggling. It’s like she just vanished into thin air Justyna Kozol Justyna Kozol Missing since:Monday, March 24, 2014 Last seen:Denham WA Jurisdiction:WA Year of birth:1985 Age now:31 Gender:Female Ethnicity:Eurasian Height:160cm Build:Slim Hair:Blonde Complexion:Tanned Eyes:Blue Distinguishing features:Polish National. Circumstances: Justyna Koziol is believed to have left her accommodation at the Tradewinds Seafront Apartments in Denham, Western Australia, about 7.00am on Monday, 24 March 2014. STAFF REPORTERS, PerthNow - December 4, 2015
Forensic Link: Reprts that 1995 rate linked to Ciara Glennon death NEW claims that the Claremont serial killer was driving a white mid-1990s Holden Commodore VS Series 1 have emerged in The Post newspaper. The paper also reports the killer has links to the screen-printing industry. The new claims were reported in Friday’s edition of the newspaper. Last month, the suburban newspaper also reported detectives had made a forensic link between one of the serial killer's victims. The first victim of the serial killer was 18-year-old secretary Sarah Spiers who disappeared in January 1996. Sarah's body has never been found. A few months later, in June, 1996, 23-year-old child care worker Jane Rimmer vanished after drinking at Claremont’s Continental Hotel. Sarah Spiers, who went missing in January 1996 Ciara Glennon vanished in March 1997 and her body was found a short time later in dense bushland about 45km north of Perth. Friday’s edition of the Post also reported that police now believed the victim from the Karrakatta rape was tied up with washing line, not telephone wire as previously reported. The washing line was found to be impregnated with material used in screen printing, the paper reported. In addition, the newspaper said fibres found on Jane Rimmer’s body were found to match the upholstery of a Holden VS Commodore. A WA Police spokesman said maintaining the operational integrity of the Macro investigation was “paramount” if police were to bring the offender, or offenders, to justice. “Operational outcomes must be prioritised over media and public interest. We are mindful of the public interest in this matter, however we need to balance this with the “To protect the ongoing investigation WA Police is not in a position to make any further comment. WA Police remains committed to solving these crimes.”
JOHN FLINT, PerthNow - December 27, 2014 COLD case detectives investigating the Claremont serial killings are reaching out to new people, asking them to fill out a questionnaire and provide DNA. Pensioner Noel Geoffrey Coward was interviewed on December 18 at Curtin House by two detectives from the Special Crime Squad. Ciara Glennon was murdered in 1997. Jane Rimmer. But Mr Coward is not a person of interest in the case. For many years he has been urging police to look closely at a former taxi driver he brought to their attention after the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon in 1997. Mr Coward is unsure why detectives wanted him to fill out the questionnaire or why they wanted his DNA. He said one of the detectives explained it was part of “a process of elimination” and they were making the same approach to many more people whose names were on file. He said the special crime squad had gone to some effort to locate him and arrange the interview. WA Police would not comment on Mr Coward’s account of the interview. Detective-Inspector Casey Prins of the special crime squad provided a brief statement to The Sunday Times. He said: “Claremont (Macro) is an ongoing investigation, hence inquiries will continue to be made. “WA Police remain committed to resolving these and other significant offences.” The statement is identical to one issued by Insp Prins in 2012 when the media reported on another man who was interviewed. Mr Coward said he told the two detectives he wouldn’t fill out the questionnaire or let them have his DNA. “Primarily (that was) because I don’t trust them,” he said. “And because they had not, in my opinion, investigated the original evidence I supplied. “(The detective) said he could not show me (the questionnaire) unless I complied and filled it out.” Mr Coward said the detectives then tried to convince him that the former taxi driver was “not their man” and that he had been last interviewed by police in 2011. Mr Coward is known to The Sunday Times because he brought his suspicions about the taxi driver to the newspaper in 2001. At the time, the Macro task force, set up to investigate the killings, was focused on an introverted public servant who lived with his parents in Cottesloe. The then prime suspect was the target of around-the-clock surveillance. WA Police were criticised in intervening years for being too narrowly focused at the time. Mr Coward believes police failed in the early years to properly investigate the former taxi driver, who he claims was in Claremont at the precise time Ciara Glennon went missing, and was driving his taxi on the nights the other murder victims, Sarah Spiers and Jane Rimmer, vanished from the entertainment precinct. Mr Coward said there was other evidence he passed to the police that should have raised a flag about the man. JOHN FLINT, PerthNow - January 3, 2015 MORE than 17 years after Ciara Glennon’s body was found in dense bushland 45km north of Perth, a local man has come forward with information that puts a taxi at the scene. The taxi had its headlights off as it turned off Pipidinny Rd, Eglinton, on to Wanneroo Rd in the pre-dawn darkness, the Two Rocks resident told The Sunday Times. He said he had to hit his brakes to avoid hitting it. The man’s detailed account is supported by his wife, who insists she tried to inform police in the days after Ciara’s body was discovered in scrub off secluded Pipidinny Rd on April 3, 1997. She claims she couldn’t get through to officers on a special hotline that was flooded with calls at the time. Her husband, Dave, who didn’t want the family’s surname published, said he’d made subsequent efforts down the years to relay his information to police, but never got a call back. He contacted the newspaper after last weekend’s story about WA detetives reaching out to new people, in an effort to get a breakthrough in the marathon Claremont serial killings investigation. The Sunday Times has passed his contact details to the Special Crime Squad so that he can make a full statement. The bricklayer, now 62, said about 4.30am on a Sunday morning in March 1997 he was heading south on Wanneroo Rd, from Yanchep to his work site at Nollamara, when he saw the taxi begin turning out of Pipidinny Rd in front of him. “I saw him and he obviously saw me and stopped,” he said. “I had to brake and pull towards the side of the road. It was definitely a Ford Falcon and it was a grubby thing too. I saw the front more than I saw the side. It was definitely a taxi. “I thought there might have been someone sitting in the back,” he added. “I avoided him and carried on. “I thought it was really unusual ... It was definitely unusual to have a near miss with a taxi with no lights on.” Though the taxi was angled to turn south on Wanneroo Rd, the bricklayer said he didn’t see it behind him as he carried on down the road. “I didn’t see it again,” he said. He said it was odd to see a taxi in Yanchep area at that time of a Sunday morning, when there was rarely any traffic around. But he said it was the fact that the taxi’s headlights were switched off on the unlit roads that made it a talking point with his wife that night. “I had spoken to my wife about it that night, about how unusual it was to not only see a taxi come out of that road, but also without its lights on,” he said. “Back then the only traffic you would see on a Sunday morning would be the odd crayfisherman coming up to Two Rocks. “It has stuck in my mind so much because I’ve lived where I live now for 36 years and that was probably the first taxi I ever saw (that far up) Wanneroo Rd. You see them nowadays. But back then you just didn’t see them. You saw them when you got to Wanneroo or even when you got to Hester Ave, but not out there.” When the news broke on April 3 that Ciara’s body had been found near a track leading off Pipidinny Rd, the bricklayer’s wife remembered her husband’s account of the strange taxi and tried to call the police hotline. “I tried several times over the next few days but couldn’t get through,” she said. “I just gave it away in the end.” The bricklayer said that in the intervening years he had mentioned the taxi to police officers he had built houses for and was told they would pass the information to the relevant detectives. And when his daughter became a police officer about seven years ago, he claimed she too passed information to her superiors. “No one got back to me, nobody seemed interested,” he said this week. “When I’ve been reminded of it, it does bother me. In hindsight it’s a shame I didn’t hit him.” He added: “I’m absolutely sure about all these facts. The only one I’m not as sure about is which Sunday, but it was around the time (Ciara went missing).” In 1997, Pipidinny Rd was an isolated beach access road that petered out into a small track just short of the beach at Alkimos. Today, Pipidinny Rd connects with Marmion Ave. When asked at a Sunday media conference, Assistant Commissioner of Traffic and Emergency Response Nick Anticich said he would not comment. “Every unsolved homicide is an ongoing investigation for the WA Police,” he said.
Saturday January 27, 1996: 18-year-old Sarah Spiers went missing after leaving Claremont’s Club Bay View at about 2am on the Saturday morning, following Australia Day celebrations. She called a taxi at 2.06am from a phone box near the corner of Stirling Highway and Stirling Road. She was not there when the taxi arrived at 2.14am. Sarah’s body has never been found. Sunday June 9, 1996: Childcare worker Jane Rimmer, 23, was last seen leaving Claremont’s Continental Hotel at 00.04am after a Saturday night out with friends. She was last seen standing outside Club Bay View after she declined a lift home with friends, with whom she had been drinking. Her parents had expected their bubbly daughter for lunch that Sunday at their Wembley home. Saturday August 3, 1996: Jane Rimmer’s naked and partly decomposed body was found in dense bushland off Woolcoot Road, Wellard, 35km south of Perth, 2km from Casuarina Prison. It had been covered lightly with leaves and twigs and was not visible from the road. The area was surrounded by farmlets and residents said the heart tea tree scrub made it a perfect place to dispose a body. Saturday March 15, 1997: Ciara Glennon disappeared after visiting Claremont’s Continental Hotel (200m from Club Bay View). After leaving the hotel, she was last seen outside a nearby computer shop on Stirling Highway at 00.15am on the Saturday morning. She may have thought she had a better chance of getting a taxi there. It is believed she was headed to her parents’ home in Mosman Park. Ciara, a 27-year-old lawyer, who had just got back to Perth from a year overseas and in time for her sister’s wedding, was described by many as “sensible and outgoing.” Friends thought it was improbable that she would have got in a stranger’s car. “It didn’t matter if she’d been drinking, she always kept her head screwed on,” said one friend. Thursday April 3, 1997: The partly-clothed body of Ciara Glennon was discovered by a bushwalker. It was hidden under branches, but not buried, 40m off Pipidinny Road, 45km north of Perth, on a sandy track that was sheltered from view. The spot was about 2.5km from Wanneroo Road. Operation Macro detectives told media they believed the controlled killer had used “planned disposal sites”. It was also reported that police believed the bodies of Ciara and Jane were dumped soon after they were abducted from the Claremont nightclub strip. Police asked to hear from people who may have seen someone acting suspiciously in the Pipidinny Road area in the days leading up to March 15 and until her body was found. Following Ciara’s disappearance, thousands of taxi-drivers gave saliva samples as part of police screening and more than 1000 taxis were inspected. * If you have new or relevant information that can help police solve these murders, please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. JOHN FLINT, PerthNow- January 19, 2015
HAS the trail really gone cold in Australia’s biggest crime investigation, the Claremont serial killings? WA Police maintain the case is solvable despite the significant passage of time – 19 years since the first girl, Sarah Spiers, vanished – and the millions of man-hours invested by detectives here, by experts from overseas, and in many painstaking reviews. The fact there is no indication of a coronial inquiry on the horizon suggests senior police don’t think they’ve hit a brick wall. As an outsider, it’s hard to gauge just how hot, cold or luke warm the trail has gone, because Operation Macro is itself a brick wall. Media inquiries solicit the same response: “Claremont (Macro) is an ongoing investigation, hence inquiries will continue to be made. WA Police remain committed to resolving these and other significant offences.” I am not complaining. The need to maintain operational security is paramount, though it does provide a convenient screen to all questions on the subject. I do like the idea of the perpetrator or perpetrators not knowing how close their hunters are behind them. It might be better for them to think, almost 20 years on, that they’re never going to be caught, when, in fact, the net is closing. Wishful thinking? I pray not. Two weeks ago, shadow attorney general John Quigley suggested it was perhaps time to pass the files to the WA Coroner for an inquest. Although it’s not the purpose of an inquest to investigate and solve crimes, they’ve triggered major breakthroughs in the past, most notably in the Daniel Morcombe investigation. Mr Quigley said “time and time again in Australia, coronial inquests have shaken out new evidence”. Unsurprisingly, Bruce Morcombe, Daniel’s father, is a strong advocate of inquests in such difficult cases. WA Attorney General Michael Mischin this week responded: “The Commissioner of Police is best placed to comment on the advisability and utility of a coronial inquest – for example, whether it may impede or compromise police inquiries.” At this stage, WA Police haven’t offered a view on whether an inquest would help or hinder. But the feedback, at least from the Spiers family, was opposed to interfering with the work being done by the special crime squad at this time. The families, who crave justice the most, receive updates from detectives on the direction and progress of the investigation. If they believe police are on the right path, who is anyone to disagree? That isn’t to say that an inquest should be put off forever. No stone should be left unturned and no reputations or sensitivities are holier than solving these murders. On the issue of sensitivities, the Taxi Industry Forum of WA reacted badly to our article two weeks ago about a suspicious taxi – with its headlights off – seen in the early hours of a morning, around the time Ciara Glennon vanished in 1997, very close to the isolated area where her body was found three weeks later. The Taxi Industry Forum preciously complained that “many decent hardworking taxi drivers will find these new unsubstantiated revelations a further smirch on their characters and the noble service they provide the community”. It said many drivers were still hurting from being “unfairly targeted by police” at the beginning of Operation Macro. Yet detectives uncovered many illegal taxi drivers in that period. The logical police scrutiny wasn’t a slur on all taxi drivers then, and ongoing inquiries certainly don’t reflect on those driving today. The industry, like any employing thousands, has its rotten apples. Look no further than the cabbie convicted last year of sexually abusing five wheelchair-bound passengers. In the Claremont cases, the reputations of police, taxi drivers, journalists or any individual, matter little next to the need to catch a serial killer. PHIL HICKEY, PerthNow - April 30, 2016 POLICE have rejected a report they did not check vehicle registration plates captured on camera on the night Claremont serial killer victim Ciara Glennon vanished in 1997. Media reports on Saturday claimed a secret camera set up in Claremont on the night Ciara Glennon vanished on March 14, 1997 had filmed hundreds of cars and their registration plates. The reports suggested the vision was viewed but detectives never checked to see who owned the vehicles in the footage. In a statement, WA Police made a rare public comment about the Claremont serial killing investigation to rebuke the claims. “It is WA Police policy not to comment about the Macro investigation,” a police spokesman said. “However on this occasion police would like to correct reports that numberplates captured on video in Claremont on March 14, 1997, were not checked — that is inaccurate. “WA Police is committed to solving these crimes and has a dedicated team of detectives within the Special Crime Squad utilising the latest investigative techniques and technologies to identify the offender, or offenders.” The inquiry, Australia’s biggest and most expensive murder investigation, has focused on the disappearance of three women in 1996 and 1997. Sarah Spiers, 18, vanished after leaving Club Bayview in Claremont in January 1996. Her body has never been found. Jane Rimmer, 23, disappeared after drinking at the Continental Hotel in Claremont. Her body was found in August 1996 in Wellard, south of Perth. Ciara Glennon, 27, disappeared from the Claremont area having also visited the Continental Hotel. Her body was later discovered in bushland 45km north of Perth. AAP and ALYESHA ANDERSON, PerthNow - October 16, 2015
A DETECTIVE who worked on the Claremont serial killer case says a rape at Karrakata Cemetery one year before the first murder could be “incredibly important” to the investigation. The suburban Post newspaper has reported that detectives believe the killer of three women last seen in Claremont also abducted a 17-year-old girl from Gugeri Street in 1995 then raped her at the nearby cemetery. The newspaper speculates the rapist is the same man who murdered Ciara Glennon, a 27-year-old lawyer, in March 1997. The first victim was 18-year-old secretary Sarah Spiers, who disappeared in January 1996. A few months later, 23-year-old childcare worker Jane Rimmer vanished. The bodies of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon were found, but Ms Spiers has never been seen again and is presumed dead. All three victims had been at hotels in the affluent western suburb. Terry Dobson, who is now a lawyer, said the Karrakatta rape was “looked at very early on” after a local detective deemed it worthy of follow-up. Mr Dobson said the sexual assault could be “incredibly important” to the murder inquiry, which now involves better investigative techniques and forensic advances. “There were a number of officers who thought Karrakatta was the start of it,” Mr Dobson told 6PR. Mr Dobson said he would not be surprised if police are “throwing the kitchen sink at this”. “If you look at the way the three murders were committed, you’ve got a killing machine. “They won’t rest until they solve this. They’ll never stop trying to solve this one.” “He’s either dead or in another jurisdiction,” he said. Acting assistant commissioner for state crime Pryce Scanlan told reporters on Friday that media reports on an active investigation could seriously jeopardise it and “Therefore, the operational outcomes must be prioritised over media and public interest. “WA Police remains committed to solving these crimes and the investigation remains open.” Police have not previously commented on speculation of possible links between The Post newspaper said police believe all four attacks are linked to the same man and the crimes were sexually motivated The newspaper said police hope the breakthrough will lead to the arrest of the man who has become notorious throughout Australia as the Claremont serial killer. Referring to the long-running Claremont probe, Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan said: “It remains an open investigation. Well resourced.” “I’d like to be the Commissioner that presides over the solution of it because it’s been around for a long time.” Follow Oliver Peterson @oliverpeterson CLAREMONT UPDATE: I will not confirm or disconfirm the media statements. Police say they're mindful of public interest in Claremont serial killer. But won't comment on potential links
Earlier today, PerthNow contacted police for comment but a spokesman said the Macro Taskforce would not comment for “operational reasons” on the investigation. Acting Assistant Commissioner for State Crime, Pryce Scanlan, read a statement to a packed media conference, saying: “Maintaining the operational integrity of this On January 27, 1996, 18-year-old Sarah Spiers went missing after leaving Claremont’s Club Bay View at about 2am on the Saturday morning, Sarah Spiers called a taxi at 2.06am from a phone box near the corner of Stirling Highway and Stirling Road. Sara was not there when the taxi arrived at 2.14am. Sarah’s body has never been found. On Sunday June 9, 1996, childcare worker Jane Rimmer, 23, was last seen leaving Claremont’s Continental Hotel at 12.04am after a Saturday night out with friends. She was last seen standing outside Club Bay View after she declined a lift home with friends, with whom she had been drinking. On August her naked and partly decomposed body was found in dense bushland off Woolcoot Road, Wellard, 35km south of Perth, 2km from Casuarina Prison. Earlier this year, The Sunday Times revealed 17-years after Ciara Glennon’s body was found in dense bushland 45km north of Perth, a local man came forward with information that put a taxi at the scene. The taxi had its headlights off as it turned off Pipidinny Road, Eglinton, onto Wanneroo Road in the pre-dawn darkness, the Two Rocks resident told The Sunday Times. He said he had to hit his brakes to avoid hitting it. The man’s detailed account is supported by his wife, who insists she tried to inform police in the days after Ciara’s body was discovered in scrub off secluded Pipidinny Road on April 3, 1997. TIMELINE February 1995: A man abducted a woman from a Claremont Street late at night before sexually assaulting her in Karrakatta Cemetery. January 1996: 18-year-old Sarah Spiers was abducted after leaving Club Bayview in Claremont. Sarah’s body has never been found. June 1996: Jane Rimmer, 23, disappeared after drinking at the Continental Hotel in Claremont. Her body was found in August 1996 in bush at Wellard, south of Perth. March 1997: 27-year-old lawyer Ciara Glennon disappeared from the Claremont area, having also visited the Continental Hotel. Her body was discovered in dense bushland 45km north of Perth. DECEMBER 2015 Repirts Claremont serial killer 'drove while Holden: OCTOBER 2015: Police llink forensic evidence to 1995 rate care in Calremont killer JANUARY 2015: Claremont taxi clue to Ciara Gennon's death THE parents of Claremont serial killer victim Sarah Spiers say time has not healed their loss but they remain confident the case can still be solved as the 20-year mark of their daughter’s disappearance nears. Sarah Spiers, 18, vanished in Claremont in the early hours of January 27, 1996. She is believed to be the Claremont serial killer’s first murder victim, which subsequently led to Australia’s biggest and most expensive murder inquiry, Operation Macro. Two other women, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, disappeared from Claremont soon after. Their bodies were found in 1996 and 1997. Ms Spiers has never been located. In a statement released to the media on Friday, Don and Carol Spiers said 20 years on they were still suffering. “Time has not healed our loss, even after 20 years,” they said. “Words are inadequate to describe our personal loss and heartbreak. “It’s hard not to wonder what Sarah’s life and ours could have been, had she not been taken from us. “She was so full of life and had a great love of family. “We want to thank our family and friends for their ongoing support. “We also want to thank the police for their support and for keeping us well informed about the investigation. “We retain confidence in the Macro investigation team to solve this case.”
The statement comes as senior police reveal a recent restructure to its state crime portfolio had led to “extra resources” for the Special Crime Squad, the police unit tasked with solving the case. Assistant Commissioner Michelle Fyfe said the restructure last year had resulted in more detectives being assigned to the Macro investigation. “WA Police is committed to solving these crimes and the Macro investigation remains open and active,” Ast-Com Fyfe said. “The Macro team is applying fresh eyes, modern investigative techniques and the latest advancements in forensic technology to identify the offender or offenders. “They are committed to pursuing justice for the victims and to providing their families with some answers.” Ast-Com Fyfe said despite the fact the case file was 20 years-old, the murders could still be solved. “WA Police is optimistic these crimes can still be solved despite the passage of time,” she said, adding: “For obvious reasons, WA Police will not comment on current lines of inquiry. A major investigation such as this cannot be an ‘open book’ and operational outcomes must be prioritised over media interest. “Maintaining the operational integrity of this investigation is paramount if we are to bring the offender(s) to justice.”
SARAH SPIERS Went to the Club Bay View nightclub on January 26, 1996. Sarah left the club in the early hours of the following day and telephoned Swan Taxis from a phone box on Stirling Road just after 2am. She waited at the intersection of Stirling Road and Stirling Highway for the taxi to arrive. When the taxi arrived at 2.09am, she was nowhere to be seen. JANE RIMMER The 23-year-old vanished from Claremont in the early hours of June 9, 1996. Her body was later found in bushland in Wellard. CIARA GLENNON Aged 27, she was last seen on March 15, 1997. The following month, 18 days after being reported missing, her body was found in bushland off Pipidinny Road in Eglington. A $250,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person or persons responsible for the murders still stands. Anyone with information can phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
The investigation is Australia’s longest running and most expensive. Advances in forensic technology, particularly DNA profiling, have been the best hope of solving the crimes. Hope is all that is left for the parents of the three young women. In a statement released in January, Mr and Mrs Spiers said time did not heal all wounds. “Words are inadequate to describe our personal loss and heartbreak,” they said. “It’s hard not to wonder what Sarah’s life — and ours — could have been had she not been taken from us. “She was so full of life and had a great love of family.” In spite of their grief, Mr and Mrs Spiers remained confident that police would one day catch their daughter’s killer. WA police to further investigate Zappelli murder
COMPERE: Now police in Western Australia say there'll be further investigations into the murder of beauty queen Anne Zappelli in Geraldton nearly 32 years ago. Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996-1997, Perth, Western Australia - #7 *ARREST* 17-12-2015 JWSleuth Yes agreed Sutton they must have identified something more and would prob keep on ld, they also probably wouldn't want to advertise that 20 are linked without capture! 17-12-2015 JBA512 Originally Posted by Sutton Probably. They kept the Karrakatta connection a secret for 5 years.
Did Karra connection come out just before all the POI's were unofficially cleared? 17-12-2015 phantomm Originally Posted by Sutton RSBM.
Wow. Have you ever seen a compass? Like a directional one that has a pointer on it? 17-12-2015 phantomm Originally Posted by SteveG72 I like it. Hard to imagine though that someone so smart would be into Astrology.
If you are referring to me being into astrology, no I am not. I simply added their signs to demonstrate how the killer might find out if they are suitable. Let's say he is searching for a girl who's star sign is Virgo and then his next one has to be a Libra and so on. All he needs to find is a girl who is a Virgo and watch her leave. Then take her when she is vulnerable. If she can't be caught, then he looks for the next girl who answered Virgo. Or whatever sign he is looking for. He doesn't have to start trying to create a relations
Her half-naked body was found two days later. She was 20. You know who killed your sister?
An initial inquest failed to identify who killed her, and, despite more than 9000 interviews, three police inquiries and endless public controversy, the crime remains, to this day, unsolved. But tomorrow, after a sensational inquest into her death, Anne Zappelli's family and friends hope their nightmare will send, that, after hearing eight days evidence, Western Australian Coroner, Alastair Hope will tell the, finally, who killed Ann Zappelli.
22/9/1969 Anne Zapelli ex Geraldton although from Morowa. policeman boyfriend. missing walking home from drive-in theatre. SA pedophile in area at time death bed confession.
a video is available at the Trove National Library about the circumstances of the murder of 14 year old Gin Merrfield in Orelia, Western Australia in 1972
Wanted, the killer of Gina Merrifield -
Trove - National Library of Australia
Raelene Eaton and
Yvonne Waters
Missing since: Sunday, April 7, 1974, Raelene Eaton and Yvonne Waters were both last scene in Scarborough in Western Australia. Circumstances:
Nothing has been seen or heard from either girl since that time.
Raelene was last seen wearing a black skirt, pink top, brown platform shoes and carrying a brown shoulder bag.
in the back of her head at the Royal Perth Golf Club in 1975.
Glenyce McGowan ex Nunaturra went missing on the 9th of December, 1995 after camping ground traveling to Darwin ex Parmelia.
the Kwinana Shopping Centre.
Orelia resident Felicia Wilson’s battered, mutilated body was found behind a shopping centre at Kwinana on January 10, 1979. Felicia Wilson was found dead in 1979.
Last seen: 28-Dec-79, Aged: 19 Years at the time of the Murder of Kerryn Mary Tate,
Year of birth of Kerry Mary Tate was 1957, Kerry Mary Tate's hair and complexion was fair, The gender of Kerryn Mary Tate is Female
Circumstances: Kerryn Tate disappeared from the Perth metropolitan area on the 28th of December 1979. Her remains were found on a burnt tree stump two days later on the 30th of December 1979 at Boulder Rock, off the Brookton Highway east of Perth. A pendant that Kerryn owned was located at the site too and used to help identify her.
PAULINE WALTER, 22 went missing in June, 1980
in Perth, Western Australia
Pauline Walter was last seen at a Perth backpacker hostel in June 1980. Her headless body was found in a Forrestdale ditch six years later
Sophie Woodman disappeared on the 21st of March 1980
while travelling..
last known in Vic with young girlfriend who left and went to Qld, Sophie's homebase WA)
Sophie Woodman
Annette Deverell was last seen heading to Mandurah to buy cigarettes on September 13, 1980. Two years later, her burnt, skeletal remains were found in bush at Pinjarra.
A shotgun was found nearby and a post mortem examination revealed her skull had been fractured.
Lisa Mott
who disappeared in 1980 at the age of just 12.
Lisa Mott vanished on October 30, 1980. She was last seen getting into a panel van on Forrest St, Collie, after a basketball game. Her body has never been found
SHARON MASON, 14 vanished on the 19th of February 1983
Perth schoolgirl Sharon Mason vanished on February 19, 1983.
Sharon Mason's butchered body was found by workman under a shed behind a shop run by Arthur Greer later that year.
Greer was convicted of Sharon’s murder in 1994 and received a life sentence.
However, there is a widely held belief that Greer did not kill Sharon and the WA Innocence Project have conducted a long-running campaign to appeal his conviction but his requests for parole have continually been knocked back.
His pro bono lawyer Jonathan Davies has applied to the board to allow Greer parole in light of the new evidence, which may explain his longstanding refusal to accept responsibility for the schoolgirl’s murder.
The evidence uncovered by John Button, who was also wrongly convicted over a murder committed by serial killer Eric Edgar Cooke,
was presented to the Innocence Project in WA and Edith Cowan University law students, as well as criminologists and psychologists.
His years as a builder meant he was able to find a discrepancy about where the plumbing was on the Mosman Park site where Ms Mason’s remains were found.
It is now suggested that the remains were above pipes that were installed after the girl’s disappearance in 1983, and were not located under a shed then belonging to Greer, which was thought to have concealed the burial spot.
Many believe Arthur Greer was wrongly convicted of the murder of Sharon Mason, 14 (above) and that her real killer remains uncaught.
David and Catherine Birnie abductions with 4 murders and 1 survivor.
Cheryl Renwick was went missing in South Perth, Western Australia
between the 25th and 26th May, 1986
Cheryl Renwick
Cheryl Renwick was Last Seen: 25th of May 1986, Aged 33 in when Cheryl Renrick disappeared, would be aged 63 in 2016, Height : 162 cm, Hair: Light Brown, Eyes: Blue, Complexion: Fair, Last seen Wearing: Dark tartan skirt, pink skivvy, brown boots
Circumstances: Cheryl RENWICK went missing from her South Perth unit overnight under unusual circumstances, between the 25th and 26th of May, 1986. Despite extensive inquiries by Police and family and comprehensive media coverage, there has been no information regarding her whereabouts since then.Concern is held for her welfare.
Barbara Western was last seen leaving a Perth pub
on the Albany Highway, Victoria Park, Western Australia,
on the 26th of June, 1986....
the 38-year-old mother of two was known to hitch hike home ...
Barbara Western was last seen drinking at a pub on the Albany Highway on June 26, 1986.
Barbara Western was last seen drinking at a pub on the Albany Highway on June 26, 1986... .
the 38-year-old mother of two was known to hitchhike home ...
Barbara Western's skeletal remains were eventually found in bush near Karragullen.
Barbara Western's skeletal remains were eventually found in bush near Karragullen.
Suspicion also fell on the Birnies, who are considered suspects in this case.
But it may well be that the Birnies are not responsible when one considers that the Biries tended to bury their victims in a shallow grave,
thus if the Birnies were responsible for the abduction and murder of Barbara Western then, it would be likely that her skeletal remains would not be found, unless the Birnies told the police where they were and at the same time admitted responsibility of the abduction and murder of Barbara Western.
Victoria Clarke a 30-year-old was murdered in her home on Leonard Street, Victoria Park in April, 1987
Masters raped and murdered 30-year-old Victoria Clarke in her home on Leonard St, Victoria Park, in April 1987.
Masters had also strangled her after attempting to rape her. He was arrested and charged with Ms Carty’s murder in June 1991.
Masters was sentenced to life in jail for the murder and attempted rape of Ms Carty. In 1998,
he was extradited to WA and handed a second life imprisonment term for killing Ms Clarke, with a seven-year non-parole period.
Sally Beatrix Greenham was allegedly last seen in the early hours of the 20th of August, 1987
in Adelaide Terrace, Perth, alighting from a vehicle.
Sally GREENHAM was a resident of Geraldton. Sally GREENHAM
Sally Greenham was allegedly last seen in the early hours of the 20th of August, 1987 in Adelaide Terrace, Perth,
alighting from a vehicle. Despite extensive inquiries by Police and family and comprehensive media coverage,
there has been no information regarding her whereabouts since then. Concern is held for her welfare.
Last seen: Unknown
If anyone has seen Sally Beatrix GREENHAM , or has information regarding this persons whereabouts, please contact 1800 333 000
Lisa Joyce Scultz went missing in Collie in 1987.
Lisa Joyce Scultz was a blond girl
Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #11
Julie Leanne Cutler
Cottesloe Beach were Julie Cutler's car was found in the surf
She was last seen wearing a black evening dress with a high collar and gold buttons on the shoulder and black patent shoes.
Despite extensive inquiries by police and family and comprehensive media coverage, there has been no information regarding her whereabouts since.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Julie please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Julie Cutler last seen 12:30am 20 June 1988
There was an attempted abduction and of a girl from
the Cottesloe Hotel, Perth, Western Australia in 1989.
This attempted abduction has been reported
in the Subiaco Post Newspaper on the 14th of November, 2015
as per the below article
in her sleep during break-in at a Gay Street, Huntingdale home
Kerry Turner last seen 5am June 30 1991 – BRE’s father’s birthday
Kerry Turner's family pleads for answers 25 years after daughter's body found in bush
Key points:
Alex Turner brother of Kerry Turner went missing 23rd of June 1991
who appears to have been murdered in a homophobic attack.
Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: July 29 1977
Age at Time of Disappearance: 14 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3" - 160 cm.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Blue eyes, auburn hair.
Marks, Scars: She has a noticeable turned left eye.
Clothing: Blue jeans ("JAG" brand), red jumper and sports shoes.
Shockingly custody of Radina Marie Djukich had been handed to known pedophile through court system.
The pedophile subsequently convicted of murder of woman in following year.
Radina Djukich was reported missing by Ronald Joseph Buckland on May 16, 1992, six weeks after she was released into his care after an appearance in the Children's Court.
At the time, Buckland was on parole after serving part of a six-year sentence for breaking and entering. He had an extensive criminal record, including convictions for assault and armed robbery. In 1982, he had been declared an habitual criminal.
Buckland was not Radina's father in any legal sense, yet the Children's Court released her on a $1000 surety with the condition that she lived with Buckland and observed a 7pm to 7am curfew.
When she disappeared Buckland said she had run away interstate.
A year later, Buckland murdered his 18-year-old girlfriend, Vicki Robinson, after an argument, and buried her body in bush near Yanchep. He is serving a 20-year sentence for the crime.
In 1996, Buckland told police Radina had been murdered but denied responsibility. He led officers on an unsuccessful search for her body around the Star Swamp in the Perth suburb of North Beach.
67a Rosewood Ave Woodlands, Western Australia.
A man charged and convicted; case going through appeal process.
Located in yard he lived in and address where taxi had dropped her off at.
Debra Donachy at aged 46 years old went missing in 1992
from Armadale, Western Australia
Andrew Mark Mallard is wrongfully convicted of her murder in 1995.
He is ultimately cleared... some 12 years later
after the driver and another man try to attack her.
1995 Feb 12 Teenager abducted in Rowe Park, tied with electrical flex and raped at Karrakatta Cemetery
Sarah Spiers abducted Claremont-
still missing (Hidden probably in the bush somewhere)-Was a possible call from the killer suggesting a really well hidden enormous area
(Foreign articles suggest major knife wounds- abattoir worker anyone?)
(Foreign articles suggest major knife wounds- maybe im wrong and only one victims
was identified in the foreign media as having major knife wounds throughout the body
,If So it would be Ciara only where we know the cause of death?)
BUILD: Medium
15/11/2001 Susan Christie ex Daglish, missing. Ex husband charged and convicted, successful technical-based appeal quashed sentence.
Claremont Subway - blitz attack (brazen)
Car park behind CBV - blitz attack
Swanbourne Railway station - blitz attack (presumably on foot)
Princes Rd/Bayview Tce attack - taxi pick up (2 dudes)
Some of the information that Silver Tongue supplied is not complete or accurate. Here is an accurate date order list; very spine chilling.
I've included the Birnie abductions because it shows something as some missing victims immediately prior had connection to area where Catherine Birnie was living.
25/8/1969 Jean Climas ex Mosman Park missing. initially from Vic. May have taken on new identity.
22/9/1969 Anne Zapelli ex Geraldton although from Morowa. policeman boyfriend. missing walking home from drive-in theatre.
SA pedophile in area at time death bed confession.
Gina Merrifield went missing in 1972 in Western Australia,
a video is available at the Trove National Library about the circumstances of the murder of 14 year old in Merrfield in Orelia, Western Australia in 1972
Wanted, the killer of Gina Merrifield - Trove - National Library of Australia
9/12/1975 Glenyce McGowan ex Nunaturra camping ground traveling to Darwin ex Parmelia.
Coline Joan Fountain went missing aged 16 year and 2 months form Esperance in December, 1978
28/12/1979 Kerryn Tate missing found at Boulder Rock. Found deceased by fire (?) May be occult connection as she had connection to group.
21/3/1980 Sophie Woodman (traveling last known in Vic with young girlfriend who left and went to Qld, Sophie's homebase WA)
13/9/1980 Annette Deverell ex Mandurah outside post office last seen talking to man in yellow panelvan; headless corpse located 7/7/1982 Waroona Dam.
30/10/1980 Lisa Mott ex Collie missing; last seen talking to man in yellow panel van. Birnie known to have been in Collie at time.
18/3/1986 Sharon Fulton ex East Perth Railway Station missing dropped off by husband. Maybe domestic involvement.
26/5/1986 Cheryl Renwick ex South Perth worked at psych hostel Northbridge. Could man named Masters be responsible?
27/8/1986 Barbara Western ex Vic Park, located
19/3/1991 (cemetery record) Spectacles (south of Perth). Headless torso in roadside ditch
6/10/1986 -
10/11/1986 5 x Birnie abductions; 4 murders 1 survivor.
20/8/1987 Sally Greenham ex Adelaide Terrace after alighting taxi. Had traveled from Geraldton (not in taxi), missing.
20/6/1988 Julie Cutler ex Parmelia Hilton hotel Perth after staff function. Car found in surf at Cottesloe 2 days later. Missing.
29/6/1991 Kerry Turner ex Victoria Park dropped of by taxi outside Cafe L'Affair (spelling ?), on way to Armadale. Witnessed getting into car which traveled east towards Midland. Had been to Pinocchio's Nightclub in Perth.
16/5/1992 Radina Djukich ex North Beach. (shockingly) had been handed to known pedophile through court system. Missing. Pedophile subsequently convicted of murder of woman in following year.
13/7/1992 Cariad Slater missing 67a Rosewood Ave Woodlands. Solved man charged and convicted; case going through appeal process. Located in yard he lived in and address where taxi had dropped her off at.
7/10/1993 Alex Turner brother of Kerry Turner (missing 23/6/1991) murdered in homophobic attack.
27/1/1996 Sarah Spiers ex Claremont; missing
9/6/1996 Jane Rimmer missing ex Claremont, murdered located Wellard 3/8/1996
15/1/1997 Sara-Lee Davey ex Broome, missing. Man charged with murder Richard Dorrough 2015.
15/3/1997 Ciara Glennon ex Claremont, missing. Located murdered Eglinton 3/4/1997
9/11/1998 Lisa Brown ex Northbridge (street worker). Missing.
28/4/1999 Petronella Albert ex Broome. Could Dorrough be responsible?
29/7/1999 Hayley Dodd ex Badgingarra missing. Wark and 'one other' alleged murderers; one other now deceased suicide.
8/10/1999 Lisa Govan ex Kalgoorlie missing. Wark may be involved.
25/1/1999 Deborah Anderson ex Woodvale. Located Midland area deceased in driver's seat of burnt vehicle.
8/11/2000 Sarah McMahon ex Claremont work place lived with parents Parkerville; missing. Morey believed responsible. Coroner's inquest outcome.
AGE: Suspicious Death
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Long brown hair
15/11/2001 Susan Christie ex Daglish, missing. Ex husband charged and convicted, successful technical-based appeal quashed sentence.
18/3/2002 Christine Schipp ex Middle Swan. Prostitute. missing, located 6/5/2003 (cemetery record)
25/3/2003 Darrylyn Ugle. Street worker ex Northbridge. Located at Farrell Grove Mundaring Weir, ligature used Morey believed responsible. Matching forensics too circumstantial.
1/6/2003 Judy M'ringu ex Africa, call girl missing ex Bentley.
3/5/2010 Iveta Mitchell missing ex residence Parmelia. Had worked at hotel near Mundaring.
I can't see
Laura Kate Muckersie
on that list either.
Gerard Ross,
Corryn Rayney
Robyn Santen
to the list.
Gina Merrifield 1972,
Felicia Wilson 10/1/79,
Carolyn Joan Fountain December 78
are three more to add to the Kill list
had a policeman boyfriend.was missing walking home from drive-in theatre.
there was a South Australian pedophile in area at time who made some sort of death bed confession,
however one wonders if such confession was to help cover up for the real killer?
WA police to further investigate Zappelli murder
PM Archive - Tuesday, 27 March , 2001 00:00:00
Reporter: David Weber
The Police Commissioner and Senior Crown Counsel will discuss matters raised in the Coroner's report on Ms Zappelli's death which includes a scathing account of investigations into the murder. But the Zappelli family is not going to get the apology it wants from the police service for its failures over the last 30 years.
David Weber prepared this report.
UNIDENTIFIED: On Monday night, September the 22nd, there began in this drive-in cinema, the Oasis in Geraldton, a mystery which has not yet been solved.
DAVID WEBER: It's nearly 32 years down the track and the mystery still hasn't been solved. Despite four police investigations, two coronial inquests and a death-bed confession, no-one's been charged over the death of Anne Zappelli who was raped and strangled after she started walking home from a drive-in on a night in September 1969.
Thomas Craig and the late Norman Raisbeck [phonetic], who left Geraldton for Adelaide on the night of the murder, were arrested and questioned but were excluded as suspects.
Coroner Alistair Hope, who conducted the second inquest, said he couldn't identify the killer with confidence, buy he made scathing comments about the original investigation. He said Raisbeck and Craig should never have been excluded. Scientific evidence was inadequately gathered and seriously deficient. Mr Hope said that in the years since, important forensic evidence has been lost - meaning a DNA comparison is impossible.
Anne's sister, Rhonda Zappelli, says she's disgusted over the way police handled the case and the inquest.
RHONDA ZAPPELLI: The police haven't admitted to any of those criticisms, either. They've basically tried to keep this hidden for 30 years and now - even now, when it's come up in an inquest, there's still been no comment from them to us about what's actually happened, nor any acknowledgment that they've made errors, which I find absolutely appalling.
They do owe us an apology but an apology is not going to fix anything, nothing's going to be fixed by that. But just some acknowledgment that they should have done something better would be good.
DAVID WEBER: The Zappelli family had already told the court they believed Thomas Craig should be brought to trial for murder. The other man, Norman Raisbeck, died in 1988 after he made a death-bed confession implicating himself and Thomas Craig.
The Coroner has indicated the confession couldn't be used as evidence but the Deputy Police Commissioner, Bruce Brennan, has raised the possibility of another investigation on the basis of some of the evidence given to the second coronial inquest.
BRUCE BRENNAN: There are areas that we can re-examine because there's a different perspective put on some of the statements. Some people have had a change of . let's just say their memories have either improved or, in fact, become more clouded but anyway there are different emphasis put on various different issues and it's my intention to take that up with the Commissioner when he comes back next week.
DAVID WEBER: However the Deputy Commissioner says there will be no apology to the Zappelli family because the police service has done nothing wrong. The Deputy Commissioner has risen to the defence of John Porter who conducted the original investigation and went on to become WA's Police Commissioner.
BRUCE BRENNAN: It's always our intention to try and resolve these dreadful crimes. It's never our intention to botch them, to make mistakes and so on. It was never John Porter's intention to do that. He was genuinely and earnestly interested in resolving the case.
I was a detective myself back then and I do remember the exchanges of information that used to occur. Now 30 years on who knows why he made some of the decisions he made but, you know, with the benefit of hindsight they do appear to have gaps in them.
COMPERE: Western Australia's Deputy Police Commissioner, Bruce Brennan, ending David Weber's report.
Mosman mystery spans 34 years
Jean Climas vanished in Mosman Park in 1969
Claremont serial killings: the murders that struck fear into Perth
Ciara Glennon , Sarah Spiers and Jane Rimmer
Sarah Spiers has been missing since 1996.
Jane Rimmer
Claremont serial killings: WA Police quiz new people, request DNA samples
Poster of missing teenager Sarah Spiers who disappeared in 1996.Claremont serial killer: Taxi clue to Ciara Glennon’s death
a local man has come forward with information that puts a taxi at the scene.
He said he had to hit his brakes to avoid hitting it.
in the days after Ciara’s body was discovered in scrub off secluded Pipidinny Rd on April 3, 1997.
Karen Skinner went missing at the age of 20 years old in 1995
from Kardinya, Western Australia
in 2006 Josephine Jennings in 52 years old and hight is 165cm
with brown hair and tanned complexion- tanned complexion and brown eyes
a large scar from her left ear to her mouth; and a large burn mark on her right calf.
She has not been in contact with any family or friends in that time.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Josephine please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
I do just remember something about the Dalziel St murder (must of been the flats, as the only other house was 'the sandy mans' from memory). However, some details of the other one I'm recalling are more clear to me.
Ok, I can tell you this. The girl was found in the house at 1995 Albany Hwy Maddington, which was diagonally opposite what used to be Stokley station. I can not recall her name, however I know that on my school group someone had mentioned the fact 'so & so' had been murdered and I asked "was that in the house opposite Stokley station?" and he'd confirmed it was (this convo was some years ago now).
1996 Feb Police confirm they have received reports of bogus taxis in Perth.
assaulted in Church Lane behind Club Bay View.
Sarah Ellen Spiers
Sarah Spiers has been missing since Saturday the 27th of January, 1996 and was last seen in Claremont,Western Australia
Sarah Spiers is a Caucasian female who was born in 1977 and would be around 39 years of age in the year 2016.
Sarah Spiers has a height of 160cm and has blonde shoulder length hair and has a fair complexion, with green eyes.
Sarah Spiers has a distinguishing feature which a small scar on her forehead and on the tip of her nose.
Circumstances of the disappearance of Sarah Spiers:
Sarah Spiers was last seen in the early hours of Saturday, 27 January 1996 after leaving Club Bay View, St Quentins Avenue, Claremont.
She left the night club at approximately 1:30am. At 2:06am it is known that Sarah called a taxi from the telephone booth at the corner of Stirling Road and Stirling Highway, Claremont. A taxi arrived minutes later however Sarah was not there.
Despite extensive inquiries by Police and family and comprehensive media coverage, there has been no information regarding her whereabouts since this time. Sarah was last seen wearing a light coloured t-shirt, beige shorts, black denim jacket. Concerns are held for her safety and welfare.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Sarah please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Students say they saw Jane Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway, Claremont near Loch Street at around 12.30 am, the description of what Jane Rimmer was wearing matched the unreleased description the police had so it seems quite certain that it was Jane Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street. The students had been to an event at the Claremont Yatch Club.
12.30 am would have been about the time it would have taken for Jane Rimmer to walk from Bay View Terrace to around Loch Street on Stirling Highway.
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking - Student
Author:Andrew Clennell
Date: 19 June 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition.
Author: Andrew Clennell Date: 19th June, 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition
University student Emma Clayton and her friends almost picked up a blonde girl she is sure was Jane Rimmer early on the Sunday Morning Jane Rimmer disapeared.
Miss Clayton (21 years old uni student) said she saw the girl staggering along Stirling Highway, thumb out, hitching a lift at 12.30 am. Emma Clayton told police about the incident and her description of the cloths Jane was wearing matched that of a police description which had not been released to the media. Mis Clayton said she and her friends had been in Stirling Highway after leaving a 21st birthday party at Claremont Yacht Club. "Down near Lock Street we saw a girl Hitchhiking," she said. The Girl had her thumb out and we just slowed down and thought maybe we should pick her up but didn't." The conversation between the two couples in the car had been that she was a silly girl for trying to hitch in the area and they discussed whether they should pick the girl up. The decided at the last minute to move on. "we said of all placed for a girl to be hitchhiking alone, this was probably the worst," Miss Clayton said. She said initially, after she had heard of Jane Rimmer's disappearance, she felt guilty that that hadn't picked her up. "If we had picked her up things would have been a lot different, " Miss Clayton said. When she and her friends saw the girl there were no other cars on the Stirling Highway ...
more about 2004 Schramm review of police and macro force forensics
in 2004, Father of CG talks about finding perpetrator
Transcript from 2004 discussing Scramm Review
"PAUL SCHRAMM: We've found further opportunities to investigate. Naturally, when you have an investigation of this size and you have something like 33,000 pieces of, or 36,000 pieces of information received in a couple of weeks, when we have gone through some of that information, we believe that there are aspects that could be further explored."
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In around August, 1997 Gerard Ross was abducted while visiting Perth with his family from the country town of Newman.
Gerard Ross murder: Fresh leads discovered in schoolboy cold case
Key points:
PHOTO Acting Detective Inspector Jon Munday has called for public help.
Driver asked to come forward
PHOTO The hat that was never recovered in the Gerard Ross abduction and murder cold case.
'He will never experience the joy in sharing his love'
PHOTO Gerard Ross would have turned 31 this year, his mother said.
Lisa Jane Brown has been missing since 12.30am on 10 November 1998 from the Palmerston Street, Perth City area
Lisa Brown was a street worker and mother-of-two who vanished on October 11, 1998 and is believed to have been murdered.
She was last seen looking for clients in the Lake Street area of Perth.
Sex worker and mum-of-two Lisa Brown, 21, is believed to have been murdered by a serial killer
Sex worker and mum-of-two Lisa Brown, 21, is believed to have been murdered by a serial killer
Lisa Jane Brown, is a female who has been missing since Tuesday the 10th of November,1998.
Lisa Jane Brown was last seen in Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia.
Lisa Jane Brown was born in the year 1979, and in the year 2006 would be around 38 years old.
Lisa Jane Brown is 175cm and is of slim build, and has dark blonde hair and has a fair complexion.
Lisa Jane Brown's eyes are brown.
Circumstances of the disappearance of Lisa Jane Brown:
She was last seen wearing casual blue denim jeans, a black T-shirt and black high heeled boots.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Lisa please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
JENNIFER WILBY, who disappeared in May 1999,
Jennifer Wilby's remains were found in a shallow bushgrave
at Karragullen, 40km south-eat of Perth on the 4th of August, 2011.
WA: Man in court over murder of massage parlour worker
HAYLEY MARIE DODD Missing Since July 29, 1999
Personal Details
Status: Unknown (Missing, believed murdered)
Year of birth: 1981
When Last seen: Thursday, 29 July 1999
Occupation: Roust-a-bout
Age: 17
Height: 155 cm
Build: Slim
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Gender: Female
Distinguishing Feature:
Racial Appearance: Caucasian
Status: Unknown (Missing, believed murdered)
Year of birth: 1981
When Last seen: Thursday, 29 July 1999
Occupation: Roust-a-bout
Age: 17
Height: 155 cm
Build: Slim
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Gender: Female
Distinguishing Feature:
Racial Appearance: Caucasian
Updated 22 June 2011.
Circumstances: Whilst walking and getting lifts to get to her new job, Hayley made a telephone call at about 10.30am on Thursday 29 July 1999. She was then given a lift by a lady to the North West Road, Badgingarra, WA. At around an hour later at 11.35AM she was sighted by a motorist on the North West Road walking towards the farm where she was going. That was the last reported sighting of Hayley.
At the time of her disappearance Hayley was wearing, light brown hiking boots, blue denim jeans, black v-neck top, grey men's jacket with a hood, silver sunglasses and carrying a light brown backpack with the word " EQUIP" on the flap.
There has been no trace of Hayley since the morning of 29 July 1999. The only information about what may have transpired has been from convicted prisoners who are making self serving statements about comments allegedly made by other prisoners. This is undoubtedly compounding the pain felt by Hayley's family.
The general consensus is that sometime after her disappearance Hayley died as a result of foul play and her body dumped. This is based on the unsigned statements of convicted thieves, liars and murderers and statistical results of other disappearances.
The Dodd family are a wonderful caring family seeking nothing more than to have answers to their daughters disappearance. If you have any information or suspicions in this case please act on them as a matter of urgency. Hayley Dodd's mum pins last hopes on cadaver dog
Margaret Dodd said labrador Baz was her last port of call in searching for her daughter Hayley, who disappeared while hitchhiking in July 1999.
After a police investigation failed to shed light into what happened to the 17-year-old, Mrs Dodd tried Aboriginal trackers, a private detective, a geographic profiler and clairvoyants to find answers.
With all other avenues exhausted, she said everything was pinned on the cadaver dog.
“It will be 12 years since Hayley went missing on July 29, but I hope we won’t get to that date without finding her.”
Mrs Dodd said cadaver dogs were trained to track bones and could find body remains after many years.
Mrs Dodd has been planning to use the cadaver dog for a year.
Her family raised money for airfares and accommodation, while dog handler Martin Dominick offered his services free of charge.
By NICOLE COX From: The Sunday Times October 09, 2010 10:00PM
HAYLEY Dodd's heartbroken mother says she will never give up on finding out what happened to her daughter, despite an 11-year lapse since the teenager's disappearance.
Margaret Dodd said her family had painstakingly mounted independent searches for Hayley, desperate for answers amid concerns that police had bungled the investigation.
They also called for a coronial inquest, but a date is yet to be set.
Hayley was 17 when she was last seen walking along North West Rd near Badgingarra in the WA wheatbelt on July 29, 1999, after picking up a lift while hitch-hiking.
Mrs Dodd said she was angry that police had not kept her abreast of developments in the case, including the latest man to come forward with a claim convicted killer Robin David Macartney had confessed to being involved in Hayley's disappearance.
She said police had only confirmed the development to her when she questioned them after being alerted by The Sunday Times.
"Whoever is responsible for Hayley disappearing is still out there and I still desperately want them to be caught," Mrs Dodd said. "I get annoyed. Police should be telling me everything. I shouldn't be hearing it from the media."
Macartney, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of Lalita Horsman in Geraldton in December 1999, has long been considered a suspect in Hayley's disappearance. But police have been unable to pinpoint his precise movements on the day she went missing.
Mrs Dodd said she did not believe police had done everything they could to rule Macartney out of their investigation into Hayley's disappearance.
In 2005, Mrs Dodd and her husband Ray visited Macartney four times in Casuarina Prison after the killer requested a meeting, claiming he had information about Hayley's case. During the meetings, he denied having anything to do with Hayley's disappearance but named a person whom he believed had not only killed Hayley, but was also responsible for Ms Horsman's murder.
Macartney also sent Mrs Dodd a copy of a police videotape, which showed graphic footage of the police recovery of Ms Horsman's body, to which he had controversially gained access in preparation for an appeal against his conviction.
Mrs Dodd severed contact with Macartney.
"I felt like he was playing with us, trying to give us hope but not coming through with any genuine information," she said. "I don't sit there and cry anymore. I listen to the information and then try to see if there is any truth to it ...We want to know where she is, we need to know."
WA Police declined to comment on Mrs Dodd's claims of police bungling.
POLICE are investigating Hayley breakthrough
NICOLE COX Police Reporter Sunday Times October 09, 2010
POLICE are investigating a startling breakthrough in the 11-year hunt for missing teenager Hayley Dodd, amid claims a convicted killer confessed to his involvement in her murder.
The Sunday Times can today reveal the Special Crime Squad has received new information about Hayley's suspected abduction and murder, one of WA's most mysterious cases.
A released prisoner has come forward claiming Robin David Macartney confessed to killing the 17-year-old.
Macartney, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of Lalita Horsman in Geraldton in December 1999, has long been considered a suspect in Hayley's disappearance, but police have been unable to pinpoint his precise movements on the day she went missing.
The released prisoner claims Macartney, who is known by his middle name David, told him he had killed Hayley because she would not have sex with him.
In an earlier conversation it is claimed Macartney told the former inmate he knew the whereabouts of Hayley's body.
In a copy of the former prisoner's statement to police, made to Det-Sgt Geoff Buck on August 27 this year and seen by The Sunday Times, the released prisoner also claims:
* He found a file of newspaper clippings about Hayley and two articles stuck on the wall of Macartney's Casuarina Prison cell while snooping when Macartney was in hospital in 2009.
* A photograph of Hayley's mother, Margaret, was uncovered in Macartney's cell with holes in her face that appeared to have been made with a pen. The word "bitch" was scawled above her name.
* He overheard Macartney discussing Hayley's disappearance with at least two other inmates at the jail, each time recounting that he had been different distances from where Hayley was last sighted on the day she disappeared.
The Sunday Times has strong information that police and prison authorities conducted at least two raids of Macartney's cell in recent weeks and that items had been seized from his living quarters.
While police said the cell raids were not related to the Hayley Dodd case, Mrs Dodd said detectives had confirmed to her they had been investigating the new claims for about two months and had searched Macartney's cell.
Mrs Dodd, who visited Macartney in jail in 2005 after he contacted her saying he had information about Hayley's disappearance, said she was only alerted to the heightened police investigation after inquiries made by The Sunday Times.
Police contacted her again on Friday asking her not to comment publicly on the latest claims.
But she described as "disturbing" the account that Macartney had news clippings of Hayley in his cell.
Hayley vanished after she hitched a ride from Dongara, where she was working as a roustabout, on July 29, 1999. She was last seen walking along North West Rd, near Badgingarra, about 200km north of Perth.
Police are convinced Hayley was abducted and murdered, though her body has never been found.
Ms Horsman, 27, was suffocated and her body dumped in the sand dunes of a Geraldton beach five months after Hayley disappeared.
The former prisoner, who was released from jail this year, claims that he spoke with Macartney on several occasions about Hayley's disappearance after a TV news report on June 28, 2009, named him as being a suspect in the case.
"I ask(ed) him, 'What happened, how come they accused you of murdering Hayley?'," the former prisoner said in a statement.
"He said, 'I was accused of it because they accused me of killing the girl in Geraldton and they thought I killed Hayley before I killed her'. He said, 'But I do know where the body is because the person who killed her told me where her body is'.
"I said, 'That can't happen. I think you should tell the police where the body is so the mother can have closure to this'. He said, 'No, that would spoil my appeal'."
In the statement, the ex-prisoner said: "It troubled me what David said to me, no one would know where the body was unless he was the murderer, that's what I thought."
He said, while Macartney confessed to knowing where Hayley's remains were, he did not detail the location.
The man claims that Macartney gave him his cell key so he could clean up before he returned from hospital where he was having treatment for bowel cancer.
"On his wall he had pictures and news items cut out of the newspaper about Hayley Dodd," the statement said. "There was only two on the wall, they were from 2009."
Inside the cell, the prisoner says he found two plastic files with newspaper clippings about Hayley's disappearance and other cases involving Dannie Wright, who was convicted for raping and murdering Chinese student Jiao Dan in Innaloo in October 2007, and American Dennis Maher, who was exonerated after serving 19 years in jail for raping three women in 1983.
"The red folder was all about Hayley," he said. "I saw some clippings had red ink around them.
"There was one picture of Margaret Dodd and it had holes in her face. It looked like the holes were made with a pen. The word 'bitch' was scribbled above her name."
The prisoner said, when he heard the prison guards coming, he returned the files to where he found them and never spoke to other prisoners about the find.
He said he told Macartney that he would give him an opportunity to go to police, but if he had not contacted them by June then he would.
"I'm telling the police this now as he didn't tell the police himself and the family needs to know and they need to get Hayley back," the statement said.
Mrs Dodd said three people had now come forward with similar stories about Macartney confessing to an involvement in Hayley's disappearance.
"One person could be lying, two perhaps collaborating but three people . . . there is no doubt Macartney is saying these things," she said.
Det-Insp Casey Prins, officer-in-charge of the Special Crime Squad, declined to comment.
A Department of Corrective Services spokesman said he was unable to comment or release information about operational or security issues regarding individual prisoners.
A $250,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the conviction of those responsible for Hayley's disappearance.
Deborah Anderson ex Woodvale missing on the 25th Januaruy 1999
Located Midland area
Deborah Anderson was found deceased in driver's seat of burnt vehicle on the 25th of January 1999
Despite extensive inquiries by police and family her whereabouts are not known.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Lisa please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Sarah Ann McMahon
Sarah McMahon was last seen leaving work at Claremont on November 11, 2000.
Her car was later found abandoned and unlocked at a hospital carpark.
Missing, presumed murdered: Claremont woman Sarah McMahon.
Sarah Ann McMahon went missing from Greenmount on November 8th, 2000,
Was aged 20, Now would be age 36 in December, 2016
She was last seen driving her vehicle, a 1986 White Ford Meteor Sedan, registration 7FO-731 east on the Great Eastern Highway Greenmount, Western Australia.
She was last seen wearing dark jeans, black turtle neck sweater and black suede jacket.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Sarah please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Susan Margaret Christie was last seen about 10.28pm on the night of November 15 by her neighbour when a taxi dropped her off at her one-bedroom unit in Curry Street, Jolimont, after a trip to the Wembley Hotel to pick up a bottle of wine.
Giving evidence today, South Metropolitan District Superintendent Scott Higgins said police believed the 42-year-old Ms Christie was killed sometime between November 15 and 16.
Her second husband, Rory Kirk Christie, was sentenced to life imprisonment for her murder in October 2003 after a month-long trial in the WA Supreme Court which heard from over 100 witnesses.
He successfully appealed the sentence in March 2005, and had his case dismissed in a retrial by Justice John McKechnie in November 2005.
"I conclude that there is a defect in the evidence about the accused's opportunity to dispose of the body," Justice McKechnie said in his acquittal of Christie.
"Taken at its highest, the evidence cannot sustain a verdict of guilty. I therefore direct that a verdict of not guilty be recorded and a judgment of acquittal be entered."
Christie is understood to have since returned to his native Canada.
Today, Superintendent Higgins confirmed police were "not actively investigating" the case anymore and conceded "no one was likely to be charged".
"All avenues of inquiry have been exhausted in this case," he told the court.
State Coroner Alistair Hope reserved his findings into the inquest, but conceded that "on the basis of the evidence" Ms Christie was dead.
"I am prepared to find beyond reasonable doubt that (Susan Margaret Christie) is deceased," he said.
"The death was an unlawful homicide by a person or persons unknown.
Apr. 2002 - Survivor (attacked on Palmerston St.)
Christine Michelle Schipp 18/03/02 from Northbridge
Ms Darylyn Ugle vanished on March 25, 2003, from Highgate, Perth, Western Australia
Christine Michelle Schipp was last seen in Northbridge, Perth Western Australia on the 18th of March, 2002
it appeare Christive Michelle Schipp's remains were located on the 6-5-2013
Judy Maringu- last seen in Northbrige, Perth, Western Australia on the 1st of May, 2003.
Mar. 2003 - Darylyn Ugle, murdered (sex worker, body found near Mundaring Weir)
Ms Ugle vanished on March 25, 2003, from Highgate.
Her badly decomposed body was found in bush near Mundaring Weir about two weeks later.
missing since: january 15, 2004Violent attacker is suspect in murders
Violent attacker is suspect in murders
a prostitute who was last seen alive while soliciting for sex in March 2003 Donald Morey,
ROBYN SANTEN - Missing from Northbridge, WA - 8th August 2015 - Age 36yrs
Australia - Robyn Santen, 36, Perth, 8 Aug 2015
December 22, 2015
On Saturday 8 August 2015, Robyn Santen was with work colleagues at the Grapeskins Wine Bar in Northbridge, Western Australia. She left the establishment at approximately 11pm and returned to her home in West Leederville.
Her car was located the following day at the City Beach car park. Despite extensive police inquiries, her whereabouts remain unknown.
If you have information that may help police to locate Robyn, please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Dec 12, 2005 - Donelle Newberry. Personal Details Last seen: Nov 2005 – Dec 2005, Warburton WA Year of Birth: 1977. Sex: Female Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Last seen: Nov 2005 – Dec 2005, Warburton WA
Year of Birth: 1977
Sex: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 170cm
Build: Slim
Complexion: Dark
Racial: Australian Aboriginal
Circumstances: Despite extensive inquiries by police and family her whereabouts are not known. Missing person was last seen with a group of people sitting in a creek bed outside of the town site of Warburton Western Australia. Exact dates are not known but it was believed to be between November 2005 and Christmas 2005. She has not contacted family or friends since that time.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Leela please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
All indications were that they were going on holiday to Brazil possibly via New Zealand.
Extensive enquiries have failed to locate Leela McDougall and there are concerns for her safety and welfare.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Leela please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Corryn Rayney was abducted and murdered on about the 7th August, 2007
Corryn Rayney's body was found in a Kings Park bush grave.
Corryn Rayney
Iveta Mitchell missing ex residence Parmelia
on the 3rd of May 2010.
Iveta Mitchell
Iveta Mitchell had worked at a hotel near Mundaring, Western Australia
by Anne-Louise Brown MAY 3, 2012
Iveta Mitchell
In your head there are just more and more questions that keep popping up," Ms Nikolic said.
Justyna is Polish and is described as being 160-165cms tall with blonde hair and blue eyes and requires medication for a diagnosed illness.
There are welfare concerns for Justyna due to her state of mind at the time.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Justyna please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Claremont serial killer ‘drove white Holden’: Newspaper reports
Ciara Glennon, and the abduction and rape of a 17-year-old girl in Karrakatta Cemery in 1995.
Jane Rimmer's body was found in Wellard, 35km south of Perth, in August.
Jane Rimmer, the next victim.
interests of the investigation,” the spokesman said.
Claremont serial killings: WA Police quiz new people, request DNA samples
Poster of missing teenager Sarah Spiers who disappeared in 1996.Claremont serial killer: Taxi clue to Ciara Glennon’s death
Sarah Spiers
Jane Rimmer
Police at the site where Ciara Glennon‘s body was discovered.
Opinion: Has the Claremont serial killer trail really gone cold?
Police reject ‘inaccurate’ reports on Claremont serial killer investigation
Police link forensic evidence from unsolved 1995 rape to Claremont serial killer
Sarah Spiers disappeared in Perth in early 1996.
Mr Dobson said the killer may be from overseas and would not have stopped offending if still alive.
negatively affect prosecutions. “Maintaining the operational integrity of this investigation is paramount if we are to bring the offender or offenders to justice,” Mr Scanlan said.
the case, which is one of Australia’s longest-running investigations, and other crimes
Karl O'Callaghan @9NewsPerth 3.51 am 16 Oct 2015
Rachel Cary ✔@CaryRachel
3.55 am 16 Oct 2015 Perth Western Australia
investigation is paramount if we are to bring the offender, or offenders, to justice, therefore operational outcomes must be prioritised over media and public interest.”
following Australia Day celebrations.
Terry Dobson, a former detective who worked on the case, said the Karrakatta rape was “looked at very early on” after a local detective deemed it worthy of follow-up.
Her parents had expected their bubbly daughter for lunch that Sunday at their Wembley home.
"... Please note the police and the media have all well known from the statement by Uni students that they saw Jane Rimmer hitchking on Stirling Highway
at 12.30 am near Lock Street ..... this was reported by the students (two couples in the car) to the police in June, 1996, and thus the media and
the Western Australian Police have been misrepresentimg the truth for thwe last nearly 20 years about the last sighting og Jane Rimmer before
Jame Rimmer disapeared..
Evidence that the have explains why the police and the Western Australian media have bene misprepresentinh for nearly 20 years at to when the
last sighting on Jane Rimmer was and at what time tha\t sighting was".... ...Editor of
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitching - Uni Student says
Author: Andrew Clennell Date: 19th June, 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition
University student Emma Clayton and her friends almost picked up a blonde girl she is sure was Jane Rimmer early on the Sunday Morning Jane Rimmer disapeared.
Miss Clayton (21 years old uni student) said she saw the girl staggering along Stirling Highway, thumb out, hitching a lift at 12.30 am. Emma Clayton told police about the incident and her description of the cloths Jane was wearing matched that of a police description which had not been released to the media. Mis Clayton said she and her friends had been in Stirling Highway after leaving a 21st birthday party at Claremont Yacht Club. "Down near Lock Street we saw a girl Hitchhiking," she said. The Girl had her thumb out and we just slowed down and thought maybe we should pick her up but didn't." The conversation between the two couples in the car had been that she was a silly girl for trying to hitch in the area and they discussed whether they should pick the girl up. The decided at the last minute to move on. "we said of all placed for a girl to be hitchhiking alone, this was probably the worst," Miss Clayton said. She said initially, after she had heard of Jane Rimmer's disappearance, she felt guilty that that hadn't picked her up. "If we had picked her up things would have been a lot different, " Miss Clayton said. When she and her friends saw the girl there were no other cars on the Stirling Highway ...
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking - Student
Author:Andrew Clennell
Date: 19 June 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition.
Claremont murders: Sarah Spiers’ family still confident serial killer will be caught
PHIL HICKEY, Police Reporter, PerthNow January 22, 2016
1997: Flashback to the police manhunt nearly 20 years ago. THE THREE VICTIMS
Victims: Ciara Glennon, Sarah Spiers and Jane Rimmer who fell victim to the Claremont serial killer from January 1996 to March 1997.
"... Please note the police and the media have all well known from the statement by Uni students that they saw Jane Rimmer hitchking on Stirling Highway
at 12.30 am near Lock Street ..... this was reported by the students (two couples in the car) to the police in June, 1996, and thus the media and
the Western Australian Police have been misrepresentimg the truth for thwe last nearly 20 years about the last sighting og Jane Rimmer before
Jame Rimmer disapeared..
Evidence that the have explains why the police and the Western Australian media have bene misprepresentinh for nearly 20 years at to when the
last sighting on Jane Rimmer was and at what time tha\t sighting was".... ...Editor of
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitching - Uni Student says
Author: Andrew Clennell Date: 19th June, 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition
University student Emma Clayton and her friends almost picked up a blonde girl she is sure was Jane Rimmer early on the Sunday Morning Jane Rimmer disapeared.
Miss Clayton (21 years old uni student) said she saw the girl staggering along Stirling Highway, thumb out, hitching a lift at 12.30 am. Emma Clayton told police about the incident and her description of the cloths Jane was wearing matched that of a police description which had not been released to the media. Mis Clayton said she and her friends had been in Stirling Highway after leaving a 21st birthday party at Claremont Yacht Club. "Down near Lock Street we saw a girl Hitchhiking," she said. The Girl had her thumb out and we just slowed down and thought maybe we should pick her up but didn't." The conversation between the two couples in the car had been that she was a silly girl for trying to hitch in the area and they discussed whether they should pick the girl up. The decided at the last minute to move on. "we said of all placed for a girl to be hitchhiking alone, this was probably the worst," Miss Clayton said. She said initially, after she had heard of Jane Rimmer's disappearance, she felt guilty that that hadn't picked her up. "If we had picked her up things would have been a lot different, " Miss Clayton said. When she and her friends saw the girl there were no other cars on the Stirling Highway ...
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking - Student
Author:Andrew Clennell
Date: 19 June 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition.
Cold case probe linked to Claremont serial killings
Experts play down expectations in serial killer probe
PM - Tuesday, 9 November , 2004 18:30:48
Reporter: David Weber
Crime experts from the UK, the US, and interstate have come together to conduct a wide-ranging review of what's become known as the case of the "Claremont serial killer".
Three young women disappeared after going to nightspots in the Perth suburb of Claremont in 1996 and 1997. Two were found dead, the third's never been seen again.
No one's ever been charged, despite an eight-year investigation.
The experts appeared before the media today for the first time, and played down expectations.
As David Weber reports.
DAVID WEBER: The panel has now started its review into the disappearance of Sarah Spiers and the murders of Ciara Glennon and Jane Rimmer.
Those on the panel can boast decades of experience in murder investigations around the world – forensic experts from the UK, a criminal profiler from the US and a detective from New South Wales.
Superintendent Paul Schramm is heading the inquiry. He led the investigation into the Snowtown murders. Superintendent Schramm says that sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is the greatest advantage.
PAUL SCHRAMM: None of us have any in-depth knowledge of it, and I think that's important, and that will unfold in a structured way over the next several weeks, and then we will set our own direction.
DAVID WEBER: Superintendent Schramm says the panel is not in Perth to correct the work of previous investigators or police. But he's also sought to lower expectations.
PAUL SCHRAMM: I think managing or being cognisant of expectations is a very important issue. As I said several times, we are under no misapprehension of the enormity of this task. Reviews in themselves don't necessarily mean that we will be successful. However, that's one of the exciting aspects of criminal investigation that you never know that the next caller that you go around may provide that breakthrough.
DAVID WEBER: Detective Inspector Russell Oxford is from the New South Wales Police Service. He's been a homicide investigator for 15 years. He's also worked with the FBI in the US.
He says dealing with expectations is one of the biggest challenges.
RUSSELL OXFORD: The perception that we're here to try and solve this, and on a personal point of view, that the challenge to us is the expectation of the family, is are we going to get closure – and we may not. That's certainly a challenge to us. First and foremost to me is the expectation that we're here, we're going to ride in on a white horse and then it's finished. And that's going to be difficult for us.
DAVID WEBER: David Barclay is the head of Physical Evidence at the National Crime and Operations Faculty in the UK. He'll work with forensic scientist Malcolm Boots from the same faculty.
Mr Barclay says he's done more than two hundred reviews like this one and has a high success rate.
DAVID BARCLAY: We try and work together with physical evidence, pathology, finger marks – all as part of physical evidence, with psychological profilers and crime analysts. So that would be our normal pattern of working and we work to a senior investigator, and that's Paul in this case.
So we're used to doing that and what we will be doing, Malcolm and myself, is going through every line of every report that's ever been written about this case to do with the physical evidence and then trying to set that in context with the lines of inquiry.
DAVID WEBER: Joel Kohout is from the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in Minnesota. She's an expert in sexual homicide and in criminal profiling. Ms Kohout says she knows very little about the case.
JOEL KOHOUT: Initially I think that's a good way to look at it, to formulate some opinions. In this case, they've already been some profiles done, so I'll be looking at those to see what conclusions other people have come to.
And I think it's important to point out that profiling is not an exact science. It's merely an investigative tool. Sometimes it's very useful, sometimes not so useful. I think we'll be proceeding more as an investigative body and that'll be one facet of this.
DAVID WEBER: While the review has been set down for four weeks, those on the panel can ask for more time if they think they need it.
MARK COLVIN: David Weber.WA police to further investigate Zappelli murder
PM Archive - Tuesday, 27 March , 2001 00:00:00
Reporter: David Weber
The Police Commissioner and Senior Crown Counsel will discuss matters raised in the Coroner's report on Ms Zappelli's death which includes a scathing account of investigations into the murder. But the Zappelli family is not going to get the apology it wants from the police service for its failures over the last 30 years.
David Weber prepared this report.
UNIDENTIFIED: On Monday night, September the 22nd, there began in this drive-in cinema, the Oasis in Geraldton, a mystery which has not yet been solved.
DAVID WEBER: It's nearly 32 years down the track and the mystery still hasn't been solved. Despite four police investigations, two coronial inquests and a death-bed confession, no-one's been charged over the death of Anne Zappelli who was raped and strangled after she started walking home from a drive-in on a night in September 1969.
Thomas Craig and the late Norman Raisbeck [phonetic], who left Geraldton for Adelaide on the night of the murder, were arrested and questioned but were excluded as suspects.
Coroner Alistair Hope, who conducted the second inquest, said he couldn't identify the killer with confidence, buy he made scathing comments about the original investigation. He said Raisbeck and Craig should never have been excluded. Scientific evidence was inadequately gathered and seriously deficient. Mr Hope said that in the years since, important forensic evidence has been lost - meaning a DNA comparison is impossible.
Anne's sister, Rhonda Zappelli, says she's disgusted over the way police handled the case and the inquest.
RHONDA ZAPPELLI: The police haven't admitted to any of those criticisms, either. They've basically tried to keep this hidden for 30 years and now - even now, when it's come up in an inquest, there's still been no comment from them to us about what's actually happened, nor any acknowledgment that they've made errors, which I find absolutely appalling.
They do owe us an apology but an apology is not going to fix anything, nothing's going to be fixed by that. But just some acknowledgment that they should have done something better would be good.
DAVID WEBER: The Zappelli family had already told the court they believed Thomas Craig should be brought to trial for murder. The other man, Norman Raisbeck, died in 1988 after he made a death-bed confession implicating himself and Thomas Craig.
The Coroner has indicated the confession couldn't be used as evidence but the Deputy Police Commissioner, Bruce Brennan, has raised the possibility of another investigation on the basis of some of the evidence given to the second coronial inquest.
BRUCE BRENNAN: There are areas that we can re-examine because there's a different perspective put on some of the statements. Some people have had a change of . let's just say their memories have either improved or, in fact, become more clouded but anyway there are different emphasis put on various different issues and it's my intention to take that up with the Commissioner when he comes back next week.
DAVID WEBER: However the Deputy Commissioner says there will be no apology to the Zappelli family because the police service has done nothing wrong. The Deputy Commissioner has risen to the defence of John Porter who conducted the original investigation and went on to become WA's Police Commissioner.
BRUCE BRENNAN: It's always our intention to try and resolve these dreadful crimes. It's never our intention to botch them, to make mistakes and so on. It was never John Porter's intention to do that. He was genuinely and earnestly interested in resolving the case.
I was a detective myself back then and I do remember the exchanges of information that used to occur. Now 30 years on who knows why he made some of the decisions he made but, you know, with the benefit of hindsight they do appear to have gaps in them.
COMPERE: Western Australia's Deputy Police Commissioner, Bruce Brennan, ending David Weber's report.
Note this one: is this what is referenced in the new video on YouTube?
7/8/1986 Barbara Western ex Vic Park, located 19/3/1991 (cemetery record) Spectacles (south of Perth). Headless torso in roadside ditch
LE seems to have connected Julie Cutler. In the article I linked a few hours ago, BRB, let me get the quote...
I'm not sure police have made any other definitive connections, but if they have, I think they'd keep it on the DL
If so then they must of been trying hard for 5 years to get one of the POI's before releasing the karra link
Actually, no. This isn't how geometry works. Per your instructions, you say to see a line between Jane's body and Ciara's. That line is automatically 180°. Because it's a straight line, and that's the definition of a straight line.
If you then try to add in a third point, such as the corner of St Quentin Ave and Bayview Terrace, as you suggested, then you will likely get an angle. But you can't just pick a fulcrum based on common locations. The whole point in the murder line is the locations must already lie on the line.
And the angle could not possibly be 347.5°. That's almost a complete circle. If you chose the corner of St Quentin and BVT as a fulcrum, then the angle would ~170° or ~190°.
If you stood at Jane's site and pointed the compass to the north, you could then look in the direction of Ciara and the compass would say 347.5 degrees.
Then go to Ciara's site and point north again, then turn 180 degrees so you are facing south and you will see the angle to Jane's site is............................167.5 degrees. Or you could simply think of it in your head that 347.5 minus 167.5 equals...................................180 degrees.
This has NOTHING to do with geometry. But it has a lot to do with Mapping. And here's another big word for you NAVIGATION.
But don't take my word for it. Actually open Google Earth and draw the line between those two points and if you look at the Ruler function it will tell you the ANGLE with respect to north, that you are travelling in. If it says 347.5 degrees, are you also going to write to Google or possibly the US Navy to tell them that a straight line could not possibly be 347.5 because it's almost a circle? They will put that onto their noticeboard with a big "Cop this" sign and they will all have a good laugh, the same as I am laughing at you now. Whatever you do, don't ever leave home. You will try to walk in a straight line and get hit by a bus.