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The Western Australian Police Commissioner Dr Karl Joseph O'Callaghan and his Western Australian Police Service and the Task Force set up to investigate the Claremont Serial Killings have constantly for the last 18 years have not been interested in viewing the Explosive NYT.bz Investigation that would help t
he Western Australian Police Commissioner Dr Karl Joseph O'Callaghan and his Western Australian Police Service and the Task Force solve the Claremont Serial Killings ...#

One of the reasons why the Western Australian Police Commissioner Dr Karl Joseph O'Callaghan and his Western Australian Police Service and the Task Force are not interested any real information and investigation into the Claremont Serial Killings is because the truth of who was involved and why the Claremont Serial Killings and other rapes, attempted rapes, abductions, attempted abductions, murder, attempted murder, billion of illegal drugs sold in Western Australia, Armed robberies hits a bit too close to home and a bit to close to powerful people that are protected and are effectively above the law ... and have the green light given to them by the Western Australian Police Service to be able to commit or be involved in  any crime they want without fear of investigation and/or arrest.

 Some Comments taken from  the NYT.bz Investigation Team's explosive investigation into the lat 60 year on the policing, political, courts, government, prosecution, criminal networks, social and business networks, media, business and legal world of Perth and Western Australia....

What the Western Australian Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan and Stephen Brown, the Deputy Western Australian Police Commissioners and the various Assistant Western Australian Police Commissioners need to do to help to start solving Western Australia’s crime ever increasing crime woes is to sack all the Western Austrian Police Officer involved in committing serious crimes and/or protecting those who are involved in committing serious crimes such as illegal drug, importation, manufacture, growing and distribution, armed robberies, fraud and abductions, rape and murder …
The NYT.bz investigation team have for a long time offered information in their explosive investigation report on the history of crime, politics, law, policing, courts and the legal world of Perth and Western Australia 
 The NYT.bz investigation files that cover the last 60 years in Western Australia have plenty of evidence and examples of Western Australia Police Officers, including very senior police as high as the Commissioner of Police being involved in committing serious crimes and/or protecting those who are involved in committing serious crimes such as illegal drug, importation, manufacture, growing and distribution, armed robberies, fraud and abductions, rape and murder … Unfortunately there is a culture Western Australia where by Western Australian Police are not keen to police themselves when the police are committing crimes … there is a brotherhood and even sisterhood code of silence that stops one police officer in Western Australia from bringing to light criminal, wrongful and/or immoral actions committed by other Western Australian Police Officers, no matter how bad or how serious the crime and/or wrongful and/or immoral action committed by Western Australian Police Officer. A special investigation report on the running to the state of Western Australia covering, politics, law, courts ( clerical and judicial staff and employed in the courts), police, prosecution, crown law, the legal fraternity (lawyers barristers, magistrates, judges, justices), the ministry of justice, police, business, illegal drug networks, criminal networks, media, business, finance, banking, the Western Australian Public Trustee and all levels and sections of the Western Australian Government and semi-quasi government bodies and organisations etc., prepared over the last 60 years at great expense and thousands of man hours and resources …. Shows along with many others the following examples … In the report names are mentioned and the everything and everyone is exposed….. with no holes bared in exposing the whole rotten lot and everyone involved and how it all operates and who operates what and why? Without naming names in this short general comment on the Karl O'Callaghan, the Western Australian Police Commissioner’s comments in the West Australian Newspaper about how to reduce the ever increasing crime rate in Western Australia the following examples are give:

1. A well known drug/heroin user named “Mary” was in the Bat and Ball Tavern in Rivervale, Perth, Western Australia when two of the Western Australian Police Drug Squad approached Mary and stated … “….. Mary… we know that you are a well known Heroin User and user of other illegal drugs …. if you try to score heroin or other illegal drugs in this tavern, we will have to bust you and arrest you for purchasing illegal drugs, however is you go to the Charles Hotel in North Perth, were our approved drug dealer works, then you will not be busted or arrested for buying illegal drugs …” Mary took their advice and went to the Charles Hotel in North Perth and purchased Heroin from the Western Australian Police Drug Squad 2 Drug Dealer and was not harassed, bust or arrested for purchasing heroin at the Charles Hotel in North Perth …

2. One of the Western Australian Police Commissioners lived in the same street in City Beach, Perth, Western Australian (which an expensive up market ocean side suburb of Perth, Western Australia ..) … as a major heroin and crystal meth Methamphetamine (contracted from N-methylamphetamine) is a strong central nervous system ....Crystal meth – illicit methamphetamine hydrochloride ... and marijuana dealer in Western Australia .. and this Western Australian Police Commissioners and his family went to Sunday Barbeques with the major heroin and chystal meth and marijuana dealer in Western Australia ….. in fact this Western Australian Police Commissioner organised for this major heroin and crystal meth Methamphetamine (contracted from N-methylamphetamine) is a strong central nervous system ....Crystal meth – illicit methamphetamine hydrochloride ... and marajuana dealer in Western Australia to be released early form a 15 year jail sentence he had received for sale and supply and importation of heroin in Western Australia … so he could re-start selling illegal drugs for the crime syndicate that this Western Australian Police Commissioner for and with ….when this major heroin and crystal meth Methamphetamine (contracted from N-methylamphetamine) is a strong central nervous system ....Crystal meth – illicit methamphetamine hydrochloride ... and marijuana dealer in Western Australia was in the defendant’s dock in the District Court for his trial in 1983/84 in heroin importation, supply and selling charges …. were he ended up pleading guilty and yelling in a loud voice to the court and at the same time pointing to the Western Australian Police Drug Squad detectives that were sitting in court that had lain the charges and arrested him for importation, supply and selling heroin …. “... your Honour ….. I openly admit that my business is importing, supplying and selling heroin and other illegal drugs …. that is how I make my living ….. I openly admit that …. however I want to point out to the court that those Western Australian Drug Squad Detectives sitting in court today that arrested me for the importing, supplying and selling heroin and other illegal drugs charges are my business partners and have been for the last few years and have shared the profits with me I have made over these years … so why aren’t they charged as well with me for these criminal offences …” Of course nothing happened to the Western Australian Police officers in the Drug Squad .. the major drug dealer was handed a 15 year jail sentence and the he Western Australian Police officers in the Drug Squad continued to find other drugs dealers to partner with to sell illegal drugs in Western Australia …

3. The was an occasion in Fremanlte were a journalist was attending a Neighbourhood Watch Meeting which was chaired by the Western Australian Police Commissioner… the journalist put his hand up and asked the Western Australian Police Commissioner if an appointment can be arranged for the journalist to have a private meeting with the Western 3 Australian Police Commissioner during the net week to provide details and information about Western Australian Police being involved in the importation, supply and selling illegal drugs in Perth and Western Australia …. the of response the Western Australian Police Commissioner was this … the Western Australian Police Commissioner ordered security to have the journalist removed from the Neighbourhood Watch Meeting and said the journalist he tried to re-enter the Neighbourhood Watch Meeting, the Western Australian Police Commissioner would order the Western Australian Police to have the journalist arrested … the journalist was given a clear message by the Western Australian Police Commissioner… that the Western Australian Police Commissioner was not at all interested in being provided information about the Western Australian Police being involved with the importation, selling and supplying illegal drugs in Perth and Western Australia and that the Western Australian Police Commissioner was very upset that the journalist even mentioned the subject of the Western Australian Police being involved with the importation, selling and supplying illegal drugs in Perth and Western Australia..

4. A journalist met a doctor in a Perth, who used to work for the Western Australian Police Service. The Doctor stated that is was quite common and normal for the doctor be get into the lift at Police Head Quarters at number 1 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on a Monday morning on the way up to the doctor’s office at the same time with Western Australian Drug Squad Detectives who had on their possession a number of large green garbage bags of marijuana which they had confiscated from drugs dealers over the weekend …. there were often 4 to 6 large green bags of marijuana they had in their possession … the doctors recounted the typical conversation between the Western Australian Police Officers …. “ the police offer that seemed to be in charge of the other police officers would say something like this .. ‘well boys …. I will take this one bag of marijuana up to be logged into the property room as the official amount of marijuana we busted the drug dealer with over the weekend … and you will take the rest of the bags of marijuana in your car and drop them off to our drug dealer to sell on the streets for us …’ …. and that is what would happen … only one green bag of marijuana was logged into the property room as the amount of marijuana officially found on the drug dealer.. and the other green bags and marijuana was taken by the Western Australian Drug Squad detectives and given to their approved drug dealer to be sold on the streets of Perth and Western Australia ..

5. A journalist was told by a drug dealer who worked with the Western Australian Police Drug Squad that one of the methods they would organise to bring drugs into Western Australia was by getting a drug courier that worked with corrupt Western Australian Police and corrupt Federal Police to bring into Australian a quantity of illegal drugs which the drug courier would be allowed to get away with bringing them through the airport from overseas or from interstate .. . what the drug courier that worked with the corrupted Western Australian and/or Federal Police would do told to do, was told befriend an innocent young person ( male of female) on the plane or or at the airport and talk them into sharing a hotel room to save money …. the innocent traveller would have no idea that the person that they were sharing a hotel room with was carrying a quality of illegal drugs with them … then the next thing would happen would be that the West Australian Drug Squad would out of the blue early that morning raid the hotel room where the drug courier that was working in with the corrupt police was staying with the innocent traveller …. the drug courier that worked with the corrupted police would arrange to plant/hide the illegal drugs in a draw in the bathroom or under the other innocent traveller’s bed or in the other innocent travellers suitcase or bag ….. without the innocent travellers being 4 aware …. and then when the police raided their hotel room they would be have been told by the drug courier where to find the drugs and both people would be initially arrested for the importation of illegal drugs to make it look good … but int he end the real drug courier will be moved to another prison and quietly be released as being the informer who dobbed the other (actually innocent) traveller in as the drug courier, when in fact it was the drug courier that is released with no charges that was the real dug courier and the traveller that was rotting is jail with no bail and facing up to 20 years in jail for a drug importation charge .. with no one prepared to believe him or her that he or she have been set up … the aim of the exercise to to make it look like the Western Australian Drug Squad and/or the Australian Federal Police have done a wonderful job in busting drug importers with a good informer helping them … this help the police officers rise in the ranks of the police force and they end up retiring on a high police rank with am excellent police pension … the other am of this exercise is that when the drugs are found in the hotel room, only a small quantity of the illegal drugs would be logged into the Police Property section as being found in the hotel room, and the rest of the illegal drugs would be put back for sale on the streets with drug dealers working for and with the corrupt police drug squad detectives …

6. A person who knew a young man when he was around 17 years old, who used to work for him in a take way food business and tried to help the young man who came from a broke home and was a little bit into small petty crimes like breaking and entering and stealing a TV etc …. and tried to help the young man live a proper crime free life … by trying to be a sort of a father figure … the young man eventually went his own way and the person did not see the young man around the streets of Perth for around 5 years…. then after about 5 years when the young man was around 23 years old …. the person ran into the young man one day in the street and offered to buy the young man a cup of coffee …. and something to eat ….. the person asked the young man what he has been going over the last 5 years as Perth is a small town (this was in the second half of the 1980’s and first part of the 1990’s) … and had not seen the young man around for the last five years… the young man replied that he ended up with a heroin habit and robbed a bank of $50,000 to obtain the money to feed his heroin habit .. the young man stated he was finally caught by the Western Australian Police for the bank robbery and the police said to him when he was arrested for robbing the bank for $50,000 .. “.. son …. you are looking to spend up to 20 years in jail for robbing a bank with a gun .. we can help you …  but you have to help us in return …” .. the young man then asked what he had to do or what the police wanted him to do that that he would not end up spending up to 20 years in jail for the bank robbery used a gun … the answer the police gave the young man was staggering to say the least… the police put the following deal to the young man … “ ..if you are prepared to sign a false statement that says that you stole $300,000 from the bank you did actually rob …when you only actually stole $50,000 and you are prepared to sign another false statement that you also robbed three other banks that you did not rob… then we will make sure we put a good word into the judge and make sure you only end up staying in prison for no more than around 5 years ….. however is you  do not take this deal we are offering you .. we will make sure you spend around 20 years in prison and you will be around 40 years old when you get out of prison … whereas if you accept out deal .. we will make sure you are out of prison on parole by the time you are only around 23 years old … “ …. the young man took the deal and the police stuck to their word and the young man was out of prison by the time he was around 23 years old .. the reason why the police wanted the young man to sign a false statement saying he has stolen around $300,000 rather than that actual amount of $50,000 was so that the bank could claim $300,000 from their insurance company rather that only $50,000 .. this way the bank, the bank manager, and the police could share the extra $250,000 from the insurance company .. thereby effectively making the Western Australian Police Service and the Sate of Western Australia … which the police officers are acting as agents for … involved in a conspiracy to defraud the bank’s insurance company .. along with the bank, the bank manager and the police officers involved …. the reasons why the police wanted the young man to sign a further false statement that he had robbed three other banks that he did not rob was to help the police clean up their case solved records and so they could close these armed robbery files …. this would help the police officers involved rise in rank and eventually retire on a high rank with an excellent police pension which is higher the higher the rank they reach in the police force by the time they retire …. also the police had their own set of criminals and criminal networks that they worked with who specialised in armed robberies of shops sand banks including people like Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch, who the nty.bz report shows from witness statements obtained was the actual person responsible for the other three other armed bank robberies that the young man wrongly pleaded guilty for … Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch was at all times form his teenage years working with corrupt police, prison officers and other connected criminal gangs which included the Chinese Triads, doing criminal activities such as stealing luxury car, doing armed robberies, abductions and murders for various reasons including extortion and kidnapping rackets, selling body parts and making snuff and satanic movies and for satanic ritual sacrifice and swearing ceremonies for various groups and networks and to silence certain people who have broken the code of silent or who the various criminals and criminal networks are worried that they know too much and may be tempted to break the code of silence and expose one or more the  criminal network’s criminal activities .. such as the murder of Sarah Anne McMahon by Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch, with the help of Gareth Allen who would have been acting as an assistant to the professional, trained and experience killer Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch who kills without any mercy or compassion and without even the belief that what he is doing is wrong and illegal  .. to people like Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch killing a person is no different than cutting an animal’s throat in a slaughter house and is just business and is usually pleasure as well .. as Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch  seems to like killing people and seems to like have some sort of sexual activity and/or fantasy over a dead naked tied up female and male body … shown by the pornographic photos that Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch  carries around in he sinister black bag consisting of pornographic photos of dead naked tied up female and male bodies with blood on them and blood on their sexual parts .. along with the key rings he has collected for his at least seven murdered victims. Along with rope and knives and gaffer tape all tools for abduction and murder ..

7. Before three witnessed were murdered, they all made witnesses a statements that the late Len Buckeridge, billionaire building Magnate, and his silent Chinese Triad Partners in the BGC Companies and Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch along with certain Western Australian Police have been involved  …  one way or another in the Claremont Serial Killings and other abductions and murders in Western Australia

8. That the Western Australian Police have ample evidence to charge Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch and Gareth Allen of being involved with the murder of Sarah Anne McMahon on the 8th of November, 2000, after the coroner ruled that he believed that Sara Anne McMahon is likely to be deceased and dies by unlawful means… the only Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch and Gareth Allen can be saved from being charged of being involved in the murder of Sarah Anne McMahon on the 8th of November, 2000, is my proving to the family of Sarah Anne McMahon, that she is still alive

9. There is ample evidence to charge charge Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch with a number of perjury charges for false statement he made at the Coroners inquiry and his trial for attemped murder which charge Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch was found guilty of an was sentenced to 13 years jail, but in due for release in 2017 or 2018.

10. There is ample evidence to charge charge Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch with supplying and selling $10,000 or more of  illegal drugs based on the evidence provided at the coroner investigation into the disappearance/death/murder of Sarah Anne McMahon on the 8th of November, 2000, plus other witness statement available of the involvement of Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch with supplying and selling $10,000 or more of  illegal drugs.

11. All effort and ways must be made to charge charge Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch with a new criminal charge or charges before he finishes his current attempted murder prison sentence as no person will be safe with Donald Victor Morey aka Donald Victor Matusevuch out of prison.

Cop spills all on WA police “Welcome To Hell …. !"

“..it is easier to be shot by a Western Australian Police Officer than be eaten by a shark in Perth, Western Australia …”

Anthony DeCeglie, The Sunday Times - December 8, 2012


Officer A states in his book The Crime Factory detailing his experiences as a Police Officer in Western Australia, after been invited from the London Police Force ( MET) to work in Western Australia with his wife who is also a police officer, in the chapter “Welcome to Hell”.. that is easy to be shot by a Western Australian Police Officer than eaten by a shark..” SEXIST, racist and trigger happy.

A former police officer has written a graphic account of life as a Perth cop in a new book that claims to blow the whistle on what really goes on behind the blue line.

The book, written under the pseudonym "Officer A" and called The Crime Factory, details several years the author spent in the WA Police after coming over in 2006 as part of a recruitment drive to lure British cops.

The book contains accusations of racism, brutality, bullying and binge drinking.

"Policing in Western Oz was like policing in the 1970s in the UK, but more violent, racist and sexist, and the cops had free use of guns and Tasers," it said.

Officer A, who worked in WA until early 2008, said local cops were trigger happy especially when it came to Tasers.

The chapter about his arrival in Perth is called: "Welcome to Hell".

"I'd quickly learnt that in Australia you were much more likely to be shot dead by a cop than get eaten by a shark," he said.

"A significant minority of officers tasered anybody that pissed them off, which was usually anyone with a different skin colour.

"I saw two officers attack a pair of harmless sailors. They were a bit drunk but were completely inoffensive."

He also recounts how his then wife who also came over to work in the force was sent out to execute an arrest warrant on a potentially violent criminal just moments after she told her manager she was pregnant.

The book alleges senior police made it clear the recruits were just a "doctor's quick fix". "The local cops hated us," the author says.

The book traces Officer A's career in WA, starting out at a suburban police station before winning a transfer to a secretive intelligence division as a "covert officer" rounding up informants to take out the "baddest guys in the country". He resigned in 2008 following an incident at a Perth pub, where he says a drunken officer verbally abused him,

then returned to Britain to work for the Surrey police force.

A WA Police spokesman said: "The claims in the book about policing in WA are hard to fathom and probably say more about the author than they do about WA Police.

"There is nothing in the book that gives WA Police any concern."b He said that between 2006 and 2009, 657 overseas officers were recruited in a "highly successful international recruitment campaign". Just over a quarter of those recruits have since quit. Last night, The Sunday Times spoke with the author of The Crime Factory who admitted to having a nervous breakdown after his return to the UK which he claims insiders were trying to use to discredit his book. The breakdown led to a 2010 incident in which he made a drunken phone call from his police station to a colleague claiming that he was going to shoot himself. It caused the station to be stormed by police. He was fined 500 pounds, but the court heard that during his police career he had won several awards.  "I had a breakdown," he said. "It happens. Prior to that I had an excellent service record." He said the book had been a steady seller.

Immediate removal or resignation of the current Commissioner of
Police Karl Callaghan and Deputy Commissioner Stephen Brown
other matters are demanded by
 The Give Back Western Australian To The People Action Group

Jane Rimmer was 23 when she went missing in 1996 after a night out in Claremont Ms Rimmer, 23, was abducted from Claremont in June 1996 and her body found in bushland south of Perth that August. Students say they saw Jane Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway, Claremont near Loch Street at around 12.30 am, the description of what Jane Rimmer was wearing matched the unreleased description the police had so it seems quite certain that it was Jane Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street. The students had been to an event at the Claremont Yatch Club. 12.30 am would have been about the time it would have taken for Jane Rimmer to walk from Bay View Terrace to around Loch Street on Stirling Highway.


Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking - Student Author:Andrew Clennell Date: 19 June 1996 Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition.
Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitching -
 Uni Student says Author: Andrew Clennell
Date: 19th June, 1996
 Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition

University student Emma Clayton and her friends almost picked up a blonde girl she is sure was Jane Rimmer early on the Sunday Morning Jane Rimmer disapeared.
 Miss Clayton (21 years old uni student) said she saw the girl staggering along Stirling Highway, thumb out, hitching a lift at 12.30 am. Emma Clayton told police about the incident and her description of the cloths Jane was wearing matched that of a police description which had not been released to the media.
Miss Clayton said she and her friends had been in Stirling Highway after leaving a 21st birthday party at Claremont Yacht Club. "Down near Lock Street we saw a girl Hitchhiking," she said.
The Girl had her thumb out and we just slowed down and thought maybe we should pick her up but didn't." The conversation between the two couples in the car had been that she was a silly girl for trying to hitch in the area and they discussed whether they should pick the girl up.
They decided at the last minute to move on. "we said of all placed for a girl to be hitchhiking alone, this was probably the worst," Miss Clayton said. She said initially, after she had heard of Jane Rimmer's disappearance, 16 she felt guilty that that hadn't picked her up.

"If we had picked her up things would have been a lot different, " Miss Clayton said. When she and her friends saw the girl there were no other cars on the Stirling Highway ...

WA Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan (pictured) said the three officers were stood down 'for the safety of the community and their frontline partners'

The samples are yet to be analysed and confirmed by the Chemistry Centre WA.

There remains a zero tolerance for any police officer found with illicit drugs in their system, Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan said in a statement.

‘Officers make critical decisions under duress and they must not be affected by illicit substances or alcohol,’ he said.

‘Monday's day of action by Internal Affairs should send a sobering warning to any officer using illicit substances at any time.’

Regulations to allow random and target drug and alcohol testing were introduced in December 2011.

During the four years of testing, a further 11 officers have exceeded 0.02% blood alcohol levels and a further seven officers have tested positive to illicit drugs, police said.

Excluding the most recent three officers, two officers have tested positive to cannabis, one to methamphetamine, two to MDMA and one to anabolic steroids.

‘Officers make critical decisions under duress and they must not be affected by illicit substances or alcohol,’ Commissioner O'Callaghan said (stock of WA Police car pictured)

‘Officers make critical decisions under duress and they must not be affected by illicit substances or alcohol,’ Commissioner O'Callaghan said (stock of WA Police car pictured)

Around 200 police at five suburban stations on Monday were tested for alcohol and drugs by officers from the WA Police Internal Affairs Unit. Three constables tested positive to ice and amphetamines and have been stood down (stock photo)

Around 200 police at five suburban stations on Monday were tested for alcohol and drugs by officers from the WA Police Internal Affairs Unit. Three constables tested positive to ice and amphetamines and have been stood down (stock photo)

Six resigned prior to the conclusion of a Loss of Confidence Process, and it was accepted that the seventh may have unwittingly ingested a steroid in an exercise supplement.

Since 2012, almost 9,500 tests have been conducted on WA officers and less than one per cent (0.07%) have tested positive to illicit drugs.

But Commissioner O’Callaghan said it was important to identify the few.

‘However small the number of officers affected, we remain committed to identifying these people and taking swift action against them for everyone's safety,’ he said.

It was recently reported that artificial, synthetic urine has been sold across West Australia 

It was recently reported that drug dealers have been selling artificial urine as a package deal with methamphetamine.

However, Safework Laboratories can identify synthetic urine.

On average, it has been identified once a month throughout Australia, but six positive tests were recorded in WA alone in October by Safework Laboratories.

In September, 320kg, worth $320 million, of ice was seized by police in the state, Nine News reported.

It was the biggest haul ever recorded in Western Australia, with the equivalent of 3.2 million individual hits of the drug.

Perth reacts to shock Claremont serial killer arrest
If Donald Morey (the murderer who was last seen with Sarah Anne McMahon) was in contact with Sarah all these years -- can't he provide proof she is alive? Like .. an address? Phone number? Something? And why would she speak him and him alone and not her family - for 12 years? How is this Donald Morey aka Matusevich
guy NOT charged with something in this case? Thank goodness he's inside, anyhow, and not roaming free.

Seven News reporter Alison Fan looks back at the many clues that until Friday had seemed to lead nowhere in the Claremont serial killer search.

Donald Morey, aka Matusevich

A serious question that needs to be answered by Karl O'Callaghan, the Western Australian Commissioner of Police is:
Why did it take over a week for the Western Australian Police for come and collect a bag belonging to career criminal and convicted attempted murderer Donald Morey which the two owners of the house in Marangaroo, Mr and Mrs Gareth Allen who were the bosses of Donald Morey say contained a real of silver, gaffer tape, two knives and explicit pornographic material of what looked like dead women in sexual positions...
which is similar to the items that Western Australia Police officer  Con Bayers, who was the former head of the prostitution task-force said he found in Donald Morey's Commodore Holden car boot driving through Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia, that looked liked and unmarked police car 

 Sarah Anne McMahon

Name: Sarah Anne McMAHON, Age when missing: 20 years, Eyes: Green, Hair: Auburn, Height: 173cms, Build: Slim
Circumstances: Sarah McMahon has not attended work since Wednesday 8 November 2000. Sarah was last seen driving her vehicle, a 1986 White Ford Meteor Sedan, registered  number 7FO-731 in an easterly direction on Great Eastern Highway, Greenmount. 
Sarah Anne McMahon  was last seen wearing dark jeans, black turtle neck sweater and black suede jacket. Concern is held for her safety and welfare.
Fears for the safety of a 20-year-old woman missing for 13 days 
have increased following the discovery of the woman's car at a hospital carpark. 
Sarah McMahon was last seen leaving her workplace in suburban Claremont on November 8, although there have been a number of unconfirmed sightings of her since then. She has made no contact with her family. Ms McMahon's white Ford Meteor sedan was found last night in the emergency department car park of Swan District Hospital.  Police today refused to say who discovered the vehicle or whether anything of significance 
had been found inside.

Sarah McMahon was 20 when she disappeared after leaving work in the Perth suburb of Claremont on Wednesday, November 8, 2000. She lived with her parents Danny and Trish and younger sister Kate. Ten days later, her white Ford Meteor sedan was found in the car park of Swan Districts Hospital. A bag containing personal items was on the front seat, her empty wallet was in the boot and her mobile phone was on the ground nearby. Her mum Trish tells her story ... 
"We haven't seen or heard from Sarah since November 8, 2000, when she left for work in the morning. Apparently she received a call at work from a friend who was "suicidal" and intended to visit the mysterious caller. The police believe she's been murdered and we have all tried to accept this as a possibility, but in our hearts we know she is out there somewhere. At the time of Sarah's disappearance she was depressed ... a romance had soured, university had lost its appeal and she had a mobile phone bill for $800 she hadn't mentioned to us. Sarah felt as though she was in rough waters being tossed this way and that, and she had mentioned to a family friend that she wished she could just "go away and start again". We thought a visit to her older brother Paul and his family, who live near Melbourne, might break the cycle, but unfortunately that wasn't so. I visited Melbourne and Sydney putting up posters, giving out photos and talking to anyone who was willing to listen. Two years ago, a couple who had taken a photograph of Sarah rang to say they had distributed it at a youth seminar. The father of one of the children worked in security at Newcastle nightclubs, and he came across a young man who recognised her and confirmed her name when shown the photograph. But that was it. There have been no further sightings or news. We, Sarah's family, believe with all our hearts that our darling daughter, sister and granddaughter is out there. We will never believe otherwise. We love you, Sarah, please let us know you're all right. May the sun shine warm on your face, and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand." 
If you have any information, call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

 police commissioner Karl O' Callaghan's son hurt in drug blast

Perth police at the Carlisle state housing unit yesterday following the explosion of an alleged drug lab, in which the police commissioner's son was hurt. Picture: Richard Polden
  • TheAustralian

WEST Australian police commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's 29-year-old son has been badly burned in an illegal drug lab explosion in Perth.

Torn between his roles as police commissioner and a dad, Mr O'Callaghan has told of his struggle to be good at both after revealing the incident. "There's always that conflict between being the commissioner of police and being the father," an emotional Mr O'Callaghan told The Australian last night after visiting his son, Russell, in Royal Perth Hospital.

The younger O'Callaghan was one of five people hurt in the powerful blast, which tore a hole through the roof of a Carlisle state housing unit. One man was in critical condition. Two toddlers escaped unhurt.

"I was quite shocked by the sight of him," Mr O'Callaghan said. "He's got serious burns to his head, neck, shoulders arms and torso. So he's pretty much bandaged right up to his head."

But he said his son was lucid and the first thing he asked was how were the two children who were nearby. "He described the explosion as a fireball that just engulfed all of them. He has been really shaken by this. He said he came within a hair's breadth of losing his life and he's exactly right.

"You can talk about clan labs all you like as a police officer. But when you get to talk to someone whose been involved in something like that and that person's very close to you, then it really drives home what the issue is."

Mr O'Callaghan reassured his estranged son, who has previously been treated for drug addiction, that he would not abandon him, saying the most important thing was that he got "well both mentally and physically".

Mr O'Callaghan said 30 illegal drug labs had been broken up in the state this year and 130 last year. Most of the backyard operations appeared to be making methamphetamines.

Coincidentally, the daughter of former police superintendent Dave Parkinson was living in the unit next door to the clandestine drug-making operation, with both of them complaining more than 40 times to the Department of Housing and police about the noise, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, insults and even alleged physical attacks on both of them.

Mr Parkinson claims the tenant had once told his daughter, Stacee, they had a .22 rifle and were going to shoot her father for standing up to them. But, despite the department's "three strikes " policy against anti-social behaviour, the tenants were never evicted. Ms Parkinson said she lived in continual fear of her neighbours around the illegal drug lab.

"It's been absolutely hell," she said. "It's been absolutely devastating, horrible. I have a look around to see if there's anyone there before I step foot into my home. That's how bad it is."

Housing Minister Troy Buswell was furious nothing had been done despite the complaints and ordered an immediate review of the three strikes policy. "The department, and by extension, the government have not done enough to protect Stacee and her fellow neighbours," he said.

Mr O'Callaghan has appointed a senior police officer to head the inquiry into the drug laboratory. He said it was unclear what role his son had played, although he did not live at the home. "He will have to face the consequences. But as a family we are suffering deeply at the moment."

WEST Australian police commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's 29-year-old son has been badly burned in an illegal drug lab explosion in Perth.

Torn between his roles as police commissioner and a dad, Mr O'Callaghan has told of his struggle to be good at both after revealing the incident. "There's always that conflict between being the commissioner of police and being the father," an emotional Mr O'Callaghan told The Australian last night after visiting his son, Russell, in Royal Perth Hospital.

The younger O'Callaghan was one of five people hurt in the powerful blast, which tore a hole through the roof of a Carlisle state housing unit. One man was in critical condition. Two toddlers escaped unhurt.

"I was quite shocked by the sight of him," Mr O'Callaghan said. "He's got serious burns to his head, neck, shoulders arms and torso. So he's pretty much bandaged right up to his head."

But he said his son was lucid and the first thing he asked was how were the two children who were nearby. "He described the explosion as a fireball that just engulfed all of them. He has been really shaken by this. He said he came within a hair's breadth of losing his life and he's exactly right.

"You can talk about clan labs all you like as a police officer. But when you get to talk to someone whose been involved in something like that and that person's very close to you, then it really drives home what the issue is."

Mr O'Callaghan reassured his estranged son, who has previously been treated for drug addiction, that he would not abandon him, saying the most important thing was that he got "well both mentally and physically".

Mr O'Callaghan said 30 illegal drug labs had been broken up in the state this year and 130 last year. Most of the backyard operations appeared to be making methamphetamines.

Coincidentally, the daughter of former police superintendent Dave Parkinson was living in the unit next door to the clandestine drug-making operation, with both of them complaining more than 40 times to the Department of Housing and police about the noise, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, insults and even alleged physical attacks on both of them.

Mr Parkinson claims the tenant had once told his daughter, Stacee, they had a .22 rifle and were going to shoot her father for standing up to them. 
  But, despite the department's "three strikes " policy against anti-social behaviour, the tenants were never evicted. Ms Parkinson said she lived in continual #
       fear of her neighbours around the illegal drug lab.

          "It's been absolutely hell," she said. "It's been absolutely devastating, horrible. I have a look around to see if there's anyone there before I step foot into my home.
      That's how bad it is."

       Housing Minister Troy Buswell was furious nothing had been done despite the complaints and ordered an immediate review of the three strikes policy.
        "The department, and by extension, the government have not done enough to protect Stacee and her fellow neighbours," he said.

        Mr O'Callaghan has appointed a senior police officer to head the inquiry into the drug laboratory. He said it was unclear what role his son had played,
           although he did not live at the home. "He will have to face the consequences. But as a family we are suffering deeply at the moment."

Russell O'Callaghan

Russell O'Callaghan, son of Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan, is seeking to be released on bail.


The son of the WA Police Commissioner will be seeking release from custody pending the outcome of charges relating to a breach of his bail conditions, the Perth Magistrates Court has been told.

Russell O'Callaghan is alleged to have sent messages on social media to a woman he was banned from contacting as part of his bail conditions on other serious charges.

O'Callaghan appeared in court this morning via video link from Casuarina Prison.

His lawyer Sandra De Maio said she had just assumed control of the case from O'Callaghan's previous lawyer, and she needed an adjournment so she could provide prosecutors with the details of her client's bail application.

Ms De Maio said O'Callaghan would be seeking home detention bail and was hoping to take up a spot in a drug rehabilitation facility.

O'Callaghan was remanded in custody until his next court appearance in a fortnight.


The hideous look of crystal meth shows on the scarred and prematurely aged faces of those who abuse it. (Photo credit: courtesy Attorney General’s Office, Taswell County, Illinois)
The hideous look of crystal meth shows on the scarred and prematurely aged faces of those who abuse it.
(Photo credit: courtesy Attorney General’s Office, Taswell County, Illinois)

The short-term and long-term impact of the individual

When taken, meth and crystal meth create a false sense of well-being and energy, and so a person will tend to push his body faster and further than it is meant to go. Thus, drug users can experience a severe “crash” or physical and mental breakdown after the effects of the drugs wear off.

Because continued use of the drug decreases natural feelings of hunger, users can experience extreme weight loss. Negative effects can also include disturbed sleep patterns, hyperactivity, nausea, delusions of power, increased aggressiveness and irritability.

Other serious effects can include insomnia, confusion, hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia.1 In some cases, use can cause convulsions that lead to death.

Long-range damage

In the long term, meth use can cause irreversible harm: increased heart rate and blood pressure; damaged blood vessels in the brain that can cause strokes or an irregular heartbeat that can, in turn, cause cardiovascular2 collapse or death; and liver, kidney and lung damage.

Users may suffer brain damage, including memory loss and an increasing inability to grasp abstract thoughts. Those who recover are usually subject to memory gaps and extreme mood swings.



  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature
  • Dilation of pupils
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Nausea
  • Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior
  • Hallucinations, hyperexcitability, irritability
  • Panic and psychosis
  • Convulsions, seizures and death from high doses


  • Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes and death
  • Liver, kidney and lung damage
  • Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed
  • Respiratory (breathing) problems if smoked
  • Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
  • Malnutrition, weight loss
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion
  • Strong psychological dependence
  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Damage to the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease,3 stroke and epilepsy
  1. 1. paranoia: suspicion, distrust or fear of other people.

Three police officers stood down after testing positive for ICE… the same deadly drug that’s ruining lives across Australia

  • Three WA police officers stood down after testing positive to illicit drugs
  • The drugs include methamphetamines, known as ice, and amphetamines
  • Around 200 police at five suburban stations were tested on Monday 

Three police officers have been stood down after testing positive to illicit drugs including methamphetamines in random tests in stations across ice afflicted Western Australia.

Around 200 police at five suburban stations on Monday were tested for alcohol and drugs by officers from the WA Police Internal Affairs Unit.

Three constables tested positive to ice and amphetamines and have been stood down, a spokesperson confirmed to Daily Mail Australia.

Scroll down for video  

WA Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan (pictured) said the three officers were stood down after testing positive to illicit drugs during a targeted operation on Monday

WA Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan (pictured) said the three officers were stood down 'for the safety of the community and their frontline partners'

The samples are yet to be analysed and confirmed by the Chemistry Centre WA.

There remains a zero tolerance for any police officer found with illicit drugs in their system, Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan said in a statement.

‘Officers make critical decisions under duress and they must not be affected by illicit substances or alcohol,’ he said.

‘This is for the safety of the community and their frontline partners.

‘Monday's day of action by Internal Affairs should send a sobering warning to any officer using illicit substances at any time.’

Regulations to allow random and target drug and alcohol testing were introduced in December 2011.

During the four years of testing, a further 11 officers have exceeded 0.02% blood alcohol levels and a further seven officers have tested positive to illicit drugs, police said.

Excluding the most recent three officers, two officers have tested positive to cannabis, one to methamphetamine, two to MDMA and one to anabolic steroids.

‘Officers make critical decisions under duress and they must not be affected by illicit substances or alcohol,’ Commissioner O'Callaghan said (stock of WA Police car pictured)

‘Officers make critical decisions under duress and they must not be affected by illicit substances or alcohol,’ Commissioner O'Callaghan said (stock of WA Police car pictured)

Around 200 police at five suburban stations on Monday were tested for alcohol and drugs by officers from the WA Police Internal Affairs Unit. Three constables tested positive to ice and amphetamines and have been stood down (stock photo)

Around 200 police at five suburban stations on Monday were tested for alcohol and drugs by officers from the WA Police Internal Affairs Unit. Three constables tested positive to ice and amphetamines and have been stood down (stock photo)

Six resigned prior to the conclusion of a Loss of Confidence Process, and it was accepted that the seventh may have unwittingly ingested a steroid in an exercise supplement.

Since 2012, almost 9,500 tests have been conducted on WA officers and less than one per cent (0.07%) have tested positive to illicit drugs.

But Commissioner O’Callaghan said it was important to identify the few.

‘However small the number of officers affected, we remain committed to identifying these people and taking swift action against them for everyone's safety,’ he said.

It was recently reported that artificial, synthetic urine has been sold across West Australia 

It was recently reported that drug dealers have been selling artificial urine as a package deal with methamphetamine.

However, Safework Laboratories can identify synthetic urine.

On average, it has been identified once a month throughout Australia, but six positive tests were recorded in WA alone in October by Safework Laboratories.

In September, 320kg, worth $320 million, of ice was seized by police in the state, Nine News reported.

It was the biggest haul ever recorded in Western Australia, with the equivalent of 3.2 million individual hits of the drug.

Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's son pleads guilty to assault on woman


Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's son pleads guilty to assault on woman

OCTOBER 29 2015


The son of the West Australian police commissioner has pleaded guilty to three violent charges committed against a woman, while three other offences have been dropped.

Russell Joseph O'Callaghan appeared in the West Australian District Court on Thursday via video link from Casuarina Prison.

THE son of WA Police Conmissioner Karl O’Callaghan has faced court on charges he threatened to kill his partner, while their five-year-old son was in the house.

Russell O’Callaghan, 33, appeared in Fremantle Magistrates Court on seven charges, including threatening to kill and deprivation of liberty.

The police prosecutor told the court Mr O’Callaghan is alleged to have held his partner captive in her Langford home for two and a half days, beginning on Sunday afternoon.

During that time he is alleged to have put metal scissors to her neck and threatened to kill her, grabbed her in a headlock and dragged her down the hallway, strangled her and punched her to the face and body.

It is alleged Mr O’Callaghan went to the woman’s house to stay on Friday night.

The couple got into an argument on Sunday and Mr O’Callaghan took the keys to the house, saying: “You’re not going anywhere, bitch. I’m not going anywhere.”

The court heard the doors to the house are always locked to prevent the couple’s autistic child from leaving.

At one stage Mr O’Callaghan is alleged to have pinned the woman to the floor.

When he allegedly held the scissors to the woman’s neck, he is alleged to have said: “I’m going to stab your f..king throat, bitch. I’m going to kill you. This is the end of your life, I am going to kill you.”

Police said Mr O’Callaghan left the house yesterday morning, and the woman ran to a neighbours and called police. Mr O’Callaghan was arrested yesterday afternoon.

In total, he has been charged with two counts of common assault, unlawful assault occasioning bodily harm in circumstances of aggravation, threatening to kill, depriving a person of their liberty and making a threat with an intent to hinder or prevent someone doing an act.

The police prosecutor opposed bail.

                  Russell Joseph O'Callaghan pleads guilty to assault on a woman. 

             Russell Joseph O'Callaghan pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm, indecent assault and threatening to kill the woman.

The   court heard Russell Joseph O'Callaghan had removed the woman's underwear and threatened to rape her.

           Charges of threatening with intent to influence and deprivation of liberty were dropped, while a charge of sexual penetration without consent had been committed to the District Court, but n                ever indicted.

                  Russell Joseph O'Callaghan will face a sentencing hearing on January 5, 2016 - AAP 

               Russell O’Callagnhan, the son of Western Australia’s police commissioner Karl O' Callaghan's was hurt in a chrystal meth drug blast in Perth, Western Australia.

Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan comforts his son Russell during his stay in hospital after suffering injuries in a drug lab blast. Photo: Channel Ten.

A son of Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan has been charged with a string of serious offences including deprivation of liberty and making threats to kill against his former partner.

Russell Joseph O’Callaghan, 33, appeared in Fremantle Magistrates Court on Wednesday accused of seven charges, including unlawful assault occasioning bodily harm, making threats with intent and common assault with aggravation.

It will be alleged that O’Callaghan held his former partner against her will at her home between August 10 and 12.

He applied for bail but a decision on the application will be heard later on Wednesday.

The latest charges come after Russell O’Callaghan served eight months in jail for attempting to manufacture methamphetamines in 2011.

O’Callaghan suffered serious burns to his head, shoulders and arms when a clandestine drug laboratory exploded in the laundry of the Homeswest house in Carlisle in March 2011.

Four other people sustained burns in the explosion. Two children, aged three and four, escaped injury.

In September 2011, O’Callaghan was jailed for 16 months after pleading guilty to attempting to manufacture a prohibited drug, methamphetamine but served eight

months before being granted parole

Two other men were also charged with similar offences.

At the time, O’Callaghan’s defence lawyer Mark Andrews said his client’s role in the drug manufacture on that day had been “peripheral” and he had never been involved in cooking amphetamines before.

He said O’Callaghan had agreed to supply one packet of cold and flu tablets in return for 0.1g of methamphetamine, which has an approximate value of $100.

Comment has been sought from WA Police.

A spokeswoman for the Police Commissioner said he would not make public comment on the matter at this stage.

Perth police at the Carlisle state housing unit yesterday following the explosion of an alleged drug lab, in which the police commissioner's son was hurt. Picture: Richard Polden

NICOLAS PERPITCH - The Australian - March 22, 2011


Perth police at the Carlisle state housing unit yesterday following the explosion of an alleged drug lab, in which the police commissioner's son was hurt. Picture: Richard Polden

A police commissioner Karl O' Callaghan's son hurt in drug blast

Perth police at the Carlisle state housing unit yesterday following the explosion of an alleged drug lab, in which the police commissioner's son was hurt. Picture: Richard Polden

In September 2011 he was sentenced to 16 months' jail for his involvement in a clandestine drug laboratory which exploded and left him with burns.

Russell O'Callaghan pleaded guilty to charges of attempting to manufacture methylamphetamine by assisting three other men to obtain the necessary drugs and equipment.

Russell O'Callaghan served half of the 16-month term before he was released.

WEST Australian police commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's 29-year-old son Ruseel O’Callaghan, has been badly burned in an illegal drug lab explosion in Perth.

Torn between his roles as police commissioner and a dad, Mr O'Callaghan has told of his struggle to be good at both after revealing the incident. "There's always that conflict between being the commissioner of police and being the father," an emotional Mr O'Callaghan told The Australian last night after visiting his son, Russell, in Royal Perth Hospital.

The younger O'Callaghan was one of five people hurt in the powerful blast, which tore a hole through the roof of a Carlisle state housing unit. One man was in critical condition. Two toddlers escaped unhurt.

"I was quite shocked by the sight of him," Mr O'Callaghan said. "He's got serious burns to his head, neck, shoulders arms and torso. So he's pretty much bandaged right up to his head."

But he said his son was lucid and the first thing he asked was how were the two children who were nearby. "He described the explosion as a fireball that just engulfed all of them. He has been really shaken by this. He said he came within a hair's breadth of losing his life and he's exactly right.

"You can talk about clan labs all you like as a police officer. But when you get to talk to someone whose been involved in something like that and that person's very close to you, then it really drives home what the issue is."

Mr O'Callaghan reassured his estranged son, who has previously been treated for drug addiction, that he would not abandon him, saying the most important thing was that he got "well both mentally and physically".

Mr O'Callaghan said 30 illegal drug labs had been broken up in the state this year and 130 last year. Most of the backyard operations appeared to be making methamphetamines.

Coincidentally, the daughter of former police superintendent Dave Parkinson was living in the unit next door to the clandestine drug-making operation, with both of them complaining more than 40 times to the Department of Housing and police about the noise, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, insults and even alleged physical attacks on both of them.

Mr Parkinson claims the tenant had once told his daughter, Stacee, they had a .22 rifle and were going to shoot her father for standing up to them.

But, despite the department's "three strikes " policy against anti-social behaviour, the tenants were never evicted. Ms Parkinson said she lived in continual fear of her neighbours around the illegal drug lab.

"It's been absolutely hell," she said. "It's been absolutely devastating, horrible. I have a look around to see if there's anyone there before I step foot into my home. That's how bad it is."

Housing Minister Troy Buswell was furious nothing had been done despite the complaints and ordered an immediate review of the three strikes policy. "The department, and by extension, the government have not done enough to protect Stacee and her fellow neighbours," he said.

Mr O'Callaghan has appointed a senior police officer to head the inquiry into the drug laboratory. He said it was unclear what role his son had played, although he did not live at the home. "He will have to face the consequences. But as a family we are suffering deeply at the moment."

Russell O'Callaghan assaulted and threatened to kill a woman last year

The court heard he removed her underwear and threatened to rape her

He had also served jail time for attempting to manufacture drugs at home 

By Nicole Low For Daily Mail Australia and Australian Associated Press

PUBLISHED: 13:02, 29 October 2015

The son of West Australian Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan has pleaded guilty to charges of assaulting a woman and threatening to kill her.

Russell Joseph O'Callaghan appeared in the West Australian District Court on Thursday via video link from Casuarina Prison.

He pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm, indecent assault and threatening to kill the woman in August last year.


     Russell O'Callaghan has pleaded guilty of indecent assault and threatening to kill a woman

            O'Callaghan had threatened to rape a woman in August last year (stock image)

                  Russell Joseph O'Callaghan appeared in the West Australian District Court on Thursday via video link from Casuarina Prison.

                 He pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm, indecent assault and threatening to kill the woman in August last year.

The court heard O'Callaghan had removed her underwear and threatened to rape her.

              Charges of threatening with intent to influence and deprivation of liberty were dropped, while a charge of sexual penetration without consent had been committed to the District Court, but never indicted.

O llaghan
 had been granted home detention bail, but following claims he had breached his bail by contacting the victim, he was taken back into custody the 
ABC reported.

It was not his first brush with the law.

In September 2011, O'Callaghan was found guilty of being involved in a drug laboratory and was sentenced to 16 months jail.

The home drug lab exploded and left him with burns.

Russell Joseph O'Callaghan will face a sentencing hearing on January 5, 2016

O'Callaghan is the son of West Australian Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan

Russell Joseph O'Callaghan will face a sentencing hearing on January 5, 2016

Dr. Karl Joseph O'Callaghan (born 1956 in England) is an Australian police officer serving since 2004 as the Commissioner of the Western Australia Police.

K               Karl Joseph O'Callaghan was born in 1956 in England. In 1970 he moved with his family to Australia where he attended Kalamunda Senior High                                SchoolAfter completing year 12 he joined the Western Australia Police Service as a Police Cadet in 1973 and in November 1975 was inducted into the                      Western Australia Police Academy. In January 1976 he graduated as Dux of his Academy class. O’Callaghan’s policing career has encompassed Police                         Communications, Port Hedland Police Station, Accident Inquiry Section, Perth Traffic Branch, Manjimup Traffic and General Duties, Community Education, and          the Police Academy.

Dr.           Karl Joseph O'Callaghanwas promoted from Senior Sergeant to Superintendent in 1996 and was transferred to the Internal Investigations Unit and later ran                  both the Wheatbelt (formerly Northam) and South East Metropolitan (formerly Cannington) policing districts.

Dr.          Karl Joseph O'Callaghan later attended Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia and completed a Bachelor of Education
               1st Class Honours and in 1998 he became the first police officer in the history of the Western Australia Police to complete a  PhD.

In            2001 he was promoted to Assistant Commissioner, Strategic and Corporate Development (formerly Policy, Planning & Evaluation) assuming
              responsibility for major change, reform and information technology projects in the Western Australia Police. He later relieved in the positions of Executive D                 Director (Corporate Services) and Deputy Commissioner (Reform). This role included responsibility for the Strategic Plan and Annual Business Planning process, legislative reform, major IT-based business re-engineering projects, replacing the Radio Communications infrastructure (PMRN) together with management of Corporate Projects and major Corporate Reform and implementation of Royal Commission recommendations.

In 1997 O'Callaghan was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study ethics training and education in policing. In 2004 he was awarded the Australian Police Medal (APM). In 2006 he was made a Rotary International Paul Harris fellow for his work with communities in Western Australia. In 2011 he established Bright Blue (The               Commissioner's Charity for Sick Kids) and became the inaugural chair.

In             1973, after finishing year 12, Dr. Karl Joseph O'Callaghanjoined the Western Australia Police as a cadet. A year later he joined the WA Police Academy w           there he graduated as dux of his class in 1976

Dr. Karl Joseph O'Callaghan was promoted to the position of Western Australian Commissioner in 2004.

Top cop puts hand up as foster dad

            Gabrielle Knowles - Friday, 27 May 2016

Liam Bartlett: Why WA Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan has crossed the line

LIAM BARTLETT, PerthNow January 30, 2016


RADIO BATTLE: Karl O’Callaghan and Mark McGowan in on-air slanging match

600 CRIMES EVERY DAY: Police clueless over WA’s crime surge

CRIME INCREASE: WA Labor says Perth crime statistics are ‘devastating’

POLICE FIGURES: Extent of WA’s crime wave revealed as assaults, thefts increase

THE crime rate in this state is scandalous. Recording double-digit growth every month for the past seven months and currently 17 per cent up on last year, it’s beginning to impact on thousands of hard working West Australians.

People like “Mark” who woke about 4am on Wednesday, January 20, to discover two burglars in his Yokine home.

He chased them off the property and called police to make a statement at 4.15am.

About 5.30am he realised the iPhone that had been nicked was switched on, so using the Find My iPhone app he jumped in the car and tracked down the handset to an address in Embleton.

At 6am Mark phoned police with the details and was told they would “send the first available”. Two more calls later, the operator still couldn’t give him an ETA.

Exasperated, Mark had to go home to attend work but officers later told him the iPhone tracking app was not accurate enough to establish a warrant so they couldn’t knock on the door and demand entry anyway.

Undeterred, the next day Mark returned to the house and within five minutes of promising to doorknock the neighbours and let them know what they were living next to, convinced the occupants to hand over the stolen goods.

He’d achieved, as a simple, concerned citizen, what highly trained officers could not.

Frustrating scenarios like this that are symptomatic of a policing model ironically titled “Frontline 2020” – a system being led by a commissioner more concerned with playing politics and protecting his legacy than fixing the broken cogs in a wheel that has well and truly come off the tracks.

Karl O’Callaghan has been the state’s top cop for close to 12 years.

When you consider the leader of the free world is only allowed to serve eight, it’s more than possible Mr O’Callaghan has become stale, tired and autocratic.

On Tuesday, it also became crystal clear that he has run out of ideas on how to fix the problem.

That’s when he resorted to launching a political attack on the two most senior members of the State Opposition on Perth’s 6PR radio.

Mark McGowan fired back at Karl O’Callaghan on radio last week.

Police commissioner Karl O'Callaghan said politicians didn’t bother to turn up to community meetings.

Labor has rightly been scathing of the failures of Frontline to deliver effective policing despite being in place for over a year but the commissioner decided to make it personal.

“We offered all parliamentarians a full briefing and …. ask us questions and very few turned up and Mark McGowan wasn’t among them”, he protested.

“He decided not to turn up at all and so missed the briefing completely … neither did Michelle Roberts for that particular event”, he said.

But he was wrong. It turns out Michelle Roberts was there, on behalf of Mr McGowan but that small fact didn’t bother big Karl.

He went on: “We’ve also had community events to explain to local communities like Rockingham and Mandurah and others about the changes,” he said.

“I’m happy to offer a broader briefing to politicians if they bother to turn up”.

Well, whoops again. The Opposition Leader did turn up – to one of two community briefings in Rockingham – and sent his two electorate officers to the other one.

Mr O’Callaghan has since sent a text message of apology to Ms Roberts. Mr McGowan is still waiting.

But for Mr O’Callaghan, it wasn’t simply wrong. It was an embarrassment to hear the leader of a law and order agency make such a fundamental error of fact.

And to use briefings that happened 18 months ago reeks of a drowning sailor clinging to the nearest piece of driftwood.

Police minister Liza Harvey.

It’s almost as cringe-worthy as some of the homilies that he and his sidekick, Police Minister Liza Harvey, have delivered to explain why the crime rate is surging and the response times slowing.

First it was leaving valuables in the car at the beach, then the ice epidemic taking over the globe and then it was our fault for not locking doors and windows at home.

Maybe the most breathtaking was being informed that we now live “in a big city” and had to change our way of thinking.

It can only be a matter of time before alien abduction is wheeled out at the next press conference.

​The Minister’s lack of public criticism of the commissioner’s political power play is disappointing but not unusual.

Despite recent damning reports detailing poor police conduct and systemic failures in the elite investigating body, she still sits firmly at the commissioner’s right hand. ​

Missing in action would be too kind an explanation. Mrs Harvey is paid top dollar in the ministry to ensure police deliver the right service to taxpayers.

Her first and last priority is to the people, not to the commissioner and she would do well to remember her obligations fall in that order.

Little wonder that some party members think she is not up to the job and ​have ​started the​ backroom machinations to quash her deputy leader ambitions and push Mike Nahan forward instead.

For the commissioner, the line has been crossed.

If he wanted to be police minister, he should have run for office, but while he holds an apolitical position of authority he should respect it and leave the public debate to those who are answerable to the public.

He could do worse than to concentrate on policing and ensure response teams were properly resourced and brought back from the “breaking point” that their union estimates they’ve reached.

However, after he flagged retirement in August 2017, the Barnett Government is now faced with a seat warmer who has lost his mojo.

If it can’t find a solution, the “Marks” in the suburbs will give the opposition a chance to hold their own briefings.

Liam Bartlett is a journalist with Channel Nine and can be seen on 9 News Perth

Email: lbartlett@nine.com.au

Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's son pleads guilty to assault on woman


Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's son pleads guilty to assault on woman

OCTOBER 29 2015

The son of the West Australian police commissioner has pleaded guilty to three violent charges committed against a woman, while three other offences have been dropped.

Russell Joseph O'Callaghan appeared in the West Australian District Court on Thursday via video link from Casuarina Prison.

THE son of WA Police Conmissioner Karl O’Callaghan has faced court on charges he threatened to kill his partner, while their five-year-old son was in the house.

Russell O’Callaghan, 33, appeared in Fremantle Magistrates Court on seven charges, including threatening to kill and deprivation of liberty.

The police prosecutor told the court Mr O’Callaghan is alleged to have held his partner captive in her Langford home for two and a half days, beginning on Sunday afternoon.

During that time he is alleged to have put metal scissors to her neck and threatened to kill her, grabbed her in a headlock and dragged her down the hallway, strangled her and punched her to the face and body.

It is alleged Mr O’Callaghan went to the woman’s house to stay on Friday night.

The couple got into an argument on Sunday and Mr O’Callaghan took the keys to the house, saying: “You’re not going anywhere, bitch. I’m not going anywhere.”

The court heard the doors to the house are always locked to prevent the couple’s autistic child from leaving.

At one stage Mr O’Callaghan is alleged to have pinned the woman to the floor.

When he allegedly held the scissors to the woman’s neck, he is alleged to have said: “I’m going to stab your f..king throat, bitch. I’m going to kill you. This is the end of your life, I am going to kill you.”

Police said Mr O’Callaghan left the house yesterday morning, and the woman ran to a neighbours and called police. Mr O’Callaghan was arrested yesterday afternoon.

In total, he has been charged with two counts of common assault, unlawful assault occasioning bodily harm in circumstances of aggravation, threatening to kill, depriving a person of their liberty and making a threat with an intent to hinder or prevent someone doing an act.

The police prosecutor opposed bail.

What happened to Jane Rimmer from 12.30 am on Sunday the 9th of June, 1996 onwards ...
why did the Western Australian Police and the media deliberately lie 
to the Western Australian Public for 20 years about the last sighting of Jane Rimmer,
which was at around 12.30 am on Sunday the 9th of June, 1996 hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street, Claremont, Western Australia...
was it because as witnesses have stated according to USA media investigators, that some members of the Western Australian polie Service were involved in picking up Jane Rimmer on Sunday Morning on Stirling Highway ... and these police officers have not come forward to say what they did with Jane Rimmer after they picked up Jane Rimmer on Sunday Morning on Stirtl#ing Highway ....  

Jane Rimmer was 23 when she went missing in 1996 after a night out in Claremont
Jane Rimmer above

after the four twenty-one year old uni students saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking on Stirling Highway
near Lock Street at around 12.30 am staggering as though she was quite drunk.
even though they commented to each other
that it  was a dangerous place to be hitchhicking at that hour of the morning

Below is the false statement that the police and all the Western Australian media
have stated to the public for the last 20 years about the last sighting of Jane Rimmer at 4 minutes past midnight on Sunday June 9th 1996 

Sunday June 9, 1996: Childcare worker Jane Rimmer, 23, was last seen leaving Claremont’s Continental Hotel at 00.04am after a Saturday night out with friends. She was last seen standing outside Club Bay View after she declined a lift home with friends, with whom she had been drinking. Her parents had expected their bubbly daughter for lunch that Sunday at their Wembley home.

However,  the true last sighting of Jane Rimmer was at around 12.30 am hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street,Claremont,
which is going towards Perth from where Jane Rimmer had been at the Continental Hotel in Bay View Terrace

The corner of Loch Street and Stirling Highway from the
Continental Hotel in Bay View Terrace is only about 10 to 15 minutes walk.
The Uni Students   were driving back to near the Nedlands Uni after attending a 21st birday party at the Claremont Yatch Club,
which is near the bottom of Bay View Terrace, Claremont.
They would have drived up Bay View Terrace andf turned right on the Stirling Highway,
towards Nedlands w
here  they lived near the university of Western Australia
So Jane Rimmer was hitchhiking towards Nedlands/Perth on the left side of the road if one was driving to Perth

Continental Hotel

Bay View  Terrace, Claremont

Claremont Horror - On the trail of a serial killer

Press reader

The Australian Women’s Weekly 1st June, 2016

Various headlines

Fresh Clue To Serial Killings

Wearing: Black denin, Bige Shotrs & White Teeshirt

Sarah Spiers Last seen at 2 am on Saturday the 27th January, 1996 at Club Bay View Claremont

Please let Sarah Come home

Can you help contact Police on 1800 333 000

Did this man kill his first victims in Australia?

British Pub Chef Linked to Perth Serial Murder

Missing and abducted: Sarah Spiers

Abducted and Murdered on the 9th of June, 1996 : Jame Rimmer

Abducted and Murdered on the 14th of March, 1997: Ciara Glennon


“Sarah would have quickly known she was in danger”

Like Jane, Sarah Spiers- a family orientated country girl – had also been drinking with friends at the OBH . He may have met or been seen by the girls at the Conti a previous time and then stalked them those particular nights as they left alone.


This year marks the  20th anniversary of the unsolved Claremont serial killing. Yet, as an FBI-trained criminal profiler tells Debi Marshal, thesw=e murders are solvable – and the key is in some grainy TV footage.

Her Naked, Badly decomposed body, exposed to nature’s vagaries for 45 days, was pitiful in death. Dumped in a lonely roadside verge 40 kilometres south of Perth, police immediately knew the dentitiy of this young, blonde woman: 23-year-old childcare worker Jane Rimmer, who has disappeared on June 9, 1996, from an upmarket nightclub in the salubrious suburb of Claremont.

Five months before Jane’s abduction, on Australia Day, 18-year-old Sarah Spiers had also disappeared from the same area, after partying in Claremont.  The nightmare would continue when the body of vivacious 27-year-old lawyer Ciara Glennon, who also disappeared from Claremont, on March 15, 1997, was found 18 days later hidden in bushland north of Perth.

For 20 years, the Claremont serial killer has remained an enigma, his motives and identity unknown. Despite an avalanche of information from members  of the public terrified he would strike again and the spotlight beamed on some well-publicised suspects, police have failed to make any breakthroughs. The investigation has earned a reputation as being the longest, most expensive and unsolved murder enquiry in Australian history.

Yet while criminal profilers have examined the cases, their finding have mostly been kept from the public, a fact according to former NSW police detective Kris Illingsworth, who has expensive FBI training in criminal profiling, that is one of the key reason why the murders remain unsolved.

“On stalled investigations, you rely on the public’s help,”  she says. “I hope someone will come forward now if they recognises anyone from this profile.”

Tall and softley spoken, Kris, who retired in 2008 and now runs her own company, Behavioural Trace Investigations, has  seen the worst of humanity. An analyst on the notorious Milat backpacker serial killings, she was also a detective on the Granny Killer serial murders. In her 25-year career, she worked on around 300 murders and 500 sexual assaults.

Kris went to the abduction and disposal sites in Perth and is blunt in her assessment of the time it took police to release CCTV footage of Jane Rimmer standing outside the Continental Hotel the night she was abducted. “They waited 12 years after her murder to show it to the public.” She says, with dismay. “ That vision should have been released at the time. It’s Jane’s last sighting and she is meeting an unidentified man. Without a doubt, this footage of Jane Rimmer is the key to it all.”

A sensitive, fun-loving dreamer  who lacked self-esteem, Jane was desperate to find love, friends say. On that fateful Queens’s Birthday long weekend, she was out drinking with her friends. Starting zat the trendy Ocean Beach Hotel, before moving to the Continental  Hotel.

“About  11.40 pm, the group left  the Conti to go home, “ Kris says. “ But Jane suddenly announced she wanted to hang around the hotel a bit longer. Jane’s friends assumed Jane wanted to meet someone for the night. It appears the meeting with the man in the CCTV footage was prearranged – but when and with whom? And why did Jane Rimmer choose to keep this rendezvous secret?”

Kris runs through the haunting black and white CCTV footage of Jane taken as she waited outside the Continental. “ The last we see of Jane Rimmer is at 12.58pm, standing alone and facing the street,” Kris  says.” Jane Rimmer is obviously waiting for someone. Then, right on midnight, a man walks straight up to Jane Rimmer. WE only see the back of him for a second, but that brief vision tells volumes about him. He has straight, short, dark, brown or black hair. He is taller than Jane, well dressed with medium build and muscular upper torso, which suggests fitness.  He probably presents similarly today, although perhaps now he has greying hair. He would be (aged) around 47-55 year now.

“When he is about a metre from Jane Rimmer, he raises both palms upward in a friendly gesture and Jane raised her head and gives him a radiant smile. Jane Rimmer is clearly delighted to see him.”

Kris says their mutual body language strongly indicated that they were not strangers. “ When the camera changes to Jane 28 seconds later, the man is no longer there,” Kris says. “But Jane is, for another three minutes. Now, Jane has turned to face oncoming traffic. It is more than probable that he has gone to get his car and she is now waiting for a lift from him.”

At 12.04am, Jane looks at her watch. When the camera changes back to her a minute later, Jane Rimmer is gone. Eight weeks later, horrified passers-by discovered Jane Rimmer – who had dreamed only of marrying and having children – when they were strolling to pick wild flowers.

In the days after Jane Rimmer’s disappearance, police identified all 700 patrons where were a the Continental Hotel that night, all, that is, except one person.

“no one was able to identify the man who approached Jane Rimmer,” Kris says. “Tellingly , he didn’t come forward to identify himself, either. It is vital to establish a timeline for Jane Rimmer’s movement for the days before Jane Rimmer disappeared. Her killer will be in there.”

Who is he? Jane distraught mother, Jenny, now in her 60’s and in very poor health, did not recognise the man, whom police describe as a “person of interest”, when she is shown the video shortly after her daughter disappeared. She is adamant the decision to withhold it form the public for so long in order to enhance quality of the footage because “they didn’t want to narrow the focus of the enquiry” was wrong.

“On that night, I shared a quick drink with Janie at the hotel where I worked before she went off to party with her friends. My last words to her were, ‘Be careful. Be happy. Stay safe.”

The months following Jane’s disappearance  are a blur of painful memories and the weeks following the discovery of her body so agonising that Jenny surrendered to a foetal position, silently screaming and unable to face the world. Jenny’s beloved husband of 42 years, Trevor, died in 2008, ravaged by cancer and something less deniable, unbearable heartache.

“No one can begin to imagine the grief Trevor  endured and which I continue to go through,” Jenny says. “Losing a child is like losing a part of yourself. Jane was so full of love and laughter. In my dreams Jane returns to me, smiling. In my dreams Jane never grows up.”

Former NSW police detective Kris Illingsworth, who has expensive FBI training in criminal profiling, who now runs her own company, Behavioural Trace Investigations, has  seen the very worst of humanity, believes Jane’s nakeness reveals this was undeniably a sexually motivated homicide, but that they weren’t in a close relationship.

“Jane willingly got into his vehicle and was prepared to go to another location with him, most likely for a consensual sex encounter. But the post-mortem showed that, most likely, her throat has been cut, but there was no property found with her body. Did anyone end up seeing any with items of clothing around that time that couldn’t identify?”

Like Jane, Sarah Spiers – a family orientated. Country girl – had also been drinking with friends at the OBH before moving to Club Bayview in Claremont, Around 1.30am, Sarah told friends she was leaving to get a taxi home and walked, alone, to a public telephone box at a deserted commercial area near the intersection of Stirling Highway. “About the time Sarah made the taxi call, a car carrying three young men stopped at a red light at the intersection of Stirling Highway, “  Kris Illingsworth says. “ At the time, they noticed car headlights travelling behind them towards the intersection, but they decided that the girl ( Sarah) was all right. They drove off, but the car behind did not go through the intersection.”

This was the last sighting of Sarah. Sarah had called the cab at 2.06am. When it arrived, three minutes later, Sarah was gone. “ Sarah would have known very quickly that she was in danger, “Kris Illingsworth, says. Sarah Speirs’s body has never been found.

WHOEVER KILLED THE three girls has the social and verbal skills to integrate himself with them, W he has the gift of the gab and the know-how to quickly assess a situation, to be able to lure the girls into his car,” Kris Illingsworth, says. “In a social situation, he is seen, but not seen, He gets in. He belongs. Did Sarah take a calculated, ultimately tragic risk to get into the car, unsure of how long the taxi would take and perhaps nervous about seeing a car loan of young men drive vby? Had Sarah seen the driver of the car earlier that evening and felt comfortable with him?”

Ciara Glennon, a feisty, intelligent beauty, has just returned to Perth after 12 months overseas. “Ciara was a person who would assert herself and, if in danger, likely to struggle and fight hard., “Kris Illingsworth saus. “Tired, Ciara also left her friends after drinking at the Continenal Hotel on Marcg 14. Sadly, Ciara ignored a warning from witnesses to be careful as she strode along Stirling Highway, Claremont and was seen leaning into a light-coloured car and talking to the driver.”

Did Ciara also take a calculated risk to get in with the driver so Ciara could get home quickly?” . Kris Illingsworth, asks. “Had Ciara met him before, perhaps even at the Conti that night. Or had he stalked her as she left alone?”

When the witnesses looked back at Coara, the car was gone – and so had Ciara. Ciara’s body was found almost three weeks later, fully clothed, about 60 kilometres  north of Claremont – the exact opposite direction to Jane. Like Jane, Ciara’s post-mortem suggested her throat had been cut, “He may have sustained injuries that night as CIara struggled against him. Does anyone remember seeing someone with unusual injuries at that time?”

Kris Illingsworth, says the killer’s method of approach says a lot about him. “He conned and lured these women, and his verbal social skills would transfer to his employment. Her works with customers, such as in sales or in a bar as a shift worker. The meeting time- midnight – with Jane suggests he has asked her to wait for him as he had a prior engagement. And he has gone for type – attractive, intelligent, young blonde women.”

“Sarah would have quickly known she was in danger

Like Jane, Sarah Spiers- a family orientated country girl – had also been drinking with friends at the OBH . He may have met or been seen by the girls at the Conti a previous time and then stalked them those particular nights as they left alone.

Like Jane, Sarah Spiers- a family orientated country girl – had also been drinking with friends at the OBH . He may have the girls here a previous time and then stalked them those particular nights. 

Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitchhiking - Student
Author:Andrew Clennell
Date: 19 June 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition.

Title: We Saw Jane Rimmer Hitching - Uni Student says
Author: Andrew Clennell Date: 19th June, 1996
Publisher: Community Times, News Chronical, Nedlands Edition

University student Emma Clayton and her friends almost picked up a blonde girl she is sure was Jane Rimmer early on the Sunday Morning Jane Rimmer disapeared.
Miss Clayton (21 years old uni student) said she saw the girl staggering along Stirling Highway, thumb out, hitching a lift at 12.30 am. Emma Clayton told police about the incident and her description of the cloths Jane was wearing matched that of a police description which had not been released to the media. Ms Clayton said she and her friends had been in Stirling Highway after leaving a 21st birthday party at Claremont Yacht Club. "Down near Lock Street we saw a girl Hitchhiking," she said. The Girl had her thumb out and we just slowed down and thought maybe we should pick her up but didn't." The conversation between the two couples in the car had been that she was a silly girl for trying to hitch in the area and they discussed whether they should pick the girl up. The decided at the last minute to move on. "we said of all placed for a girl to be hitchhiking alone, this was probably the worst," Miss Clayton said. She said initially, after she had heard of Jane Rimmer's disappearance, she felt guilty that that hadn't picked her up. "If we had picked her up things would have been a lot different, " Miss Clayton said. When she and her friends saw the girl there were no other cars on the Stirling Highway ...

Western Australian Police and Liberal Government so not deny the accusations by USA media investigators of presenting  false evidence to the public and Australian media in the Claremont Serial Killings investigation to falsely arrest Bradley Edwards for the Claremont Serial Killings for the main purpose of using the arrest of Bradley Edwards to help win the March state election in Western Australia.


New book and film includes some of the information about the Claremont Serial Killings

A new book is being published and a film of the same name is being produced in Australia entitled " Missing Abducted Murdered In Western Australia"
which exposes those named by witness statements as being involved with the carrying out and organising the Claremont Serial Killings and other serious crimes committed in Western Australia and how and why the Western Australian Police and Liberal Government covered up the truth from being exposed and those involved protected from investigation and arrest and how they used their powerful connections in the Western Australian media to help present false and misleading information about the Claremont Serial Killings and other serious crimes committed in Western Australia 
Western Australian Police issued a false statement to the media that a group of boys saw Ciara Glennon stop and lean over to talk to people or a person in a Holden Station Wagon when one of the boys have stated that all they saw was the back lights of a car and did not in anyway see Ciara Glennon or any girl leaning over with her hands on her knees talking to a person or people in any car on the Stirling Highway, Claremont.
The Western Australian Police Service helped by their powerful connections in the Western Australian media have for 20 odd years presented a false impression to the Western Australian public that the last time Jane Rimmer was seen alive was at around midnight outside the Continental Hotel in Claremont, when it was well known by the Western Australian Police and the Western Australian media and the Western Australian Liberal Government that the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer was by four 21 year old university students was at around 12.30 am when Jane Rimmer was hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street and was staggering and looking quite drunk.
The university students told the Western Australian Police about seeing Jane Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street at around 12.30 am the mornings Jane Rimmer disappeared and this sighting of Jane Rimmer was publicly reported in a community newspaper thus the other main media outlets in Western Australia would have also known about the university students reporting their sighting of Jane Rimmer hitchhiking on Stirling Highway near Loch Street at around 12.30 am the morning Jane Rimmer disappeared and eventually murdered with her body bring found in bushland.
There is evidence presented to USA media investigators that shows involvement of Western Australian Police and powerful well connected business people being involved with the Claremont Serial Killings and other serious crimes committed in Western Australia.
The Western Australian Police also failed to more closely look at and investigate the names and identities of the man and woman that traveled by taxi with Sarah Spiers to South Perth by taxi who the USA media investigators say were involved in picking up Sarah Spiers in a  taxi they already were in, when they convinced Sarah Spiers to get into their taxi  before the taxi Sarah Spiers had ordered that arrived only a few minutes later to find Sarah Spiers already gone.

Innocent or guilty 
Bradley Robert Edwards deserves a fair trial by the courts and media

One well understands that the extreme thirst of the Western Australia public, the Australian Public and the Western Australian and Australian media and the Western Australian Government and the Western Australian Police, prosecution and courts  all wanting to see that the person or persons responsible and involved in any way on organizing, arranging, adding and abetting and/or carrying out these horrendous  crimes that have been given the name "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders" should be brought to justice and that someone is publicly named, blamed and found guilty in a court of law and punished accordingly, so that some closure is brought to the devastated families of the abducted and murdered girls and to the Perth and Western Australian public ... however anyone publicly accused, charged and/or arrested for their alleged involvement in what is known publicly known as the "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders" .. has the right to a fair trial by the media and the police, the prosecution and the courts .... this is especially when the person accused and arrested for he alleged involvement in "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders" and other serial sexual assaults on other Perth girls, has an unblemished and respectable name in the eyes his neighbours, his friends and the people the knew him and and his family and relations ... where no one so far except the Western Australian Police and the media as a result of the  information released by the Western Australian Police to the media about Bradley Robert Edwards ... has previously to his arrest in about the 23rd of December, 2016 ... has a bad or negative words to say about Bradley Robert Edwards ....
It is noted that the only evidence that the Western Australian Police have publicly stated that is meant to link Bradley Robert Edwards to the the "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders" ... is the same silk kimono gown that
 Detective Sergeant John Callegari holds in this picture taken by Rod Taylor of the West Australian Newspaper of the 16th of February, 1988 that was also meant to help solve the brutal murder of Victor Heather Clark in September, 1987 ... which a man, named David Troy Masters (who apparently lived in her apartment block), has  been in jail for 25 year for that murder.....
...one has to play the devils advocate hear .... one has to ask how the same silk kimono gown that
 Detective Sergeant John Callegari holds in this picture taken by Rod Taylor of the West Australian Newspaper of the 16th of February, 1988 , even if it is proven beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that when it was dropped at the home of the 18-year-old girl after she realized that an intruder was lying on top of her when she had been asleep ... has the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards on it .... other that very circumstantial and supposition evidence that may indicate that Bradley Robert Edwards  gets involved with sexual type crimes .... how does it actually factually prove that Bradley Robert Edwards  was is in any way involved with the abduction and/or murder of what is know as the "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders" .....
... the police have to have Bradley Robert Edwards' DNA evidence from one or more of the victims of the 
"The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders" .. that shows Bradley Robert Edwards' having some connection to the victims abductions and/or murders ..... from one or more of the victims of the "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders".....

Experts in investigations have been asked the question ....

" ...How does proving that 
Bradley Robert Edwards had his DNA on a garment found at the scene of the 15th of February, 1988 Huntingdale sexual assault .... help the police prove that Bradley Robert Edwards was is in any way involved with the abduction and/or murder of what is know as the "The Claremont Serial Killings" and the "Claremont Serial Murders? ..." 

 ... the answer has generally been ....
"quite difficult and is a low bow to draw, without other supporting and back up evidence ...."

George Adams, Editor of NYT.bz

Crime Investigation Australia - Hunt for a Killer The Claremont Murders

The below has been taken from

Kimono Clue To A Brutal Killing of Victor Heather Cark in Victoria Park in September, 1987 
                                                                               By Cyril Ayris

                                                    West Australian Newspaper 17th February, 1988


            Brutal Murder of Victor Heather Clark in Victoria Park in September, 1987


                                         Detective Sergeant John Callegari holds a silken dressing gown for this picture 
                                       taken by Rod Taylor of the West Australian Newspaper of the 16th of February, 1988

Silk kimono is the key clue to Brutal Murder of Victor Heather Cark in Victoria Park in September,1987. It was dropped by a man who had brokedninto a Huntingdale residence early Monday morning the 15th of February, 1988, and then lay onto of a sleeping 18-year-old girl….

The silk kimono is the vital good clue Western Australian Police believe will help solve sex attacks the area….. Detective Sergeant Mark Kilpatrick believe that the man walked into the Huntingdale house through the back door….

West Australian Newspaper 17th February, 1988 Victor Heather Cark in Victoria Park in 1987

Picture by Rod Taylor

Detective John Calangari with the silk kimomo  Western Australian Police hope will be the clue to help them catch the killer of




Comment by foxymoron1:

Did anyone see the West Australian newspaper articles from the 17th of February, 1988, which links the Huntingdale silk kimono…..

 ( which the Western Australian Police say is the key DNA clue to solving the Claremont Serial Killings, because the police say they found the same DNA on the body of Ciara Glennon, the silk kimono found after the Hungtindale assault of the 18-year-old girl in her home on the 15th of February, 1988 and the girl that was abducted walking under a Clarmont Subway and the taken to the Karakatta Cemetery and raped…)…..

….to a ‘brutal killing’ in Victoria Park in 1987? A woman named Victoria Heather Clark was murdered after a man broke into her home and raped her. The man, named David Troy Masters ( who apparently lived in her apartment block), has  been in jail for 25 year for that murder. Police initially thought it was related to the Huntingdale attack on the 15th of February, 1988. But now the Western Australian Police now claim that committed the Huntingdale sexual assault on the 15th of February, 1988and the same silk kimono, are linked to the Claremont Serial Killer (CSK) instead… and the Western Australian Police are now saying that they are certain that whoever committed the Huntingdale sexual assault on the 15th of February, 1988, is the same person that abducted and murdered Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon in June 1996 and March 1997…

Comment by Bigwood69:

I’ve never heard about this, that could be huge!

Comment by foxymoron1:

I was on page 2 of Saturday’s West and yet I can’t find anyone anywhere talking about it!

Comment by Bigwood69:

I’s imagine there may be a strong reason that that ….

Comment by othervee:

Comment was deleted, because the comment was too controversial and maybe the website could be sued for what was said..

Comment by Bigwood69:

Holy crap. Any proof that this is the actual guy?

Comment by othervee:

I can’t find any prrof and I suspect the YouTube channel belongs to some poor guy who unfortunately share a name with the suspect. The Dr Who fanfic writer gives his location as the West Midlands, which is in the United Kingdom, and he’s the same guy as the YouTube channel.

Comment by Bigwood69:

Yeah, I said in another reply, after seeing that his location was West Midlands and only finding a single fanfic /vid I figured this was just some unfortunate dude with th same name…

Comment by othervee:

Comment was deleted, because the comment was too controversial and maybe the website could be sued for what was said..

Comment by othervee:

Possibly not the same guy  …. fanfic writer gives his location as the West Midlands..

Comment by Bigwood69:

Are you sure this is the guy? Because that guy’s profile says he lives in the West Midlands which is England

Silk kimono is the key clue in the Claremont killings: Robe stolen from backyard clothesline 28 YEARS ago 'provides DNA link between serial murder case, a teen rape and the man now charged with both'

A kimono dropped during a break-in and attempted rape of a woman in a northern Perth suburb in 1988, is believed to have been a vital clue in the case

DNA samples from the kimono matched samples recovered from body of third victim Ciara Glennon, and a woman, 17, who was sexually assaulted in 1995 

Bradley Edwards was arrested at his Kewdale property in WA on Thursday

He was charged with allegedly sexually assaulting two women, aged 17 and 18

Was also charged with wilful murder of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon in 1990s

Edwards, a stepfather, was also a volunteer at his local Little Athletics Club 

By Ashleigh Davis and Martha Azzi For Daily Mail Australia

A silk kimono stolen 28 years ago is believed to be the clue that helped solve the cold case of the Claremont killings.

In 1988 the white kimono embroidered with birds and flowers was dropped when a man broke into a Huntingdale woman's house and tried to rape her, reported Perth Now.

The man responsible reportedly dropped it while running from the house, where it was found and put into storage at WA Police's evidence recieval centre. 



A silk kimono (pictured) stolen 28 years ago during a break-in and attempted sexual assault of an 18-year-old woman, is believed to be the clue that helped police solve the cold case of the Claremont killings

Killer's Confession | 9 News Perth

Published on Oct 10, 2015

There's been a potential breakthrough in at least 3 unsolved murders after a self-confessed serial killer admitted to the crimes.

Crime Investigation Australia - Hunt for a Killer The Claremont Murders



Published on Dec 18, 2013

Australian Families of Crime: David and Catherine Birnie


Laura Woollett

Published on Jan 18, 2014

A documentary about serial-killing couple David and Catherine Birnie, originally aired on the Nine Network (2010). Hosted by Vince Colosimo.


Bradley Robert Edwards (left) was arrested on Thursday at his home in the Perth suburb of Kewdale. Among other charges, he was charged with two counts of murder for the deaths of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, whose bodies were found in bushland in the 1990s

Recent DNA tests on the kimono matched samples already on the police database - ones that had been recovered from the body of the third victim Ciara Glennon.

                                                                       Jane Rimmer

                                                                           Ciara Glennon

On Friday Bradley was charged with the alleged murders of Jane Rimmer (left) and Ciara Glennon (right), as well as alleged sex attacks on two other women, aged 17 and 18

                                                                                                                        Sarah Spiers

 Sarah Spiers (pictured) is believed to be the first of the three women that went missing. Her body has never been found. Police are continuing inquiries into her death. To date, Edwards has not been charged in relation to her death.

The police also matched samples from a 17-year-old woman who was abducted in Claremont in 1995 and sexually assaulted in Karrakatta cemetery nearby 

Bradley Robert Edwards was arrested at his Kewdale property in Perth on Thursday and charged with the alleged wilful murders of Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27, whose bodies were dumped in bushland in the 1990s.

The 48-year-old who was described by a local as 'quiet and friendly,' was also charged with two counts of aggravated sexual penetration and one count of indecent assault, reported Perth Now.

He was also charged with the alleged abduction of the 17-year-old in the early hours of February 12, 1995.

At the time the 17-year-old told police she was restrained with ties and before being raped and she was unable to see her attacker due to having something placed over her head.

'It will be alleged she was restrained and forced into a vehicle and then driven to a cemetery where she was sexually assaulted,' WA Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan said.

Edwards was also charged with indecently assaulting the 18-year-old woman during a break-in at a Huntingdale home on February 15, 1988.

Locals and friends of Edwards said the man who is now living with his step-daughter rarely divulged information about himself.

'He is always very quiet ... but he is quite friendly,' a man who chose to stay anonymous said. 'He never tells anyone anything about anything that he's doing.'  

The Little athletics volunteer was described as a community figure who spent years aiding the club, ABC reported.

'He's held a number of roles in the centre over that time,' Belmont Little Athletics Centre chief executive, Vince Del Prete, said.



In a press conference on Friday police said inquiries into Ms Spiers' death are still ongoing. Pictured are officers at Edwards' property

'Fair to say it's come as a bit of a shock to those of us at the centre, and for the little league sport generally.

'What's very important from our perspective is to support the Belmont Centre now, and all of its members and families involved.'

Sarah Spiers, an 18-year-old secretary, the first of the three victims who went missing, was last seen at a Claremont nightclub in January 1996. Her body has not been found and police are continuing inquiries into her death. 


The deaths of three women between 1996 and 1997 sparked Australia's longest police investigation into what was dubbed the Claremont serial killings.


Has Telstra worker Bradley Robert Edwards been framed for the Claremont Serial Killings?




The AWN investigators have spoken to a witness who says that the Macro Task Force acting for the Western Australian Police Service and the Western Australian Government have deliberately set up Telstra worker Bradley Robert Edwards .. as a political stunt to help the Liberal Party win the next Western Australia state elections in March, 2017 and to help the real Claremont Serial Killers escape who are responsible for other murders from ever being expose, prosecuted and tried .... The same witness knows some of the people who were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings and other murders and disappearances of innocent young women in Perth, Western Australia ... The Western Australian Police, the Western Australian Police Commissioner, Karl O'Callaghan, 
the Western Australian Attorney General, Michael Mishin, the Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett, the Western Australian Minister for Police and the Western Australian Government have shown no interest is looking at or knowing about any other evidence regarding the Claremont Serial Killings and other murders and disappearances of innocent young women in Perth, Western Australia ... other that alleged evidence that  is said in the media that is meant to proven beyond reasonable doubt that Telstra worker Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer, and that Telstra worker Bradley Robert Edwards was able and capable single handed to carry out the abduction and murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon .. with a serious public implication that Telstra worker Bradley Robert Edwards is also responsible for the abduction of Sarah Spiers ....
No logical straight thinking person could ever believe that Telstra worker Bradley Robert Edwards could have been able to single handed and with contacts with corrupt police and other very powerful people and networks .... to be able to abduct and Ciara Glennon with the heat of the massive Macro Task Force constantly combing the streets of Claremont with undercover operatives and other massive police resources ......
Any logical and thinking person would have to question all this and say that something does not add up here..


                                        Bradley Robert Edwards (pictured left) was arrested and charged with the murders of two other women who 
                                          disappeared from Claremont in 1996 and 1997 - Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27

                                                        Western Australian PoliceSearch Kewdale  House of Bradley Robert Edwards


           "Devils Garden ....The Darkest Side of Perth"

A new film is being produced called "Devils Garden... The Darkest Side of Perth", which will publicly expose Police Corruption in Western Australia ran rife from  the 1950's to 2016 and continuing, with a corrupt section of police being involved in committing crimes, in condoning criminal activity and protecting certain people form being investigated and prosecuted form crimes that they committed... their were people like the late billionaire building magnate, Len Buckeridge who were given the green light to commit what ever crimes they wanted, including murder, assault, rape fraud, robbery etc.. these people were given what they called 
"the Green Light" by Police to commit whatever crimes they wanted without fear of investigation or prosecution ...

There is also a new books coming out this year  "Living Next Door To A Psychopath" and "The Darkest Side of Perth" and a previous book called "Devil's Garden"ISBN: 978174664669 published by Random House in 2007 by  well known Queensland Crime writer Debi Marshall with an in depth investigation into the Claremont Serial Killings and various miscarriages of justice in Western Australia policing and prosecution... and the contraversal series of books  entitled "The Triumph of Truth ( Who Is Watching The Watchers?) written in the 1990's which were illegal and clandestinely removed from the Western Australia Alexander Resource Reference Library in about the year 2000, which the film "Devils Garden... The Darkest Side of Perth" takes material from .....
The 1960's American TV Police and Crime Series Called Dragnet used to say at the beginning of each episode ... " These are true stories from Police and FIB files, however the true names have been changed to protect the innocent..."
The film  being produced called "Devils Garden... The Darkest Side of Perth", are is a set of true stories about  police and prosecutors in Perth, Western Australia being involved in committing crimes and covering up for criminal who have committed serious crimes, and deliberately charging people who they know have not committed the crime they have been charged for ..... which  will leave all the true names to expose and shame the guilty ....
One of the producers of the film "Devils Garden... The Darkest Side of Perth" say ..... "... there seems no doubt that the Western Australian Police are not going to properly investigate and charge the real Claremont Serial Killers and those that helped carry out these most serious  crimes and covering up those responsible for such serious crimes .... so the film will in effect bring the truth to light so at least the parents, families and friends of the victims and the general public can get to know the truth.... the problem is that a proper police investigation and inquiry would lead investigators too close to their own ranks and powerful business people and politicians who were either involved or know who are involved and are prepared to help cover the truth up..."

                     Book published by Random House in 2007 by well known Queensland crime writer Debi Marshall called The Devil's Garden

Leonard Walter Bruckeridge, billionaire building magnate, whose BCG companies  were backed with billions from the Chinese Triads and Zionists Business Networks ....  who had till his death in March 2013 the Green Light by Western Australian Police to commit what ever crimes he wanted without ant fear of proper investigation and/or prosecution ... similar to the Green Light that members of the NSW Police gave the criminal Neddy Smith.... please see the ABC Underbelly TV Series for more information on Neddy Smith and NSW Police Officer Roger Rogerson....

Len Buckeridge with his friends and supporters  Colin Barnett, the Premier of Western Australia and Tony Abbott, a previous Prime Mister of Australia at an Australian Liberal Party Function held at the Hilton Hotel

Mathew Clark, and his wife and child that had moved into Stephen Reid’s family two storey Swan River view family home at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia as caretakers to protect the home for Stephen Reid and his family from it being illegally bulldozed down by powerful billionaire building magnate Leonard Walter Buckeridge and his multi-billion BGC Group.

However Constable Michael Peter McMahon who was one of  Len Buckeridge’s personal stand-over and security boys, who just happened to also work at the time for the Western Australian Police Force, stole Mathew Clark’s keys for 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, and without any legal court order and/or other legal authority to make  to make such threats, threatened to have Mathew Clark, and his wife both arrested is they did not immediately vacate the house at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia. During the same incident and in front of Constable Michael Peter McMahon and Constable Phillip Barlow, another one of Len Buckeridge’s personal stand-over and security boys, who just happened to also work at the time for the Western Australian Police Force, Len Buckeridge then right in front of Constable Michael Peter McMahon and  Constable Phillip Barlow,  threatened to have Mathew Clark’s and his wife’s legs broken if  Mathew Clark and his wife did not immediately vacate the house at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia. Naturally with the police and Len Buckeridge’s threats and intimidation, Mathew Clark and his wife immediately vacated the house ate at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia. Thus as a direct result and consequence, the house at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia was left unprotected form illegal actions by Len Buckeridge and his BGC group of companies, and not long after this the Western Australian Pulblic Trustee, the Western Australian Government, the BGC Group of companies and others organised the large two story house at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia, which had been the Reid family home since 1953, to be completely demolished in 1996. Three years later the block was still just a vacant lot.


IN 1996 Stephen Reid was told by one of Leonard Walter Buckeridge ‘s stand over men that Len Buckeridge had employed to try and illegally take over possession of Stephen Reid’s two storey Swan River view family home at 135 Glyde Street, Mosman Park, that … “…Mr Reid, you do not seem to know who you are dealing with in trying to take on the very powerful Len Buckerigde…. Len Buckeridge is so powerful that he can pick up the phone at any time of the day or night and ring the Western Australian Police Commissioner, Robert Falconer, the Western Australian Premier Richard Court and even the Liberal Party Australian Prime Minister John Howard… and tell any of them what to do….” Len Buckeridhe was a very powerful Freemason, Triad member and well connected Zionist Jew, who was connected to some of the most internationally powerful Triad and Zionist Jewish investment groups and organisations in the world, who not only effectively run big business, the illegal and legal drug business, building business, the legal and political system in Western Australia, but in fact over the whole of Australia … while Len Buckeridge was alive his power and power base was virtually unlimited and the cash funds he had access to at any time was virtually unlimited. Len Buckeridge had the green light by the Western Australian and Australian Federal Police to commit  what every crimes he wanted and/or order whatever crimes he wanted carried out on his behalf, which meant that Len Buckeridge knew that whatever crime he was involved with he was completely free of any serious criminal investigation  and/or criminal charged ever being laid against him. Len Buckeridge was the true Al Capone of Western Australia and Australia as a whole, with a completely legit front as a billionaire building magnate, having build up hid BGC companies form a capital base of around $100,000  and a turnover of no more that around $1 million a year in about 1960 to being worth over $30 billion  with an annual turnover of over $150 billion, without even having to borrow these extra billions of dollars working capital needed to achieve this, along with claiming he never had any partner that injected nay funds for a share in his BGC Companies. Len Buckeridge knew that he could murder you and/or organise to have you murdered, as it was told to Stephen Reid by a retired Perth Businessman, Len Buckeridge had done many times in his life, without the fear of any criminal investigation and/or prosecution against him.

There were many instances where Len Buckeridge threatened to have peoples legs broke if they caused him or any of his companies harm and/or complained that any of his company’s services and/or products were not up to a reasonable standard ….

e.g. 1. A son of a friend of Stephen’s worked on a building site where Len Buckeridge was told that the concrete his company poured on that building site was cracking and not up to a high enough standard… Len Buckeridge then without any fear of being charged with a criminal offence for making the open statement he made to everyone on that particular building site that day, and without any shame  or embarrassment … openly threatened everyone there that ..  “…if anyone wants to complain about the quality of my company’s concrete, I will have their legs broke and members of their family’s legs broke…. Do I make myself clear….”


e.g.  2. A friend of Stephen Reid’s knew Len Buckeridge’s first wife ... told Stephen Reid that allegations were made at a family court hearing that Len Buckeridge had raped his sister in law, and had made her pregnant as a result of this rape … then when Len Buckeridge’s brother-in-law said he was thinking of reporting this rape to the police and other authorities, Len Buckeridge made is clear to the brother-in-law that is he did this that Len Buckeridge would organise to have his brother-in-law and his sister-in-law’s legs broken…


             Buckeridge legal advisor Michael Hodgkin at Len Buckeridge's memorial service held in Cottesloe, Perth, Western Australia
The Who's Who is business, legal, court, media and political cirles at Len Buckeridge's memorial service held at the Cottesloe Civic Centre in Cottesloe March 2014 ... because of the massive financial wealth and prosperity that Len Buckeridge and his BGC Companies crought to Perth and Western Australia with billions of dollars  opf Triad and Zionist money laudered through the BGC Companies form around 1980 to the March, 2013 when Len Buckeridge died.... Len Buckeride was given a memorial send off fit for a king .... now one ha sbeen interested in all the well published proof of criminal offences committed by Len Byuckeridge over the years which he was never prosecuted for because of his power over the Western Australian Police, the Western Australian Politicians, the Western Australian Legal Cirles and the Western Australian Prosecution and Courts ..... Len Buckeridge not only built a reputation of being above the law.... but Len Buckeridge became the law ... judge ... jury ... and executioner ....

                                                           2003 picture of Len Buckeridge, right, with workers at the Fremantle Docks in Perth- WA                        
       Len Buckeridge's De-Facto Wife -Tootsie whose real name according to court documents is  Siok Pauy Koh  ...and Len Buckeridge at the Hyatt in 2003

In family Court transcripts Len Buckeridge was accused by raping his sister-in-law  ... and when her brother stated to Len Buckeridge he was going to make a formal police complaint, Len Buckeridge threatened to have his legs broken, thus he and his sister were too sacred to bring the matter to the police...

Building workers stated that they witnessed Len Buckeridge hearing complaints about the quality of the BGC concrete on his building sites ... then is response Len Buckeridge stated that is anyone wants to formerly complain about the quality of the BGC concrete ... I will have their  and their family's legs broken...

The Rupert Murdoch owned News Corporation Australian Newspaper, the Australian published a public statement made by Len Buckeridge that he wanted to be made public ... which stated..
" .. I have already paid money in advance to HitMen to have all the main union leaders in Australian murdered if anyone dares to carry out the union threats to have me murdered.... so the result of my murder will be the murder of all the main union leasers in Australia ..."
It was well known publicly that Len Buckeridge hated the unions, did not like employing workers who were members of a union and spend hundreds of millions helping the Liberal Government break the Waterside Union and other unions in Australia...

In a court statement under sworn  oath .... Len Buckeridge stated that he had unions threatening his life on a daily basis  ...

Tributes flow for WA business giant Len Buckeridge, who died today age 77 after an illness

MARCH 12, 2014


                                       Len Buckeridge's de-facto wife Tootsie (Siok Pauy Koh) and Len Buckeridge at the Hyatt in 2003

Len Buckeridge  publicly stated at a Liberal Party Conference held in Perth Western Australia, which was attended by John Winston Howard, Liberal Party Australian Prime Minister to Mr Howard … “… did your mother let you out for the day…?”. In another public statement which was published in the Western Australian and Australian Newspaper, Len Buckeridge made it  quite publicly clear that he had paid a lot of money up front to professional hit men, to have all of the main union leaders in Australia murdered if any of the threats that Len Buckeridge said he had received from union member members to have Len Buckeridge murdered, were every carried out … as a result of Len Buckeridge contining to use his financial and political power to destroy all the unions unions that building workers belonged to in Western Australia and the Waterside Workers Union that operates Australia wide. It is a criminal offence to pay a hit man to have a person or people murdered, for any reason whatsoever, yet, here was Len Buckeridge openly stating to newspaper journalists in Western Australia and Australia wide that he had prepaid hit men to murder all the union leaders if anyone murdered Len Buckeridge for any reason. So why wasn’t Len Buckeridge charged with some criminal offence relating to this very public statement, which he never denied making when a copy of this statement was published in the Western Australian and Australian newspapers.  In fact Len Buckeridge was extremely pleased that these main stream well read newspaper were put into print Len Buckeridge’s statement, which were more like a promise to have all the main Australian and Western Australian union leaders murdered , rather than a threat that he may have them murdered if they dared to have him murdered. The alleged threats to murder Len Buckeridge allegedly made by people representing union leaders that were upset about Len Buckeridge and is billions is cash money available to him, and his GGC companies making all possible attempts to destroy unions in Western Australia, and the Waterside Worker’s Union Australia wide, were never proven to be real threats as they were never made a public threats.


                                          Len Buckeridge with Tony Abbott and Premier Colin Barnett at a Liberal Party function at the Hilton Hotel

WA business giant Len Buckeridge, one of the state’s richest men, has died, aged 77, after a long battle with illness.

The Peppermint Grove billionaire businessman died at his home at 8.15am yesterday, his sister Margaret Halcombe said.

Mr Buckeridge, who was worth an estimated $2.56 billion, was the head of construction group BGC (Buckeridge Group of Companies), which has built a number of Perth’s major buildings, the most recent being Perth Arena, now feted as a state-of-the-art concert and sports venue.

PerthNow would like to hear your best stories and anecdotes about Len Buckeridge. Email staff@perthnow.com.au or leave a comment below.

Mr Buckeridge had been in poor health for some time.

But that had not quelled his appetite for a business battle, with a billion-dollar lawsuit continuing against the state government over a private port development.

Mr Buckeridge claimed several state governments had failed to honour a 2000 agreement allowing a consortium led by the BGC to build and operate the port at James Point.

And his relationship with the state government was also strained over delays in his company construction of the Perth Arena, with costs blowing out to triple the original budget to almost $550 million.

Mr Buckeridge originally trained as an architect, building his first high-rise apartment blocks in Perth.

Being able to supply most of his building projects with products from his own factories allowed BGC to become a construction giant, although a weakening demand for building materials particularly in WA had reduced his fortune in recent years.

TRIBUTES: A character, an old war horse, a man of vision

Premier Colin Barnett has paid tribute to Mr Buckeridge saying he was one of the state’s “great characters”.

“He built a remarkably successful company in BGC, which today employs more than 4300 people, and has fostered great loyalty from his staff,” he said.

“He never shied away from a fight, and certainly never shied away from contentious issues. Len lived in my electorate and I would often see him around the area – he always had some advice to give me, regardless of whether I necessarily wanted to hear it!

“While he was often seen as a hard man in business, he was extraordinarily generous in the community and was always willing to help out local groups and sporting clubs.

“I extend my condolences to his wife, Tootsie, and his children.”

Former construction union heavyweight Kevin Reynolds, who had many clashes with the BGC boss over the years, described Mr Buckeridge as a “tough, old war horse” who was prepared to take anyone to task.

”I had known Len for 40 years and we have had many disputes and blues over those times,” Mr Reynolds said. “I wouldn’t say those were fond memories.

“He was a tough old war horse. We battled it out over many issues.

“He was a major employer in the industry and didn’t like unions and we didn’t like some of the things he did. At the end of the day we had to tolerate one another.”

Asked if he was ever surprised by the length the businessman would go to when it came to his company, Mr Reynolds said no.

“Nothing surprised me with Len, he had plenty of money. He fought governments, he fought unions and anyone he felt he needed and we ended up in court with him on many occasions,” he said.

“He had a particular hatred for the union officials.

“But during the construction of the entertainment centre, he begrudgingly had to admit the union workers he had on the project were the most skilful he had ever employed.

“I can remember him saying to me that he had to employ all these ‘bloody commo union bastards but at least they knew what they were doing’. He was having a dig but he knew the unionised workforce were the skilled workers. And he said so.”

Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi said Mr Buckeridge was a friend and a “WA treasure”.

“It is a devastating loss,” Ms Scaffidi said. “Many people didn’t know the person that Len Buckeridge was. He was a really loveable larrikin and yet a very intelligent man.

“He was a man of vision. A lot of people don’t realise the great charity work he did behind the scenes, he never wanted the accolades. He used to donate to a lot of charities without telling people, on the quiet.

“In terms of construction, he was always a big picture guy. Look at the companies he has developed and the amount of his concrete that is a number of buildings around our greater city.”

Master Builders Director Michael McLean said that the death of Mr Buckeridge was a sad day for the building industry in Western Australia.

“Len Buckeridge was an industry powerhouse who pioneered affordable housing and freedom of association in the commercial building sector,” Mr McLean said.

He said Mr Buckeridge had a “can-do” attitude who through his company BGC, developed a diverse range of building products and affordable housing types.

“The fruits of many of Len’s initiatives will continue to benefit Western Australian homebuyers for many decades.”


Mrs Halcombe said her brother had been unwell for a long time and had previously undergone heart surgery.

She said Mr Buckeridge worked every day, despite his health, and his death came as a huge shock.

“He did have a lot of health issues and was moving very, very slowly, but I thought he would go on for at least another 10 years maybe,” she said.

Mrs Halcombe spoke to her brother yesterday and said he was “in good form” and “cracking funnies”.

She received a telephone call this morning from Mr Buckeridge’s son, Sam, to say he had passed away at home.

A doctor attended and pronounced him dead.

“He was battling on. He’s just been up to Singapore actually,” she said.

“It’s terribly sad. He’s such a huge man, such a creative man. Larger than life, wonderful and creative.

“It’s such a terrible loss. He had so much more still to do.

“He was such a ‘big picture man’, but he was also fun, so much fun to grow up with.

“He was wonderful and I will miss him so.”

By Mr Buckeridge’s request, a private funeral will be held within 24 hours in line with Jewish tradition.

A memorial will take place at a later date, Mrs Halcombe said.

“I thought if he ever retired that would kill him, I didn’t think he would die this soon and that’s why it’s such a shock,” she said.

“I thought he would go on forever because he has always been such a larger than life person.”

Asked what her brother’s proudest achievement was, Mrs Halcombe said: “There have been many, many achievements, just look around.

“Even the fact of how many people he employed and how his staff thought so much of him.

“He has done a huge amount, but he unfortunately had quite a lot of fights along the way – mostly with the establishment.

“He went to the core of the matter, he dispensed with established convention.

“He learnt to go against the rules when they were wrong and often they were wrong. It cost him dearly in legal fees to fight it, but he would win.

“He achieved a hell of lot, a very influential man. I don’t know of anyone else in our time who has achieved quite as much.”

Originally published asTributes for business giant Buckeridge

Len Buckeridge remembered as extraordinary, generous, kind

MARCH 18, 2014



                                                                                      Len Buckeridge's memorial service held at the Cottesloe Civic Centre in Cottesloe.


WA businessman Len Buckeridge has been remembered as an extraordinary man who lived an extraordinary life in a touching memorial service in Cottesloe today.

Mr Buckeridge, a giant in the WA business world and one of the state’s richest men, died aged 77 last Tuesday.

Today, hundreds of people turned out to remember the larger than life character at a memorial service at the picturesque Cottesloe Civic Centre in glorious autumn weather.

Among those who turned out for the service were Mr Buckeridge’s children, his wife Tootsie, his grandchildren, plus a string of dignitaries including WA Governor Malcolm McCusker, Premier Colin Barnett, Federal MP’s Don Randall and Gary Gray and former premier Richard Court.

Those who spoke at the service included his grandchildren, his longtime legal adviser Michael Hodgkin, his son’s Sam and Julian and Mr McCusker, who previously acted as a lawyer for the 77-year-old BGC boss.

Anna Buckeridge, one of the billionaire’s many grandkids, said her grandfather always looked out for his grandchildren.

“Grandpa always told us that we work too hard and that we needed to rest more,” Ms Buckeridge said.

“Even he rested from time to time which may surprise some people.

“One of my most recent fond memories of grandpa is when he discovered I was walking home from uni when it was starting to get dark. Grandpa supplied me with a BGC fluoro safety vest, extra-large naturally and a flashing fluoro bag tag.”

Mr McCusker described Mr Buckeridge as an “extraordinary West Australian.”

“As one of his friends recently remarked with great affection: “He’s always been an abrasive, aggressive, grumpy old bugger.” That may be true, certainly he was always ready to fight for what he believed was right but there was a much more softer side to Len Buckeridge,” Mr McCusker said.

“It’s not widely known that he was an extremely generous man … that rough exterior hid a very kind heart.

“Our state and our community have been made very much the richer by Len’s drive, personality and his work. And our state will be the poorer for the loss of this bold, generous, larger than life, multifaceted man.”

Mr Hodgkin, who acted as Mr Buckeridge’s legal adviser for more than 20 years, recalled how the 77-year-old would berate him for turning up late to meetings even when he was early by saying: “You’re late Mike, did you bring a note from your mum?”

“He always said that if ever I arrived at a meeting after him, however early I actually was,” Mr Hodgkin said.

“It doesn’t matter how great, or wealthy or famous and individual is, love is the most precious currency. That such a truth should be the product of such a relationship will be the treasure that I take from my adventure with Len Buckeridge to heaven.”

Julian Ambrose, one of the businessman’s six children, said: “He was my dad but more important my best friend.”

Originally published asMemorial service for ‘kind’ Buckeridge

              Western Australian Court of Appeal quashes Spratt conviction

  •     FEBRUARY 24 2011

A wrongful conviction against Taser victim Kevin Spratt has been quashed by the Court of Appeal after horrifying footage showing nine police brutalising the 41-year-old Aboriginal man was made public.Internal CCTV footage from inside the East Perth lock-up showed Mr Spratt being Tasered 14 times while on the floor screaming in agony was broadcast worldwide last year, after being released by the Corruption and Crime Commission. Mr Spratt had been arrested in August 2008 after an incident in King William Street in Bayswater. But he was further charged with obstructing officers in the Watch House, which related to the Tasering incident. Mr Spratt served two months jail for the offence, which ran concurrently with other jail terms imposed for three other charges.

Mr Spratt brought his conviction for obstructing police before the Court of Appeal today. The action was against his arresting officer, Detective Constable Brett Fowler, who wrote up the report in which it stated that Mr Spratt "again became violent and aggressive towards police who were attempting to restrain him by kicking and flailing his arms towards police as they approached". Internal CCTV footage of the Watch House showed Mr Spratt simply sitting on a chair grabbing hold of the seat with his arms and hands as the Taser barbs were deployed. Justice Stephen Hall found that Mr Spratt had been denied justice by not being able to view the footage prior to pleading guilty to the charge in the Perth Magistrates Court and his appeal was granted. Outside court Mr Spratt's lawyer Steven Penglis said they were seeking financial compensation for what occurred in the Watch House.

"The system failed Kevin in this regard in two ways; first, as you've heard, we had a charge laid by a police officer who wasn't there at the time of the alleged offence and didn't take steps to verify that it was true by looking at the CCTV footage and secondly, when that police officer realised that it was wrong he didn't take any steps to ensure that it came to the attention of Kevin, the prosecuting sergeant or the court," he said.

Mr Penglis has written to the Police Commissioner about these concerns. Mr Spratt said he was pleased with the outcome.

"It has brought a lot of bad memories back but I just want to move on with life," he said. Earlier today, Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan conceded claims about Kevin Spratt resisting police in the Perth Watch House appeared to be wrong.

Mr O'Callaghan rejected shadow attorney-general John Quigley's assertions in Parliament last week that he lied the the public in a "flow-chart" of the events displayed to the media to explain the lead-up to that night, saying at the time he believed the statement of material facts to be correct. "There is no deliberate intent to mislead anybody at all, it is not my style, I have never done it nor will do it," he told 6PR Radio. The flow chart was designed to help media understand the chain of events when reporting and was only meant as "an aid", Mr O'Callaghan said. He did however concede he was "not (happy) now" after it was revealed that the charges of obstructing officers came after the Tasers were deployed. But he said he has been unable to interview the officers involved because the CCC had taken over the inquiry since November 15 last year and it was now up to the corruption watchdog to release their findings.

New footage shows Kevin Spratt screaming in agony

APRIL 11 2011 Aja Styles


Aboriginal man Kevin Spratt was handled roughly by police while suffering from a dislocated shoulder at a prison infirmary after repeatedly being Tasered at a Perth watch house in 2008, the Corruption and Crime Commission heard.

New video footage was released today as the CCC re-commenced its hearings investigating the misconduct of police and Department of Corrective Services officers over the handling of Mr Spratt while in custody.

                                         Kevin Spratt and his partner Tayunna Schatkowski appear at the Corruption and Crime Commission hearing. 

A damning video recording of Mr Spratt squirming in agony on the floor of the East Perth watch house after being Tasered 14 times by nine police officers on August 30, 2008, was released by the CCC last year.

The CCC then called hearings into the matter in December last year, when it was further revealed on video footage that Mr Spratt was again Tasered, seven days later on September 6, 2008, by Department of Corrective Service's Emergency Support Group, who were all dressed in riot gear.

Today Senior Counsel assisting the commission, Peter Quinlan, revealed new footage showing Mr Spratt directly after that Tasering on September 6, 2008, being escorted to the Casuarina Prison infirmary from a prison van.

Mr Quinlan said Mr Spratt was taken a day later in shackles to Royal Perth Hospital where he was diagnosed with several injuries. "X-rays taken at the hospital demonstrated that Mr Spratt was suffering from at least one, and possibly other, fractures of the ribs, a collapse of his lung and a dislocated shoulder...," Mr Quinlan said.

"How those injuries were sustained is yet to be determined. "The videotape I'm about to play indicates, at the very least, that some of those injuries - and I refer in particular to the injury to Mr Spratt's arm – were suspected at an early stage."

During the recording Mr Spratt can be constantly heard screaming as he is put into restraints on the infirmary bed saying "arm, arm, arm... look at me arm". When queried by a nurse about his arm, an officer told her: "He's been moving his arms all the way here."

He goes on to say Mr Spratt had been biting his own arm, which Mr Spratt denied. "Sister girl you got to help me," he cried to the nurse and continued to scream about his arm and foot.

"Why you beat me for?" The nurse told him: "You need to be really still, otherwise everyone is going to jump on you." She told him to "shush" and asks if he has ever broken his arm before, which he denied.

He asked for water and she agreed, telling him she has to go somewhere first, and after some mumbling she told him: "They're not going to kill you." The nurse spoke on the phone to a doctor about possible injuries to his arm and shoulder, saying "he's been struggling".

"I think otherwise he's well, the arm is what we need to eliminate," she said.

Sergeant Nicholas Rowe, who acted as a commanding officer at the watch house in the lead up to Mr Spratt being moved to Casuarina, told the commission that Mr Spratt was not complaining of any injuries to his shoulder or arm while in the holding cell. "When he was put into the cell we actually had no further physical contact with him. So no it was only the blood, which he did have some blood on him from his lip or nose, that was it, that was the only injury observed," he said. When asked if there were any complaints about suffering significant pain to his body, he replied: "No. Not to my knowledge.

"I didn't hear it, it wasn't recorded and given his behaviour on the day both from my recollection and reading from the running sheet, he was punching the wall, being aggressive, yelling and screaming for some considerable time. "So it sort of gave us some idea that he was fighting fit and still ready to fight as it were, hence the action that we took."

The prison officer responsible for confronting and Tasering Mr Spratt and later escorting him to Casuarina prison on September 6, whose name has been suppressed, claimed Mr Spratt had been able to use his arms on the journey.

"He was able to, in the vehicle, rip a pair of boxer shorts off, other than using his arms I don't know any other way you'd ripped them off. And he was also doing other things in the back of the van, you've obviously got have your arms to use," he said.

He agreed Mr Spratt was screaming out in pain when medical staff tried touching his arms but pointed out that Mr Spratt also "complained about broken legs, which he didn't have".

The officer went further to say that he had even sat on Mr Spratt at hospital because he put up a fight about having his arm in plaster and in a brace.

The hearing will continue tomorrow.

WA Police launch fresh probe into Spratt Taser case


MARCH 3 2011

Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan has launched an inquiry into whether officers perverted the course of justice in the case of an Aboriginal man Tasered multiple times in custody.

Shadow attorney-general John Quigley and Mr O'Callaghan met in Perth today to discuss the case of Kevin Spratt, who was Tasered multiple times in the Perth Watch House in August 2008.

The Corruption and Crime Commission is investigating the case, which sparked outrage when a video of the Tasering was released publicly in October last year.

In response to the video's release, WA Police displayed a flow chart to reporters, outlining events leading up to Mr Spratt's Tasering including previous alleged clashes with police and charges against him.

But Mr Quigley told State Parliament last month that the flow chart was a "litany of lies" compiled by the WA police internal affairs unit to vilify Mr Spratt.

He also described Mr O'Callaghan as the worst police chief in the country.

Mr Quigley said the flow chart stated Mr Spratt had acted violently and obstructed police at the Watch House before being Tasered, and as a result he had been charged and convicted of obstructing police.

But the video clearly showed Mr Spratt had not acted violently, Mr Quigley said.

In the WA Supreme Court last week, Mr Spratt's conviction was quashed, with Justice Stephen Hall saying a miscarriage of justice had occurred and his guilty plea was prompted by false police allegations.

Mr Spratt had admitted the offence because he did not remember the incident.

Today Mr Quigley said Mr O'Callaghan had invited him to breakfast to discuss the case and he had shown the Commissioner documents supporting his contention that "what was in the flow chart was false".

"He was very concerned."

Mr Quigley said Mr O'Callaghan indicated he would initiate an inquiry into whether there had been a perversion of the course of justice by any officers, and internal affairs unit staff would not be involved.

He said he had agreed to a request from the Commissioner to cooperate with the inquiry.

When asked if he still thought Mr O'Callaghan was the worst police commissioner in the country, Mr Quigley admitted he had "overstretched there".

"I should have said he's gaining that reputation."

Mr Quigley said he accepted what the Commissioner told him, that he did not know what was behind the flow chart's creation.

"I'm convinced the Commissioner didn't know about it."

Mr O'Callaghan last week said he was no longer confident the flow chart was accurate because of the emergence of new information since it was released.



Top cop 'lied' to justify Spratt Tasering: MP

Fran Rimrod  FEBRUARY 17 2011

Labor MP John Quigley has launched an extraordinary attack on Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan, accusing the state's top police officer of fabricating a "litany of lies" to justify the brutal Tasering of Aboriginal man Kevin Spratt in police custody.

The remarks emerged today in a parliamentary speech by Mr Quigley, the shadow attorney-general, who gave a brutal assessment of the WA Police force and branded Mr O'Callghan the "worst commissioner in the country".

He also took aim at Police Minister Rob Johnson, who he said did not have the courage to make Mr O'Callaghan account for the handling of the Spratt inquiry because he was a "police sycophant".

Speaking under Parliamentary privilege, he was scathing of the treatment of Mr Spratt, who was Tasered 14 times in the East Perth Watch House while surrounded by nine police officers on August 31, 2008.

Internal CCTV footage showed the officers taking turns to send electric shocks into Mr Spratt while he screamed in agony on the ground.

The damning footage, which was broadcast worldwide, has since been described as indefensible and a "gross misuse" of the weapon by the Commissioner and Premier Colin Barnett.

A Corruption and Crime Commission probe was launched into Mr Spratt's Tasering as part of an investigation into the use of Tasers in the WA Police force.

Today in Parliament, Mr Quigley argued a flow chart Mr O'Callaghan presented to the media at a press conference in October last year, after the Tasering off Mr Spratt came to light, was a "litany of lies".

The chart included details of all police interactions with Mr Spratt, including his criminal history and the four other occasions that Tasers were used on him after he kicked, bit and spat at police.

On the day of the press conference Mr O'Callaghan said: "on most occasions when Mr Spratt has come into contact with police he has been extremely aggressive and extremely violent."

In his speech today Mr Quigley refuted this statement, saying Mr O'Callaghan was selling a lie to the public about Mr Spratt being violent in the lock-up.

Mr Quigley argued the flowchart, detailing Mr Spratt's violent behaviour, was used to vilify Mr Spratt and justify the police's violent approach in the Watch House.

He challenged several items on the flowchart, which he said was presented to the media in "Delvene Delaney Sale of the Century- style" by an officer.

He said in the subsequent CCC inquiry into the Tasering the Commissioner had "his knees kicked in" by his own staff.

During a CCC hearing in December last year, a detective admitted he knew the facts used to Mr Spratt with obstructing police were false, but he did nothing to change them.

A female constable told the CCC she was shocked and disappointed at the "excessive" force used by her superiors when dealing with Mr Spratt at the Watch House.

While he conceded that Mr O'Callaghan may not be the fabricator of those supposed "lies", he called WA's top officer "the worst commissioner in the country" and claimed the WA police had "the worst reputation around the nation".

Police Minister Rob Johnson has slammed Mr Quigley's speech, accusing him of misusing parliamentary privilege and of "being a show-pony".

"I challenge John Quigley to come out of the house and repeat word for word what he said in the house today," he said. "He is doing this because he wants to be the star of a TV program that's in Perth this week, the Australian Story, and he is simply being a show-pony as he always is. "I find his actions absolutely disgraceful."

Mr O'Callaghan has been contacted for comment.

- with Katherine Fenech and Aja Styles

Court of Appeal quashes Spratt conviction

Aja Styles  FEBRUARY 24 2011

A wrongful conviction against Taser victim Kevin Spratt has been quashed by the Court of Appeal after horrifying footage showing nine police brutalising the 41-year-old Aboriginal man was made public.

Internal CCTV footage from inside the East Perth lock-up showed Mr Spratt being Tasered 14 times while on the floor screaming in agony was broadcast worldwide last year, after being released by the Corruption and Crime Commission. Mr Spratt had been arrested in August 2008 after an incident in King William Street in Bayswater. But he was further charged with obstructing officers in the Watch House, which related to the Tasering incident.

Mr Spratt served two months jail for the offence, which ran concurrently with other jail terms imposed for three other charges. Mr Spratt brought his conviction for obstructing police before the Court of Appeal today.

The action was against his arresting officer, Detective Constable Brett Fowler, who wrote up the report in which it stated that Mr Spratt "again became violent and aggressive towards police who were attempting to restrain him by kicking and flailing his arms towards police as they approached". Internal CCTV footage of the Watch House showed Mr Spratt simply sitting on a chair grabbing hold of the seat with his arms and hands as the Taser barbs were deployed.

Justice Stephen Hall found that Mr Spratt had been denied justice by not being able to view the footage prior to pleading guilty to the charge in the Perth Magistrates Court and his appeal was granted.

Outside court Mr Spratt's lawyer Steven Penglis said they were seeking financial compensation for what occurred in the Watch House.

"The system failed Kevin in this regard in two ways; first, as you've heard, we had a charge laid by a police officer who wasn't there at the time of the alleged offence and didn't take steps to verify that it was true by looking at the CCTV footage and secondly, when that police officer realised that it was wrong he didn't take any steps to ensure that it came to the attention of Kevin, the prosecuting sergeant or the court," he said.

Mr Penglis has written to the Police Commissioner about these concerns. Mr Spratt said he was pleased with the outcome. "It has brought a lot of bad memories back but I just want to move on with life," he said.

Earlier today, Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan conceded claims about Kevin Spratt resisting police in the Perth Watch House appeared to be wrong. Mr O'Callaghan rejected shadow attorney-general John Quigley's assertions in Parliament last week that he lied the the public in a "flow-chart" of the events displayed to the media to explain the lead-up to that night, saying at the time he believed the statement of material facts to be correct.

"There is no deliberate intent to mislead anybody at all, it is not my style, I have never done it nor will do it," he told 6PR Radio.

The flow chart was designed to help media understand the chain of events when reporting and was only meant as "an aid", Mr O'Callaghan said. He did however concede he was "not (happy) now" after it was revealed that the charges of obstructing officers came after the Tasers were deployed. But he said he has been unable to interview the officers involved because the CCC had taken over the inquiry since November 15 last year and it was now up to the corruption watchdog to release their findings.

Raelene Eaton  


Yvonne Waters 

Missing since:Sunday, April 7, 1974

Last seen:Scarborough WA


Year of birth:1957

Age now:59





Distinguishing features:Has a mole on the left side of her neck, and the bottom centre tooth is fitted with a gold cap.


Raelene Eaton and Yvonne Waters were last seen at about 6.45pm on 7 April 1974 leaving the White Sands Hotel, Scarborough in the company of three unidentified men.
Nothing has been seen or heard from either girl since that time.
Raelene was last seen wearing a black skirt, pink top, brown platform shoes and carrying a brown shoulder bag.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Raelene please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Do you have any information?

Circumstances of the complete disppearance of Julie Culter.
The disappearance of Julie Cutler  at 12.30am on 20 June 1988 leaving the Parmelia Hilton Hotel, WA, 
has in some media reports been  stated as be likely have a link to the Claremont Serial Murders that occurred in 1996 and 1997 in or around Claremont, Western Australia
 Julie Cutler
Cottesloe Beach were Julie Cutler's car was found in the surf

Julie Cutler was last seen at 12.30am on 20 June 1988 leaving the Parmelia Hilton Hotel, WA, after a staff function. Her car was found two days later in the sea off Cottesloe Beach.
She was last seen wearing a black evening dress with a high collar and gold buttons on the shoulder and black patent shoes.
Despite extensive inquiries by police and family and comprehensive media coverage, there has been no information regarding her whereabouts since.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Julie please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Sarah Ann McMahon

Went missing from Greenmount on November 8th, 2000

Was aged 20
Now would be age 36 in December, 2016


Police are now focusing their attention on finding Sarah Spiers, the first of three women to go missing from Perth in the 1990s.

Ms Spiers, who was 18 at the time, left Club Bay View in Claremont on January 27, 1996 and, after hailing a taxi, was never seen again.

Forensic police were seen with digging equipment at Bradley Robert Edwards' parent's investment property at Madora Bay, south of Perth, reported the Daily Telegraph.

Police are now focusing their attention on the first of three women to go missing from the Perth suburb of Claremont in the 1990s - Sarah Spiers. She remains missing to this day

Lisa Jane Brown

  • Missing since:Tuesday, November 10, 1998
  • Last seen:Perth WA
  • Jurisdiction:WA
  • Year of birth:1979
  • Age now:37
  • Gender:Female
  • Height:175cm
  • Build:Slim
  • Hair:Dark, Blonde
  • Complexion:Fair
  • Eyes:Brown

Circumstances of the disappearance of Lisa Jane Brown:
Media reports have linked 
the disappearance of Lisa Jane Brown with the Claremont serial Murders

Lisa Brown has been missing since 12.30am on 10 November 1998 from the Palmerston Street, Perth City area.

She was last seen wearing casual blue denim jeans, a black T-shirt and black high heeled boots.
If you have information that may assist police to locate Lisa please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Western Australian Police’s response from WA Police regarding Con Bayen's evidence ]READ THE STATEMENT FROM WA POLICE

Sunday Night on May 31, 2015

Sunday Night received this response from WA Police regarding Con Bayen's evidence, which he claims was disregarded by the Macro Taskforce:

Response from Con Bayens:

Second Police Statement from WA Media Head, Neil Stanbury:

Response from Con Bayens:

Sunday Night's original letter to Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan, which received no response.

Subject: Police turn attention to finding first Claremont victim Sarah Spiers | Daily Mail Online


The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved. 



The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement 



Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Swigging a mid-strength beer and munching pizza on Monday night, Andrew Mallard quietly contemplated his freedom after almost 12 years behind bars. There were no high fives or whoops of joy, just a wander outside to look at the night sky unimpeded by prison walls. "I haven't seen the stars for so long," he mused. "Once you're locked in your cell, you can't see much." Just eight hours earlier, Mallard was spending another mundane day of musters and lock-downs, inmate number HO923173 in the maximum security Casuarina Prison. The jail had been his home since 1994, when he was charged with the murder of Perth jeweller Pamela Lawrence in a bloody case that has become infamous in the west. 

At her retirement village cottage, his elderly mother Grace and his steadily loyal big sister Jacqui wept with relief. John Quigley, a prominent former police union lawyer turned Labor MP, and I swapped telephone calls with the pro bono legal team from Clayton Utz and eminent barrister Malcolm McCusker, QC, who also worked on the case for free. A documentary team, filming the final scenes for an ABC television special, captured the long-awaited first moments of freedom. 

Monday's release came quickly but the road has been long: failed appeals and an exhausting struggle to find new evidence culminated in the discovery in 2002 of a police briefing that showed several key pieces of evidence were not disclosed to the defence at trial, including a forensic test that showing a wrench drawn during Mallard's long police interviews could not have caused Lawrence's injuries. The case was reopened by Attorney-General Jim McGinty but a long [Corrupt Western Australia] Supreme Court appeal was dismissed in 2003. That decision was overturned last November in a unanimous ruling by the High Court, which quashed Mallard's conviction. 

Robert Cock, QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, had been hell-bent on retrying Mallard, claiming police and prosecutors had done no wrong and had nothing to hide. That was until mid-morning on Monday, when he telephoned McCusker to inform him the murder charge would be withdrawn because there was insufficient evidence to proceed. 

The dramatic end to Mallard's incarceration places him alongside Western Australia's other famous wrongful conviction cases: the Mickelberg brothers, John Button and Darryl Beamish. Most of the key players in those other mysteries were either retired or dead. In Mallard's case, the police and prosecutors have since risen to the top echelons of the state's justice system. 

After being handed a life sentence in 1995, Mallard disappeared down the Supreme Court dock stairs, yelling his innocence and promising, "You have not heard the last of this." He was right. Mallard's name now evokes bitter passions in the Perth legal community, publicly pitting Quigley and the eminent McCusker against Cock, who claimed on Monday that Mallard was still the prime suspect, despite conceding he had no case. 

It has divided the legal clique of Perth, where senior lawyers and judges tend to speak about each other in terms of which year they graduated from the same law school and which college sporting team they represented together. Long-held concerns in defence circles about the cosy relationship between the office of the DPP and police, and the number of ex-crown lawyers appointed to the Supreme Court bench, are the talk of Perth's legal hub at St Georges Terrace. Now that the murder charge has been dropped, all eyes are on a Corruption and Crime Commission investigation, which was launched after a stinging parliamentary speech by Quigley following the High Court decision in November. 

Before entering parliament, Quigley spent 20 years defending police against allegations of corruption and illegality. The outspoken Labor MP's passionate belief in Mallard's innocence turned him from police protector to accuser. He claimed in parliament the controversy amounted to a prima facie case of perverting the course of justice and lined up two assistant commissioners: David Caporn, who runs counter-terrorism and state protection, and Mal Shervill, the boss of specialist crime. Shervill led the investigation into Lawrence's death. Caporn, who would later lead the Claremont serial killer taskforce, was a head detective. 

Before the stormy afternoon of June 23, 1994, when Lawrence was bludgeoned to death in the leafy suburb of Mosman Park, Mallard was one of Perth's many homeless drifters with mental health problems and a penchant for marijuana. He was known to police for petty crimes and, on the morning of the murder, had been in the lock-up for breaking into the apartment of a friend's ex-boyfriend. Detectives arriving at the bloody scene after the mother of two's death found no jewellery or cash stolen, although they were in full view. Lawrence's husband, who had found his dying wife on the shop floor, told police a wallet from her handbag was gone. 

Police decided it was a case of robbery gone wrong. Mallard was one of 136 names on their list of suspects who vaguely fitted a description given by a schoolgirl who'd seen a man in Lawrence's shop. They began checking alibis and kept returning to suspects whose stories did not check out. Mallard, who was under assessment in Graylands Psychiatric Hospital at the time, was deemed to be dishonest because his alibis kept turning out to be stories from days other than the day of the murder. 

He had no history of violence and did not know Lawrence but his odd behaviour led detectives to seize Mallard's clothing, including his only pair of shoes. One drop of blood was found on a boot. It appears detectives were misled by an early laboratory report that suggested it was Lawrence's blood type. It was actually Mallard's own blood from a cut finger. 

Regardless of the blood result, police believed Mallard was suspiciously lying about his alibi. On June 10, 1994, without a lawyer or family member, Mallard followed Caporn, the day he was released from Graylands, into a police interview room, where he stayed for eight hours. What happened in that room is contested by both sides. The DPP's explanation on Monday for dropping the case surrounded the detective's handwritten, unsigned confession, which was admitted at Mallard's 1995 trial but would not be permitted under today's evidence rules. 

After that marathon interview, Mallard was released in the dead of night with no money or accommodation. Unknown to him, his trial lawyer or the 1995-96 appeal lawyers, Caporn had ordered an undercover detective to befriend Mallard and attempt to find evidence, particularly the murder weapon. That officer, codenamed Gary, watched Mallard smoking marijuana (Mallard says Gary supplied the marijuana) and attempted to gain a confession. The secret operation found nothing. A summary of the investigation, among the uncovered evidence found in 2002, revealed that some police believed Mallard was acting strangely but had doubts about his guilt. 

A week later, after a sleepless night in which he was bashed outside a nightclub under the watch of the undercover operation, Mallard was again interviewed off-camera and he drew a Sidchrome wrench. He then went on video for about 20 minutes to clear his name and confirm that he had told the police his theory of what the killer would have done. That video, supported by Caporn's corroborating notes, was the key to a successful prosecution. 

The five judges of the High Court found the conviction a miscarriage of justice because those confessions were unreliable and significant forensic evidence was withheld from the defence. They were critical of the fact that the police held back a raft of evidence (the prosecution knew of some of it) helpful to Mallard's defence. 

In addition to the wrench test and undercover operation, witness statements had been changed to remove crucial facts and a forensic scientist had been asked to alter his report on how the killer could have disposed of the murder weapon. It is not known what information the police made available to the then director of public prosecutions, John McKechnie, QC, or the trial prosecutor, Ken Bates. McKechnie is now a Supreme Court judge and Bates a senior prosecutor who acted as DPP when Cock was recently on sick leave with cancer. 

Cock has said he hopes any non-disclosure by the DPP's office was an oversight and not deliberate. He has also said he believes the police have done nothing wrong and could not see why the CCC investigation was necessary. Cock told the court on Monday he still considered Mallard the prime suspect in the murder despite the lack of evidence to proceed against him. He has been supportive of the police refusal to reopen the case in the face of evidence provided by McCusker relating to other suspects, including a report from an internationally renowned forensic expert. 

It is almost impossible to find senior criminal counsel without some link to this case or its main players. McCusker, Mallard's lawyer, is also the parliamentary inspector of the CCC. Safely ensconced in his mother's retirement village after a fitful night's sleep on a comfortable bed, the lanky, bespectacled Mallard is still coming to terms with his release. Yesterday, as furious words were hurled from both sides, the quietly spoken Englishman vowed to make his supporters proud. His first instinct is to flee the state, wary of police and a system he has grown to mistrust, but he is determined to clear his name before going anywhere. "I need it to be proved irrefutably that I am innocent and that the murderer is still out there," he says. "I have waited a long time. The whole truth will come out in the end." 

Report here

Further comment:

"State Attorney-General Jim McGinty yesterday conceded the case had revealed an "untidy and unfortunate" series of events, saying it was up to the state's corruption watchdog to continue its investigations into the handling of the police inquiries and prosecution. "Nobody can feel satisfied with the way in which the Mallard case has unfolded," Mr McGinty said. "It was an horrendous murder. Nobody has been brought to justice for it and now we have got allegations of improper or corrupt behaviour by police and DPP prosecutors. "I think there is no doubt that this particular case casts a shadow over the way in which the police conducted the investigation and perhaps the way in which the DPP prosecuted this case." Mr McGinty urged police to vigorously investigate any further information that became available. 

Police Deputy Commissioner Chris Dawson was quick to defend his officers yesterday, saying it was important the case did not become a measure of police competence in homicide investigations. Contradicting his statement on Monday evening that police had no intention of re-opening the case, Mr Dawson said unsolved murder cases were never closed." 

(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)





The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved. 

The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement 


The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved. 

The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement 



Where is Sarah? Police turn their attention to finding body of the first Claremont victim after man is charged over the murders of two women

  • Police are now focusing their attention on Sarah Spiers who disappeared in 1996
  • Ms Spiers was last seen leaving Club Bay View on January 27, 1996 and after hailing a taxi, was never seen again. She is still missing two decades on
  • Bradley Robert Edwards was arrested and charged last week with the murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, who also disappeared from Claremont 
  • Police are searching the a property south of Perth owned by Edwards' parents  

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4066456/Police-turn-attention-finding-Claremont-victim-Sarah-Spiers-Bradley-Robert-Edwards-charged-murder-two.html#ixzz4U3oIcjgg 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

By Ashleigh Davis and Stephen Johnson For Daily Mail Australia

PUBLISHED: 15:19, 26 December 2016 | UPDATED: 16:07, 26 December 2016


Police are now focusing their attention on finding Sarah Spiers, the first of three women to go missing from Perth in the 1990s.

Ms Spiers, who was 18 at the time, left Club Bay View in Claremont on January 27, 1996 and, after hailing a taxi, was never seen again.

Forensic police were seen with digging equipment at Bradley Robert Edwards' parent's investment property at Madora Bay, south of Perth, reported the Daily Telegraph.

Where is Sarah? Police turn their attention to finding body of the first Claremont victim after man is charged over the murders of two women

  • Police are now focusing their attention on Sarah Spiers who disappeared in 1996
  • Ms Spiers was last seen leaving Club Bay View on January 27, 1996 and after hailing a taxi, was never seen again. She is still missing two decades on
  • Bradley Robert Edwards was arrested and charged last week with the murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, who also disappeared from Claremont 
  • Police are searching the a property south of Perth owned by Edwards' parents  

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4066456/Police-turn-attention-finding-Claremont-victim-Sarah-Spiers-Bradley-Robert-Edwards-charged-murder-two.html#ixzz4U3oIcjgg 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

By Ashleigh Davis and Stephen Johnson For Daily Mail Australia

PUBLISHED: 15:19, 26 December 2016 | UPDATED: 16:07, 26 December 2016


Police are now focusing their attention on finding Sarah Spiers, the first of three women to go missing from Perth in the 1990s.

Ms Spiers, who was 18 at the time, left Club Bay View in Claremont on January 27, 1996 and, after hailing a taxi, was never seen again.

Forensic police were seen with digging equipment at Bradley Robert Edwards' parent's investment property at Madora Bay, south of Perth, reported the Daily Telegraph.

Where is Sarah? Police turn their attention to finding body of the first Claremont victim after man is charged over the murders of two women

  • Police are now focusing their attention on Sarah Spiers who disappeared in 1996
  • Ms Spiers was last seen leaving Club Bay View on January 27, 1996 and after hailing a taxi, was never seen again. She is still missing two decades on
  • Bradley Robert Edwards was arrested and charged last week with the murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, who also disappeared from Claremont 
  • Police are searching the a property south of Perth owned by Edwards' parents  

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4066456/Police-turn-attention-finding-Claremont-victim-Sarah-Spiers-Bradley-Robert-Edwards-charged-murder-two.html#ixzz4U3oIcjgg 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

By Ashleigh Davis and Stephen Johnson For Daily Mail Australia

PUBLISHED: 15:19, 26 December 2016 | UPDATED: 16:07, 26 December 2016


Police are now focusing their attention on finding Sarah Spiers, the first of three women to go missing from Perth in the 1990s.

Ms Spiers, who was 18 at the time, left Club Bay View in Claremont on January 27, 1996 and, after hailing a taxi, was never seen again.

Forensic police were seen with digging equipment at Bradley Robert Edwards' parent's investment property at Madora Bay, south of Perth, reported the Daily Telegraph.

Police are now focusing their attention on the first of three women to go missing from the Perth suburb of Claremont in the 1990s - Sarah Spiers. She remains missing to this day

Police are now focusing their attention on the first of three women to go missing from the Perth suburb of Claremont in the 1990s - Sarah Spiers. She remains missing to this day

Edwards, 48, was arrested and charged with the deaths of two other missing women Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27, on Thursday last week.

The former head of the Macro taskforce assigned to investigate the cold case has also said he prays information about Sarah Spiers will finally be discovered.

David Caporn said hardly a day goes by when he doesn't think about the victims, and said: 'I hope and pray that more will come to light about Sarah.'   

Bradley Robert Edwards (pictured left) was arrested and charged with the murders of two other women who disappeared from Claremont in 1996 and 1997 - Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27

Bradley Robert Edwards (pictured left) was arrested and charged with the murders of two other women who disappeared from Claremont in 1996 and 1997 - Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27

Police search a property south of Perth owned by the parents of a man charged with two murders

Police search a property south of Perth owned by the parents of a man charged with two murders

Police officers continued to guard the property on Challenger Road on Friday night, WA Today reported. 

The accused man's parents haven't lived there for some years and rent the property out, the Fairfax Media report said.

  The Telstra worker appeared in Perth Magistrates Court on Friday charged with the abduction and murder of Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27 in 1996 and 1997.

A third woman who disappeared during that period, Sarah Spiers, remains missing, almost 21 years after leaving the Club Bay View in Claremont.

Ms Rimmer disappeared after a night out with friends in 1996. 

Her body was found in bushland at Wellard in Perth's southern suburbs on August 3 that year.

Ms Glennon disappeared in March 1997, also after a night out in Claremont. 

Her body was found in bushland in Eglington, north of Perth. 

Jane Rimmer was 23 when she went missing in 1996 after a night out in Claremont

Jane Rimmer was 23 when she went missing in 1996 after a night out in Claremont

Ciara Glennon was 27 when she disappeared in March 1997 in upmarket Claremont in Perth

Ciara Glennon was 27 when she disappeared in March 1997 in upmarket Claremont in Perth

West Australian Police C                       ommissioner Karl O'Callaghan said the investigations were continuing.

'So there is still much work to be done, but this has already been the biggest and most complex police investigation in WA history,' he said.

'Hundreds of police officers have worked on this case over the 20 years.'

Edwards has also been charged in relation to attacks on other women, including two counts of deprivation of liberty, two counts of aggravated sexual penetration without consent, one count of breaking and entering and one count of indecent assault.

A white kimono that may provide police with vital clues in the cold case murders  

A white kimono that may provide police with vital clues in the cold case murders

Commissioner O'Callaghan told reporters last week police would allege he abducted a 17-year-old girl as she walked through a park in 1995 and took her to a nearby cemetery where he sexually assaulted her.

He is also alleged to have entered the bedroom of an 18-year-old girl in 1988, and attacked her while she slept. He fled after she struggled but left behind a white kimono, which he accidently dropped.

Police allege he acted alone.   

The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement 



Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Swigging a mid-strength beer and munching pizza on Monday night, Andrew Mallard quietly contemplated his freedom after almost 12 years behind bars. There were no high fives or whoops of joy, just a wander outside to look at the night sky unimpeded by prison walls. "I haven't seen the stars for so long," he mused. "Once you're locked in your cell, you can't see much." Just eight hours earlier, Mallard was spending another mundane day of musters and lock-downs, inmate number HO923173 in the maximum security Casuarina Prison. The jail had been his home since 1994, when he was charged with the murder of Perth jeweller Pamela Lawrence in a bloody case that has become infamous in the west. 

At her retirement village cottage, his elderly mother Grace and his steadily loyal big sister Jacqui wept with relief. John Quigley, a prominent former police union lawyer turned Labor MP, and I swapped telephone calls with the pro bono legal team from Clayton Utz and eminent barrister Malcolm McCusker, QC, who also worked on the case for free. A documentary team, filming the final scenes for an ABC television special, captured the long-awaited first moments of freedom. 

Monday's release came quickly but the road has been long: failed appeals and an exhausting struggle to find new evidence culminated in the discovery in 2002 of a police briefing that showed several key pieces of evidence were not disclosed to the defence at trial, including a forensic test that showing a wrench drawn during Mallard's long police interviews could not have caused Lawrence's injuries. The case was reopened by Attorney-General Jim McGinty but a long [Corrupt Western Australia] Supreme Court appeal was dismissed in 2003. That decision was overturned last November in a unanimous ruling by the High Court, which quashed Mallard's conviction. 

Robert Cock, QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, had been hell-bent on retrying Mallard, claiming police and prosecutors had done no wrong and had nothing to hide. That was until mid-morning on Monday, when he telephoned McCusker to inform him the murder charge would be withdrawn because there was insufficient evidence to proceed. 

The dramatic end to Mallard's incarceration places him alongside Western Australia's other famous wrongful conviction cases: the Mickelberg brothers, John Button and Darryl Beamish. Most of the key players in those other mysteries were either retired or dead. In Mallard's case, the police and prosecutors have since risen to the top echelons of the state's justice system. 

After being handed a life sentence in 1995, Mallard disappeared down the Supreme Court dock stairs, yelling his innocence and promising, "You have not heard the last of this." He was right. Mallard's name now evokes bitter passions in the Perth legal community, publicly pitting Quigley and the eminent McCusker against Cock, who claimed on Monday that Mallard was still the prime suspect, despite conceding he had no case. 

It has divided the legal clique of Perth, where senior lawyers and judges tend to speak about each other in terms of which year they graduated from the same law school and which college sporting team they represented together. Long-held concerns in defence circles about the cosy relationship between the office of the DPP and police, and the number of ex-crown lawyers appointed to the Supreme Court bench, are the talk of Perth's legal hub at St Georges Terrace. Now that the murder charge has been dropped, all eyes are on a Corruption and Crime Commission investigation, which was launched after a stinging parliamentary speech by Quigley following the High Court decision in November. 

Before entering parliament, Quigley spent 20 years defending police against allegations of corruption and illegality. The outspoken Labor MP's passionate belief in Mallard's innocence turned him from police protector to accuser. He claimed in parliament the controversy amounted to a prima facie case of perverting the course of justice and lined up two assistant commissioners: David Caporn, who runs counter-terrorism and state protection, and Mal Shervill, the boss of specialist crime. Shervill led the investigation into Lawrence's death. Caporn, who would later lead the Claremont serial killer taskforce, was a head detective. 

Before the stormy afternoon of June 23, 1994, when Lawrence was bludgeoned to death in the leafy suburb of Mosman Park, Mallard was one of Perth's many homeless drifters with mental health problems and a penchant for marijuana. He was known to police for petty crimes and, on the morning of the murder, had been in the lock-up for breaking into the apartment of a friend's ex-boyfriend. Detectives arriving at the bloody scene after the mother of two's death found no jewellery or cash stolen, although they were in full view. Lawrence's husband, who had found his dying wife on the shop floor, told police a wallet from her handbag was gone. 

Police decided it was a case of robbery gone wrong. Mallard was one of 136 names on their list of suspects who vaguely fitted a description given by a schoolgirl who'd seen a man in Lawrence's shop. They began checking alibis and kept returning to suspects whose stories did not check out. Mallard, who was under assessment in Graylands Psychiatric Hospital at the time, was deemed to be dishonest because his alibis kept turning out to be stories from days other than the day of the murder. 

He had no history of violence and did not know Lawrence but his odd behaviour led detectives to seize Mallard's clothing, including his only pair of shoes. One drop of blood was found on a boot. It appears detectives were misled by an early laboratory report that suggested it was Lawrence's blood type. It was actually Mallard's own blood from a cut finger. 

Regardless of the blood result, police believed Mallard was suspiciously lying about his alibi. On June 10, 1994, without a lawyer or family member, Mallard followed Caporn, the day he was released from Graylands, into a police interview room, where he stayed for eight hours. What happened in that room is contested by both sides. The DPP's explanation on Monday for dropping the case surrounded the detective's handwritten, unsigned confession, which was admitted at Mallard's 1995 trial but would not be permitted under today's evidence rules. 

After that marathon interview, Mallard was released in the dead of night with no money or accommodation. Unknown to him, his trial lawyer or the 1995-96 appeal lawyers, Caporn had ordered an undercover detective to befriend Mallard and attempt to find evidence, particularly the murder weapon. That officer, codenamed Gary, watched Mallard smoking marijuana (Mallard says Gary supplied the marijuana) and attempted to gain a confession. The secret operation found nothing. A summary of the investigation, among the uncovered evidence found in 2002, revealed that some police believed Mallard was acting strangely but had doubts about his guilt. 

A week later, after a sleepless night in which he was bashed outside a nightclub under the watch of the undercover operation, Mallard was again interviewed off-camera and he drew a Sidchrome wrench. He then went on video for about 20 minutes to clear his name and confirm that he had told the police his theory of what the killer would have done. That video, supported by Caporn's corroborating notes, was the key to a successful prosecution. 

The five judges of the High Court found the conviction a miscarriage of justice because those confessions were unreliable and significant forensic evidence was withheld from the defence. They were critical of the fact that the police held back a raft of evidence (the prosecution knew of some of it) helpful to Mallard's defence. 

In addition to the wrench test and undercover operation, witness statements had been changed to remove crucial facts and a forensic scientist had been asked to alter his report on how the killer could have disposed of the murder weapon. It is not known what information the police made available to the then director of public prosecutions, John McKechnie, QC, or the trial prosecutor, Ken Bates. McKechnie is now a Supreme Court judge and Bates a senior prosecutor who acted as DPP when Cock was recently on sick leave with cancer. 

Cock has said he hopes any non-disclosure by the DPP's office was an oversight and not deliberate. He has also said he believes the police have done nothing wrong and could not see why the CCC investigation was necessary. Cock told the court on Monday he still considered Mallard the prime suspect in the murder despite the lack of evidence to proceed against him. He has been supportive of the police refusal to reopen the case in the face of evidence provided by McCusker relating to other suspects, including a report from an internationally renowned forensic expert. 

It is almost impossible to find senior criminal counsel without some link to this case or its main players. McCusker, Mallard's lawyer, is also the parliamentary inspector of the CCC. Safely ensconced in his mother's retirement village after a fitful night's sleep on a comfortable bed, the lanky, bespectacled Mallard is still coming to terms with his release. Yesterday, as furious words were hurled from both sides, the quietly spoken Englishman vowed to make his supporters proud. His first instinct is to flee the state, wary of police and a system he has grown to mistrust, but he is determined to clear his name before going anywhere. "I need it to be proved irrefutably that I am innocent and that the murderer is still out there," he says. "I have waited a long time. The whole truth will come out in the end." 

Report here

Further comment:

"State Attorney-General Jim McGinty yesterday conceded the case had revealed an "untidy and unfortunate" series of events, saying it was up to the state's corruption watchdog to continue its investigations into the handling of the police inquiries and prosecution. "Nobody can feel satisfied with the way in which the Mallard case has unfolded," Mr McGinty said. "It was an horrendous murder. Nobody has been brought to justice for it and now we have got allegations of improper or corrupt behaviour by police and DPP prosecutors. "I think there is no doubt that this particular case casts a shadow over the way in which the police conducted the investigation and perhaps the way in which the DPP prosecuted this case." Mr McGinty urged police to vigorously investigate any further information that became available. 

Police Deputy Commissioner Chris Dawson was quick to defend his officers yesterday, saying it was important the case did not become a measure of police competence in homicide investigations. Contradicting his statement on Monday evening that police had no intention of re-opening the case, Mr Dawson said unsolved murder cases were never closed." 

(And don't forget your ration of Wicked Thoughts for today)



In the evening of the 14th of July 2001 Peter Falconio vanished in the Australian outback, presumed murdered.  Left behind was Peters Kombi van and his girlfriend Joanne Lees. Joanne claimed a man had shot Peter and then attacked her, bound her hands behind her back and tried to detain her.. but she escaped.

Her attacker remained on the run for almost a year, but finally a suspect was identified, his name is Bradley John Murdoch.  Mr Murdoch claimed he was completely innocent and had never seen Joanne Lees or Peter Falconio. Bradley Murdoch went to trial for Peters murder, during the trial a large amount of circumstantial and substantial evidence was produced. In the end 12 members of jury came back with a unanimous verdict of guilty as charged. 

Reports from the media at the time suggested that Joanne was hiding something, that she acted strangely and did not appear to be grieving the loss of her boyfriend.  Her story also had some holes in and she was not cooperating with the media.  Many sections of the media, particularly the British press, were annoyed that Joanne did not want to cooperate with them, did not want give interviews or provide information.  But Joanne said she had her reasons to limit her exposure to the media, her story had already been twisted and she had been misquoted many times by the press.  Joanne decided she only needed to cooperate with the police as they where the ones that could find Peter or his attacker.  So with a lack of first hand information from the only eyewitness and just a trickle of info from the police the media started to speculate and point fingers. 

As with most murder cases the facts are hard to come by and murderers rarely admit their guilt.  Bradley Murdoch is no different, he denies everything, but the amount of evidence, both circumstantial and substantial clearly indicates he was involved.

Purpose of this website

1. To expose the rumours and media distortions that permeate this case.
2. To present information without a biased narrative
3. To explore the probabilities, possibilities and facts.
4. By process of elimination, make a reasonable deduction as to what happened to Peter

My Involvement in this case

I've been following this case on and off for the last 13 years.  In a way its become a hobby of sorts, perhaps an obsession? Perhaps its the mystery and the unanswered questions that has lured me in and held my focus.  I've spent a lot of time researching this case, in particular the rumours that surround it, discovering exactly when and where they were created.  I believe its essential to explore the rumours, de-bunk them if possible and remove the false rumours from the equation.  

Objectionable Content

As this website is within the public domain there is a chance the victims, the convicted, their families or friends may view the site and find some of the content objectionable or offensive.  I have no desire to cause distress to anyone that was, or is involved with this highly controversial case.  Therefore, if this applies to yourself and you have a problem, please contact me with your concerns. I will endeavour to remove or edit the material as soon as possible. 


Within this site there are many articles, quotes and extracts that originate from books or the internet.  Where possible I will list the sources and credit the author. Where possible and or required, I have contacted the copyright owner(s) and obtained permission to display their photographs, text or artwork. If you are the author or claim ownership over any of the content within this site and take offence over the display of your material, please contact me and I will remove or edit the material as required. 



Peter Falconio Disapearance

Regarding the disappearance of Peter Falconio and kidnapping of his girlfriend Joanne Lees who left the UK to embark on a round-the-world trip, planning to visit Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and America.


15th November : Peter Falconio and his girlfriend Joanne Lees left the UK to embark on a round-the-world trip, planning to visit Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and America.    


16th January :
 They arrived in Sydney and initially stayed at the Springfield lodge, Kings Cross. A week or so later they rented at room in a flat at Bondi.

14th February: Joanne starts her new job at Dymocks bookstore, George st Sydney.

25th June: Mr Falconio and Ms Lees set off on their driving trip around Australia in their 30-year-old orange VW Kombi van from Sydney, travelling through Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Port Pirie, Coober Pedy and Alice Springs.

11th July - Wednesday: They made friends with two Canadian backpackers (Mark & Izabel) whilst visiting Uluru and gave them a lift in their camper van to King's Canyon in the Watarrka national park, and on to Alice Springs, where they continued their travels separately.

12th July - Thursday: They spent the day sightseeing before staying the night in the van in an Alice Springs lay-by.

13th July - Friday: Peter Falconio calls his parents, said everything was great and they were enjoying themselves, Joanne was heard in the background giggling

14th July - Friday:  Bradley Murdoch testified that he camped that night, 125 kilometres south of Alice Springs (Finke River crossing)

14th July - Saturday: Mr Chris Malouf drives into Alice Springs on his way from SA to WA (Mr Malouf's appearance is similar to Mr Murdoch and he also drives a white Toyota 4x4 with a canvas canopy) Mr Malouf's most notable feature is his very long hair, which can be seen in his photograph to hang down over his shoulders by at least 6 inches.

14th July  -Saturday -10am: Mr Falconio visited Maureen Laracy, a Deloittes accountant in Alice Springs, who told him he owed the tax office money because he had been paying tax as an Australian resident, rather than as a non-resident, while working in Sydney. Meanwhile, Ms Lees visits the library in Alice Springs, checking her emails

14th July  -Saturday -10.30am Mr Murdoch arrives in Alice Springs, he stated in his testimony "first thing in Alice, Red Rooster" Mr Murdoch testified that he then visited Red Rooster, then Kittles garage (car wash) Barbeques Galore, then the BP to refuel. Then he visited the Repco store at 1.30PM to buy some plastic fuel containers and BiLo at 2PM to purchase some provisions. Evidence was found to prove he visited BBQ's Galore and Repco but there was no evidence to support his claim he went to the BP service station. He had spent approximately 5 hours in Alice Springs. He claimed he left Alice Springs at 3 PM.  Its been affirmed that whilst in Alice Springs he left his trailer in the care of an associate at his trucking business.

14th July - Saturday: Peter and Joanne meet each other to have breakfast together at the Green Frog cafe. 

14th July - Saturday - 11.30 : Ms Lees rang her friend, Amanda Whelan, in Sydney to say they were going to visit the Camel Cup races, where they spent two to three hours and watched the Miss Camel Cup beauty pageant

14th July - Saturday: Joanne and Peter went to the airport to buy a return ticket for Joanne (Brisbane-Sydney)Please see the FAQ's for the reason why Joanne collected her ticket from the airport.

14th July - Saturday:: They attend the Camel Cup in Alice Springs, and watch many of the races (verified present at the races by video footage)
The camel cup race started at around 2.30 PM and stayed long enough to watch the race and look around.  Estimated time leaving the cup is 3PM or thereabouts.

14th July - Saturday - 3.00-3.30 pm : Mr Murdoch claims he left Alice Springs to travel back to Broome via the Tanami track, in tow was his new camper trailer.    

14th July - Saturday: - 3.30-4pm: Joanne and Peter return to Alice Springs and drop into the Red Rooster restaurant. (verified by staff, as being at the restaurant in the late afternoon)

14th July - Saturday - 4-4.15pm: Ms Lees commenced the drive north from Alice Springs while Mr Falconio reads a book before falling asleep in the back.

14th July - Saturday - 3.45-4pm:  Mr Gregory Dick and Mr Michael Oatley worked at the Aileron roadhouse, they claim they he saw Joanne and Peter at their roadhouse. They ordered two toasted sandwiches, a coffee and a cola, and were looking through a series of brochures and postcards, discussing places to visit. Joanne Lees denies stopping at Aileron. According to the timeline it is possible for the pair to have stopped at Aileron, eat something and then stopped again at Ti Tree. (the Aileron roadhouse is 70 Km's south of Ti Tree)  A point worthy of note..Mr Oatley was not 100% sure it was Joanne and Peter and said the man he thought was Peter could not speak English very well and thought he sounded Greek or Italian. Peter is English and speaks English.  It was known there was another couple on the Stuart Hwy driving a Kombi that day and they were also from the UK. Perhaps the Aileron sighting is a case of mistaken identity?

14th July - Saturday - 6.00pm: Joanne and Peter stop at Ti Tree "shared a smoke", a joint of cannabis, as they watched the sun set. Mr Falconio then bought some lollies, purchased fuel and took over the driving as they headed north along the Stuart highway.   (The receipt was time stamped, the fuel was paid for at 6.21PM)

14th July - Saturday - 6.50pm: Shortly after leaving Ti Tree Ms Lees saw a small fire at the side of the road along the way, Peter wanted to stop and to check it out, Joanne says they shouldn't stop, it looked suspicious and they kept driving

14th July - Saturday - 8.00pm: Mr Murdoch claims he was near Yuendumu some 300km's from Alice Springs, indicating an average speed of around 60kph. Mr Murdoch could not offer any proof to support this statement.

14th July - Saturday - 8-8.30pm:  Around 11 km's north of  Barrow Creek a man in a white four-wheel drive, drives along the Kombi  and waves the Kombi over, Mr Falconio gets out and talks to the man at the rear of the Kombi. A bang is heard. Ms Lees is threatened with a small silver hand gun, punched and restrained with cable-tie handcuffs before escaping and hiding in the bushes for several hours, until she waves down a passing road train. Mr Falconio was presumed shot, his blood was on the road. 

15th July - Sunday - 12.38am: A man bearing similar characteristics to Joannes attacker was caught on security footage at the Shell truck stop, Dalgety Road, Alice Springs. The man purchased a large amount of fuel, ice and an iced coffee. He paid around $130 in cash. The driver leaves the roadhouse at 12.50am.  The vehicle was a 75 series Diesel Toyota Land Cruiser with a canvas tarp over the tray. It was reported to be virtually identical to the vehicle that Mr Murdoch owned at that time.  Friends and family of Mr Murdoch believe the man at the truck stop was Mr Murdoch and that it was his vehicle.  Mechanics that worked on his car also believe it looked like his vehicle. The upholsterer that manufactured the canvas tarp believed he recognised his design and testified that he made the tarp for Bradley Murdoch a few months before the incident. The attendant that served the man at the Shell truck stop told writer Robin Bowles that Bradley Murdoch was the man that he served that morning, he was sure of it.

15th July - Sunday - Around 1 am: Ms Lees emerges from the scrub and on to the highway and out in front of a "Bull's" road train truck being driven by Vince Millar. Vince stopped about a kilometre down the road and Joanne runs towards the road train. Vince gets out of the truck and speaks to Joanne. He started to help her look for her boyfriend but when she told him her attacker had had a gun, he decided it would be best to go for help. He drove her south to the Barrow Creek roadhouse, where they contacted police.    

15th July - Sunday - 4.20am: NT Police officers from Ti Tree arrived at the Barrow Creek hotel
15th July - Sunday: 7.00am: NT police launch a search for Mr Falconio and the gunman. They find a pool of blood covered with dirt beside the Stuart Hwy. This blood was later DNA matched to Peter Falconio. The police also find the orange Kombi parker well off the road in the scrub. 

15th July - Sunday : Superintendent Garry Moseley, of the Alice Springs police, organised a series of around a dozen road blocks, eventually covering the main routes from "Katherine to the South Australia border, to the Queensland border to the West Australia border". Every roadhouse and cattle station in the area was also contacted. It seems the Tanami road was not blocked.

15th July - Sunday -  8PM: Mr Murdoch claims to have refuelled at Fitzroy crossing and had a steak sandwich. This means he covered the distance between Yuendumu and Fitzroy Crossing, (1,000km's) in 24 hours. This seems quite reasonable if he stopped for a sleep, food, toilet stops. However Mr Murdoch's alibi for Fitzroy Crossing (a close friend) was said to be unreliable as his story had changed a number of times.

15 October: Police officers on an orientation visit to the site uncover more evidence - tape used to restrain Ms Lees and her lip gloss tube - apparently missed during a police search three months earlier. The lip gloss tube was found under leaf litter.


April :
 The W.A police receive an anonymous call. James Hepi was said to be transporting drugs over the border into W.A, a description of the truck is given and a location provided. Later, Bradley Murdoch admits to friends that he was the person that reported the crime and seems upset and quite remorseful about doing so. Later it was revealed that Mr Murdoch arranged for a friend to make the actual call.

16th April: James Tahi Hepi was arrested outside the Roebuck Roadhouse near Broome W.A, with 4Kg's of marijuana found hidden in a modified gas cylinder on his 4x4. James knew it must have been Brad who reported him, they had a falling out and Brad was just one of a few people who knew where Mr Hepi stored the drugs.

May: Bradley Murdoch Moved into to a run down stone farmhouse in Port Broughton, South Australia

31st May: Detective-Sergeant David Chalker, receives a call from Broome detective Peter Jenal, he provided with the information James Hepi had regarding Brads possible involvement with the disappearance of Peter Falconio. The information was not acted upon at that stage.

29th July: James Hepi appears in Boome district court  and pleas guilty to the transportation and possession of 4 Kg's of Cannabis. He receives an 18 month sentence that is suspended for 12 months.

21st August: A 12 year girl is raped and her mother sexually molested and abducted from their bush property near Swan Reach S.A. The woman and her daughter claim the rapist was Bradley Murdoch.  The girl was later examined by a GP and it was confirmed she had been sexually assaulted or had sex and quite recently.

23rd August. Fred Everitt  is released from Royal Adelaide hospital, he was there receiving treatment for lung cancer.
NB: Fred Everitt is the defacto partner of the woman who was abducted along with her daughter 
28th August: Bradley Murdoch was arrested outside of Woolworths, Port Augusta, S.A for the alleged rape and abduction of a 13 year girl and the sexual molestation and abduction of the girls mother. He gives up freely and makes no comment regarding the charges, he seemed unsurprised by the arrest.


21st October
: Bradley Murdoch is on trial at Adelaide District court for the alleged rape and abduction. Little physical evidence is found to support the rape and abduction. However drugs, guns, chains and restraints are found. Metal handcuffs were found as well as cuffs made from cable ties. The cable tie handcuffs were very similar in design to the ones Joanne Lees had be restrained with.

Jan-April 2003: Some 2,500 people have been identified during the long police investigation as "persons of interest".

10th November: Bradley Murdoch is acquitted of the charges as the jurys verdict was not unanimous. Mr Murdoch was arrested as he left the court and taken to the Northern Territory to answer charges regarding the murder of Peter Falconio.
14th November: Bradley John Murdoch faces Darwin Magistrates Court over Mr Falconio's murder..

17th November: DNA samples belonging to Bradley Murdoch are analysed in the NT Police forensic lab.


17th May
: A committal hearing into the charges is heard in Darwin Magistrates Court over three weeks, resuming for a further two weeks in August, 2004.

18th August: Murdoch is committed to stand trial in the NT Supreme Court on the charges.


: Authorities send a portion of the cable-tie restraints to the United Kingdom for specialist DNA testing, which finds a DNA sample 100 million times more likely to have come from Murdoch than anyone else.

17th October: The Northern Territory Supreme Court trial begins into Mr Falconio's murder.

22nd November: Today, the jury heard from several men from Broome who'd worked at a firm called Tropical Upholstery that fitted two canopies on Murdoch's four-wheel drive, an HJ 75 Toyota, in 2001.  Under questioning from the prosecutor Anne Barnett, Jean Louis O'Dore said he'd later recognised what he thought was Murdoch's vehicle in a photo from an Alice Springs truck stop on the night Mr Falconio disappeared.  He said he'd had a conversation about it with Murdoch at the time, "I said I'd seen photos of the car," he said, "and I thought it was ours, our canopy." "And what did he say?" Ms Barnett asked. "I think he said, "It may have been", because he goes up there," he replied. "It may have been him in the truck stop." 

22nd November: Another witness, Myles Sadler, worked at West Kimberley Diesel in Broome, the same auto workshop where Murdoch had worked. In 2001, he said he remembered Murdoch owned an HJ 75 Landcruiser, with a square canopy on the rear tray and a bull bar at the front He was shown the same truck stop photograph and asked about the bull bar in the photo. He replied, "That's pretty much the same." 

22nd November:  The jury heard evidence from a South Australian man, Ben Kotz, who's known Murdoch since childhood. He told the court he hadn't seen Murdoch for about 10 years until late 2001 or 2002, when Murdoch had dropped in a few times at his parents' home. In the course of one conversation, Mr Kotz said Murdoch was distraught and told him he'd done something wrong.  "He'd dobbed in his Kiwi mate," he said.

13th December: Murdoch is found guilty of murdering Mr Falconio, assaulting Ms Lees and depriving her of her liberty. He is given a mandatory life sentence and minimum 28-year non-parole period.


12th December
: Lawyers for Bradley John Murdoch begin a three-day appeal against his conviction and sentence in the NT Court of Criminal Appeal in Darwin.


10th January
: Three judges in the NT Court of Criminal Appeal unanimously dismiss his appeal.

28 February: Human bones found about 100km southwest of the service station where Murdoch refuelled hours after killing Mr Falconio are described by police as probably belonging to a missing Aborigine.

21st June: Murdoch's application for special leave to appeal in the High Court is denied.

4th August: A prison guard reportedly tells News Limited Murdoch is doing it easy in a minimum security section of Darwin's Berrimah prison.

15th August: Media reports emerge that Murdoch's family are pushing to have him moved to a jail in Western Australia but the WA government says it has not received any such applications.

25th August: NT authorities deny reports that Murdoch had been caught trying to break out of prison in Darwin. Murdoch is transferred from Berrimah Prison to the Alice Springs Correctional Centre.

24th December: The Age newspaper reports that Murdoch's lawyers will push to have the case reopened after British police suspended their use of  low copy number (LCN) DNA testing, which was used in the crown's case against Murdoch.


15th February
: With a second more rigorous review of LCN DNA testing underway in the UK, Perth QC Tom Percy, who specialises in the miscarriage of justice, begins examining the legitimacy of the DNA evidence used in Murdoch's trial and possible grounds for appeal.

27th May: The orange van that was obtained as evidence during police investigations is released from the NT Supreme Court basement, and Ms Lees orders that it be destroyed.


5th June
: News Limited reporters accompany a clairvoyant, who is adamant she can find Mr Falconio's grave, into Central Australia without success.


16th July:  Disgraced former lawyer Andrew Fraser, claims that Peter Falconio is alive and he has proof in the form of witnesses. When quizzed if he has spoken to the witnesses he replies I am yet to speak with them.  Mr Fraser admits that he is involved in a 2 part documentary that will expose the lies and show that Bradley Murdoch is innocent. 

Aug: An ex-friend of Bradley Murdoch reveals to the public through a South Australian newspaper that he did have an opening for his dog to pass from the tray to the front of his vehicle. Jennifer Wainwright said that Mr Mudoch used to stay in her shed whilst he was visiting Adelaide.


29th February: A TV network has been charged for communicating with notorious Territory prisoner Bradley John MurdochJournalist Rahni Sadler who produced the story for Channel 7's Sunday Night program has also been charged with communicating with a prisoner along with Murdoch's confidant former lawyer Andrew Roderick Fraser,
 the NT News reports. The charges have been laid by Correctional Services on the advice of the Solicitor for the Northern Territory. Channel 7 recorded a phone conversation between Murdoch and Mr Fraser which aired on July 31 last year.


17 December: Bradley Murdoch lodges an appeal with the NT criminal court of appeal, he is appealing his sentence because he believes there was misconduct by the crown in his original trial.

Please note: This timeline has been constructed from a range of sources that have been checked and verified to be as accurate as possible, some times have been estimated but should be accurate to within a half hour. The timeline is continually updated as new information comes forth.



Man claims Joanne Lees hired Bradley Murdoch to kill Peter Falconio

A Mr Geoff Gerald Atkins claims he was at the Barrow Creek hotel on the night of 14/7/2001. Geoff said he played a game of pool with Bradley Murdoch. He also spoke at length to Peter Falconio and Joanne Lee's. Geoff claims Mr Murdoch had indicated he would sometimes be hired to kill people and that Ms Lee's paid him $2600 to kill Peter.  Mr Murdoch said Joanne was going to write a book about Peter's disappearance and then he would be paid the balance for the 'hit' from the proceeds of the book..


State of South Australia – Oaths Act 1936

I Geoffrey Atkins
of (address removed for privacy reasons)
do solemnly and sincerely declare that

On Saturday 14th July 2001, approximately 7:40 am, I left Coober Pedy. I had travelled about 3-5 kms on the Stuart Hwy, when I seen an orange Kombi. I said to the kids ‘Look it’s an Abbacromby, it will be full of hippies,’ but on passing we gave a toot & a wave, the kids were a bit disappointed, there was no hippies on board, the two people in the Kombi looked extremely happy, the sort of glow you get after a win. Before we were out of the area mined for opals, I stopped and done a bit of fossicking with the kids, we were only a couple of chain off the road when I heard the Kombi purring down the road towards us. We got another wave and a friendly toot. Ten minutes later we were on the road again, more toots and waves. Then about 20 minutes later, there was a car that had broken down, and was being stripped for parts. Time for a piss and a look what was left, again the Kombi caught up, more toots and waves. 15 minutes later, we passed the Kombi again more toots and waves.  Hours later, another wreck, another piss stop, another toot and wave as they pass again. I couldn’t help but think how well that Kombi sounded and looked. The next time I seen the Kombi, it was parked on the wrong side of the road facing back towards Coober Pedy. There was a white Tojo [Toyota 4-wheel drive] with green canopy parked close by. There was a man there between the Kombi and the Tojo, he looked to me like he had Maori in him. He also had a rifle in his arms. I believe it was a Bruno 22. He did not look clean. He had a dark shirt and dirty black pants with a white stripe down the side. He wore a black baseball hat with the desert eagle insignia on it. He was lean build, approximately 5’11” sporting a Zepata mow. [sic]  

We tooted to the Kombi, even though we could not see anyone else there. The guy with the rifle gave me a nasty look. I stuck my finger up at him. The kids both said Did you see that dad, that bloke had a gun just like yours.’ The kids were convinced the occupants had already been killed and they wanted me to go back and check if they (Lees and Falconio) weren’t in the back of the Kombi. I told the kids he had a gun, I didn’t. Lorna [daughter of witness] asked me to report it to the police in Alice which was about 15 kms away. I didn’t go to the police in Alice, it would have been about 3:30 pm by now. I had a bit of a shop at Woolies, fuelled up and back on the road. About 2 hours later I saw the Kombi parked at Ti Tree. The occupants were also there. I gave them a toot & wave, they waved back. I knew the road fairly well and had decided to have a break at Barrow Creek. I knew that because it was a Saturday night & the Camel Cup, the odds were that I shouldn’t have much trouble getting set for a game of pool, and I might also be able to get rid of a snake I had on board. When I pulled up at Barrow Creek the kids were sleeping.  I parked the car at the bowser [fuel pump] and went into the pub, within seconds of being served I asked two guys that just sat down if they played pool, they both wanted a game. 

We introduced ourselves and found out quite quickly that we had a lot in common, as in racist, drugs, jails, and police. I asked him if he was related to Jibba Murdoch. He asked me where I came from, I told him Bendigo Vic. He said no relation to my rellies [relatives], they are all in the West. The reason I asked him if he was related to Jibba is because he was only the second Murdoch I had ever met. After telling Murdoch that I had done time in Queensland for dope he was not backwards in telling what seemed to be his life story. He mentioned his drug dealing with pride it seemed he told me he had been dealing most of his life. But he was right into it now and kicking goals. He told us how he belonged to some sort of club that you bought shares in and got informed of what drugs were on the market and if you put money up front, you got a far better deal. I played one game of pool with Bradley Murdoch. He won, I handed the cue to the other guy and took advantage of the time, and went to check on the kids, and got the snake out of the car, and took it into the pub. I showed it in the bar first. There was a ringer that worked on a station close by that was very interested in it, but he didn’t have enough money. I then went into the other hotel rooms, Peter Falconio and Joanne Lees were sitting at a table, we introduced ourselves and talked about touristy things. Peter had told me they were heading to Darwin, the same as me. He told me they were going to camp the night at Tennant Creek, that he expected to be there about 2:30 am. He asked me where I was going to sleep. I said I was not going to camp anywhere. Once I left the pub I was going to push on for Darwin. He said you must be fucked, you have come from Coober Pedy this morning.  I informed him I’d come non stop from Vic. He said you must be on speed. I told him I wasn’t but I wouldn’t mind a bit, you haven’t got any have you? He replied I haven’t got any speed but I might be able to help you with an ecci [ecstasy tablet] if you like. I replied that I had some Endone [analgesic] if I wanted that sort of drug. It surprised me when he offered the ecci for he was wearing a blue sweater with a logo, hugs not drugs.

Joanne left the room and left Peter & I talking. I commented on the logo, I said it must be working for they seemed very happy. He informed me that that wasn’t the case, and that they would go their separate ways when they got rid of the Kombi. I told him where he could get rid of it [in Darwin], and a few places to check out. Joanne was very interested in the snake I had for sale, a territory night tiger, she said it was the first snake she had ever touched. It had only been about 25 minutes before this while talking to Bradley Murdoch, that a little bloke come over to us and said the Kombi has arrived. I said you mean the orange Kombi, he said yes. I said that I had been passing it since early this morning. Bradley Murdoch had called me aside from the other bloke to tell me something. I asked him if he had a bit of Gunja [marijuana] that I could get off him. He advised me that he couldn’t help, that he had sold the last bit to a shiela [woman] a couple of hours ago. I left Peter to go and put the snake back in the car, on returning I couldn’t help but notice Murdoch and Lees having a full on discussion, Brad had his back to me. Lees seemed to be laying down the law to him. I thought what have you got in common with this guy. I watched in awe for quite a few seconds, then went back to the other guy. Within minutes Brad showed up and said that he had just been propositioned to do a hit. He told me and the other guy that a shiela wanted her boyfriend popped. I said was it that shiela that he had been talking to when I came back in, he said yes. I said she wouldn’t be able to afford a hitman. I said they’re only driving a Kombi. He replied no she does. She just showed me a wad of $2600.00. I said that’s not enough to blow someone out. He said it’s a start. I said it is not like buying a car, you won’t get anymore out of her. He said you don’t know how much she is going to make out of this. I said how is she going to get any dough out of it he said, she planned to write a book and the media would pay plenty When Brad’s mate showed up and said the Kombi arrived, all I could think was where the fuck did you come from, a Dickens book. He looked quite evil. I seen him two more times. The second time I saw him was not long after Brad had told me he was breaking into the ecci market. He’s already had a sample $5000 worth, he said he was expecting $30,000 I asked him when did he expect them, he told me, soon. I thought no more about it. At the time Brad seemed a little uneasy. He was keeping an eye towards the door. I seen a glimpse of his little ugly mate Brad quickly disappeared for a split second, returned and said they have arrived there in the Kombi. About 20 minutes later he came up to Brad and said they’re leaving Brad said I’ve got to go, I’ll see you later. I owed Brad a beer, I said, do you want that stubby I owe you. He said don’t worry about it, I will be back soon, you can get it then. 

Brad and his little mate followed Peter and Joanne out of the pub, about 8-8:30 pm. He did not return until 11:30-12. He showed me a bad scratch on his arm. He said that fucken woman is mad. She went crazy out there. I said, I told you she didn’t want him dead, he said no she did. She just went crazy, he did not tell me how. He did tell me when I asked where Peter was, he looked at his watch and said he would be 250 kms by now. [sic] He told me his little mate had the body I assumed he was probably dead. I said to Brad you did blow him didn’t you? He said why do you say that. Brad had changed his shirt and pants, but his boots still had blood all over them. I pointed this out to him. He said that he had shot a roo while he was gone. I said bullshit, with a handgun. He replied yes, come out the back and I will show you. I declined, I thought I might be next. He then offered me a smoke if I wanted to go out back with him. It seemed odd only a couple of hours ago he told me that he had none. I think he realized how much he had told me. I wasn’t sure if he wanted to shoot me too. He had told me earlier that he was a professional shooter, when I asked him if it was roos he said no, I said dingoes, he said no, I asked him if it was vermin, he said you could call it that.

If this case is not a police cover up I would like to know why I was not called as a witness. I believe I know more about this case that then rest of the crown witnesses. I made application for a copy of the first two statements I made to police. After approximately 38 phone calls to the N.T. police I received the statements, they had been changed. They would not have been changed if it wasn’t a cover up. I rang Scotland Yard when I wasn’t called as a witness. I spoke to detective Atkinson. He advised me that he couldn’t do anything but to keep on trying to be heard. I tried to get in touch with the Falconio family through the NT News, they refused to publish my advertisement. I rang Father Mac Gillicuddy at St Patricks cathedral in Huddersfield U.K.  I sent a copy of my statements to Rex Wild to be passed on to the Falconio family. Everything I know about this case I have not mentioned in this statement. I would like to go on a lie detector test to prove that what I am saying is true and correct.

Yours sincerely

Geoffrey Atkins
 And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to
 be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1936.

Declared at Mount Barker in the State of South Australia, this 11th day of October 2010
 signature [G. Atkins] signature [Paul Philip Haverland] JP NO 14188

Signature of person making this declaration Signature of authorized witness
 (to be signed in front of an authorized witness) stamp: A justice of the Peace in and for the State of South Australia
stamp: Mount Barker Court, P.O. Box 101, Mt. Barker S.A. 5251

Are his claims true?

Mr Atkins story is plausible yet it remains uncorroborated by anyone or anything. The main issue I have is the timeline he puts forward, it does not match that facts as we know it. He claims he saw Peter and Joanne on the road from Coober Pedy to Alice Springs many times in the morning of 14/7/2001. The problem is Peter was seen many times by credible witnesses in Alice Springs on the same morning. I asked Mr Atkins to think about the timeline and if he could have got the days or times mixed up, but he was adamant, he did not make a mistake. Mr Atkins timeline contradicts statement, testimony and comments made by an accountant that met with Peter, a cafe owner, a worker at a real state agent and others that all say that saw Peter in the morning of the 14/7/2001 in Alice Springs. I believe that these credible witnesses are telling the truth and that either Mr Atkins has made a mistake or his story in in part or whole concocted. Mr Atkins was asked if he would tell his story to media, he said he would if they paid him enough.

Personal Opinion:

At this stage we only have Mr Atkins word that his story really did happen. The owner of the Barrow Creek hotel said he never saw anyone with a snake in his pub on that night and neither did he see Peter Falconio or Joanne Lees there.  Patrons that were in the pub that night have never mentioned the snake or seeing Joanne Lees or Peter Falconio there either. No one reported seeing an Orange Kombi outside the Barrow Creek Hotel that night.

There are too many outlandish claims made, too many holes and not a single person can back up his claims.  Mr Atkins clearly has some knowledge of the hotel and the general area and seems well read on this case. My personal opinion is Geoff's story has little credibility. The statuary declaration (above) was made only after one writer requested Geoff to make it, to help backup his claims. But it should be noted that there is no proof the statuary declaration has been given to the police or any official. Its easy to make a statuary declaration and have a JP sign it but does that mean what is written is the truth? 



Many of the rumours and stories came about through a lack of information..
We saw the photos, the vision and editorials and all of that became our knowledge base for the case.

Based on that information we speculated and created our own versions of what we thought happened, we filled in the missing pieces. There was an abundance of evidence, photos and testimony that made up the case and the jury saw much of that, but we have only seen a very small fraction and a lot of the what we saw and heard was already distorted by syndicated media.   So without accurate information how can anyone construct an accurate overview of the case. Only the jury had the full gamut of information and yet many 'armchair sleuths' have criticised the jury for their determination. 

RUMOUR: It was SAID Joanne's T shirt had just one tiny speck of DNA on it?
FACT: There were several blood spots on her T shirt, not just one and the largest spot was approximately 10 mm across.

RUMOUR: It was SAID Her T shirt was pretty clean, how is it possible she was tackled to the ground and not have any dirty marks on her T shirt?
FACT: These photos clear up that false rumour. Note there are also grease marks or perhaps road bitumen on her T shirt.

Subject: Police turn attention to finding first Claremont victim Sarah Spiers | Daily Mail Online


The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved. 






The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved. 

The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement 


The thinking behind this blog is really simple: The guilty should be prevented from reoffending and the innocent should not be convicted -- not very complex but often not achieved. 

The spotlight is also thrown on feral law enforcement 

Major police operation in Perth linked to Claremont serial killings: Reports

Staff Reporters

Police have established a crime scene at a home in Perth's east amid reports it could be linked to one of Australia's most high-profile cold cases.

Neighbours said police stormed a home in Kewdale about 7am on Thursday and took a man into custody.

Claremont serial killings breakthrough

West Australian police spent Thursday night questioning a man reportedly arrested in connection to the Claremont serial killings in the late 1990's. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

The ABC, citing police sources, said the man in his 50s was being interviewed in connection with the Claremont killings of three young women in the late 1990s.

Jane Rimmer, 23, Sarah Spiers, 18, and Ciara Glennon, 27, vanished in Claremont in 1996 and 1997.

Claremont murder victims Ciara Glennon (left) and Jane Rimmer (right). Investigations into the disappearance of Sarah Spiers (centre) are ongoing. 

Ms Rimmer's body was found in bushland south of Perth in 1996, while Ms Glennon's body was found north of Perth in 1997. Sarah Spiers has never been found.

Despite extensive investigations, police have never charged anyone in connection with the case, codenamed Operation Macro.

Then, this week, police phoned the family of Ciara Glennon and told them there had been a breakthrough, Ten News reported.

Caty Price 


Ciara Glennon's family told @TenNewsPerth police rang them to confirm a breakthrough in Claremont serial killer case#tennews

10:05 AM - 22 Dec 2016

DECEMBER 23 2016

Major police operation in Perth linked to Claremont serial killings: Reports

Staff Reporters

Police have established a crime scene at a home in Perth's east amid reports it could be linked to one of Australia's most high-profile cold cases.

Neighbours said police stormed a home in Kewdale about 7am on Thursday and took a man into custody.

Claremont serial killings breakthrough

West Australian police spent Thursday night questioning a man reportedly arrested in connection to the Claremont serial killings in the late 1990's. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

The ABC, citing police sources, said the man in his 50s was being interviewed in connection with the Claremont killings of three young women in the late 1990s.

Jane Rimmer, 23, Sarah Spiers, 18, and Ciara Glennon, 27, vanished in Claremont in 1996 and 1997.

                                    Claremont murder victims Ciara Glennon (left) and Jane Rimmer (right). Investigations into the disappearance of Sarah Spiers (centre) are ongoing. 

Ms Rimmer's body was found in bushland south of Perth in 1996, while Ms Glennon's body was found north of Perth in 1997. Sarah Spiers has never been found.

Despite extensive investigations, police have never charged anyone in connection with the case, codenamed Operation Macro.

Then, this week, police phoned the family of Ciara Glennon and told them there had been a breakthrough, Ten News reported.


https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/627109102125252608/zmy7d6oB_normal.jpgCaty Price 


Ciara Glennon's family told @TenNewsPerth police rang them to confirm a breakthrough in Claremont serial killer case#tennews

10:05 AM - 22 Dec 2016


A police command post outside the Kewdale house searched by officers on Thursday. Photo: Robert Koenig-Luck/ABC News

At 6.30am on Thursday, Jim Sheffield was gardening in the back yard of his Kewdale home when he heard a "real loud yell" and what sounded like a scream.

Tactical police were swarming a neighbouring property, he said.


Forensic police searched the home, which is believed to be linked to the Claremont investigation. Photo: Robert Koenig-Luck/ABC News

"I didn't think all that much about it," Mr Sheffield told journalists later in the day. "Came out about an hour later and there was a lot of police cars."

The man who was taken into custody has not been previously linked to the case, ABC reported. 

The site near Carabooda where the body of Ciara Glennon was found Photo: Tony McDonough

He lived at the house with his daughter, aged in her 20s, for a number of years. 

Vision from the scene showed forensic officers in the backyard of the home, where two blue marquees had been erected.

Family of murdered Perth woman, Ciara Glennon, Ian (brother-in law), Denise (sister), and mother Una and father Denis at the funeral service. Photo: Tony McDonough

Investigators spent all day at the property and removed several boxes and large plastic bags from the house, which were brought to a mobile police command post on the street. 

Police have so far declined to comment on the development, except to say the search at the home is "in relation to an ongoing investigation". Fairfax Media has contacted Western Australia Police for further information.

Speaking to radio station 6PR on Thursday night, Ten News journalist Rebecca Munro said sources had confirmed to her that the raid was "in fact linked to the Macro taskforce".

"This is a huge case," she said. "We've had it confirmed by a number of different sources.

Murder victim Ciara Glennon disappeared from Claremont in Western Australia. Photo: Tony McDonough

Jane Rimmer at a ball at Hollywood Highschool. Photo: Supplied

Sarah Spiers' body has never been found. Photo: Tony McDonough

Parents of missing woman Sarah Spiers, Don and Carol Spiers. Photo: Tony McDonough

It was midnight on June 9, and the hotel had closed. As Ms Rimmer leaned against a pole, a man approached her. She appeared to acknowledge him. He then walked out of view, the grainy footage showing only his back.

She remained on the footpath for many minutes, with people milling around her. The rotating camera panned away from Ms Rimmer and when it returned, she was gone.

The poor quality footage had been sent to US space agency NASA for enhancement years before its release, but NASA had been unable to improve it.

At the same time, police revealed more information about Ms Spiers and Ms Glennon.

Ms Spiers had called a taxi after 2am on January 27, 1996, when she left Claremont's Club Bayview. A witness reported seeing headlights nearby on Stirling Road, where Ms Spiers was thought to be waiting for the taxi. But 

Speaking to radio station 6PR on Thursday night, Ten News journalist Rebecca Munro said sources had confirmed to her that the raid was "in fact linked to the Macro taskforce".

"This is a huge case," she said. "We've had it confirmed by a number of different sources.


"Moments ago we just saw a bunch of evidence come out of the house."

Investigators spent all day at the property and removed several boxes and large plastic bags from the house, which were brought to a mobile police command post on the street. 

Police have so far declined to comment on the development, except to say the search at the home is "in relation to an ongoing investigation". Fairfax Media has contacted Western Australia Police for further information.

Jane Rimmer at a ball at Hollywood Highschool. Photo: Supplied

Speaking to radio station 6PR on Thursday night, Ten News journalist Rebecca Munro said sources had confirmed to her that the raid was "in fact linked to the Macro taskforce".

"This is a huge case," she said. "We've had it confirmed by a number of different sources.


"Moments ago we just saw a bunch of evidence come out of the house."

Investigators spent all day at the property and removed several boxes and large plastic bags from the house, which were brought to a mobile police command post on the street. 

Police have so far declined to comment on the development, except to say the search at the home is "in relation to an ongoing investigation". Fairfax Media has contacted Western Australia Police for further information.


Australia's most notorious serial killer

Task Force Macro is Australia's longest-running and most expensive murder investigation.

Sarah Spiers' body has never been found. Photo: Tony McDonough

It has investigated well over 3000 people and interviewed more than 500 people who were in Claremont on the night Ms Rimmer disappeared.

In 2008, detectives released previously unseen CCTV footage to media, which showed the 23-year-old exchanging a greeting with an unidentified man outside the Continental Hotel in Claremont on the night she disappeared.


Parents of missing woman Sarah Spiers, Don and Carol Spiers. Photo: Tony McDonough

It was midnight on June 9, and the hotel had closed. As Ms Rimmer leaned against a pole, a man approached her. She appeared to acknowledge him. He then walked out of view, the grainy footage showing only his back.

She remained on the footpath for many minutes, with people milling around her. The rotating camera panned away from Ms Rimmer and when it returned, she was gone.

The poor quality footage had been sent to US space agency NASA for enhancement years before its release, but NASA had been unable to improve it.

At the same time, police revealed more information about Ms Spiers and Ms Glennon.

Ms Spiers had called a taxi after 2am on January 27, 1996, when she left Claremont's Club Bayview. A witness reported seeing headlights nearby on Stirling Road, where Ms Spiers was thought to be waiting for the taxi. But the witness lost sight of the headlights after turning onto the Stirling Highway.

Meanwhile, when Ms Glennon was last seen by witnesses, she was talking to the occupant or occupants of a light-coloured vehicle that stopped on Stirling Highway on March 15, 1997.

She was seen leaning over with her hands on her knees as she spoke to those inside the car. Witnesses said when they looked back, the 27-year-old and the car had vanished. Other potential sightings of her on the highway that day made it impossible to determine if she had got into the car or not.

New evidence emerges

Rumours swelled in 2014 that detectives in Perth were close to an arrest. The rumours were swiftly quashed by police.

Then in December last year, the Subiaco Post reported that new clues appeared to have emerged, with detectives examining a link between the Claremont murders and the abduction and rape of a teenage girl in the year before the first murder.

The paper said police had forensic evidence linking Ciara Glennon's killer with a rapist who abducted a 17-year-old woman from a Claremont street then raped her in the cemetery in 1995.

The young woman had left Club Bay View shortly after midnight and was walking to a friend's house when she was abducted, taken to a cemetery, raped and released. 

According to the Subiaco Post report last year, police also believed the killer used a mid-1990s white Holden Commodore VS series 1 to abduct and kill at least two of his victims, and had linked fibres found on Jane Rimmer's body to the upholstery of a car matching that description.

The Post also reported that new evidence showed this victim was tied up with washing line, not telephone wire as previously reported, and that the line was "impregnated with material used in screen printing". 

The deaths of three women over 14 months in 1996 and 1997 sparked Australia's longest police investigation into what was dubbed the Claremont serial killings.

Key dates:

  • Ms Spiers went missing from outside a Claremont nightclub in January 27, 1996.
  • Ms Rimmer, 23, was abducted from Claremont in June 1996 and her body found in bushland south of Perth that August.
  • Ms Glennon, 27, disappeared on March 15 1997. Her body was found in bushland north of Perth 19 days after she was last seen in Claremont.

The Murder of Western Australian Commander Don  Hancock

By David Royds, National Centre for Forensic Studies, University of Canberra

From the December 2013 issue of the APJ.


This was an outstanding forensic investigation that showcases the work of highly regarded forensic professionals who painstakingly carried out a world class investigation. Most forensic investigations assist in either identifiying offenders or at the very least assist in convicting them. This investigation however did neither of that. The murderers of Lou Lewis and Don Hancock were charged with murder and associated offences by detectives who identified them through outstanding police work. The forensic evidence assisted investigators to demontrate to the offenders that police had recovered large amounts of critical intelligence. This went to obtaining a confession from the offender Sid Reid and to convince a cooffender that the case against them was strong and professional. 


Bombings in Australia are rare as are crime experts with experience in bomb crime scene examination. It is important to review cases; not only for posterity but to reflect on some of the hard-earned experiences of others so that good work is remembered and emulated in the event of a recurrence. This article is a review of the forensic work carried out by a team of bomb scene examiners from Western Australia (WA) Police led by Sergeant Clayton (Jack) Bennie into the homicides of WA Police Commander Donald Hancock and Mr Lou Lewis. Although Senior Sergeant Bennie had no formal training as a scientist, he applied “scientific methodology” in the search for better understanding of explosive effects of the bomb used to murder Don Hancock and Lou Louise. David Royds has written this article as a training aid for aspiring bomb scene examiners.


Don Hancock was a retired police officer who had served most of his career as a detective. He and his friend Lawrence ‘Lou’ Lewis, a bookmaker, were killed by a bomb that had been planted in their vehicle was detonated as it approached Hancock’s home at 6.36pm on Saturday 1 September 2001.

Hancock, who had risen through the ranks to become the chief of the Criminal Investigation Branch,was also to become one of the state's most controversial police officers.He was best known for the investigation in 1983 of $650,000 worth of gold in the so-called “Perth Mint swindle” which resulted in the gaoling the Mickelberg brothers. They maintained they had been framed. Hancock was also active in the pursuit of Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang (OMCG) members, running a public campaign against them. An incident occurred in the small mining town of Ora Banda, near Kalgoorlie, where a member of the Gypsy Jokers OMCG, Billy Grierson, was shot dead by a sniper. The finger of suspicion was pointed at Hancock however there was no evidence to support a charge. Hancock’s subsequent death was widely seen as an act of revenge by bikies and the death of Lou Lewis as “collateral damage”.

The police investigation, known as Operation Zircon, had a breakthrough when a gang member called Sidney Reid implicated another member, the gang’s sergeant-at-arms Graeme Slater, as the bomber. Reid admitted receiving the bomb from Slater and planting it under the front seat of Lewis’s car whilst it was parked outside Perth’s Belmont Park racecourse. In company with Slater, he followed the vehicle to Hancock’s home and, as it pulled up, he alleges that Slater dialled a number on his mobile phone and whispered “Rest in Peace, Billy” before the bomb went off.

Reid was jailed for life with a minimum of 15 years after pleading guilty to his part in the murders. He would also became the key witness at Slater's trial in the WA Supreme Court. The prosecution of Slater, however, subsequently failed after a vigorous assault upon Reid’s character and reliability as a truthful witness. Whilst controversy and various conspiracy theories persist, the forensic investigation was thorough and detailed. It uncovered strong factual evidence that stands uncontested to this day ...


Program Transcript                                                                                                                    

Read the Program Transcript of Quentin McDermott's report "The Hanging Law", first broadcast 10 August 2009.

Reporter: Quentin McDermott

Date: 10/08/2009

(Excerpt of footage of Sydney Olympics closing ceremony)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT, REPORTER: On the night of October the first, 2000 the world's eyes turned to Sydney, as the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games burst into life. Around Australia, millions of men, women and children watched enthralled as the fireworks erupted over Olympic Park, and a river of light flowed from Homebush to Sydney Harbour.

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But on the other side of the continent, in a remote corner of Western Australia, a much deadlier drama was unfolding. As a small group of men sat by a camp fire, a rifle shot rang out - and one of the men slumped forward, fatally wounded.

With the shooting began a chain of events that would lead to the assassination of a former chief of detectives, and an all-out war between the cops and the Gypsy Jokers.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Graeme Slater): Do you condemn the murderer of Don Hancock?


QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: It's a war that the law-enforcement authorities insist they are winning. But it's also a war that their critics say, has led to failures in the administration of justice, and the wrongful conviction of a man for murder.

ROBERT NAPPER, FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS: The blinkers go on and then there is just this one way traffic to secure a conviction against the person they say is responsible for the crime.

AVON LOVELL, AUTHOR: European justice stops at the rabbit proof fence. Australian justice stops at the rabbit proof fence. And you come over here and you're in the Wild West. We have different law out here. We have the hanging law.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Tonight on Four Corners, the cops, the bikies, and The Hanging Law.

(On Screen Text: The Hanging Law, reporter: Quentin McDermott)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Seventy kilometres northwest of the mining town of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, lies the tiny settlement of Ora Banda, dominated by the Ora Banda Historical Inn. Gold prospectors come here to camp and fossick for gold around the outskirts of town.

(Excerpt of footage of pieces of gold)

Inn keeper: Now there's some magnificent pieces.

AVON LOVELL: And that's really quite heavy. This sort of stuff has driven people crazy, and you know, it's just a heavy bit of yellow stuff.

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Author Avon Lovell knows more than most about the value Western Australians place on gold. His ground-breaking book The Mickelberg Stitch detailed the way in which three brothers were falsely accused of swindling the Perth Mint out of 49 gold bars.

The detective who stitched them up for the crime was the one-time owner of this pub - the former Head of the CIB, Don Hancock. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Avon Lovell): In the pantheon of corrupt Australian cops, how corrupt was Don Hancock?

AVON LOVELL: He was the best. He never got caught. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: In retirement, Hancock became a gold prospector.

AVON LOVELL: He had his local gold mine, his own gold mine, just down the road at Grants Patch called the Wentworth, and he owned the pub and the general store behind that, so pretty much he was the mayor of Ora Banda. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But all that turned sour for Don Hancock when one day, a band of Gypsy Jokers rode into town and set up camp. It was October the first, 2000.

As the bikies drank in his pub and watched the Olympics closing ceremony, tempers frayed. Hancock thought one of the bikies had insulted his daughter Alison, who was working behind the bar. He told them to leave. 

COLIN LOVITT QC, GRAEME SLATER'S BARRISTER: There was Hancock stomping around the hotel furious about it and his wife telling people that she was worried that Don might go and get a gun.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Forty-five minutes later, as the bikies sat around their camp fire, drinking, a shot rang out, narrowly missing them and fizzing into the flames of the fire. Soon afterwards, a second shot rang out, and the bikie Billy Grierson fell forward, fatally hit. 

GRAEME SLATER: The second bullet came through, into his back and come out his chest. I was sitting beside him, I had my arm around him, yeah and it was a pretty sad time.

(Excerpt of footage of Quentin McDermott and Graeme Slater in his home)

GRAEME SLATER: This is where I live, this is where I do all my thinking, and all my business.

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Graeme Slater was one of the bikies who rode into Ora Banda that day. "Slim" Slater, as he is known, is the Gypsy Jokers' Sergeant at Arms.

(Excerpt continued)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Graeme where did you get that poster from?

GRAEME SLATER: The one up there of Bill, that come out the day after Billy was killed.

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Like all club members, he maintains a strict code of silence by refusing to speak to the police or media. Tonight is the first time he has agreed to be interviewed.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Graeme Slater): Did you know that Don Hancock owned the pub?

GRAEME SLATER: Never heard of the man until that night.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Immediately after the shooting, Don Hancock was accosted, angrily, by one of the bikies, Sid "Snot" Reid.

AVON LOVELL: Reid says, "we know you did it, you bastard", and Hancock gives the only reply that would, would have to number as the worst reply in the world, "well youse'll, youse'll have to prove it, wontcha." I mean, a no would have sufficed and he threw it right back as a challenge. 

(Excerpt of footage of Billy Grierson's funeral)

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: As Billy Grierson was buried, notices were posted in a local newspaper, threatening Don Hancock.

(On Screen Graphic: Sid Reid's notice in the newspaper)

Sid Reid's carried the clearest warning - "You were taken from us by a cowardly dog. But remember buddy, every dog has its day."

Hancock was never charged - and the police failure to do so helped fan the flames of the bikies' desire for revenge.

COLIN LOVITT QC: They showed a marked reluctance to find out who did it because I think the answer was staring them in the face. And anybody who is really honest will ah, acknowledge that.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: What is the answer?

COLIN LOVITT QC: Well that ah, it was Don Hancock who, who killed Grierson.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: In the weeks that followed Billy Grierson's death, Hancock's pub and home in Ora Banda were wrecked by bombs. And eleven months to the day after the shooting, the bikies' desire for revenge was finally satisfied.

(Excerpt of footage of blown up car)

On their way home from the races, Don Hancock and his friend Lou Lewis were blown up and killed when their car exploded in front of Hancock's home in Perth.

(End of Excerpt)

TIM ATHERTON, FMR. ASSISTANT COMISSIONER, WA POLICE: It was described at the time as an act of urban terrorism and I think that's probably pretty close to the mark. The killing of a very senior retired officer had a, sent a shockwave through the police service.

(On Screen Graphic: Newspaper headlines following car bombing)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: The car bombing stunned Western Australia, and helped turn the entire state against the bikies, who were seen as the perpetrators of this terrible crime. Eight years on, Graeme Slater, who was later charged with the murders but acquitted, shows little sorrow for what occurred that day. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Graeme Slater): Do you condemn the murderer of Don Hancock?


QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Do you condemn the murderer of Lou Lewis?

GRAEME SLATER: Yeah ah, that was sad, but um in a way oh even Hancock killed himself by company, keeping company hey. If I had a bikie club after me there's no way in the world you'd see me with my friends or family, last place you'd find me.

(Excerpt of footage of police raid on Gypsy Jokers' headquarters)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: As a special police taskforce swung into action, phones were tapped, and raids were carried out. Operation Zircon was underway.

(End of Excerpt)

TIM ATHERTON: We were aware that there was a plot running, so there were a lot of things that were immediately initiated following the bombing. A lot of activity targeting members of that gang to search for explosives, and any connection with the bombing.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Three men in particular were in the detectives' sights - Les Hoddy, a founder member of the Gypsy Jokers, Sid Reid, and Graeme Slater. The police believed the three men were involved in the plot to kill Don Hancock.

GRAEME SLATER: Everyone, everyone was a suspect. They had, everyone was under surveillance, the whole club members and associates. Reid was the number one because apparently they saw him back there at the murder scene that night, at a service station close by to the bombing, in Lathlain. So he was the number one suspect and they went for him because they thought he was the weak link and they kept at him, kept at him until they rolled him over.

(Excerpt of footage of Sid Reid entering court)

SID REID (to the media): You f***ing maggot, get a good picture?

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Sid Reid was a drug addict, it would prove to be his undoing.

GRAEME SLATER: He was actually thrown out of the club because he was caught by another member using a needle which is, which is taboo in our club. Um, and um, that was instant dismissal that was. I'd go around there and take his colours and dish him up some punishment that was my job, which I did regretfully and um that was the end of him. He was finished. He's um his membership was terminated.


GRAEME SLATER: Two days before he got arrested for the murders.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: So did that provide a motive do you think for him to roll over?

GRAEME SLATER: That's when the police seized their opportunity, while he was gullible and vulnerable.

COLIN LOVITT QC: They became convinced that Slater was the general and that Sid Reid was the lieutenant. And they started buttering up to Sid Reid, and then ultimately there came a time where they arrested him, put pressure on him in various ways, some of which out of their own mouths was quite improper pressure.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Give me an example of that.

COLIN LOVITT QC: Well they told him that ah, his DNA had been found at the crime scene, which was totally fictitious. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Graeme Slater): Sid Reid he broke the bikie code of conduct, he's a dead man walking?

GRAEME SLATER: That's what the media said.


GRAEME SLATER: I hope so, one day and then again I don't care where he is mate he can rot in hell. That's where he belongs. He um, he did break the code of silence, he broke the bikie code, he did everything you know, everything he done was wrong, you know. He got in bed with the coppers and he can lay with them, as simple as that.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Sid Reid was now the detectives' supergrass. He admitted he had planted the bomb that killed Don Hancock, but agreed to testify that Graeme Slater had primed and detonated it. In return, he was told, he could expect parole after 15 to 19 years - far less than the 30 years he might otherwise have got for a crime of this magnitude.

TIM ATHERTON: He could've been serving 20 plus, maybe even more given the gravity of the incident.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But Sid Reid saw scope to reduce his sentence even further. Out of the blue, he told the detectives from Operation Zircon that he had witnessed another murder. He claimed Gary White, a former friend who was close to the Gypsy Jokers, had shot another man dead. A man called Anthony Tapley.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Stephen Shireffs): Is there anything significant do you think in the timing of alleged revelation that Gary White had murdered Anthony Tapley?

STEPHEN SHIREFFS, GARY WHITE'S BARRISTER: Well (laughs) it was only revealed after he was offered the olive branch by those at Zircon to come forward and co-operate and provide as much, much information as you can which will lead to a reduction in your sentence. One followed the other.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: David Caporn, the officer heading Operation Zircon, asked Tim Atherton, then an Assistant Commissioner, to sign a letter of comfort to the Judge acknowledging Sid Reid's help in solving the mystery of what happened to Anthony Tapley.

TIM ATHERTON: Letters of comfort aren't easily granted. The way the judge deals with it is up to him, but it's certainly a letter suggesting that this person has been extremely co-operative and, and his, his information or evidence, information in this case, has been crucial to the resolution of an investigation and that was the impression that I was given in terms of the briefing that Caporn gave me.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Sid Reid was duly rewarded for his cooperation. In March 2002, he pleaded guilty to the murders of Don Hancock, and Lou Lewis, and was sentenced to life imprisonment - but with a recommended minimum term of just 15 years.

COLIN LOVITT QC: Whilst it's one thing to deal with Sid, the Sid Reids of this world and um you know, shall we say cosy up to them when you want something from them, it's another thing to delude yourself that he's you know, ah Father Christmas.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But the detectives believed that all their Christmases had come at once. Gary White was arrested and charged the next day with the murder of Anthony Tapley. According to White, Zircon's detectives offered to fly him to Ireland to start a new life if he would tell them everything he knew about Graeme Slater and the Gypsy Jokers. 

GRAEME SLATER: They pursued him in the off chance the hope that he would roll over like Sid Reid and um because they couldn't really rely on one liar to try and get a successful conviction on me, so they needed two and um, he wasn't prepared to do that at all.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: What deal did they offer Gary White?

GRAEME SLATER: Well they said to him in no uncertain words that we um, they wouldn't charge him for the murder, um because they reckoned Anthony Tapley was a nobody.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: White paid the price for his refusal to roll over. When he came to trial for Ant Tapley 's murder, he denied the charge but was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 22 years.

Gary White has a chequered past, which includes convictions for assault and possession of offensive weapons. In Perth he went into the trucking business with the late Les Hoddy - a senior Gypsy Joker. But he denies being a bikie associate.

TERRY BAUSCH, FRIEND: Gary can scrap, Gary can stand up for himself but Gary's not a killer. He's far from it. He, he'd almost flog you to death if he had to, but he wouldn't kill you. There's no way. There's no way. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Graeme Slater): You've never known him to be a violent bloke?

GRAEME SLATER: No, not really no. I've never seen him in a fight no. He's a stand up bloke, he's um staunch and that, but um, no he's not, he's not a killer instinct in him no not at all.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But the killer instinct is just what Sid Reid accused Gary White of having. 

(Excerpt of footage of Quentin McDermott at the scene of alleged murder of Anthony Tapley)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Behind me is number 12 Jade Street Maddington, where Sid Reid says that on a pitch-black night like this, Gary White murdered Anthony Tapley by chasing him round the yard and shooting him six times.

No one else who was here that night says they saw the shooting, or heard it. When the yard was dug up for clues, and the gates were taken away, the forensic evidence that resulted was at best, highly controversial.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Susie Miller): Tell me what happened that evening?

SUSIE MILLER, FRIEND: Oh Ant came over and um I think we'd been at the hotel, we'd actually had some drugs and we thought we'd go over to Whitey's place and keep on drinking and have a bit of a party, the girls were over there cooking up a roast, and ah so, we just ah decided to go over. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Four Corners has spoken to two of Gary White's friends who say they were there at the time of the alleged shooting - but deny it happened. Gary White's former girlfriend Julie Sparkes chose not to give evidence at his trial. 

JULIE SPARKES, FORMER PARTNER: 'Cause I was three months pregnant at the time and I told the police I wasn't there 'cause I didn't want stress on the baby and I knew he didn't do it. 

(On Screen Text: Reconstruction, Julie Sparkes' account)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: She now says that on the night in question, she and White were having dinner out, when White received a phone call telling him that his friends were at Jade Street, cooking up a roast. Angered by this, he got in the car and went back.

JULIE SPARKES: Gary got out of the car and stormed inside. I followed him, he was really angry cause I'd spent all day cleaning it and it was just disgusting. They had no respect. So he told all the women to leave and they all left.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: According to Julie Sparkes, the men stayed. They included Sid Reid, Ant Tapley and another resident at Jade Street, Dennis Jardin - who had a room overlooking the yard. Julie Sparkes' recollection - which has never been tested in court - is that Tapley left Jade Street that night with Sid Reid.

JULIE SPARKES: I came to take some rubbish out and I seen Sid and Anthony walking out the gate together and there was a blue Ford I think it was, and they both got into the car.

(Excerpt of footage of Quentin McDermott and Dennis Jardin at Jade Street)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Dennis Jardin): So Dennis, this is number 12 Jade Street where you lived.

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Dennis Jardin stayed at Jade Street all night.

(Excerpt continued)

DENNIS JARDIN, FRIEND: Yeah that's right.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Just show me where you lived.

DENNIS JARDIN: See that window, over this side of that frame, that was my room there.

(End of Excerpt)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Dennis Jardin): did you at any point during the night hear gunshots?


QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Would you have heard them if they'd gone off in the yard?

DENNIS JARDIN: Of course I would've, most definitely. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Jardin was never called to give evidence at Gary White's trial, where Reid had accused him of being involved with the murder.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Dennis Jardin): You'd locked the gate and you were outside when Gary White approached Anthony Tapley holding a gun, is that true?


QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: It simply didn't happen?


QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: He also says that the next morning when he came back to the yard, he saw you raking up the ground where Anthony Tapley's body had fallen.



DENNIS JARDIN: No, nup, definitely not because the next morning I'd have been at work. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: The prosecution at Gary White's trial said that after the shooting, White took Tapley's body to a farm at Northam - an hour and a half's drive away - and burned it on a bonfire. Farmer Wayne Morgan insists he saw Gary White here with two other men between 7.30 and 8am on August the 20th - the morning after the alleged murder.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Wayne Morgan): How big was the fire?

WAYNE MORGAN, NORTHAM FARMER: Ten by 10 foot in diameter yeah.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: How long had it been burning do you think?

WAYNE MORGAN: Oh probably all night, it had, it had burnt down. They were just, when I turned up, ah Les was throwing the burnt out pales of logs and sticks back into the fire.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Did you smell anything unusual?

WAYNE MORGAN: I didn't smell anything no.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: So you didn't smell burning flesh?


QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Did you see anything that could conceivably have been a body on the fire?

WAYNE MORGAN: No, no I didn't go near it. No I didn't see anything like that at all no.

(On Screen Text: Reconstruction, Wayne Morgan's account)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: The prosecution argued that Wayne Morgan's account fitted with Sid Reid's claims. But White denied being at the farm that day.

There is now fresh evidence that challenges Wayne Morgan's recollection. Sue Miller, who spent the night at Jade Street, clearly recalls seeing Gary White there the following morning.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Susie Miller): What time did you leave the next morning?

SUSIE MILLER: Ah about five, five-ish.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Was Gary White still there?

SUSIE MILLER: Yeah I'm sure he was, yeah he was.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: How can you be so sure?

SUSIE MILLER: 'Cause I think he came into the room and um said it's time to go to work, or whatever he said, well I really don't know what he said now 'cause I can't remember, but I'm 100 per cent sure he was still there.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: If true, this means that Gary White couldn't have been at Northam all night, but Sue Miller's evidence that White was at Jade Street on the morning of the 20th was never explored at trial, because she was never asked the question.

(On Screen Text: Reconstruction, Sid Reid's account)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Reid said White had shot Tapley as he scaled the gate, in a desperate effort to escape. To bolster his claims against White, the prosecution needed forensic evidence. Police took the gate away for forensic analysis, and scientists analysed a stain, which it was suggested, may have been Tapley's blood, and contained his DNA.

Charred bones were found in the remains of the fire at Northam, and these too were analysed.

GARY MASSEY, GARY WHITE'S SOLICITOR: These things were so important that the prosecutor at the trial described them as the "touchstones to the truth" when dealing with Reid's evidence, so they were very significant. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But tonight Four Corners can reveal that crucial evidence from the forensic tests was not considered at the trial. Gary White's legal team has hired two highly experienced forensic scientists, Brian McDonald and Barry Boettcher, to review the evidence. Their conclusions are unequivocal.

BRIAN MCDONALD, CONSULTANT MOLECULAR GENETICIST: There is very little of it, I think, is sound in terms of being able to be used in any way to identify the source of the DNA on either the bones or, or the possible blood on the gate.

BARRY BOETTCHER, PROF. UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE: My opinion is the best interpretation is that that stain on the bottom of the gate was not blood at all. What it was, I have no idea. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: When the scientists working with the police screened the stain on the gate for blood, the results were mixed. One test, they said, had given a positive reaction - but the follow-up test couldn't confirm it was blood.

BARRY BOETTCHER, PROF: The initial screening tests are very sensitive, and in this particular case, the initial screening test was negative and for me that said this is not an old, this is not a bloodstain, it's not even an old bloodstain, because old blood will give a reaction in this. And that's where it should have stopped, there should have been no further tests. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: The scientists also tested the stain for DNA, and reported finding a partial DNA profile. The jury was told there was a one in 60 chance that it belonged to anyone other than Anthony Tapley. 

But the jury wasn't told that the sample was tested five times to achieve this result - and crucially, that one reading indicated a mixture of DNA coming from more than one person.

BRIAN MCDONALD: There is clear evidence that there's more than one individual contributing to the sample so the one in 60 figure becomes largely meaningless. What we've got is an extremely weak DNA result that shows very poorly reproducible results from the numbers of times that it was tested and a selective approach has been taken to those variable results and reported.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: PathWest's scientists are standing by their report. In a written statement, the prosecution's principal scientist denied that a mixture of DNA from more than one person was found. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Brian McDonald): In your view was the stain on the gate Anthony Tapley's blood?

BRIAN MCDONALD: Based on the evidence that I've seen, no I don't think any conclusion could be drawn about it being anybody's blood or DNA.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: The fragments of bone which were found at Northam were also examined for traces of DNA by the Forensic Science Service in the UK. The suggestion at Gary White's trial was that the bones could have been Tapley's. But Brian McDonald says that in fact the testing revealed DNA that was not Tapley's. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Brian McDonald): In your view, were the bones found in the remains of the bonfire Anthony Tapley's bones?

BRIAN MCDONALD: Again, I don't think you can say whose bones they are. The only evidence that they have say that they're not.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: The jury wasn't told this.

ROBERT COCK QC, FMR. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS WA: With the benefit of hindsight it would've better if we'd disclosed everything right from the start.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: And that would've included the full forensic file?

ROBERT COCK QC: Absolutely, if, well I assume we would've disclosed everything we had, ah whether that was everything that the pathologist had is a different question, and they don't always give us their file and they may not have on this occasion.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Maybe they should?

ROBERT COCK QC: Well I think it's highly desirable that we access everything that's produced.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: One potentially decisive test that the UK lab could have carried out, was to compare mitochondrial DNA extracted from the samples with mitochondrial DNA donated by Anthony Tapley's mother Elizabeth.

Brian McDonald, who has reviewed the forensic file in detail, says this comparison was never carried out.

BRIAN MCDONALD: Mr Tapley's mother gave a sample of her mitochondrial DNA to be compared. The laboratory apparently did not test that sample to compare it with the bone.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Well should they have done that?

BRIAN MCDONALD: Well of course they should've. I mean that was the fundamental reason for sending it to the UK.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Robert Cock): Why did the prosecution fail to ask for comparative mitochondrial DNA tests to be carried out which could've excluded the bones as being Tapley's?

ROBERT COCK QC: I thought that's what we were sending them to the UK for myself, so I understood the purpose of sending those bones to the United Kingdom was that local labs had no capacity to do any of that analysis, and we sought the assistance of the UK because their facilities are better.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Brian McDonald): How would you describe the UK laboratory's failure to make that comparison?

BRIAN MCDONALD: Incredulous. I, I, we asked the question, why um they didn't do it and the explanation was that they only tested if they get comparable results with the crime scene sample. Well they got a result from the crime scene sample, the bone, they put it through the database, they found that it matched 25 per cent of the population, buy they didn't compare it with the very sample that was sent there to compare with. Amazing.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Anthony Tapley's body has never been found. No witnesses - other than Sid Reid - say that Tapley was shot dead by Gary White. No gun has ever been found, nor have any bullets.

Two scientists now agree that the stain on the gate wasn't blood and the bones from the fire weren't Tapley's. And there's another twist to this story - Anthony Tapley may have been alive when Sid Reid says he was dead.

Pamela Yates and her sister Paula Bawden, who live in Karratha, in northern WA, last saw Ant Tapley in August 2001.

PAMELA YATES, FRIEND OF ANTHONY TAPLEY: The last night I saw him, he um, he came to my place, he was terrified people were after him. Apparently a week prior to that or around about two weeks um, he told me while he was up in Hedland he was taken out bush by four Indigenous people and they tied him up to a tree, stripped him tied him to a tree, taunted him, held a gun to his head and apparently a phone call came through and one of the people with the phone turned around and said to Ant "this is your lucky night", so they undid him and took off and left him to find his own way back.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: So he must have been very, very scared?

PAMELA YATES: Yes he was. He was terrified, he was on the run. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Gary White's trial was told that White had killed Anthony Tapley over a $100 drug debt. But Tapley himself had told his father that the men who tied him to a tree and beat him up were after a far larger sum.

DAVE TAPLEY, FATHER: There was an issue of some money went missing and they accused him of taking it.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: How much money was involved?

DAVE TAPLEY: $70,000.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Anthony Tapley had fallen on hard times. He had wandered into the world of drugs, bikies and their associates, living at times in the north, around Karratha and Port Hedland, and at times in the south, between Perth and the family home in Walpole. His father Dave Tapley became concerned. Some months later he received a horrifying phone call.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Dave Tapley): Just tell me what occurred.

DAVE TAPLEY: A lady rang up and she was crying on the phone and she said "Dave I've got some terrible news", and she said, I said "what's that?" and she said "oh I've been told Anthony's been murdered". And ah she wouldn't go into graphics. I pumped her into it and she told me he'd been decapitated. And I, you know I mean that was, I never, I never told my wife because to me it wasn't confirmation and I didn't want to take her through that for nothing.

(On Screen Graphic of Missing Persons file)

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: In November 2001, Dave Tapley reported Ant's disappearance to the police. Inquiries were made by the Missing Person Bureau.

Four Corners has obtained a copy of the Missing Person file, which shows that the police had information that Tapley was still alive on the 26th of August - one week after Sid Reid said he was dead and confirms that the police had identified three known criminals as his possible assailants.

The file has been studied by Robin Napper, a former Detective Superintendent and an acknowledged expert in forensic policing. He is highly critical of the haste with which David Caporn - the head of Operation Zircon - apparently dismissed the evidence in the file. 

ROBERT NAPPER: Because Anthony Tapley had had a fearful beating just before he went missing, he'd been chained to a tree, he'd been hit and with, with planks with nails in, he'd been threatened with a gun, he was man in a huge fear of his own life, now to dismiss all that in 24 hours, simply not possible.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Tim Atherton says Superintendent Caporn didn't tell him that Ant Tapley had been reported alive after Sid Reid said he'd been killed.

TIM ATHERTON: Well my understanding now is that there were some matters in relation to witnesses who knew Tapley that suggest that, that he may have been seen in the Karratha area on a date some week or so after the alleged incident at Maddington.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: If you'd been told that by David Caporn at the time, would you have signed the letter of comfort?

TIM ATHERTON: No of course I wouldn't have. No if um, if there were still unresolved issues in relation to Tapley's whereabouts, um I would've insisted on those, those matters being run out to determine either whether they were accurate, um mistaken or confirmed and only when I was satisfied that the only explanation for Tapley's disappearance was as Reid had suggested, because he'd been murdered at this address in Maddington, and that had been confirmed, would I have been happy to sign a letter of comfort. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Reid's allegations had certainly not been confirmed. The missing persons file shows that Pamela Yates had told the police that she last saw Ant Tapley alive on the 25th of August. Her sister Paula said she'd spoken to Tapley the next day.

At Gary White's trial, after being interviewed by officers seeking to corroborate Sid Reid's story, Pamela Yates and some other witnesses were less certain about their dates, than when they first gave statements.

But the question remains - was their earlier recollection more accurate? Was Ant Tapley alive after Sid Reid says he was killed?

ROBERT COCK QC: There are several people who say Mr. Tapley was alive then and after, but, and the jury heard those other witnesses and formed the view they must have been mistaken.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: So Sid Reid was right and all those other witnesses who said he was alive after the 19th of August were simply wrong?

ROBERT COCK QC: That's obviously the outcome of the trial, yes.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: But there was other evidence from the missing persons file which was not put before the jury at Gary White's trial. Detectives from the Missing Person Bureau had spoken to a truck driver called Kent Ginn who told them he had given Tapley a lift from Dampier to Karratha around the 24th of August.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Robin Napper): Should Kent Ginn have been called to give evidence at Gary White's trial?

ROBERT NAPPER: Absolutely, crucial witness, if he was indicating to the Missing Person Bureau that he felt the date that he brought Anthony Tapley down was the 24th of August, well clearly someone's got this wrong. The Crown case is that Anthony Tapley was dead on the 19th, so that needed to be resolved.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Robin Cock): Why wasn't Kent Ginn called to give evidence at the trial?

ROBERT COCK QC: Yeah he was the truck driver I think who gave evidence from about Port Hedland. Um I've asked again about him and the best of my recollection is that he simply wasn't able to be found at the time of, of the trial.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Four Corners has found Kent Ginn. He wouldn't be interviewed on camera, but he confirms that he gave Ant Tapley a lift - and says he is very clear that it was after the 20th of August, because that is his birthday - and he remembers celebrating it in the Dampier Hotel, before giving Tapley a lift to Karratha. He has also confirmed this to White's solicitor.

GARY MASSEY: I've spoken to Mr Ginn, he tells me his birthday's on the 20th August and he's sure that it happened after his birthday.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: So even if he was wrong by a couple of days and it was after his birthday, it must've been after the 19th August?

GARY MASSEY: Absolutely. 

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: When Sid Reid broke the bikie code of silence to give evidence against Gary White, the jury accepted his word. But when Graeme Slater went on trial for the murder of Don Hancock, they did not. Slater's barrister Colin Lovitt zeroed in on the claims made by Reid to the detectives from Operation Zircon.

COLIN LOVITT QC: I spent quite some time with it because it was a devastating litany of lies. And when the foreman announced his verdicts, I've never heard anything like it. He said not guilty each time, almost a denunciation of the prosecution case. 

GRAEME SLATER: Actually I knew I had it in the bag because they were, all smiled at me when they come out and even the judge smiled at the verdict, he was happy with it too, yeah and so no more than me though, I was hysterical.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Eight months after their disastrous failure in the trial, prosecutors put Graeme Slater, Gary White, Les Hoddy, and two other men on trial again - this time, for the bombings at Ora Banda. Sid Reid again gave evidence. The verdict again was not guilty.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Gary Massey): You represented Gary White at that trial.

GARY MASSEY: I did, yes.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: What in your view was the strength of the evidence against him?

GARY MASSEY: Wholly dependent upon Reid's credibility and Reid himself in the defence submission to the jury was just a totally unbelievable witness.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Robert Cock): In the trial of Graham Slater again and again and again in cross examination, he admitted he'd lied about specific events.

ROBERT COCK QC: Um that's right.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: So your assertion would be that yes, he lied repeatedly, or he admitted he'd lied repeatedly in two trials, in the Graeme Slater trial and the Ora Banda trial, but he was telling the truth in the Gary White trial?

ROBERT COCK QC: Ah on, on critical issues, yes.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Neither David Caporn nor the Western Australia police would appear on this program. In 2006 Gary White lost an appeal, but armed with this new evidence, his legal team will soon submit an application to the state's Attorney General, inviting him to exercise the Royal Prerogative of Mercy to send his case back to the Court of Appeal.

Another fresh piece of evidence will be this statement, alleging that in late December 2001 - several months before he rolled over - Sid Reid confessed to a friend that he'd killed a man.

(On Screen Graphic of statement)

The friend, whose name is David Hitchcock, says Reid told him "I've chased someone around a yard. I shot him as he ran to the gate. He tried to scale the fence. When he did that I lined him up and shot him in the arse from underneath him. He fell off the fence and I walked up to him and shot him in the head."

GARY MASSEY: The circumstances that he described to Hitchcock were almost identical to the way in which he described Gary White as having murdered Tapley. The only change seems to have been that in that story to Hitchcock, Reid was inserting himself, and we regard that as significant because Reid, you know Reid had told the various trials that you know, one way you can tell a lie is insert yourself into a true story or take someone else out of a true story, insert someone else in. So that's - we regard that as significant for that reason.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: There are now four plausible suspects for the murder of Ant Tapley, apart from Gary White. They include the three men identified in the Missing Person File, and Sid Reid himself.

STEPHEN SHIREFFS: I have in my view no doubt that this is a miscarriage of justice and although I can't say whether a person is guilty or not guilty, innocent I should say, that's not the test before the Court. I have no doubt that in this case there is a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of Gary White.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT (to Tim Atherton): So does Gary White deserve a retrial?

TIM ATHERTON: On the basis of some of the information that I've been privy to, I think there should be serious consideration given to Gary White being given an opportunity to put his case again to a court of law yes.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Dave Tapley believes that Gary White did kill his son - but that the full truth is yet to emerge. Nine years on from the shooting of Billy Grierson and eight years on from the murders of Don Hancock and Lou Lewis, families are still in mourning, and still seeking some kind of closure.

DAVE TAPLEY: We had a memorial service in Walpole. We just had to do something, mate, we couldn't have a funeral, no body, no nothing. The few little bones they've got they had to send to England to be powdered up into paste for trying to get DNA which they couldn't, properly, you know. I made a table, a chair thing to put in the park with a plaque with his name on it, memory plaque, that's all I could do.

QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: Do you feel any sense of closure now?

DAVE TAPLEY: Probably not. It's a silly thing, mate, when I look in the football, I look in the crowd and see people who look like Anthony, you're still always hoping that he's still alive somewhere, you know. I guess you can't call it closure. (Cries)

[End of Transcript]


Riding low: the world of Bikie Inc

John Silvester June 23, 2007

THE bikies had every reason to hate Don Hancock. They knew the country publican and former senior Perth detective had shot dead Gypsy Joker member Billy Grierson after a minor dispute in October 2000.

Investigating police were also convinced Hancock was the sniper who had shot Grierson that night in the West Australian goldfields town of Ora Banda. But they never charged him. By the time officers had reached him, Hancock, a former head of the CIB, was showered and changed; he refused to hand over his original clothing, defied instructions to stay at the scene and then ate an orange to remove gunshot residue. He went free.

The Gypsy Jokers vowed revenge. They repeatedly bombed Hancock's pub and home — concealing the explosives before one attack in the coffin of a teenage boy. Hancock — known as the Silver Fox — returned to Perth, where a state of the art security system was set up in his home. It was not enough. The bikies found out he regularly went to the races with an old mate, retired bookie Lou Lewis. When they were leaked the details of the bookie's car by a tame source within the West Australian Transport Department the rest was easy. They walked around the Belmont Park racecourse until they found the unlocked car and placed a bomb under the passenger seat.

As Hancock and Lewis drove home on September 1, 2001, one of the bikies used a mobile phone to trigger the ammonium nitrate bomb. "Rest in peace, Billy," he said. The explosion that killed both men was heard more than eight kilometres away. Don Hancock had been their enemy but Lou Lewis was not. To the bikies he was just collateral damage.

Welcome to the world of outlaw motorcycle gangs, where violence is often the first and only resort.

The shootings in the CBD that this week resulted in the arrest of Hells Angels member Christopher Wayne Hudson graphically exposed what happens when Melbourne's underbelly of guns, drugs and vice collides with the mainstream on a busy city street.

And while the rampage cannot be blamed on the Angels — it appeared to be a squabble gone mad — it raises questions about the bikie culture and the community's response to the ever present threat.

The Australian Crime Commission says there are 17 outlaw motorcycle gangs in Victoria, and 35 throughout Australia, with a total of 3500 fully patched members and perhaps as many again who are associates.

The ACC is investigating bikie groups as established criminal networks, for money laundering and tax fraud, firearms trafficking and drug manufacturing. The commission has found that the "size, profile, geographic spread and level of sophistication of OMCG (outlaw motorcycle gangs) criminal activity presents a significant threat to Australia and its interests".

It says gangs can affect legitimate businesses, "including finance, transport, private security, entertainment, natural resources and construction".

There is nothing subtle about outlaw bikies. While many gangsters try to conceal their underworld connections behind closed penthouse doors, bikies wear their colours to show their criminal spots. It is a strategy designed to forge military-style loyalty between members while simultaneously intimidating outsiders. Some brag they are like a swarm of bees that will attack (and die) to protect the hive.

Bikies have also moved into debt collecting, using their fearsome reputations to stand over parties in civil disputes. They have also been known to wear their gang colours when at auctions — a move designed to intimidate rival bidders.

The outlaw bikie world remains in a constant state of tension, with smaller clubs at risk of violent takeover by the Hells Angels, Bandidos, Rebels, Outlaws, Black Uhlans and Nomads.

Police in Sydney are facing bikie violence as gangs battle to gain control of the lucrative nightclub drug scene. Just this week a bomb exploded outside a Hells Angels clubhouse in Sydney.

Similar battles have broken out on the Gold Coast. Unlike the Melbourne underworld war, in which victims were shot in ambushes, the Finks and Hells Angels went to war in a crowd of 1600 people at a kickboxing event on the Gold Coast.

In Geelong the Rebels' headquarters was fire-bombed in April and the Bandidos' clubhouse was sprayed with bullets. Earlier this month two gunmen shot four Rebels gang members in an Adelaide nightclub.

Police say outlaw gangs in Australia have been pushing their way into nightclub ownership, club security, strippers, entertainment, modelling agencies and prostitution. They have attempted to buy a legal brothel using associates with no criminal records as a front.

In Melbourne, while bikies do not appear to own nightclubs — at least on paper — police intelligence shows gang associates own, run and control security at some venues.

Police say rival bikie gangs are trying to gain control of security at popular venues so they can green-light the distribution of their drugs through sanctioned dealers.

"Control the front door and you control who gets in. Control who gets in and you control the distribution of drugs," one senior policeman told The Age.

In Victoria, bikie headquarters are easily identified and heavily protected. The Special Operations Group has used bulldozers, a ram truck and explosives to gain access.

In Western Australia special anti-fortification laws have been passed to try to stop bikies building domestic forts in Perth. Police in Victoria may soon lobby for similar laws.

In the 1980s an Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence investigation into bikies codenamed Wingclipping found the gangs to be a serious organised crime threat.

The problems have only escalated in the past two decades. In Angels of Death: Inside the Bikers Global Crime Empire Canadian experts William Marsden and Julian Sher, say Australia has the highest number of bikies per capita in the world.

Marsden and Sher found that Australian bikies remain locked in a decade-long battle to control the country's slice of the massive amphetamine market that began in the mid-1990s. "Over the next five years, 32 bikies would die and many more would be beaten as the Hells Angels, Bandidos and other clubs fought over the amphetamine trade."

In fact it was in the mid-1970s that the Hells Angels pioneered the trade in Australia — and first established the international nature of Bikie Inc.

PETER John Hill was not an average bikie. The former private school boy and son of a bank executive loved motorbikes and became an original Melbourne Hells Angel.

Hill became friendly with senior Californian Angels, including hitman James Patton "Jim Jim" Brandes. When Hill visited the Oakland Chapter, Brandes took him to prison to meet the gang's amphetamine expert — Kenny "KO" Walton.

Walton told Hill how to make speed and later mailed him a detailed recipe. In return Melbourne Hells Angels organised to smuggle a vital ingredient for amphetamine production to the US gang.

At the time the chemical P2P was difficult to source in the US but remained freely available in Australia. Hill and his team filled three-litre Golden Circle pineapple tins with the chemical and mailed them, two at a time, to the Oakland chapter. After 50 deliveries the Californian gang had sufficient to make $US50 million in speed.

Bob Armstrong was the Victorian policeman who would spend half a career in investigations, surveillance and undercover work that centred on the bikies. His original team smashed the Hells Angels Greenslopes amphetamines lab in 1982, finding three kilograms of speed, cash, handguns and a machine-gun.

Later he received a call from Peter Hill's mother, Audrey, telling the detective that a US hitman was on his way to kill him. The suspect was grabbed as he walked from his plane into Melbourne Airport. He was Jim Jim Brandes.

Peter Hill later fell out with the Angels and in an act of revenge he sold the original speed recipe to a rival gang for just $1000. That gang was the Black Uhlans, whose founding members included the ambitious John William Samuel Higgs, later to become the biggest speed producer in Australia.

Higgs was in constant trouble with the police as a teenager, with his first conviction recorded at 13. He later gathered convictions as varied as manslaughter and the illegal possession of a stuffed possum. Higgs was to become wildly rich and showed his gratitude to his gang by donating its Melbourne clubhouse. In return he was made a life member.

Higgs was the target of eight National Crime Authority, federal and Victorian police operations from 1985, including Australia's longest-running drug investigation, codenamed Phalanx. This eight-year inquiry led to the arrest of 135 people and the seizure of chemicals with the potential to make amphetamines valued at $200 million. The money made by some bikies places them squarely on the A-list of crime. The investment portfolio of some gangs is vast. Police say some have invested heavily in natural resources, including Australian mining and Indonesian oil rigs. One illiterate ex-labourer and former bouncer known as the "Maltese Falcon" controlled a real estate portfolio worth $3.3 million, 70 motorcycles and two Rolls-Royces.

Bikies have also infiltrated government departments to access confidential computer records.

Investigating hardcore bikie gangs is notoriously difficult. They are usually security conscious, rarely trust outsiders and use expendable "hang-arounds" and "prospects" to complete low-end criminal activities.

They often have signs plastered on phones to remind them they may be bugged — although recently several forgot and used the phone to try to organise a quick insurance scam. The slip-up resulted in a successful prosecution.

They also have professionals electronically "sweep" their clubhouses after police raids looking for listening devices.

Routinely police find witnesses go cold. A tow truck driver who removed a bikie's vehicle seized by police was later bashed. A safe expert who opened a bikie safe after a police raid found his business badly damaged by fire.

One man who made a statement against a bikie was at first forced to move from Melbourne, and when he was told he would end up in the cemetery, fled the country.

One man who woke up in hospital after being tortured told police he had no idea what had happened.

Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon this week defended the police response to bikie crime saying the problem was greater in some other states. "We are, in fact, working on these different bikie gangs. We are part of a whole national approach working on these bikie gangs."

But some police disagree. The specialist bikie unit in the organised crime squad has been closed during a restructure. Some senior members of the crime squad want the decision reviewed.

It is difficult but not impossible to infiltrate bikie groups. Ten years ago two Victoria Police code named Wes and Alby went undercover for 13 months to infiltrate the Bandidos as part of Operation Barkly.

Alby and Wes were involved in more than 30 deals buying marijuana, amphetamines, LSD and ecstasy from Bandidos in three states.

They were so trusted that Alby became the secretary-elect for the Ballarat chapter, giving him access to the club's financial records.

Police eventually arrested 20 bikies as a result and uncovered plans for the gang to open nightclubs in Geelong and Ballarat as fronts for drug dealing.

Operation Barkly was closed because of the danger to the undercover police. During the investigation three Bandidos, including president Michael "Chaos" Kulakowski, were murdered.

Bikies pride themselves on protecting and dealing with their own, but there is a limit.

Earlier this year a senior member of the Hells Angels was expelled and tortured. All his gang memorabilia was taken from him. The gang tattoos were said to have been removed with a steam iron. His crime? He was out of control and bringing too much attention to the gang. He was also alleged to have broken the sexual rules of the Angels. For years the man was untouchable to police. A suspect in three murders and a raft of serious crimes going back over a decade, he had intimidated witnesses to the point that each case collapsed. But after he was cut loose and the Angels made it clear he was on his own, witnesses were prepared to stand up against him. He has now been charged with extortion, sex offences and making threats to kill.

On Wednesday Christopher Hudson walked into the Wallan police station after hours of negotiation, a frightened and relieved man. He knew that his former associates in the Hells Angels had cut him loose — and without their network he realised there was nowhere to hide. He also knew that if he tried to run he would have had the police and the bikies chasing him.

Police would have tried to take him alive. The bikies may not have been so kind. Hudson's guilt or innocence will be decided by a jury selected from the broader community. He is perhaps lucky to have avoided judgement by his peers in the bikie world.

John Silvester is senior crime reporter.


Don Hancock's wife gives evidence at trial

PM - Tuesday, 2 September , 2003  18:42:00

Reporter: David Weber

MARK COLVIN: The Supreme Court in Perth has heard how the family of a former senior detective endured a cycle of violence after a pub argument with a group of bikies. The former detective was Don Hancock, who was later killed in a car bomb explosion.

The trial of the man accused of detonating the bomb continued today with evidence from Don Hancock's wife, Elizabeth. She gave an emotional account of the last time she saw her husband. 

David Weber reports.

DAVID WEBER: Elizabeth Hancock and her husband had moved to the family home in Perth after they'd had some trouble with bikies at their pub in the community of Ora Banda. There were fears for Don Hancock's safety, and surveillance cameras were installed outside the house in suburban Lathlain. 

Elizabeth Hancock told the court that she and Don tried to live their lives as normally as possible. She started crying as she described the last time she saw her husband, who'd decided one Saturday that he'd go to the races. There was a brief discussion about membership badges, she kissed him goodbye, and he joked he was off to the track to get some money.

Later that day, Elizabeth Hancock went shopping. When she got back to her street, there were police cars everywhere. She said she knew something terrible had happened. She could see a fire engine near her house. Police wouldn't let her go up there, her son ran up the street but they stopped him. 

It's the Prosecutor's claim that Graeme Slater detonated the bomb that killed Don Hancock and his friend Lou Lewis. It was allegedly an act of revenge for the death of his club mate Billy Grierson. He'd been shot at the small community of Ora Banda, 70 kilometres north-west of Kalgoorlie.

Today the court heard several accounts of the events that preceded Billy Grierson's death. In October 2000, Don and Elizabeth Hancock and their daughter Alison were working in the Ora Banda Hotel. A small group of bikies from the Gypsy Jokers Club arrived and, at first, they were pleasant. 

Alison Hancock was working behind the bar. She told the court that after some drinking, the bikies became abusive. One of them went up to a patron and called him something obscene, and then they started making crude comments about Alison.

At this point, Don Hancock got off his stool and said:

"This is my daughter behind the bar, refrain from talking like that. If there's any sign of trouble, I'll close the pub."

The bikies stopped their bad language. One of them said to Alison:

"Better that he cares than he doesn't."

But it wasn't over. Alison Hancock told the court that one of the bikies walked up to Don Hancock and spoke into his ear.

"Don't you threaten us."

Don Hancock was confused, and the bikie repeated what he said. 

Then Don Hancock angrily closed the pub and the Gypsy Jokers went back to their campsite at the nearby oval. Later that evening, a shot rang out across the oval. Billy Grierson was dead. 

Don Hancock's pub at Ora Banda was blown up, attacks on the general store and a gold battery followed. The Hancock home at Ora Banda was destroyed. Don Hancock left for Perth, where he thought he'd be safer.

The trial of Graeme Slater, who's pleaded not guilty to two charges of murder, continues. 

MARK COLVIN: David Weber.


New evidence on bikie-linked murder probe



Gypsy Jokers: Claims from sergeant-at-arms Graeme Slater have cast doubt on a 2001 murder investigation


Gypsy Joker Graeme Slater, one of Australia's most high-profile and controversial bikies, appears on ABC's Four Corners tonight in an exclusive interview with reporter Quentin McDermott.

The interview forms a part of a long-running Four Corners investigation into the case of Gary White, a friend of the Gypsy Jokers, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of an acquaintance called Anthony Tapley in 2001.

White was tried and convicted in 2003. He lost an appeal in 2006, and a subsequent application for leave to appeal to the High Court was also turned down.

Tonight's program examines the evidence presented at Gary White's trial, and calls into question whether his conviction was safe. The report includes a fresh appraisal of the forensic evidence, and fresh eyewitness evidence which has not yet been tested in court.

In the opinion of a senior barrister who represented White at his appeal, this fresh evidence casts reasonable doubt on the convicted man's guilt.

White's legal team will soon make an application to Western Australia's Attorney-General, inviting him to exercise the Royal Prerogative of Mercy to send the case back to the Court of Appeal.

White denies that he murdered Mr Tapley. No body has ever been found, nor have the gun or bullets allegedly used to shoot Mr Tapley.

There was only one eye-witness to the alleged shooting - a former Gypsy Joker-turned-police supergrass called Sid Reid. Doubt is also now being cast on the forensic evidence that was used to corroborate Reid's story.

Reid is currently serving a life sentence for the murders of a former WA chief of detectives, Don Hancock, and his race-going friend Lawrence 'Lou' Lewis, who died in a car-bombing outside Mr Hancock's Perth home in September 2001.

Reid admitted planting the bomb that killed the two men, but claimed that Graeme Slater was the mastermind behind the assassination. Largely on Reid's evidence, Graeme Slater was charged with the murders of Don Hancock and Lawrence Lewis, but acquitted.

Eleven months before the car-bombing, bikie Billy Grierson was shot dead by a sniper at Ora Banda, a small mining settlement north-west of Kalgoorlie. The person who shot Billy Grierson dead has never been formally identified, but the finger of suspicion pointed at the former head of the CIB, and the then-owner of the local pub at Ora Banda, Don Hancock.

Mr Hancock was one of Western Australia's most senior detectives but also one of the state's most controversial policemen. His death was widely seen as an act of revenge by bikies intent on avenging the death of Billy Grierson.

Graeme Slater has spoken to Four Corners about the night that Billy Grierson died.

It is the first time he has openly commented on the murders of Don Hancock and Lawrence Lewis, and on the actions of Sid Reid in 'rolling over' to become a police supergrass.

In doing so, he has technically breached the traditional bikie 'code of silence' that prevents members of outlaw motorcycle clubs from speaking to the police or the media. Mr Slater says he has done this with the agreement of his fellow Gypsy Jokers in order to speak up for Gary White.

In return for giving evidence against his fellow bikies, Sid Reid received a discount in his sentence, from a potential minimum of 30 years imprisonment, to 15 years imprisonment without parole.

But two of the three major trials in which Sid Reid subsequently appeared as the star witness for the Crown resulted in acquittals because the jury did not believe him. In only one trial, the trial of Gary White, was he believed.

Graeme Slater has alleged that detectives from Operation Zircon, the taskforce investigating the murders of Don Hancock and Lawrence Lewis, were hoping that Gary White would 'roll over' in the same way that Sid Reid had done. But White refused.

No-one from the WA Police would agree to appear on the Four Corners program but the report includes an interview with former WA Police Assistant Commissioner Tim Atherton, who is critical of aspects of his own force's investigation into the death of Anthony Tapley. He says he now believes that serious consideration should be given to Gary White being given an opportunity to put his case again to a court of law.

Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2


I read your thoughts on the disappearance and murder of
Jane Rimmer
, Sarah Spiers and Ciara Glennon

What you say makes a lot of sense.

The police should be looking closely at any of Jane Rimmer's, Sarah Spiers and  previous boyfriends and friends, even ones whom Jane Rimmer only went out with on one or two occasions.

There is this guy Mark Dixie who used many other names and identities that he seemed to easily obtain who was from England that was living and working in Claremont and Cottesloe as a chef and I understand that Mark Dixie was working on and off at the Continental Hotel and the Cottesloe Hotel where Jane Rimmer and the two other missing and murdered girl's Sarah Spiers and  lawyer Ciara Glennon were all drinking before they were abducted and murdered..
Mark Dixie has a violent past and after he went back to England late in 1999 Mark Dixie was eventually convicted of raping and violently murdering a very attractive young blonde model named Sally Ann Bowman..
He has been accused of many other violent sexual attacks on girls all over the world.
Looking at Mark Dixie's photo I am sure he tried to con our mutual and was hiding on and off at her place

Mark Dixie was very charming and good looking but a very dangerous sexual pervert who would bite women during sex and even have sex with them after they were dead.

Then there was another guy who called himself John Roache who came into our mutual friend’s  life in 1988/1989 who admitted he was working with corrupt police to murder our mutual freind’s husband,  who found John Roache one morning at 9am asleep on our mutual friends wife’s  bed fully clothed still wearing his leather jacket on top of the bed spread not at all in our mutual friends wife’s  bed.

John Roache had a sworn off 22 gun next to him which he admitted was given to him by detectives Thompson and Ron Carey to shoot our mutual friend ‘s husband  when he was expected as he usually did ..to climb through the back lounge room window to sleep on our mutual friends wife’s lounge at around 2 to 3 am after closing up his pizza shop in Fremantle instead of driving all the way to their farm.

This same John Roache was found by the our mutual friend’s husband  driving down their farm road  in a Swan Taxi at around 10 pm at night..
John Roache was meant to be on the dole living at St Bartholomew's men's night shelter in East Perth and it would cost over $600 to pay a taxi to drive back and forth to the our mutual friend’s farm from Perth.
Our mutual friends wife’s said the next day that she had spoken to John Roache on the phone that night and he said he would organise his police friends to pay for a taxi for him to come and pick up our mutual friends wife’s ….
Our mutual friends wifefancied John Roache who was an extremely well built good looking young man..
Our mutual friends wife’s also said that John Roache and an older guy Lawrence Fowler who he called Droc,  who was working for our mutual friend’s husband at the pizza shop in Fremantle and the farm with John Roache used mind control techniques to control Vals mind and actions so that when a certain code was given such as a particular song on the radio was played such as
Don't Stop by Martha Brown which was one of them..
This would trigger off certain mental reactions by our mutual friends wife’s .. I personally witnessed this happening one Saturday night to our mutual friends wife’s at their farm
Any way it seems that all the missing girls were convinced to get into a Swan Taxi or a police car or a car driven by a policeman … it seems that this same taxi and driver was working for the police involved in the Claremont Serial Killings ….

Also please read the below and attached information found on websleuths.com.

A statement by Noel Coward who is commonly called Droc, that many of the missing and murdered girls and children in Perth and Kalgoorlie in the last 30 0dd years were abducted for the purpose of making snuff movies which sell for millions of dollars overseas and even more if the girls used in the snuff movies are blond and from high society with big international news coverage which I understand is a bigger excitement for these sick multi billionaires who buy these most horrendous and sick snuff movies..

Len Buckeridge's silent Triad partners are well into abductions selling body parts and making snuff movies as well as kidnapping illegal drugs and prostitution.. the Triads laundered billions of Triad money through Len Buckeridge's BGC companies from 1970 onwards when Len Buckeridge divorced his wife and moved in a defacto relationship with a Triad family member Siok Puay Koh whom the Triads from Hong Kong and Singapore organised to study law with her sister at the University of Western Australia and planned to get her with Len Buckeridge to move billions of Triad money from Hong Kong and Singapore to Perth by laundering it all through Len Buckeridge's BGC companies..
That is where Len Buckeridge obtained the billions of dollars to build up his BGC companies from being worth around $1 million in the 1960's  to turning over in excess of $30.billion a year and being worth over $5 billion dollars in March 2014 when they claimed Len Buckeridge died of a sudden heart attack
My guess is that the Len Buckeridge's Triad partners murdered Len Buckeridge as he had passed his used by date

Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2


07-07-2015 Bartholemeus 

Other musings from Droc

I am somewhat different than than most people you would meet. I can only give you scant details about how I knew about the snuff movies and the secret room in the factory etc, but I can say that I discovered intimate details, and had such personal and intimate (whisper) details about the woman who for 15 years prior, had an unhealthy obsession with me. I gleaned much knowledge. Such detail that I can and seem unable to erase, an enactment of what happened in that secret room. The same apply s with gleaning details about the taxi driver, such as watching him take photo’s of blondes on the Fremantle streets, and parades, linked to his rage when his blonde sister dyed her hair black, and the flippant comment that ‘people are nothing but cattle.’ to his boss of fifteen years prior when he worked in a slaughter house and that (quote his boss who had no knowledge of my suspicions) “it wold be just as easy to slash a humans throat.
The routine was this! The girl and he cruised in a cab until they spotted a girl. The girl would offer to share the cab making her feel secure, and then when in the cab, a stun gun was used. They were then driven to the factory where one or more were waiting, the killing and the filming was over before nights end, and the bodies were dumped just before daybreak and transported in the taxi, and with the girl sitting in the back acting as a passenger. They were not about sex, just a hatred for ‘rich little daddy’s brats,’ to quote something the girl said on a previous occasion.

After each girl was murdered, several things happened. One guy left for the UK taking the snuff movie with him, and which is a small fortune on the black market and certain Arab countries. The taxi driver ceased driving cabs after about four weeks after each murder, and changed houses before the next murder, and also recommenced driving cabs, and the girl departed for the Eastern States after each murder; returning at different stages before the next murder, and the gaps between those departures was relative to the long gap between the murder of the 2nd girl, and the murder of the last girl.

Snuff movies are 20 min movies without voices, and old 45 style records and music. From the pick-up point, 15 min to the factory, 20 min plus 10 for filming and prep, and maximum 45 mins to disposal. Midnight as . a starting time, and time to take in some scenery, the body could have been dumped by as early as two o’clock.

Mystery man is of no relevance. The girl is a former prostitute, heroin addict, and was convicted here in WA once of trafficking heroin into the male prison to a convicted murderer. Her name is not relevant. She has ten of them according to her diaries. It is her image that will be found on the surveillance cameras, but only for the murder of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon I have staked all on it and challenged the police to allow me to view them. I was refused. It’ds possible they also may have been accidentally destroyed.

It is difficult to answer those questions. I have an 120 page file on this. I overheard a conversation. For the moment please accept that both the police and media are aware Gajewski was there at the precise time she vanished, and later I will provide you with documentation to that effect.
Yes. Mr. Gajewski was working on the nights all three girls vanished. He was renting a shed at the rear of a property occupied by myself and girlfriend. 
As it eventuated, the story he told myself and girlfriend about his movements that night conflicted with what he told the police, and which I discovered when he was interviewed by a journalist, and in company with a prominent private detective, Mick Buckley. In that interview he also denied he had been interviewed by the Task Force, thereby unknowingly revealing that the police assurance he was interviewed as a result of my information provided, was a lie. He was not officially interviewed by the police until 2011.

I have repeatedly accused the police of lying about an interview, in person, and in writing. The alibi the police say he has, amounts to a story involving a drunk who was never identified, and can't be located - because he does not exist. The time frame that the alleged drunk covers, is the actual period where Ciara Glennon was in the cab. A female was used to lure the girls into the cab. Snuff movies were made in a factory in East Fremantle. These are open and public accusations I have made. I would be charged with criminal slander if they were not compromised. 
One of the people who I say was involved will be seen on the video surveillance camera, but the police have consistantly refused to allow me to view it. An 80 page registered submission I made to the Commisioner, vanished after it was signed for by the police. I have a copy of their signature.
In an interview with the police and myself it was admitted tat Gajewski had no alibi. I attempted to get a copy of my own interview under freedom of information. It was denied. As early as last week I was informed by the police that (quote)unfortunately that recorded interview was accidentally destroyed.

07-07-2015 Bartholemeus 

So that pretty much summarises Droc's claims. Now it's all in one spot we can pull it apart and discuss.

07-07-2015 Bartholemeus

Droc's whole theory is based on 3 things:

1. TT's dodgy alibi;
a. TT let slip that he was in Claremont on the night of CG's disappearance. 
b. TT allegedly claimed he left Claremont about midnight.....then allegedly changed it later to 11:50...and later on to 11:40 (changed it when talk to Droc rather than the Police)
c. He also said at one point he got a fare to Subi and then contradicted this by saying he went back to his place in East Freo to smoke a doob.
d. With the fare to Subi, TT allegedly then picked up someone off the street. The passenger was drunk and troublesome so TT pressed his silent alert to base button that lets base know there is a problem (no GPS tracking or cameras in those days). He then stops at a police station (approx 12:40) leaving the drunk in his cab. He goes into cop shop, comes out 5 mins later and drunk has disappeared.

Droc's theory is; TT picked up a fare, drove to Subi, cam back, picked up CG, murdered her, put her in the boot, pressed the alert to base button, went to cop shop to establish alibi.

2. The discrepancy between how many times TT was interviewed by police. Droc had his knickers in a twist because TT told him once and told someone else never and police say twice.

It's fanciful to think this has any real relevance.

3. That David Caporn was hiding Droc's info because at the time Caporn was up for a promotion and any adverse publicity would put his promotion in jeopardy.
This is certainly possible when we consider Caporn's track record, but surely the easiest way to stifle Droc's complaints about police incompetence and corruption would be to use his information to catch the CSK? All of a sudden Droc is happy and withdraws any complaints, the investigation progresses, and maybe the killer is caught?

It's interesting that TT was allegedly interviewed in 2011 and asked of his whereabouts on the nights of all 3 abductions. What made police go back and have a look after Commissioner Matthews wrote to Droc saying he was satisfied there was nothing to investigate?

07-07-2015 ExcaliburX

Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2

Originally Posted by Bartholemeus 

So that pretty much summarises Droc's claims. Now it's all in one spot we can pull it apart and discuss.

Nice summation - thank you. 

Might just add the alleged GR connection and the other two murders he alluded to in that letter in his final post.
And his sex related criminal conviction incarcerated at a max security prison (Freo).
And the Australian Cattle dog named She who was 19 when she passed just before Droc - which may be relevant given the GR comments. Work the age and the dates.
And the lime green cortina station wagon.

Last edited by ExcaliburX; 07-07-2015 at 08:12 AM.

07-07-7015 Bartholemeus 

When I read all the stuff related to police and police incompetence and corruption I thinks it's a case of Macro checking out the leads, TT's alibi was legit, and Droc just wouldn't take no for an answer.

But there's a small part of me that thinks "WA Police track record" and "Caporn has a history of shamelessly cutting corners to further his career" and then think, well maybe, you never know. It's not like we haven't seen some astoundingly poor and dodgy police work by WAPOL.

Droc claims TT was interviewed in 2011. If true, then that's alarming because back in 1999/2000 WAPOL's stance was "there's absolutely no substance to this".

When I read Droc's BF stories and theories part of me thinks "how can someone make that stuff up?" and another part of me thinks "It looks like Droc is constantly convincing himself that his theories are true. How could he have details of what happened when TT went to the motor registry? Or details of Michele's plane flights?". He even says he has a vivid vision of what happened in that room without being there or without anyone telling him what happened. That makes me lean towards Droc being way to liberal with logic, links and facts.

07-07-2015 Bartholemeus 

As for Droc being involved? I highly doubt it but the most plausible theory if it were to be entertained is;

- Droc didn't in fact contact Macro until November 1998 (he claimed he contacted them in March 1997 via hotline and then Dec 1997 via written statement)
- Something spooked him and he thought he'd go down with TT so made a statement in Nov 1998 and claimed ad nauseum there after that he first made claims in 1997 (to cover himself). He also made the stat decs in early 1999. Potentially covering his ass.#

 07-07-2015 Bartholemeus

I wonder if police ever interviewed Michele or any of the other people Droc put forward?

07-07-2015 catswhiskers

Originally Posted by Bartholemeus =

I wonder if police ever interviewed Michele or any of the other people Droc put forward?

You'd hope they would have followed up pretty well every lead or tip they've received - they've certainly had long enough. Even if someone presented as an absolute nutter, I'd think their info would be worth a look in cases like these.

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. 
Stephen Hawking

May 30, 1998

 A Publisher Extra Newspaper

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria · Page 35

Publication: The Age i

Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Issue Date: Saturday, May 30, 1998

Page: Page 35

Fear and Loathing in Perth’s Heart

07-70-2015 Itsasmallworldafter 

Droc was a story teller I thinks clearly , the best part was the poetry ramblings of a fried egg

07-07-2015 billywhizz 

Thanks Bartholomeus for summing up Droc's 400+ posts in only three.

Droc says he worked night security 7pm-7am. In 1996, prior to gun regs would he have been likely to be carrying a weapon? Is this a legitimate job for someone who has spent a lot of time in prison (max security)? No mention of this night security job in the video of his memorial. But there was a reference to stories of him driving around with friends at night getting up to mischief.

Droc sent this to me and another user from BF once:

The largest piece of evidence? The girl told me. I overheard a conversation that he was there that night. He gave me a story about where he went that night, in itself suspicious,but then sometime later I discovered it was different than he told the police at the routine inquiry at the Licensing center. There was further evidence that something was amiss. I was in close contact with him over the period and becauseof that conversation I kept a closer eye. I noticed that a few days before each girl vanished he stoppedworking onanold bedfordvan in the shed behind the house I lived in. He often sat at the kitchen table and had a discussion. I noted he did notcome back to work for about a week later. same with all three. He also stopped driving cab within a coule of month after each girl. I noticed - because my girlfriend and i helped him - he terminated leases and vacated the premises after each girl vanished, etc, just to give some indication.
Now, I alerted the police. I phoned crimestoppers and they called me back at my home to tell me that they had prioritized my info and had 'fast tracked it to the macro team, and to expect a call from them. (enough down this track for now. Get back to it later.
Now to the factory. It is/was (haven't looked lately) vacant in wood street. Not sure of the number. Would need to go through m file. Also keep inmind that just this day I sat with John Flint for over three hours going over this, so I am burning out very quickly.Just keep that in mind,and keep in mind that I maynotbe ableto answer all your uestions, but if you can keep your head around it, and not get to confused, I think ou will be surprised, not where I take this, but where it takes itself.
Now perhaps best if I communicate with just one of you, and then hat person can rela it to the rest where it can be discussed and the person than then bring back to questions or requests. The same with denouements. your input. Noel.

The just keep dragging me back into this.I put it to rest many years ago, and they (police) dragged me back into it recently and sought to get me to drop my allegations. John Flint is genuine I think, and we went over it in detail. It is difficult to approach this,but it is on the move,be that pushed along b an article, or if it goes to the coroner. I don't think John Flint has given up et, and he has been in touch with the families and all they ask is that he inform them in advance next time so the can be prepared. That is a good sign. It gives him freedom to move. How much he has told them about my story I don' know.

Last edited by billywhizz; 07-07-2015 at 12:40 PM.

Also - do you think that anyone else that provided information to WAPOL on the CSK got a stat dec done up besides Droc and Karen??

From Post article Mar 20 2015 : A team of 12 detectives, separate from the original Macro task forces, has been commit-ted to the inquiry over the past three years.

It is interesting that by February 2011 Droc is already aware that TT has been interviewed again (is under investigation) and sends him a letter (telling him that he knows he is under investigation, even though he shouldn't). Did he actually send him a letter? This seems to be the only one not documented correctly. (ie. proof that it was sent)

Even if the operation started on Jan 2011 - that is not a lot of time to get around to interviewing those particular people. Must have been close to the front of the file.

2011 is also the year Noel set up his blog claiming the CSK was Taxi Tony. I wonder what suddenly sparked him back into action after an 11 year hiatus?? The timing is rather odd you have to admit. But not the only odd thing.

Droc's final letter I have posted below states Michelle is the one more involved. He can't seem to make up his mind.

The final sentence of the letter: "That explains the level of fear you displayed when you received that diagram"

How does Droc know TT was fearful upon receipt of a diagram? What was the diagram of? And how the hell does Droc know where TT lives now? I assume it would be a very long time since they've seen each other, especially face to face in order to judge a supposed level of fear.

Last edited by billywhizz; 07-07-2015 at 01:19 PM.

A letter I sent to TT many year ago.

Delivered to Mr. Gajewski's appr. febuary 26 2011.

Mr. Gajewski, well how are you? Enjoying life? Are you wondering what is going on? I am too, though I dare say not much is happening. You’re a very privileged person you know that? Presumably you are currently under investigation by the police though I shouldn't reveal that. I could be accused of interfering in an investigation.

Have you spoken to Michele? Back at her old job again with the same Boss in some dingy little factory in O'Connor I believe.

And Binks! I did hear that several years ago he crept back into the country and borrowed Peters four wheel drive. Perhaps visited Abbey 19 kl. from Brookton on his country retreat . . . and where did they get the money from for all these overseas trips and the purchase of property during and so soon after the murders? They were all on the dole were they not . . . excluding Binks who for some unknown reason took himself of the dole just before the murder of Ciara Glennon, and then sold up and returned to England. Were you making and selling snuff movies in the secret room? Is that it?

Photos! Darkrooms and factory units! Secret Gatherings. Obsessions with blonde's! And whatever happened to Genevieve? I assume she was not a part of it or you would not have evicted her. Or did something more sinister happen to her. Is she still alive? I mean to say, prostitutes were vanishing around that time were they not? And was not Michele working the streets of Northbridge at the same time . . . ?

I've been giving that a lot of thought. If I had access to systems I do believe I might be able to pin down some missing girls with Michele's movements. Take for example Lisa Brown, street prostitute. Missing November 1998, just before or after Michele left for Tasmania and around the same time Michele was (a) working the streets herself, and was seen with a small white car, a box of sex toys, and a wad of cash, and none of which belonged to her?

For example, she hightails it to Tasmania after the murder of Ciara Glennon and returns to WA around Xmas 1999 with her drug addicted boyfriend (who later was imprisoned for shooting someone, as was Michele). I have discovered that prior to their arrival in Perth they were staying in Kalgoorlie. Just before or after they arrived back in Fremantle Lisa Govan vanished.

It’s these co-incidences that get to me. They shouldn't be there, but they are. It’s like your different stories about your movements re Ciara Glennon, they shouldn't have happened but they did. Like the green station wagon seen in the same street as Gerard Ross that fits perfectly with the description of the car Binx put through the crusher before he left for the UK, as does the description of the two males fit with yourself and Binx. And the bodies, found in areas you Binks and Balemans frequent, such as the Nangara pine plantation, and Jane Rimmer in the street that Michele was familiar with and once lived in . . . . and when you link all this up with 'threesomes' prostitution, prowling with Michele in your taxi, factory units with secret rooms . . .

Tell me, do you have any idea how long the WA police have been ignoring you . . . or is it Michele they have been ignoring? And why? There is something missing that I can’t pin down . . . ? I just had a thought. It was my belief that it was your idea to abduct and murder girls, but I'm have different thoughts on that now. I have a text message on my phone where Michele admits to being involved in far worse things than the Claremont murders – mind boggling I know, but true. Actually enough to fill my diary is what she said.

The secret room at the factory existed before her reconnecting with you after the isolated threesome. Also before reconnecting with you she was involved in photographic pornography with a group of people connected to her brothers business, her own son featured in some of those photos. Is it during that period that the 'far worse things' occurred?

I don't know where I'm going with this, but there is something in all of this somewhere, a clue, and a key? And somehow it is all linked to the information I provided to crime stoppers vanishing. As soon as it was passed on (fast tracked as I was informed) to the Task Force, it was whipped out of the system. The police didn't want to know. I'm now beginning to believe that the removal of the information was more linked to Michele than you. I'm now beginning to believe that it was Michel's idea to use your taxi to abduct the Claremont girls after she failed to recruit me. She recruited you instead, and then used you in several attempts to get me on board.

I personally believe your first murder was Sarah Spiers, but it wasn't Michel's. I will rethink my doubts that Michele was also involved in the murder of Sarah Spiers and who she left for NSW after the abduction of Sarah . . . and who stored a collection of old 45 records in the factory unit, along with that 'hang um upside down thingo' that I believed was used when the girls throats were cut. Don't know

I approached the ACC and they failed to deal with it . . . actually tried to intimidate me and scare me off, can you believe that!? The first rule of any war is to know your enemy, and three previous successful complaints against the WA police with one involving compensation should have warned them that those tactics don't work. That’s the problem with arrogance, not only are they oblivious to the trail of suffering and misery it leaves in its wake

The question I asked in my previous letter I think has now been answered. “Where exactly is the body of Sarah Spiers

Rod Gillespie (the developer) is a decent chap don't you think? You spoke to him, yes? I was intrigued by his little story about the strange man professing to be the son of the owner who gained access to the cellar over the period of the long weekend. Any guesses as to who that was? According to him it wasn't you. The description doesn't fit with Binks. Nor Abbey. Bit preposterous don't you think for me to bring other players into the game, but then I recalled another one of your (that arrogance again) flippant comments after the murder of Ciara as we sat around the table at Marmion street discussing these murders, you, me, Karen, and sweet heather, and let me quote you! “I think people will be really surprised when they find out who did it (pause) really surprised (pause) that is if they ever catch him (pause) or them.”

So how is Collin these days? The description fits him. It also fits with Michele's husband who she collected blonde's for and who worked at the factory with the secret room before she did . . . I wonder was he working there when she met and married him? Curious? Was the secret room established during the period her husband worked there, or was it established after he left and she took over his job? And will I ever know the answers to these questions? And do I need to know the answers if I locate the body of Sarah Spiers? It’s all down to that yes?

You will have to forgive me; I'm a little tired at the moment. Seven hundred kilometers under my belt today. Bone tired, so I will cut strait to the chase. Its one thing to say the body was buried under the cellar, but where is the cellar? Under which unit? And how does one get access? It would need to be a powerful case to get the owner’s permission to demolish the units, and that would require a cash outlay of over $1.5ml for rebuilding, relocating people etc. Not that I couldn't organize that with the contacts I have here in Perth, and as you know, but the whole concept is awesome. I don't need a bulls-eye location, but I needed to be at least on the dartboard. Google earth only covered the previous ten years. The council were no help. The neighbors couldn't put me in the picture.

According to Mr. Gillespie someone came to the site and spun the yarn – indicating the cellar was still intact while the work was in progress. The next contact with the person was when they phoned him and received permission to enter the site over the long weekend – meaning the cellar was still intact. When Mr. Gillespie returned to work on the Tuesday the floor of the cellar had been disturbed – still intact. Now all that doesn't mean a lot on its own until you put it together with his comments some five years after the disappearance of Sarah when I contacted him. (Quote) “I'm not sure,” he said, “if they pushed the limestone walls into the cavity or just filled it in,” (unquote). You do see the significance of that don't you? The cellar was intact while the development occurred! They as he referred to them, are obviously the people that did the finishing touches to the development. They being the people who did the driveway to the development and the courtyard.

I'm on the money yes? The body is under the section that is the courtyard, yes? That explains the level of fear you displayed when you received that diagram

Noel Coward

07-07-2015 Itsasmallworldafter 

And youse bite on this ? Seriously?

07-07-2015 Itsasmallworldafter 

Where's some of the poetry ?

Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2


07-07-2015 billywhizz 

Originally Posted by Itsasmallworldafter 

And youse bite on this ? Seriously?

Is this directed to me?

Maybe I'll bite on your theory too.. if you ever get round to detailing it. You seem to know a lot for someone who had never heard of the case previously. Sure the families would love a call from you as well hey. 

If your story has more facts than Droc's as you claim then prove it.

Moking indeed...

"This case , was brought up to me I had never heard of it previously , the whole concept of it is quite intriguing , the crime is so brazen , it's almost a moking of policing "

"Does coming forward , giving information , put people in danger ? "

"I did the police route hence my ?s at the start , after all they out me and my family threw I'm sceptical on there intentions , and activities"

"I'm leaving it for now , but all I can say is I need one of the families contact details of anyone can assist "

"I did go media they don't want to touch"e "

"Lol more facts then droc but more to it "

08-07-2015 Itsasmallworldafter #

Ring and ask the head of the Perth now paper and ask for a copy of what I provided him , the one that won the award , the one that won't even respond , can't help that the whole things up the piss can I ,mr billy whizz

08-07-2015 Bartholemeus

Originally Posted by ExcaliburX 

Nice summation - thank you. 

Might just add the alleged GR connection and the other two murders he alluded to in that letter in his final post.

And his sex related criminal conviction incarcerated at a max security prison (Freo).

And the Australian Cattle dog named She who was 19 when she passed just before Droc - which may be relevant given the GR comments. Work the age and the dates.

And the lime green cortina station wagon.

Which is his final post? The last one I can see is Post 2629 on page 106

Not sure why there would be a connection to Gerald Ross (GR)?

Droc says this:

Originally Posted by Droc

look for an old cortina station wagon and two males aged around 35. Also take a look at a CIA episode on the same sugject, and compare the information as presented by the woman, with the official description that is out. There maybe a contradiction, not sure.

He's obviously talking about TT's mate who drove an old Cortina Station wagon, as well as a truck.

Is there any information that a cortina was spotted near GR's last sighting? (I hardly know anything about the GR case)

Droc's criminal conviction: Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Unsure what that means precisely? Sex with a girl under 16? Rape of a girl under 16? Molestation of girl under 16? He said he received a 2 year sentence and also has conviction for australian currency forgery.

Can you fill in the blanks. I don't think I was posting at the time this all came up on BF.

08-07-2015 billywhizz 

Originally Posted by Bartholemeus 

Which is his final post? The last one I can see is Post 2629 on page 106

His final post is 2629. But I think Ex is referring to his final letter, which is quoted inside that final post if you expand. I have also posted the letter above.

Gerard Ross case -

"Becky Burgess (FB) - i swear it has something to do with the guy in the brown station wagon that tried to abduct my brother and I of Hercules st in Rockingham was only a few weeks before Gerard got taken. Police came to talk to us when we got approached and after poor Gerard went missing. I'll never forgot that sickos face!!!! October 14, 2014 at 9:18am"

from news.com.au
John of UK
Posted at 1:32 AM October 02, 2013

Gerald Ross is yet another victim of the Claremont Serial Killers without any shadow of doubt that Special Crime Squad are fully aware of to which i firmly believe they accept.Their is so much sensitive info they hold close to their chests that links these Cold Case crimes with others from yesterday and some present, if we are to consider killers ages 2 day now,it's believed only one of these killers acted in the abduction and murder of G Ross."

(From article)
There were also other clues.

An old TV news report mentions an altercation between two people in the street Gerard disappeared from, on the morning he vanished. They were driving a faded brown or maroon station wagon.

Droc had also made comments on another news article site regarding GR but I can't seem to find them anymore

08-07-2015 Bartholemeus 

An excerpt from Droc's letter to TT:

Originally Posted by Droc

I've been giving that a lot of thought. If I had access to systems I do believe I might be able to pin down some missing girls with Michele's movements. Take for example Lisa Brown, street prostitute. Missing November 1998, just before or after Michele left for Tasmania and around the same time Michele was (a) working the streets herself, and was seen with a small white car, a box of sex toys, and a wad of cash, and none of which belonged to her?

For example, she hightails it to Tasmania after the murder of Ciara Glennon and returns to WA around Xmas 1999 with her drug addicted boyfriend (who later was imprisoned for shooting someone, as was Michele). I have discovered that prior to their arrival in Perth they were staying in Kalgoorlie. Just before or after they arrived back in Fremantle Lisa Govan vanished.

It’s these co-incidences that get to me. They shouldn't be there, but they are. It’s like your different stories about your movements re Ciara Glennon, they shouldn't have happened but they did. Like the green station wagon seen in the same street as Gerard Ross that fits perfectly with the description of the car Binx put through the crusher before he left for the UK, as does the description of the two males fit with yourself and Binx. And the bodies, found in areas you Binks and Balemans frequent, such as the Nangara pine plantation, and Jane Rimmer in the street that Michele was familiar with and once lived in

He's speculating that TT and his group could have been responsible for Lisa Govan, Lisa Brown and Gerard Ross. Pretty out there if you ask me.

Lisa Govan as far as I know was last seen at a bikie clubhouse in Kalgoorlie.
Lisa Brown was a Northbridge streetwalker. This certainly could be the work of the CSK.
And Gerard Ross? There's a massive difference between adult women and pre-teen boys. Droc is drawing a very long bow here. No wonder I let this all go through to the keeper when it was talked about.

I will just go have a look and see if I can find anything reported on a green station wagon in the GR case.

08-07-2015 Bartholemeus

Originally Posted by billywhizz 

His final post is 2629. But I think Ex is referring to his final letter, which is quoted inside that final post if you expand. I have also posted the letter above.

Gerard Ross case -

"Becky Burgess (FB) - i swear it has something to do with the guy in the brown station wagon that tried to abduct my brother and I of Hercules st in Rockingham was only a few weeks before Gerard got taken. Police came to talk to us when we got approached and after poor Gerard went missing. I'll never forgot that sickos face!!!! October 14, 2014 at 9:18am"

from news.com.au
John of UK
Posted at 1:32 AM October 02, 2013

Gerald Ross is yet another victim of the Claremont Serial Killers without any shadow of doubt that Special Crime Squad are fully aware of to which i firmly believe they accept.Their is so much sensitive info they hold close to their chests that links these Cold Case crimes with others from yesterday and some present, if we are to consider killers ages 2 day now,it's believed only one of these killers acted in the abduction and murder of G Ross."

(From article)
There were also other clues.

An old TV news report mentions an altercation between two people in the street Gerard disappeared from, on the morning he vanished. They were driving a faded brown or maroon station wagon.

Droc had also made comments on another news article site regarding GR but I can't seem to find them anymore

Didn't TT's mate have a green (possibly lime green) Ford Cortina Station Wagon? I can't see a match. (can anyone clarify this?)

Becky Burgess says she'll never forget this guy's face. Was there ever a ID sketch published?

John of UK - he was the guy he reckons the CSK is a group of people who were responsible for pretty every unsolved missing/murdered case in WA and their MO was to dump bodies not far from motorways. A true nutter of the highest quality.

08-07-2015 Bartholemeus 

Droc draws links to Lisa Brown, Lisa Govan and Gerard Ross

Govan: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/west...-1227080085366

Brown: http://www.missingpersons.gov.au/mis...0jane%20-%20wa

Ross: http://www.news.com.au/national/no-k...-1226730066395

Droc alleges Michele was in Kalgoorlie with her new BF around the time of the Govan disappearance. Droc seems to make a lot of leaps of faith in linking things. Even if she was there, she had to convince her new BF to murder someone. She was also last seen at 7:30 am which doesn't match the MO.

Lisa Brown - who knows. It's possible the CSK changed his patch and target demographic to reduce risk of detection.

Gerard Ross - MO is different. Ross was taken in daylight. Apparently GR nor CG were sexually interfered with. But even so, these crimes are likely to be sexually motivated and I find it so hard to see a person who is sexually interested in pre-pubescent boys is also interested in 20-something well-heeled women from Claremont. I just can't see how GR is related to the CSK.

08-07-2015 ExcaliburX 

Originally Posted by Bartholemeus 

Droc draws links to Lisa Brown, Lisa Govan and Gerard Ross

Govan: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/west...-1227080085366

Brown: http://www.missingpersons.gov.au/mis...0jane%20-%20wa

Ross: http://www.news.com.au/national/no-k...-1226730066395

Droc alleges Michele was in Kalgoorlie with her new BF around the time of the Govan disappearance. Droc seems to make a lot of leaps of faith in linking things. Even if she was there, she had to convince her new BF to murder someone. She was also last seen at 7:30 am which doesn't match the MO.

Lisa Brown - who knows. It's possible the CSK changed his patch and target demographic to reduce risk of detection.

Gerard Ross - MO is different. Ross was taken in daylight. Apparently GR nor CG were sexually interfered with. But even so, these crimes are likely to be sexually motivated and I find it so hard to see a person who is sexually interested in pre-pubescent boys is also interested in 20-something well-heeled women from Claremont. I just can't see how GR is related to the CSK.

Note the comments about the dog hair in the GR case. 

He mentions his dog in his "alibi" post on BF:


Drocs dog would have been about 1-2 at the time of GR given it died aged 19 this year.

Another find:


Interesting Droc claims he is looking for a dumping ground and the dog is child friendly.

Interesting to know exactly what Drocs conviction and crim record indicates regarding victim gender and age.

Remember he was incarcerated until age 31 per the wake video - 5 years for counterfeiting and 2 for unlawful carnal knowledge - sums don't add up. What was he incarcerated for during the other periods for?

And had access to 27 cars since his release according to Christabel. That he drove around late at night on "nocturnal activities" with John B again according to the video.

Here are links to his claims about the cortina and GR:


His 10 March posts in particular are quite telling.

Last edited by ExcaliburX; 07-08-2015 at 09:00 AM.

08-07-2015 ExcaliburX 

Originally Posted by Bartholemeus 

About Michelle - paraphrased from Droc's posts on BF

- Travelled in TT's taxi regularly
- Northbridge street worker
- Heroin addict
- Charged in WA for trafficking heroin (flying it in I assume) for a convicted murderer
- After CSK murders she moved to NSW and was arrested with a male over a shooting incident and got 5 years in prison. Post 1469.
- At one stage attended Palmerston Farm drug rehab which was in same road as JR dump site
- She was approximately 35 at the time of the murders
- I get the impression she was TT's girlfriend.

Droc's Address

Hard to pin down but it seems during the murders Droc lived at 435 Marmion St Myaree with his girlfriend Karen. It's unclear if he lived at one point at 31 Russell St Fremantle, or if this was Professor Newman's address? 

There's also reference to addresses in Henderson and Hamilton Hill.

The Fire

The fire happened at some time shortly before 11 December 2014 when this article was published:


This is one of Droc's former places of residence and where I think he was living during the Claremont Killings.

Droc was interviewed by Macro on the 18th December 2014 and asked to provide DNA.

21 Sparks Road Henderson was the address he used in one of the statutory declarations.

08-07-2015 Bartholemeus

A few queries on Droc's statements:

1. Droc claims that he called up Rod Gillespie, the builder who did the unit dev behind TT's house in Hampden Rd South Freo and made some story up about needing to access the cellar. The builder's response was "someone else rang up with a similar story and has already accessed the cellar and told Droc the date that the unkown person accessed the cellar was the Australlia Day weekend in 1996 when SS went missing".


Droc didn't suspect TT of being the CSK until after CG went missing 13 months later. So he had to make that phone call to Gillespie after this time which means there was at least a 13 month gap between Droc's alleged phone call and the unnamed person who approached Gillespie with the "I'm the owner's son story". In fact, reading Droc's post from BF below, he didn't make the call until years later;

Originally Posted by Droc Post 1611 BF

Years later after returning from the East I decided to drive past the factory and discovered it had closed, and was empty. I was about to drive away when I noticed a young guy going into the factory next door. 


After the incident with the factory, my thoughts drifted back to where TT lived when Sarah vanished.


I decided on a plan. That was to phone him informing him I was the former owner and spin him BS to find out what happened to the cellar, and its location relative to the units. When he answered the phone I informed him of being the former owner, and was overseas when the property sold, and had overlooked that I had left valuables hidden in the cellar, and that was as far as I got before he interrupted saying, “It’s alright, your son has got it!”

a. Is it likely Gillespie would have remembered this years later (after Droc returned from Eastern States)?
b. Would the builder have remembered that it was the Australia Day long weekend?

2. Droc thinks that because TT told an undercover reporter and a PI that he had never been interviewed by Macro then it must be true and Marco are lying when they say they have interviewed TT twice. Droc uses this as one of his main arguments for police dishonesty and corruption.

I'm not saying it isn't the case but there's just no real evidence to make the jump that Droc did. He put two and two together and came up with 5.

Makes me wonder how many other times he did this. I'd suggest a lot.

3. In Droc's leter to TT he links TT and his mate to Gerard Ross and Michele and her new boyfriend to Lisa Govan in Kalgoorlie. He says they're all conicidences but no matter what time Michele returned to Perth he would have linked her to the most recent murder.

Another example of Droc making dubious leaps of logic.

4. BF post 1413. Droc claims Michele told him she was involved in the murders but at another point he got quite frustrated why someone suggested he said Michele tried to groom him to be involved. He clarified "she tried to groom me but she never told me what for". Contradictory and wishy-washy.

5. Droc says he has flight records of Michelle flying into Perth from Brisbane two weeks before JR murder. Post 1683. How would he have this? The flight took place 8 months before Droc started thinking TT was the CSK. Sounds to me like Droc is speculating.

6. Droc writes this (in a PM from memory)

Originally Posted by Droc

The routine was this! The girl and he cruised in a cab until they spotted a girl. The girl would offer to share the cab making her feel secure, and then when in the cab, a stun gun was used. They were then driven to the factory where one or more were waiting, the killing and the filming was over before nights end, and the bodies were dumped just before daybreak and transported in the taxi, and with the girl sitting in the back acting as a passenger.

He doesn't seem to be able to distinguish between fact and theory. He joins dots and makes links that aren't necessarily there.

He tells a fascinating story but I think he's made some very dubious leaps of logic and the whole story about the cellar and the builder sounds like he's stretched the truth to suit his theory.

It could be possible that TT and his sicko mates are into some sort of really sordid BDSM scene and this is what Michele was grooming him to get involved in and this is why he thought TT was such a sick ****.

08-07-2015 ExcaliburX 

Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2

 Originally Posted by Bartholemeus 

A few queries on Droc's statements:

1. Droc claims that he called up Rod Gillespie, the builder who did the unit dev behind TT's house in Hampden Rd South Freo and made some story up about needing to access the cellar. The builder's response was "someone else rang up with a similar story and has already accessed the cellar and told Droc the date that the unkown person accessed the cellar was the Australlia Day weekend in 1996 when SS went missing".


Droc didn't suspect TT of being the CSK until after CG went missing 13 months later. So he had to make that phone call to Gillespie after this time which means there was at least a 13 month gap between Droc's alleged phone call and the unnamed person who approached Gillespie with the "I'm the owner's son story". In fact, reading Droc's post from BF below, he didn't make the call until years later;

a. Is it likely Gillespie would have remembered this years later (after Droc returned from Eastern States)?
b. Would the builder have remembered that it was the Australia Day long weekend?

2. Droc thinks that because TT told an undercover reporter and a PI that he had never been interviewed by Macro then it must be true and Marco are lying when they say they have interviewed TT twice. Droc uses this as one of his main arguments for police dishonesty and corruption.

I'm not saying it isn't the case but there's just no real evidence to make the jump that Droc did. He put two and two together and came up with 5.

Makes me wonder how many other times he did this. I'd suggest a lot.

3. In Droc's leter to TT he links TT and his mate to Gerard Ross and Michele and her new boyfriend to Lisa Govan in Kalgoorlie. He says they're all conicidences but no matter what time Michele returned to Perth he would have linked her to the most recent murder.

Another example of Droc making dubious leaps of logic.

4. BF post 1413. Droc claims Michele told him she was involved in the murders but at another point he got quite frustrated why someone suggested he said Michele tried to groom him to be involved. He clarified "she tried to groom me but she never told me what for". Contradictory and wishy-washy.

5. Droc says he has flight records of Michelle flying into Perth from Brisbane two weeks before JR murder. Post 1683. How would he have this? The flight took place 8 months before Droc started thinking TT was the CSK. Sounds to me like Droc is speculating.

6. Droc writes this (in a PM from memory)

He doesn't seem to be able to distinguish between fact and theory. He joins dots and makes links that aren't necessarily there.

He tells a fascinating story but I think he's made some very dubious leaps of logic and the whole story about the cellar and the builder sounds like he's stretched the truth to suit his theory.

It could be possible that TT and his sicko mates are into some sort of really sordid BDSM scene and this is what Michele was grooming him to get involved in and this is why he thought TT was such a sick ****.

All very true IF you believe he only had suspicions later and didn't know the whole deal and/or wasnt involved from the start.


I don't and doubt he actually contacted plod until after he had a falling out with the others and started covering himself with the stat decs and claims about the suspicious alibi and Freo site - knowing with his record he may end up the sole fall guy. 

The Freo story sounds like BS.

And also in not mentioning his Myaree address - which given the fire and his deception over it on BF should be a focus of attention.

Last edited by ExcaliburX; 07-08-2015 at 09:29 AM.

08-07-2015 Bartholemeus 

Originally Posted by ExcaliburX 

Note the comments about the dog hair in the GR case. 

He mentions his dog in his "alibi" post on BF:


Drocs dog would have been about 1-2 at the time of GR given it died aged 19 this year.

Another find:


Interesting Droc claims he is looking for a dumping ground and the dog is child friendly.

Interesting to know exactly what Drocs conviction and crim record indicates regarding victim gender and age.

Remember he was incarcerated until age 31 per the wake video - 5 years for counterfeiting and 2 for unlawful carnal knowledge - sums don't add up. What was he incarcerated for during the other periods for?

And had access to 27 cars since his release according to Christabel. That he drove around late at night on "nocturnal activities" with John B again according to the video.

Here are links to his claims about the cortina and GR:


His 10 March posts in particular are quite telling.

The dog hairs found on GR's body - that's a massive stretch to suggest it might be Droc. A lot of people have dogs.

No idea on victim gender and age. I'm certainly curious though. But think it's a stretch that there is any link to GR.

The wake vid is 45 minutes long. I haven't sat through the whole thing. Does it say he was locked up from dot to 31, or does he was incarcerated until 31 but meaning "he got out of Freo jail at 31".

My read on the nocturnal activities with John is that they were grafting/stealing. One woman mentions moving stuff from "here" to "there" and I took that as meaning they were stealing things from others and moving them to someone else (their homes, a porn shop, fence etc)

In the March 10 posts all I see is gibberish. It doesn't help that Droc quoted himself all the time but was addressing something someone else said.

I think the whole Droc story is a good read but I think it's fanciful. Could he have been the CSK? It's possible his whole dealings with police were designed to pre-empt an excuse to involvement, but I doubt that too.

08-07-2015 ExcaliburX

Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2

Originally Posted by Bartholemeus 

The dog hairs found on GR's body - that's a massive stretch to suggest it might be Droc. A lot of people have dogs.

No idea on victim gender and age. I'm certainly curious though. But think it's a stretch that there is any link to GR

Many people have dogs.

Only one with a dog (in fact a puppy at the time of the abduction and murder), a convicted sex offender on minors no less, made online claims his ex-mates in a cortina station wagon were potentially involved in the GR case. 

17 years later mind you - and also speculating about the cause of death.

You might recall Droc made zero admissions about any personal involvement despite all he claimed to know pre and post his "suspicions" - and did plenty of deflecting onto his former cohort of friends. 

If his previous crimes involved male children the dog hair aspect may very well be relevant.

As for the "nocturnal activities" being graft/theft, they would assume that wouldn't they? These are the very upstanding people after all who took him in after prison and supported him. They wouldn't be saying he was out hunting for victims.

PS: creepy man continues his YouTube madness. Why?

Last edited by ExcaliburX; 07-08-2015 at 10:36 AM.

08-07-2015 billywhizz 

The stat decs are arse covering I think.

Why else do you need stat decs done up proving you gave information to the police?

I guarantee not one other person who gave information about the CSK then went and got a stat dec done up

Combine this with his 11 year hiatus on his crusade.. which was taken up again in 2011 when the new detectives started working on the case. All along claims of 'poor me, I keep getting dragged back into this by media, police etc' - WHEN he was the one that set up the blog in 2011 alerting people to the fact it was TT. No one (ie. users on CSK forums) would ever have known anything about any of this if he never set up that blog in the first place. No sympathy for victims, victims families was ever given. It was all about how tough life had been for him since he reported TT back in 1997.

No one ever saw his 100 page file.. All we saw was dribs and drabs eeked out over a few months. Most of them were letters asking why no one had received his information - but we never saw proof of the original information that was sent. Final act was a letter written to TT in which Droc asks him about a hundred questions. Was he actually expecting a reply?

His memorial vid at the church - it has members of the church claiming to have covered for Noel when police came around looking for him. WTF? One guy even claims to have put up a bond/bail of $10,000 (20 years ago - obscene amount of money) for him. Again, WTF? And why?

Last edited by billywhizz; 07-08-2015 at 11:41 AM.

 08- 07-2015 Itsasmallworldafte

I started to watch the vid watched about 10 mins of it , it was beyond cretinism#

Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2


08-07-2015 Bartholemeus

I've all but ruled out Drocs story as is on the basis;

1. I think police investigated it back in 1998/1999 (although this is the precise time they their cross hairs on LW and we know Caporn and WAPOL have a documented history of ignoring evidence that doesn't fit their line of inquiry)
2. There's a few holes in Droc's story. I think he's been a bit liberal with the truth and stretched it match his theory
3. Droc has shown a propensity to make irrational links. That doesn't mean those links don't exist, but he's made a few and once you start making dubious links on top of other dubious links the chance of error multiplies

What I haven't yet all but ruled out is Droc being involved with TT and using this allegations as a pre-emptive strike to distance himself from involvement should he and TT come under serious scrutiny. Bear in mind there is documentation of Droc using this strategy previously;

At 15:25 in Droc's wake video one of his friends relates a story and Droc and his mate out on the graft one night with a heap of stolen gear in the back of their ute. A cop car sees them and slows down so Droc pre-empts a potential bust by pulling over and waving the cop over and saying he had a flat tire and wanted a push.

The stat decs

It's certainly possible that he had the stat decs made up so there was documented proof that he had approached the police about TT. But he already had letters from the police Commissioner saying they had received his claims and had investigated them.

The time lines for approaching police

Droc claims he called the Macro hotline 4 times in the weeks after the CG abduction. We don't know if this is true or not. We also don't know if police have those records or not. Droc claims he sent a written statement in November 1997 (8 months after the CG murder). Police claim they are unaware of this. We don't know whether Droc ever sent it, or Macro lost it, or Macro discarded and concealed it. So potentially Droc may not have contacted Macro until as late as November 1997 or December 1998 and fabricated the earlier contact to cover his ass. 

Problems with the timelines

LW was under surveillance from approximately October 1997 (and possibly earlier). The LW sting was in April 1998 and I believe this was leaked to the media almost immediately after. If Droc did send them that letter in November 1997 then why would he follow up in December 1998 when LW had better odds od being the CSK than Nat Fyfe has of winning this year's Brownlow? Maybe just to get some form of written proof in case the tide changes? But then he got his proof in the form of multiple letters by the commissioner acknowedging they got his info, had investigated it, and had disregarded it. There'd also be no reason to then go on with a stat dec after all that either.

If we assume Droc is crafty enough to plant some mitigating evidence before the fact "what do you mean, I told you guys TT was the CSK and you didn't believe me, here's letters from the commissioner and a stat dec" then we must assume he's also smart enough to get his evidence and walk away given LW was white hot. He hammered them not stop with phone calls and letters and had 2 highly esteemed professionals approach the commissioner on his behalf.

I think it's more likely Droc genuinely thought TT was the CSK. Keep in mind that it appears Droc was in love with Michele but Michele seems to have been TT's girlfriend. Droc actually never comes out and says "Michele was TT's girlfriend" but he does let slip he used to hold all her belongings after they fought and that they fought before each of the murders. This may have tainted Droc's logic.

A potential scenario

Droc knows TT, as a taxi driver was called in to East Freo motor registry to speak to police as part of Macro's drive to speak to all Perth's 2,500 taxi drivers (May 1997). Approximately 4-5 months after the CG muder TT tells Droc and his GF that he has just been interviewed by Macro (this is in Droc's stat dec). Droc is spooked because he knows soon they will ask TT for DNA and at this stage the public generally assumes Macro has DNA. Droc decides on a pre-emptive plan to distance himself from TT. He decides to report TT so if TT is busted Droc can say "why would I be involved? I'm the one who dobbed him in". So Droc sends them a letter in November 1997. He fabricates that he made four calls to the Macro hotline.

He hears nothing back and in April 1998 learns LW is numero uno suspect. But he wonders why he hasn't been contacted. He's shizzing himself so in December 1998 sends them the letter again by registered mail and make contact to get proof that he has made statements.

Police then interview TT and it doesn't take long for TT to work out one of his co-conspirators has put his name up. TT asks Droc why and Drocs comes up with some lame excuse but they both know Droc was covering his own ass. TT insists that Droc now drop a heap of red herrings that don't add up so police dismiss his story.

Droc tells police about snuff movies and the cellar and a few other things that don't add up. Police dismiss it, especially since they have a raging hard on for LW.