Name: Sarah Anne McMAHON, Age when missing: 20 years, Eyes: Green, Hair: Auburn, Height: 173cms, Build: Slim
Circumstances: Sarah McMahon has not attended work since Wednesday 8 November 2000. Sarah was last seen driving her vehicle, a 1986 White Ford Meteor Sedan, registered number 7FO-731 in an easterly direction on Great Eastern Highway, Greenmount.
Sarah Anne McMahon was last seen wearing dark jeans, black turtle neck sweater and black suede jacket. Concern is held for her safety and welfare.
Fears for the safety of a 20-year-old woman missing for 13 days
have increased following the discovery of the woman's car at a hospital carpark.
Sarah McMahon was last seen leaving her workplace in suburban Claremont on November 8, although there have been a number of unconfirmed sightings of her since then. She has made no contact with her family. Ms McMahon's white Ford Meteor sedan was found last night in the emergency department car park of Swan District Hospital. Police today refused to say who discovered the vehicle or whether anything of significance
had been found inside.
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she disappeared after leaving work in the Perth suburb of Claremont on Wednesday, November 8, 2000. She lived with her parents Danny and Trish and younger sister Kate. Ten days later, her white Ford Meteor sedan was found in the car park of Swan Districts Hospital. A bag containing personal items was on the front seat, her empty wallet was in the boot and her mobile phone was on the ground nearby. Her mum Trish tells her story ...
"We haven't seen or heard from Sarah since November 8, 2000, when she left for work in the morning. Apparently she received a call at work from a friend who was "suicidal" and intended to visit the mysterious caller. The police believe she's been murdered and we have all tried to accept this as a possibility, but in our hearts we know she is out there somewhere. At the time of Sarah's disappearance she was depressed ... a romance had soured, university had lost its appeal and she had a mobile phone bill for $800 she hadn't mentioned to us. Sarah felt as though she was in rough waters being tossed this way and that, and she had mentioned to a family friend that she wished she could just "go away and start again". We thought a visit to her older brother Paul and his family, who live near Melbourne, might break the cycle, but unfortunately that wasn't so. I visited Melbourne and Sydney putting up posters, giving out photos and talking to anyone who was willing to listen. Two years ago, a couple who had taken a photograph of Sarah rang to say they had distributed it at a youth seminar. The father of one of the children worked in security at Newcastle nightclubs, and he came across a young man who recognised her and confirmed her name when shown the photograph. But that was it. There have been no further sightings or news. We, Sarah's family, believe with all our hearts that our darling daughter, sister and granddaughter is out there. We will never believe otherwise. We love you, Sarah, please let us know you're all right. May the sun shine warm on your face, and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
If you have any information, call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.
Man (Donald Morey) was 'too interested' in missing girl (Sarah McMahon:
sister speaks out...
Rania Spooner
Man was 'too interested' in missing girl: sister
Rania Spooner
Amanda Smith, Sarah McMcMahon's sister
outside Western Australia's Coroner's Court.
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she was last seen in November, 2000.
Sunday Times article with Sarah McMahon's younger sister Kate asking for her sister Sarah to just come home..
The sister of a Perth girl who vanished more than ten years ago after developing a friendship with an older man who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute has told the inquest into her sister's suspected death she always found the man "creepy".
Sarah Anne McMahon was 20 years old when she disappeared on October 8, 2000.
The last phone call Ms McMahon answered was from Donald Morey, then 45, who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute in 2003.
Counsel assisting the coroner at the inquest into the suspected death of Ms McMahon told the court Morey's attempt to strangle the woman to death came days after a fellow sex worker from the same Highgate strip had gone missing.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence to the Coroner's Court on Monday said Morey met her sister at her house a couple of years before her disappearance.
When Ms Smith returned from living in regional Western Australia after a period of months she discovered "Don" and her sister were speaking on the phone "all the time", something that worried her, she said
"He was very interested in her – too interested," Ms Smith said.
"He was always trying to charm her."
Ms Smith said she found Morey "creepy".
Morey has never been ruled out as a suspect in the suspected death of Ms McMahon, Detective Darryl Cox told the Coroner's Court.
A special police unit that manages WA's cold cases reopened the case of Ms McMahon's disappearance last year and reinterviewed several witnesses.
One witness – a prostitute whose name has been protected – changed her original statement to make shocking claims that she saw the naked body of a woman she believed to be Ms McMahon in Morey's bedroom with a robe looped around her neck, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart told the inquest in his opening submissions.
The inquest is expected to hear the woman claimed she helped clean up the house after something wrapped in a quilt was removed from the bedroom.
The woman told police she wanted to "tell the whole truth" about what happened to Ms McMahon last year because she believed she was suffering from a terminal illness, Mr Urquhart told the inquest.
Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich,Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #6
Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich crabstick said:10-28-2016
There is enough reports to suggest he is ex army. Im not sure how old he is. Yes, there is a few guys around that use the Im ex SAS as a shield when they fear someone might give them a clobber. He might have been a mechanic? selling $10,000 bundles
of amphetamine is organised crime connections. ' the was selling Sarah McMahon $10000 blocks of amphetamine,
its not like he wouldn't have the cash for access to new vehicles, and cut and shut rebuild vehicles he could set up himself.
Built fake taxis even. Because a fake taxi didn't have to buy a taxi plate, fake taxis were a cash cow.
If Morey is SAS or ex-military, he may have been trained in all the above.
Mechanic being one of the core subjects for SAS. (SAS barracks are a stones throw from Stirling road, Claremont.)
Being SAS with a station wagon set up with a LSD diff, Morey could have driven any the back dirt tracks off the main roads up
and down to the dump points with an element of ease. Police have said, it is someone who polishes their car a lot, with care to detail.
Career Criminal and self confessed SAS killer of many people, Donald Morey ..
and has admitted he was the last person to see or talk to
26-07-2016 Ausgirl Enough Is Enough!
A cold case review of both investigations was launched last year and Morey said he was still in contact with Ms McMahon, who he claimed was living in Canada with her two children.
Coroner Alastair Hope said on Thursday that because Ms McMahon had not contacted her loved ones in more than 12 years, he was confident she was dead.
"The circumstances in which Ms McMahon disappeared are sinister and I have confidently been able to exclude the possibility that she died by way of natural causes, accident or suicide,'' he said.
If Morey (the murderer who was last seen with her) was in contact with Sarah all these years -- can't he provide proof she is alive? Like .. an address? Phone number? Something? And why would she speak him and him alone and not her family - for 12 years?
How is this Morey guy NOT charged with something in this case? Thank goodness he's inside, anyhow, and not roaming free.
The woman decided to "tell the complete truth," about what she knew of events on November 8, 2000, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart said in his opening address on Monday.
In her most recent statement to police, the woman claims she was called to a house where Morey was living and was told "he's killed her," by the man who owned the house, the court heard.
"She says that when she walked into Mr Morey's bedroom she saw a naked girl on the bed and that she had a piece of robe about 1 cm think looped twice around her neck," Mr Urquhart said.
Philip Urquhart said the inquest is also expected to hear evidence from several witnesses about a bag Morey carried with him containing a reel of silver gaffer tape, rope, two knives and explicit pornographic material.
Morey claimed he never saw Ms McMahon the day she vanished, but had helped her formulate a plan to flee the country illegally.
"She's overseas, she's alive and she has two children," he said.
"I have been in contact with Sarah basically ever since."
If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it.
But he refused to say where Ms McMahon was living, claiming he was protecting her and her children from danger by not revealing her whereabouts.
Morey would also not say how he has been communicating with Ms McMahon after he was imprisoned in 2005, for fear of being "locked up in maximum security indefinitely".
"Do not put her life in danger," he told Mr Urquhart when questioned about where Ms McMahon was and how she left the country.
Morey also maintained his innocence in relation to the attempted murder conviction, which he suggested he'd been set up for because of Ms McMahon's "disappearance".
"It was Sarah's decision to leave - not mine," he said.
Sarah's family have not heard from her in 12 years.
Morey met Ms McMahon at her older sister's house months before she disappeared and maintained there was never a sexual relationship between the pair.
"She could confide in me," he said. "We just talked".
Ms McMahon had intended to call her mother before she left, but had lost her phone, Morey told the inquest.
He said he was unable to contact her for more than a month after she left but sent her text messages and repeatedly tried to call.
"All I can tell you is I sent a hell of a lot of text messages," he said.
But Mr Urquhart told the Coroner there were no records of Morey trying to contact Ms McMahon by phone after November 8, 2000.
Morey then refused to answer any further questions and accused Mr Urquhart of "winding" him up when he had a "crook heart".
"Mr Morey it seems to me you just don't want to answer the hard questions," Mr Urquhart said.
Morey requested a medic and was taken back into lockup.
"If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it," he said.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence earlier in the week described Morey as "creepy" and "too interested" in her younger sister.
The inquest has also heard evidence of a black bag found in Morey's bedroom after Ms McMahon's disappearance, which according to three witnesses contained gaffer tape, rope, knives and graphic pornographic magazines which involved fake corpses in compromising positions.
Morey accepted he had a black bag he used to carry his lunch in for work, but rejected ever buying the pornographic material.
A serious question that needs to be answered by Karl O'Callaghan, the Western Australian Commissioner of Police is:
Why did it take over a week for the Western Australian Police for come and collect a bag belonging to career criminal and convicted attempted murderer Donald Morey which the two owners of the house in Marangaroo, Mr and Mrs Gareth Allen who were the bosses of Donald Morey say contained a real of silver, gaffer tape, two knives and explicit pornograpghic material of what looked like dead women in sexual positions...
which is similar to the items that Western Australia Police officer Con Bayers, who was the former head of the prostitution taskforce said he found in Donald Morey's Commodore Holden car boot driving through Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia, that looked liked and unmarked police car
Coroner says missing woman Sarah McMahon was murder victim
http://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/coroner-says-missing-woman-sarah-mcmahon-was-murder-victim/news-story/d64ef5cdd62f86daf5f6034797190448 JANUARY 18, 2013
Angie Raphael AAP
THE West Australian coroner has found that a 20-year-old woman missing for more than 12 years was a victim of a homicide, but has refused to rule on whether a suspect in the case was involved in the crime.
Sarah Anne McMahon disappeared on November 8, 2000 after telling a colleague she was meeting a friend at 5.30pm and then failing to pick up her sister at 8.30pm that evening.
Donald Victor Morey, 57, has long been considered a suspect in her disappearance and was the last person to speak to Ms McMahon before she disappeared.
After the initial police investigation drew a blank, a further investigation was launched after Morey was convicted of the attempted murder of a Perth prostitute in 2004 and sentenced to 13 years in prison.
He had also been a person of interest in the death of another prostitute the previous year.
However, police were again unable to substantiate enough evidence against Morey, who has consistently denied any involvement in Ms McMahon's disappearance.
A cold case review of both investigations was launched last year and Morey said he was still in contact with Ms McMahon, who he claimed was living in Canada with her two children.
Coroner Alastair Hope said on Thursday that because Ms McMahon had not contacted her loved ones in more than 12 years, he was confident she was dead.
"The circumstances in which Ms McMahon disappeared are sinister and I have confidently been able to exclude the possibility that she died by way of natural causes, accident or suicide,'' he said.
"In my view, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the proposition that she died by way of unlawful homicide.''
Mr Hope said there was no evidence that Ms McMahon left the country and there were no records held in Medicare, Centrelink, the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or her bank that would suggest that she was alive in Australia after that time.
A key piece of evidence examined at the inquest was a statement from Natasha Tracy-Ann Kendrick, dated November 11, 2011.
In her statement, Ms Kendrick said she walked into Morey's room and saw a bloodied naked girl on the bed with an "old fashioned rope'' around her neck.
Ms Kendrick claimed that she later saw Morey carrying ``something wrapped in a quilt over his left shoulder'' and said she knew it was McMahon's body.
However, Mr Hope noted that police were unable to find evidence to corroborate her account.
He said there was also evidence capable of supporting a conclusion that Morey lied to police about his movements on November 8, 2000 and falsified documents to support those lies.
"It is always possible that some further evidence may come to light which could result in criminal charges being laid at some later date,'' he said.
"In that context, I do not propose to make any finding in relation to Mr Morey's involvement.''
Originally published as
Missing woman 'a murder victim'
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she was last seen in November, 2000.
A convicted prisoner told an inquest into the disappearance of Perth woman Sarah McMahon more than a decade ago she's still alive and living overseas with two children.
The last confirmed sighting of Ms McMahon, then 20 years old, was on November 8, 2000.
She was seen driving away from her Claremont workplace while talking on the telephone, the inquest into her suspected death heard in Perth this week.
Before leaving work she had mentioned she was going to "see a bloke" in the Bassendean area that afternoon, the Coroner's Court heard.
The last person she took a call from was Donald Morey, a man 25 years her senior, who has since been convicted of trying to strangle a prostitute to death in 2003.
Currently serving 13 years' jail for the attempted murder, Morey, now 57 and in poor health due to a heart condition, appeared at the Perth inquest into Ms McMahon's suspected death on Friday.
According to a work log he kept for his job with a trucking company at the time, Morey had been cleaning and refuelling trucks at his workplace when Ms McMahon "disappeared".
But Counsel Assisting the Coroner Philip Urquhart accused Morey of fabricating the entry.
Mr Urquhart said there was no record of him using his fuel card, while phone tower records placed his mobile near the Bassendean area that afternoon.
Morey claimed he never saw Ms McMahon the day she vanished, but had helped her formulate a plan to flee the country illegally.
"She's overseas, she's alive and she has two children," he said.
"I have been in contact with Sarah basically ever since."
If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it.
But he refused to say where Ms McMahon was living, claiming he was protecting her and her children from danger by not revealing her whereabouts.
Morey would also not say how he has been communicating with Ms McMahon after he was imprisoned in 2005, for fear of being "locked up in maximum security indefinitely".
"Do not put her life in danger," he told Mr Urquhart when questioned about where Ms McMahon was and how she left the country.
Morey also maintained his innocence in relation to the attempted murder conviction, which he suggested he'd been set up for because of Ms McMahon's "disappearance".
"It was Sarah's decision to leave - not mine," he said.
Sarah's family have not heard from her in 12 years.
Morey met Ms McMahon at her older sister's house months before she disappeared and maintained there was never a sexual relationship between the pair.
"She could confide in me," he said. "We just talked".
Ms McMahon had intended to call her mother before she left, but had lost her phone, Morey told the inquest.
He said he was unable to contact her for more than a month after she left but sent her text messages and repeatedly tried to call.
"All I can tell you is I sent a hell of a lot of text messages," he said.
But Mr Urquhart told the Coroner there were no records of Morey trying to contact Ms McMahon by phone after November 8, 2000.
Morey then refused to answer any further questions and accused Mr Urquhart of "winding" him up when he had a "crook heart".
"Mr Morey it seems to me you just don't want to answer the hard questions," Mr Urquhart said.
Morey requested a medic and was taken back into lockup.
"If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it," he said.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence earlier in the week described Morey as "creepy" and "too interested" in her younger sister.
The inquest has also heard evidence of a black bag found in Morey's bedroom after Ms McMahon's disappearance, which according to three witnesses contained gaffer tape, rope, knives and graphic pornographic magazines which involved fake corpses in compromising positions.
Morey accepted he had a black bag he used to carry his lunch in for work, but rejected ever buying the pornographic material.
"Common sense tells you I'm not into that sort of garbage for starters," he said.
"Man, if I'm supposed to be this mad serial killer running around, why would I be carrying this bag around with me."
The state coroner Alastair Hope will hand down his findings on January 17. It is not known whether they would involve recommendations to the DPP.
Please click her for Important Vital clues missed in hunt for Claremont Serial Killer/s
West Australian Newspaper
With Important Vital clues missed in hunt for Claremont Serial Killer/s
Witness to Donald Morey murder of Sarah Mcmahon Natasha Tracey-Ann Kendrick leaves court.
In the statement Ms Kendrick, she had claimed she helped clean up Mr Allen's house after seeing a woman's body in Morey's room the night of Ms McMahon's disappearance.
The special crime squad of the WA Police force, tasked with investigating unsolved cases, finally appeared to have unearthed new information in November 2011.A former prostitute,Natasha Tracey-Ann Kendrick, now 50, who had already been interviewed twice over the disappearance, Natasha Tracey-Ann Kendrick, now 50, allegedly told police she had been called to a friend's house the night Ms McMahon disappeared in November 2000 and saw the body of a woman she believed was Ms McMahon.
The pair had met some weeks earlier at the same house where her friend - the homeowner - had taken on a lodger who would later be convicted of attempted murder over an unrelated case, the Coroner's Court heard Ms McMahon who lived with her family in Parkerville in Perth's Hills, was last seen leaving her Claremont workplace on November 8, 2000.
Sarah McMahon had enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts at Murdoch University that year but by September had suspended her studies as she battled with depression and drug use, her sister Amanda Smith told the inquest.
She was also dealing with a difficult break-up, according to her sister.
Through the church where her parents were long-standing members Ms McMahon had secured a part-time job working in administration - she disappeared after finishing her second shift.
As Sarah McMahon drove away from work, the last phone call Ms McMahon ever answered was from Donald Morey - a man 25 years older her senior who has since been convicted of attempting to strangle a prostitute to death, the inquest heard.
At the time, Morey was living with his boss Gareth Allen in Marangaroo - although he had a home in Chidlow he shared with this de facto partner on the weekends, the Coroner's Court heard.
In the statement Ms Kendrick, she had claimed she helped clean up Mr Allen's house after seeing a woman's body in Morey's room the night of Ms McMahon's disappearance.
The last phone call Ms McMahon answered was from Donald Morey, then 45, who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute in 2003.
Counsel assisting the coroner at the inquest into the suspected death of Ms McMahon told the court Morey's attempt to strangle the woman to death came days after a fellow sex worker from the same Highgate strip had gone missing.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence to the Coroner's Court on Monday said Morey met her sister at her house a couple of years before her disappearance.
When Ms Smith returned from living in regional Western Australia after a period of months she discovered "Don" and her sister were speaking on the phone "all the time", something that worried her, she said
"He was very interested in her – too interested," Ms Smith said.
"He was always trying to charm her."
Ms Smith said she found Morey "creepy".
Morey has never been ruled out as a suspect in the suspected death of Ms McMahon, Detective Darryl Cox told the Coroner's Court.
A special police unit that manages WA's cold cases reopened the case of Ms McMahon's disappearance last year and reinterviewed several witnesses.
One witness – a prostitute whose name has been protected –made shocking claims that she saw the naked body of a woman she believed to be Ms McMahon in Morey's bedroom with a robe looped around her neck, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart told the inquest in his opening submissions.
The inquest is expected to hear the woman claimed she helped clean up the house after something wrapped in a quilt was removed from the bedroom.
The woman told police she wanted to "tell the whole truth" about what happened to Ms McMahon last year because she believed she was suffering from a terminal illness, Mr Urquhart told the inquest.
CHRISTIANA JONES rthe West Australian Newspaper - Tuesday, 11 December 2012
McMahon suspect Donald Morey 'said he had killed before'
A man once suspected by police of being involved in the disappearance of Sarah McMahon told a friend he had killed before and offered to do the same again, an inquest has been told.
Marta Allen gave evidence at a coronial investigation into the disappearance of Sarah McMahon, 20, who was last seen leaving her Claremont workplace on November 8, 2000.
The inquest has heard that police carried out two investigations and a case review over the last 12 years, one of which had focussed on the possible involvement of career criminal Donald Victor Morey - a man 25 years older than the missing woman who formed a close friendship with her and allegedly supplied her with drugs.
The investigations had raised suspicions of his involvement but no evidence that could substantiate a charge, the inquest heard, with police hoping an inquest would yield further information.
Today, Ms Allen described Morey as a "strange man" and said she had immediately wondered if he was linked to Ms McMahon's disappearance when she saw the young woman's image in missing persons reports.
"I thought then and there I wonder if Don had something to do with her disappearance," she said.
Morey - who had worked for her husband and is now in jail after being convicted in 2005 of an attempted murder of a sex worker - has denied any involvement in Ms McMahon's suspected death and is expected to give evidence in the inquest.
Ms Allen said Morey, who had lived with her husband during parts of the week in 2000, had claimed he had killed people and once asked if she was scared of him.
"He told me that he was in the SAS... that's where he was taught to kill people," she said. "He told me that he has killed before."
Ms Allen said Morey made an effort to charm women and had once offered to kill her husband Gareth Allen after eavesdropping on an argument while living at Mr Allen's home.
"He was not joking, he was deadly serious," she said.
Ms Allen said she had once been in a vehicle with Morey when he left her "petrified" and "shocked" after saying to her: "It's just you and me now, are you scared?"
She also described her shocked husband showing her a bag found in Morey's room that had contained ropes, knives, gaffer tape and pornography including images of bound and gagged naked women who "looked dead".
Ms Allen said she called the police but that Morey's partner had collected the bag before they arrived.
Ms Allen also described seeing Morey once cleaning the floor of his truck out with hot water.
"This would have been just after (Ms McMahon) appeared on TV," she said.
The inquest has heard that a person known as "witness A" told police they had been called by a frantic Mr Allen to the home he shared with Morey and was shown Miss McMahon's naked body in Morey's bedroom.
The witness claimed that Ms Allen had helped clean the home afterwards but today Ms Allen vehemently denied the claim and labelled the allegation a fabrication.
The inquest continues
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she was last seen in November, 2000.
A convicted prisoner told an inquest into the disappearance of Perth woman Sarah McMahon more than a decade ago she's still alive and living overseas with two children.
The last confirmed sighting of Ms McMahon, then 20 years old, was on November 8, 2000.
She was seen driving away from her Claremont workplace while talking on the telephone, the inquest into her suspected death heard in Perth this week.
Before leaving work she had mentioned she was going to "see a bloke" in the Bassendean area that afternoon, the Coroner's Court heard.
The last person she took a call from was Donald Morey, a man 25 years her senior, who has since been convicted of trying to strangle a prostitute to death in 2003.
Currently serving 13 years' jail for the attempted murder, Morey, now 57 and in poor health due to a heart condition, appeared at the Perth inquest into Ms McMahon's suspected death on Friday.
According to a work log he kept for his job with a trucking company at the time, Morey had been cleaning and refuelling trucks at his workplace when Ms McMahon "disappeared".
But Counsel Assisting the Coroner Philip Urquhart accused Morey of fabricating the entry.
Mr Urquhart said there was no record of him using his fuel card, while phone tower records placed his mobile near the Bassendean area that afternoon.
Morey claimed he never saw Ms McMahon the day she vanished, but had helped her formulate a plan to flee the country illegally.
"She's overseas, she's alive and she has two children," he said.
"I have been in contact with Sarah basically ever since."
If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it.
But he refused to say where Ms McMahon was living, claiming he was protecting her and her children from danger by not revealing her whereabouts.
Morey would also not say how he has been communicating with Ms McMahon after he was imprisoned in 2005, for fear of being "locked up in maximum security indefinitely".
"Do not put her life in danger," he told Mr Urquhart when questioned about where Ms McMahon was and how she left the country.
Morey also maintained his innocence in relation to the attempted murder conviction, which he suggested he'd been set up for because of Ms McMahon's "disappearance".
"It was Sarah's decision to leave - not mine," he said.
Sarah's family have not heard from her in 12 years.
Morey met Ms McMahon at her older sister's house months before she disappeared and maintained there was never a sexual relationship between the pair.
"She could confide in me," he said. "We just talked".
Ms McMahon had intended to call her mother before she left, but had lost her phone, Morey told the inquest.
He said he was unable to contact her for more than a month after she left but sent her text messages and repeatedly tried to call.
"All I can tell you is I sent a hell of a lot of text messages," he said.
But Mr Urquhart told the Coroner there were no records of Morey trying to contact Ms McMahon by phone after November 8, 2000.
Morey then refused to answer any further questions and accused Mr Urquhart of "winding" him up when he had a "crook heart".
"Mr Morey it seems to me you just don't want to answer the hard questions," Mr Urquhart said.
Morey requested a medic and was taken back into lockup.
"If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it," he said.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence earlier in the week described Morey as "creepy" and "too interested" in her younger sister.
The inquest has also heard evidence of a black bag found in Morey's bedroom after Ms McMahon's disappearance, which according to three witnesses contained gaffer tape, rope, knives and graphic pornographic magazines which involved fake corpses in compromising positions.
Morey accepted he had a black bag he used to carry his lunch in for work, but rejected ever buying the pornographic material.
"Common sense tells you I'm not into that sort of garbage for starters," he said.
"Man, if I'm supposed to be this mad serial killer running around, why would I be carrying this bag around with me."
The state coroner Alastair Hope will hand down his findings on January 17. It is not known whether they would involve recommendations to the DPP.
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she was last seen in November, 2000.
A prostitute who believed she was dying of a terminal illness has made new claims about what happened to Perth woman Sarah McMahon who disappeared from Claremont more than a decade ago, a Coronial Court has been told.
Ms McMahon was only 20-years-old when she was last seen driving away from her Claremont workplace while speaking on the phone on November 8, 2000.
Sarah McMahon'scar was found two weeks later at the Swan District Hospital.
Sarah McMahon was never heard from again.
The last phone call Ms McMahon answered was from a man who has since been convicted of trying to strangle a prostitute to death, Donald Morey, the Coroner's Court of WA heard on Monday.
Ms McMahon was reported missing by her parents the following day after failing to pick her younger sister up from church on November 8.
The inquest into Ms McMahon's disappearance was told it is expected to hear how she was friends with Morey - who was 45-years-old at the time.
Although there was a 25-year age difference between the pair, the court was told witnesses were expected to claim Morey had strong feelings for the young woman.
Despite three extensive police investigations conducted in the years following her disappearance Ms McMahon's fate has remained a mystery and her body has never been discovered.
But a coronial inquest was launched in Perth this week after her case was reopened by cold case detectives who have reinterviewed several key witnesses.
One witness, whose identity has been suppressed, changed her statement in November 2011 believing she was suffering from a terminal illness, the Coroner's Court heard.
The woman decided to "tell the complete truth," about what she knew of events on November 8, 2000, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart said in his opening address on Monday.
In her most recent statement to police, the woman claims she was called to a house where Donald Morey was living and was told "he's killed her," by the man who owned the house, the court heard.
"She says that when she walked into Mr Morey's bedroom she saw a naked girl on the bed and that she had a piece of robe about 1 cm think looped twice around her neck," Mr Urquhart said.
Philip Urquhart said the inquest is also expected to hear evidence from several witnesses about a bag Donald Morey carried with him containing a reel of silver gaffer tape, rope, two knives and explicit pornographic material.
Donald Morey has consistently denied any involvement in Ms McMahon's disappearance.
He is currently serving a 13-year term of imprisonment for the attempted strangulation murder of a female sex worker in December 2003.
The court also heard that less than nine months prior to the attack a friend and fellow sex worker of the woman disappeared from the same Highgate area where Donald Morey's victim was picked up from.
The inquest continues.
Sarah Anne McMahon 20 holds little sister Kate, then 13, in 1999 before Sarah went missing.
Perth woman Sarah McMahon has been missing for 15 years
FIFTEEN years ago Sarah McMahon, then 20, who was by all accounts happy and healthy, left her workplace to meet someone in Bassendean and was never seen again.
An inquest into her disappearance on November 8, 2000 found she had fallen victim to a homicide.
Despite two police investigations, a special crime squad review of the case file in 2011 and a 2012 inquest, her killer has not been held to account and her body has not been found.
As far as her younger sister Kate is concerned, time does not heal all wounds.
“It never gets any easier and time does not heal or lessen the heartache that we have,” Kate McMahon told The Sunday Times.
“This time of year, coming up to Christmas, is especially hard for us, as a precious member of our family won’t be joining us for the 15th year.”
Kate McMahon’s message to those who hold vital information about what happened to her big sister is simple.
“If anyone has any information regarding Sarah’s disappearance, please don’t let us go on for a 16th year without knowing what happened to our Sarah,” she said.
What exactly happened to Sarah McMahon on the day she disappeared remains a mystery.
The only thing found belonging to her in the days after she vanished was her phone and car. Twelve days after she went missing, her Ford meteor sedan was found at Swan District Hospital.
Her mobile phone was later found on the Great Northern Highway, near the hospital.
The State Coroner who oversaw the inquest into her suspected death was Alistair Hope.
“The circumstances in which Ms McMahon disappeared are sinister and I have confidently been able to exclude the possibility that she died by way of natural causes,” Mr Hope said in his findings.
“In my view, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the proposition that she died by way of unlawful homicide.”
Shortly before her disappearance, Sarah McMahon began working part time at an irrigation company in Claremont.
She was last seen leaving the business about 5.15pm on November 8.
Her colleagues at the time remember her saying she had to be somewhere about 5.30pm. They believed she was heading to the Bassendean area.
Mobile telephone data, revealed at the inquest, found Sarah McMahon received four calls on her mobile on the day she went missing.
coverage of Sarah’s disappearance in The Sunday Times in December, 2000.
The Sunday Times December 10, 2000 edition featured Sarah's disappearance on the front page.
One was from a friend, another was from her sister and two were from a man called Donald Victor Morey.
He has been interviewed by police on several occasions and was among those to give evidence at the inquest.
In 2005, he was convicted of the attempted murder of a sex worker and jailed for 13 years.
Morey, now aged 60, has always denied involvement in Sarah McMahon’s disappearance.
During the inquest, he claimed she was alive.
In interviews with police he has claimed she has two children.
But during the inquest, he also admitted most of the information he’d given police was “mumbo jumbo.”
“Quite a lot of things that I said to the police were obviously mumbo jumbo. But as far as Sarah being alive, she is alive,” Mr Morey said at the inquest.
Mr Hope did not make any adverse finding in relation to Morey’s involvement in the case.
“In this case, the evidence is complex and there are many credibility issues which would need to be resolved in making any such determination,” he said.
The special crime squad said this week it was still keen to hear from anyone who had new information about Sarah McMahon’s disappearance.
Detective Senior Sergeant Rohan Ingles said: “This matter remains under investigation at the special crime squad and anyone with any information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers.”
The Crime Stoppers number is 1800 333 000.
Callers can remain anonymous.
Western Australia’s opposition leader, Mark McGowan, with Labor’s candidate for the seat of Morley,
Amber-Jade Sanderson, campaigning in Perth on Thursday. Photograph: Rebecca Le May/AAP
Liberal Insider speaks out about death threat letters sent to Western
Australian Liberal Party candidates being organised for politcal
purposes by high up people in the Western Australian Liberal Party and
backing the Liberal Party:
It is understood for information provided by the nyt.bz
investigation team, that a Western Australian Liberal Political insider
has broken ranks and stated that it was people high up in the Western
Australian Liberal Party and their powerful international mining,
property, building, business and development backers that were the ones
that organised to have death threat letters sent to themselves for the
purpose of winning public support and sympathy for a Western
Australian election that all the polls say that Colin Barnett's Western
Australian Liberal Party is about to lose on Saturday the 11th of
March, 2017 .....
".. Colin Barnett, the Western Australian
Liberal Party and their big international mining, property and
investment company backers are desperate to win this Western Australian
State Election at ant cost and at any price ...."..say the Liberal Party
Insider ..... ".... they are even very concerned about an new Attorney
General ordering criminal investigations into their actions and links to
criminal networks and the possibilty of criminal charges laid again
them ... they are extremely scared of what a new government may find on
the old Government files over the last 8 years ..."
Also it has been stated that ... " they want to use the letters to clog
up Google searches on the Western Australian State Election which will
mainly come up with stories from media in Australian and around the
with headlines such as
'Death Threats Made To Liberal Party Candidates and their families'....,
... they are also
using the death threat letters as an excuse for the current premier
Colin Barnett to make last minute public statements about the Western
Australian State Election due to be held on the 11th arch, 2017..."....
"... the death threat letters were sent
deliberately to arrive on the 8th of 9th of March, 2017 ..... just when
the close of adds that are allowed in newspapers advertising one
political party of another .....
came into force on Wednesday the 8th of March, 2017 ...
to gain more publicity for Colin Barnett and his Western Australian
Liberal Party .... after the close of ads for the election ...
..... they worked out that the best time to have these death threat
letters to arrive at the Liberal Party members's homes was the 8th to
9th of March, 2017 ....
.....which was a way of obtaining free media exposure in all the Western
Australian Newspapers and Television networks, and the ABC etc......
.... for Colin Barnett's Western Australian Liberal Party ...
...... at a time that Mark McGowan's Western Australian Labor Party were not allowed to place any more adds in any of the Western Australian Newspapers and Television networks, and the ABC etc..."
.. the Liberal Party insider stated...
The threatening letter was sent to MPs' home addresses.
At least six West Australian Liberal MPs
including Peter Katsambanis have been sent death threats
ahead of Saturday's state election.
The ABC understands letters were sent to the home addresses of at least six Liberal candidates, including a former minister.
The author accuses the recipients of "stuffing up their life and business" and directly threatens "women and children".
One of the recipients is Upper House MP and candidate for the seat of Hillarys Peter Katsambanis.
"It's disconcerting for me, it's disconcerting for my family," Mr Katsambanis said.
"When people make direct threats to people's homes about their family, this is no longer fair game in politics.
"This is despicable behaviour."
Mr Katsambanis reported the matter to police and provided them with the letter.
He said the election campaign had been particularly nasty.
"This is just one more.
"It's clearly designed to take my attention away in the last few days of the campaign, but it's not going to work."
It is understood the police dignitary protection unit has been notified.
WA Police confirmed they were investigating the letters.
"At this time I can't provide details of what was written in the letters and the investigation is ongoing," a spokesman said.
Some MPs involved have raised concerns their home addresses were accessed after being published in The West Australian newspaper as part of an election notice by the WA Electoral Commission.
Mr Katsambanis said publishing home addresses was not appropriate.
"Given the unstable global environment we live in, the act needs to be changed as soon as possible after the election," he said.
"Suburb details should be enough in this day and age."
The commission said it was required by law.
"Under the Electoral Act the Commission is required to publish candidate nomination details, which include the address that each candidate provides on their nomination form," a spokesperson said.
"However, there is provision for anyone to enrol as silent elector.
"In such cases a candidate's address details would not be published."
Nick Butterly and Gary Adshead
Thursday, 9 March 2017 10:57PM
Colin Barnett has asked the public for help to find the author of threatening letters to Liberal candidates.
It is noted that when
Colin Barnett and his police Commissioner asked for the public's help in
helping the catch the Claremonth Serial Killers,
unfortunately Colin Barnett and the Macro Task Force, a part of the
Western Australian Police Service put in sole charge of the Claremeont
Seral abduction and murder investigations .... refused to take much
notice of the information that the public and even other members of
their police force ... that would have helped find thos einvolved in the
the Claremont Serial Murders and the other abductions and murders of
over 30 other girls and women and boys and men in Perth and Western
Australian over the last 40 odd years...so it may be best that Colin
Barnett and his Liberal Government ask the Western Australian and the
Australian Federal Police to help them find not only those involved in
writing and sending these death threat letters to Western Australian
Liberal Party candidates .. but also ask the Australian Federal Police
to help solve the over 30 murders and abductions on girls, boys, women
and men in Perth and Western Australia in the last 40 odd years .....
and had a copy of all the Western Australian Police files and
information collected in relation to the Claremont Serial Abductions and
Murders as well as their files on all the other unsolved abductions and
murders in Perth and Western Australian in the last 40 off years since
the 1960's onwards ....
Colin Barnett has asked the public for help to find the author of threatening letters to Liberal candidates.Picture: The West Australian
The Barnett Government has called on the public to help find the person behind death threats to a number of WA politicians, including the Premier.
Colin Barnett made his last pitch to voters this morning, but only after explaining why he was holding a media conference inside the secure confines of the Government’s headquarters in West Perth.
"There have been some threats made to members of Parliament and to their spouses and to their children so it was necessary to have a little more security around," Mr Barnett said.
"It’s been an ugly and nasty end to this campaign. To issue death threats is a serious matter and the police and Government are treating this in a most serious way.
The anonymous letter accused Liberal MPs of ruining his business and warned of consequences.
Mr Barnett says there were attempts to blockade his home this morning and other protests that he and his colleagues found threatening.
Deputy Liberal Party leader and Police Minister Liza Harvey said she had also received a threatening note at her home address.
"I am pleading to anyone in the community who might have information about who this individual might be to contact police or have the individual contact their health professional," she said.
are working on this. It’s a very unnerving thing to receive,
particularly for people like me on my own with two kids, it’s very
disturbing for my children.
If you know who this might be contact Crimestoppers 1800 333000.
The Premier used his last media conference to trash Labor and its costings, which were released yesterday.....
Note: "...That this was one of the main purposes of the Western
Australian Liberal Party organising to send threatening letters to
themselves..." .. says Liberal Party Insider...
Claremont Perth Serial Killer Unsolved Murders 1997
Western Australian Police Commissioner Robert Falconer talks about the Claremont Perth Serial Killings
Published on May 27, 2016
In 1996/1997 a serial killer was stalking young women in Perth, Western Australia. Sarah Spiers, 18, was the first known victim. Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon disappeared from the same nightclub district in Claremont soon after, their bodies discovered sometime later. Sarah Spiers has never been found & the serial killer remains at large, the murders unsolved......
ghtmare begins for third family
Grant Taylor
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Claremont serial killer victim Jane Rimmer
This story was first published in January 2016, 20 years after Sarah Spiers went missing from Claremont.
It was the phone call former homicide squad boss Insp. Paul Ferguson had been dreading, but also expecting.
With two unsolved murders already on his plate, his quiet Saturday afternoon would be shattered by the news that the Claremont serial killer had struck again.
“It was the worst possible thing, the worst possible thing ... you can’t help but feel guilty, ” Mr Ferguson, now retired, said.
“I knew we (investigators) had done everything possible. But we had been unable to prevent it from happening again.”
“I knew we had done everything possible” … Former Macro boss Paul Ferguson
Police tonight were refusing to confirm reports the search was linked to the Macro investigation into the Claremont serial killings.
Like the first two victims, lawyer Ciara Glennon was young, blonde, smart and attractive.
The similarities between all three were overwhelming and police would finally be forced to say the words that until then they had not dared to say in public.
“I think it’s fair to say that we certainly have fears that there is a serial killer at loose in Perth, ” State crime commander Bob Ibbotson told a press conference two days after Ciara vanished.
Steve Penn photo montage of Jane Rimmer, Sarah Spiers and Ciara Glennon - Claremont Seral killings.
Continental Hotel Bay View Terrace, Claremont, Western Australia
After an extended holiday in Ireland, the 27-year-old had only recently returned to Perth to attend her sister Denise’s wedding.
On Friday, March 14, 1997, she had been having drinks at the Continental Hotel with colleagues from the law firm where she had worked before going overseas.
It was about midnight when Ciara told them she was tired, before setting off to presumably catch a taxi back to her parents’ house in nearby Mosman Park.
Her mother had warned her daughter when she had returned from Ireland about the two earlier disappearances from Claremont.
But streetwise Ciara did not think twice about walking off alone down Bay View Terrace towards Stirling Highway.
Inspector Paul Ferguson ex macro taskforce boss, spoke to The West Australian on the 20th anniversary of Sarah Spiers' disappearance. Picture: Ian Munro/The West Australian.
A group of young men who had been sitting at a bus stop on the highway told police they had seen her walking south, looking for a lift.
The men went back to talking among themselves and a short time later one noticed that Ciara was now much further down the road, leaning in through the passenger side window of a light-coloured car that had pulled up alongside her.
When the men looked again a few moments later, she and the car were gone.
The nightmare was about to begin for a third Perth family who would soon discover their beloved daughter was missing.
Alarm bells began ringing for Denis and Una Glennon the next morning when their daughter missed a hairdresser’s appointment and then failed to show up at her sister’s hens’ party that was organised for that afternoon.
At 4.30pm, Mr Glennon would telephone police to share his concerns.
Within hours, the Macro task force’s members had been recalled to duty and were beginning the hunt for clues all over again.
Although bitterly disappointed at having failed to prevent another murder, Mr Ferguson said his investigators also understood that a fresh case presented them with fresh investigative opportunities.
A copy photo of Ciara Glennon. Picture: Supplied.
Had the killer finally made a mistake? No expense would be spared to try to find out.
Within days, Richard Court’s government announced a $250,000 reward for information to help catch the killer — the biggest ever offered at that time.
Mr Glennon would also appear before a packed press conference to reveal the depth of his family’s despair.
“Only now do I even begin to understand the terrible trauma that the parents of Jane (Rimmer) and Sarah (Spiers) went through, ” he said.
“No parent who loves their child ... can even begin to comprehend the devastating thing that this is.”
Mr Glennon was also confident that his daughter would be found alive.
But it would not take long before his family’s worst fears were realised.
Almost three weeks after Ciara vanished, a bushwalker stumbled across her body near Pipidinny Road in Eglinton on what was then Perth’s far northern fringes.
Sarah Spiers has never been found
The location of the body made sense to police. Eglinton was north of where the Mitchell Freeway ended.
Jane Rimmer had been dumped near the end of the Kwinana Freeway.
No attempt had been made to bury either of the bodies. Though Jane Rimmer was naked, Ciara was reportedly fully clothed.
The details of how they died have never been released, but police did confirm that the women’s gravesites had given them a valuable insight into the mind of the killer.
The public were keen to do their bit and more than 15,000 calls to the Crime Stoppers hotline were logged in the first month after Ciara disappeared. But still there was no breakthrough.
To help, Mr Glennon appealed to his network of business contacts who dug deep and established a fund to give police additional resources.
The Secure Communities Foundation raised more than $750,000 , which would help pay for international experts to join the investigation as well as funding new technologies.
One of those technologies was lie-detector testing, or polygraphs. More than 50 people of interest would sit those tests, but one man in particular would fail it.
That man was firming as the prime suspect.
Friday March 14, 1997: Ciara Glennon catches up with former work colleagues at Claremont’s Continental Hotel.
Midnight: The 27-year-old lawyer says she is tired and leaves the pub to find a lift home to Mosman Park.
Minutes later a group of young men see her on Stirling Highway talking to someone in a light coloured vehicle.
When they look again, both the vehicle and Ciara were gone.Man (Donald Morey) was 'too interested' in missing girl (Sarah McMahon:
sister speaks out...
Rania Spooner
Man was 'too interested' in missing girl: sister
Rania Spooner
Amanda Smith, Sarah McMcMahon's sister
outside Western Australia's Coroner's Court.
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she was last seen in November, 2000.
Sunday Times article with Sarah McMahon's younger sister Kate asking for her sister Sarah to just come home..
The sister of a Perth girl who vanished more than ten years ago after developing a friendship with an older man who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute has told the inquest into her sister's suspected death she always found the man "creepy".
Sarah Anne McMahon was 20 years old when she disappeared on October 8, 2000.
The last phone call Ms McMahon answered was from Donald Morey, then 45, who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute in 2003.
Counsel assisting the coroner at the inquest into the suspected death of Ms McMahon told the court Morey's attempt to strangle the woman to death came days after a fellow sex worker from the same Highgate strip had gone missing.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence to the Coroner's Court on Monday said Morey met her sister at her house a couple of years before her disappearance.
When Ms Smith returned from living in regional Western Australia after a period of months she discovered "Don" and her sister were speaking on the phone "all the time", something that worried her, she said
"He was very interested in her – too interested," Ms Smith said.
"He was always trying to charm her."
Ms Smith said she found Morey "creepy".
Morey has never been ruled out as a suspect in the suspected death of Ms McMahon, Detective Darryl Cox told the Coroner's Court.
A special police unit that manages WA's cold cases reopened the case of Ms McMahon's disappearance last year and reinterviewed several witnesses.
One witness – a prostitute whose name has been protected – changed her original statement to make shocking claims that she saw the naked body of a woman she believed to be Ms McMahon in Morey's bedroom with a robe looped around her neck, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart told the inquest in his opening submissions.
The inquest is expected to hear the woman claimed she helped clean up the house after something wrapped in a quilt was removed from the bedroom.
The woman told police she wanted to "tell the whole truth" about what happened to Ms McMahon last year because she believed she was suffering from a terminal illness, Mr Urquhart told the inquest.
Heartbroken parents John and Sue Turner say they still hope their daughter’s killer will be caught, more than 25 years after she disappeared off the streets of Perth.
Mr Turner told The Weekend West that despite the passage of time, their heartache over 18-yearold Kerry’s unsolved murder remained.
After last week’s breakthrough in the Claremont serial killings case, Mr Turner said he wanted police to investigate any potential link between his daughter’s death and the murders of Jane Rimmer, Ciara Glennon and the suspected murder of Sarah Spiers.
“While it doesn’t make any difference to the end result, it would be nice to see someone brought to justice and so they can pay some recompense towards the crime that’s been committed,” Mr Turner said.
“I don’t think people realise how much heartache that there is, how people’s lives are destroyed, until it happens to them.”
Mr Turner said he expected the Glennon and Rimmer families would be feeling relief that someone had been charged with their daughters’ murders.
“But the closure wouldn’t come until there’s actually been a conviction,” he said.“There’s not a day gone by when we don’t think about or speak about our kids.”
Ms Turner vanished from Victoria Park on June 30, 1991 after a night out with friends. Her body was found in bush near Canning Dam a month later.
Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon also disappeared after a night out and their bodies found in the bush.
Mr Turner said police had previously told him his daughter had not been a victim of the Claremont serial killer.
“They said it was not linked around that time and I think they have maintained that but I’m not sure,” he said.
Mr Turner said he had not heard from police since Bradley Robert Edwards was charged just over a week ago with the wilful murders of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon, as well as two sex attacks.
He said he hoped police would investigate whether there was a link between Ms Turner’s death and the Claremont deaths and planned to contact them.
“I think with the advances with technology these days, they seem to be able to identify things that they couldn’t previously,” he said.
The childcare worker had been nightclubbing in the city with her best friend but decided to hitchhike alone to her friend’s house after they became separated.
She was last seen getting into a car that had stopped to offer her a lift on Shepperton Road in Victoria Park at about 5am.
A witness claimed Ms Turner had been picked up by someone in a dark blue car, similar to a Datsun 260C, which had spoked wheels.
Kate McMahon was 13 years old when her sister Sarah disappeared after leaving the reticulation shop where she worked in Claremont just after 5pm on November 8, 2000.
Police believe the 20-year-old drove her 1986 white Ford Meteor to the Bassendean area for a prearranged meeting, but never made it home.
Her family found her car in a carpark in Middle Swan days later, but Ms McMahon’s body has never been found.
At a 2012 inquest into her suspected murder, a man who is in jail for another violent crime was questioned at length but denied any involvement in her death.
Ms McMahon said she believed police would see if there was any link between her sister’s death and the Claremont serial killings, but she thought they were unrelated.
“It’s a lose, lose situation,” she said. “This ruins lives.”
Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich
Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich
crabstick said:10-28-2016
There is enough reports to suggest he is ex army. Im not sure how old he is. Yes, there is a few guys around that use the Im ex SAS as a shield when they fear someone might give them a clobber. He might have been a mechanic?
Selling $10000 bundles of amphetamine is organised crime connections.
'If' he was selling Sarah McMahon $10000 blocks of amphetamine, its not like he wouldn't have the cash for access to new vehicles, and cut and shut rebuild vehicles he could set up himself. Built fake taxis even. Because a fake taxi didn't have to buy a taxi plate, fake taxis were a cash cow.
If Morey is SAS or exmilitary, he may have been trained in all the above. Mechanic being one of the core subjects for SAS. (SAS barracks are a stones throw from Stirling road, Claremont.) Being SAS with a stationwagon set up with a LSD diff, Morey could have driven any the back dirt tracks off the main roads up and down to the dump points with an element of ease. Police have said, it is someone who polishes their car a lot, with care to detail.
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
The cops could run names off the ATO database of hospitality staff with white commodore VS1 which was only a year old on the numberplate database. If the vehicle belonged to say, the navy in Dorroughs case. It may have had a navy emblem on the side that instilled an element of integrity that encouraged the girls to get in etc,
Morey had access to a mechanical workshop with potentially a few vehicles. 'If' he was selling Sarah McMahon $10000 blocks of amphetamine, its not like he wouldn't have the cash for access to new vehicles, and cut and shut rebuild vehicles he could set up himself. Built fake taxis even. Because a fake taxi didn't have to buy a taxi plate, fake taxis were a cash cow.
If Morey is SAS or exmilitary, he may have been trained in all the above. Mechanic being one of the core subjects for SAS. (SAS barracks are a stones throw from Stirling road, Claremont.) Being SAS with a stationwagon set up with a LSD diff, Morey could have driven any the back dirt tracks off the main roads up and down to the dump points with an element of ease. Police have said, it is someone who polishes their car a lot, with care to detail.
Rimmers mystery man was wearing a white shirt and black dress pants (by the looks). That is standard work uniform for many occupations, including taxi driver, hospitality staff, limo driver, funeral staff, door man. Did he work for a funeral home driving cemetery vehicles. Turning up at 12 suggests someone who may have knocked off work at any of the venues that were complied to shut at midnight at the time. Printers did do night shifts and earned commensurate money for doing so.
Did all the girls go missing at 12 oclock and later?
Run Commodore VS1 in the number plate database time frame which was only about 1 year old against printing companies. The whole lot could be queried from the database in 4 hours.
The Post also reports that new evidence shows this victim was tied up with washing line, not telephone wire as previously reported, and that the line was "impregnated with material used in screen printing".
The Post Newspaper also reported that detectives are trying to locate former employees of the printing company and wanted to know if printing components had gone missing at the time of the murders and the process involved in printed dyes on fabric.
Detectives contacted the former screen printing and picture framing business owner, Lee Partridge, asking if rope was left in a carpark behind the store, a local newspaper has reported.
According to The Subiaco Post, police believe the killer used a mid-1990s white Holden Commodore VS series 1 to abduct and kill at least two of his victims. They have linked fibres found on Jane Rimmer's body to the upholstery of a car matching that description. The newspaper also reports the killer had some link to screen-printing and had a way of "printing coloured words and patterns on fabric such as T-shirts". After years of apparent inaction on the unsolved case, these are the latest clues to be revealed by the Post, which identified a link between the killer and the rape of a woman in Karrakatta Cemetery in October.
McMahon inquest (Strangled on the bed)
Last edited by crabstick; 10-27-2016 at 05:01 AM.
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
According to her statement Mr Allen told her to come to the address at about 9.30pm on a night which must have been either 8 November 2000 or close to that date. In this account she stated that Mr Allen had said something like, ‘He’s gone and killed her’. She said she walked into Mr Morey’s room and saw naked girl on the bed. She said that there was an ‘old fashioned rope around the girl’s neck. She stated that she later saw the rope on the bedroom floor and it was about a yard long.
She stated that Mr Allen’s right hand was swollen and there were marks on his knuckles. She claimed that he said something like, ‘He had punched her in the head to shut her up but it didn’t’. 6 Later she stated that she cleaned the house. Ms Kendrick claimed that she saw Mr Morey carrying‘something wrapped in a quilt over his left shoulder’ .7 She said she knew it was the girl. Later she saw Mr Allen put the body in the bed of a utility and Mr Morey drove away.
Mr Allen’s wife, claimed that at a time which appears to have been relatively shortly after Ms McMahon’s disappearance, she saw a bag which belonged to Mr Morey and which he regularly had with him. She claimed that inside the bag there were two rolls of dirty grey, used gaffer tape, four lengths of ropes with knots in the ends about two feet in length, two knives, one of which was Mr Allen’s pocket knife, two large rubber bands, one condom in a packet, two pornographic magazines, between five and seven key rings and a map.
She claimed that the porn books contained pictures of men with blood on their genitals and women tied up who appeared to be dead
Last edited by crabstick; 10-27-2016 at 05:57 AM.
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
"He told me that he was in the SAS... that's where he was taught to kill people," she said. "He told me that he has killed before."
Ms Allen said Morey made an effort to charm women and had once offered to kill her husband Gareth Allen after eavesdropping on an argument while living at Mr Allen's home.
Bartholemeus said:10-27-2016
Originally Posted by crabstick
If CSK is dead and police know it.
....then they know who the CSK is.
I can assure you this wouldn't be the case and no one thinks it's the case.
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
Originally Posted by Bartholemeus
....then they know who the CSK is.
I can assure you this wouldn't be the case and no one thinks it's the case.
Thats a big if.
What it appears, is 10 greens bottles standing on a wall and when one green bottle is left standing on the wall.
If they were still doing rolling DNA testing last year. They have tested a lot of people. They had cameras in the area. They must be finding everyone in the area and DNA testing until they get their guy.
I hope police run a TFN query on all hospitality staff in the immediate and wider venues through the ATO database. The ATO database is so powerful now, its a 100 fold faster than 20 years ago.
When you look at how transient Dorrough was, he or she could be anywhere
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
The cops could run names off the ATO database of hospitality staff with white commodore VS1 which was only a year old on the numberplate database. If the vehicle belonged to say, the navy in Dorroughs case. It may have had a navy emblem on the side that instilled an element of integrity that encouraged the girls to get in etc,
Morey had access to a mechanical workshop with potentially a few vehicles. 'If' he was selling Sarah McMahon $10000 blocks of amphetamine, its not like he wouldn't have the cash for access to new vehicles, and cut and shut rebuild vehicles he could set up himself. Built fake taxis even. Because a fake taxi didn't have to buy a taxi plate, fake taxis were a cash cow.
If Morey is SAS or exmilitary, he may have been trained in all the above. Mechanic being one of the core subjects for SAS. (SAS barracks are a stones throw from Stirling road, Claremont.) Being SAS with a stationwagon set up with a LSD diff, Morey could have driven any the back dirt tracks off the main roads up and down to the dump points with an element of ease. Police have said, it is someone who polishes their car a lot, with care to detail.
Rimmers mystery man was wearing a white shirt and black dress pants (by the looks). That is standard work uniform for many occupations, including taxi driver, hospitality staff, limo driver, funeral staff, door man. Did he work for a funeral home driving cemetery vehicles. Turning up at 12 suggests someone who may have knocked off work at any of the venues that were complied to shut at midnight at the time. Printers did do night shifts and earned commensurate money for doing so.
Did all the girls go missing at 12 oclock and later?
Run Commodore VS1 in the number plate database time frame which was only about 1 year old against printing companies. The whole lot could be queried from the database in 4 hours.
The Post also reports that new evidence shows this victim was tied up with washing line, not telephone wire as previously reported, and that the line was "impregnated with material used in screen printing".
The Post Newspaper also reported that detectives are trying to locate former employees of the printing company and wanted to know if printing components had gone missing at the time of the murders and the process involved in printed dyes on fabric.
Detectives contacted the former screen printing and picture framing business owner, Lee Partridge, asking if rope was left in a carpark behind the store, a local newspaper has reported.
According to The Subiaco Post, police believe the killer used a mid-1990s white Holden Commodore VS series 1 to abduct and kill at least two of his victims. They have linked fibres found on Jane Rimmer's body to the upholstery of a car matching that description. The newspaper also reports the killer had some link to screen-printing and had a way of "printing coloured words and patterns on fabric such as T-shirts". After years of apparent inaction on the unsolved case, these are the latest clues to be revealed by the Post, which identified a link between the killer and the rape of a woman in Karrakatta Cemetery in October.
McMahon inquest (Strangled on the bed)
Last edited by crabstick; 10-27-2016 at 05:01 AM.
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
According to her statement Mr Allen told her to come to the address at about 9.30pm on a night which must have been either 8 November 2000 or close to that date. In this account she stated that Mr Allen had said something like, ‘He’s gone and killed her’. She said she walked into Mr Morey’s room and saw naked girl on the bed. She said that there was an ‘old fashioned rope around the girl’s neck. She stated that she later saw the rope on the bedroom floor and it was about a yard long.
She stated that Mr Allen’s right hand was swollen and there were marks on his knuckles. She claimed that he said something like, ‘He had punched her in the head to shut her up but it didn’t’. 6 Later she stated that she cleaned the house. Ms Kendrick claimed that she saw Mr Morey carrying‘something wrapped in a quilt over his left shoulder’ .7 She said she knew it was the girl. Later she saw Mr Allen put the body in the bed of a utility and Mr Morey drove away.
Mr Allen’s wife, claimed that at a time which appears to have been relatively shortly after Ms McMahon’s disappearance, she saw a bag which belonged to Mr Morey and which he regularly had with him. She claimed that inside the bag there were two rolls of dirty grey, used gaffer tape, four lengths of ropes with knots in the ends about two feet in length, two knives, one of which was Mr Allen’s pocket knife, two large rubber bands, one condom in a packet, two pornographic magazines, between five and seven key rings and a map.
She claimed that the porn books contained pictures of men with blood on their genitals and women tied up who appeared to be dead
Last edited by crabstick; 10-27-2016 at 05:57 AM.
crabstick said: 10-27-2016
"He told me that he was in the SAS... that's where he was taught to kill people," she said. "He told me that he has killed before."
Ms Allen said Morey made an effort to charm women and had once offered to kill her husband Gareth Allen after eavesdropping on an argument while living at Mr Allen's home.
Mo Joe said:10-27-2016
Available technology should allow the Investigators to superimpose the images of the three victims to come up with a 'type'? This could be useful in identifying other potential victims, and also in looking at POI's choice of partner/s for likeness.
Psi said:10-28-2016
Experience has taught me that people who claim to have been in the SAS never served in the SAS. Is there any evidence that Morey was in the SAS? The VS Commodore thing might be misinformation to lure LW out to go dig up the souviners, if not, I'm sure the Police would have run a check on Commodores that were registered at the time.
Originally Posted by crabstick
The cops could run names off the ATO database of hospitality staff with white commodore VS1 which was only a year old on the numberplate database. If the vehicle belonged to say, the navy in Dorroughs case. It may have had a navy emblem on the side that instilled an element of integrity that encouraged the girls to get in etc,
Morey had access to a mechanical workshop with potentially a few vehicles. 'If' he was selling Sarah McMahon $10000 blocks of amphetamine, its not like he wouldn't have the cash for access to new vehicles, and cut and shut rebuild vehicles he could set up himself. Built fake taxis even. Because a fake taxi didn't have to buy a taxi plate, fake taxis were a cash cow.
If Morey is SAS or exmilitary, he may have been trained in all the above. Mechanic being one of the core subjects for SAS. (SAS barracks are a stones throw from Stirling road, Claremont.) Being SAS with a stationwagon set up with a LSD diff, Morey could have driven any the back dirt tracks off the main roads up and down to the dump points with an element of ease. Police have said, it is someone who polishes their car a lot, with care to detail.
Rimmers mystery man was wearing a white shirt and black dress pants (by the looks). That is standard work uniform for many occupations, including taxi driver, hospitality staff, limo driver, funeral staff, door man. Did he work for a funeral home driving cemetery vehicles. Turning up at 12 suggests someone who may have knocked off work at any of the venues that were complied to shut at midnight at the time. Printers did do night shifts and earned commensurate money for doing so.
Did all the girls go missing at 12 oclock and later?
Run Commodore VS1 in the number plate database time frame which was only about 1 year old against printing companies. The whole lot could be queried from the database in 4 hours.
The Post also reports that new evidence shows this victim was tied up with washing line, not telephone wire as previously reported, and that the line was "impregnated with material used in screen printing".
The Post Newspaper also reported that detectives are trying to locate former employees of the printing company and wanted to know if printing components had gone missing at the time of the murders and the process involved in printed dyes on fabric.
Detectives contacted the former screen printing and picture framing business owner, Lee Partridge, asking if rope was left in a carpark behind the store, a local newspaper has reported.
According to The Subiaco Post, police believe the killer used a mid-1990s white Holden Commodore VS series 1 to abduct and kill at least two of his victims. They have linked fibres found on Jane Rimmer's body to the upholstery of a car matching that description. The newspaper also reports the killer had some link to screen-printing and had a way of "printing coloured words and patterns on fabric such as T-shirts". After years of apparent inaction on the unsolved case, these are the latest clues to be revealed by the Post, which identified a link between the killer and the rape of a woman in Karrakatta Cemetery in October.
McMahon inquest (Strangled on the bed)
Foolio79 said:10-28-2016
I strongly doubt Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich, is ex SAS. He is a career criminal with convictions and prison stints stretching back to the 70's.
crabstick said:10-28-2016
There is enough reports to suggest he is ex army. Im not sure how old he is. Yes, there is a few guys around that use the Im ex SAS as a shield when they fear someone might give them a clobber. He might have been a mechanic?
Selling $10000 bundles of amphetamine is organised crime connections.
Originally Posted by Foolio79
I strongly doubt Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich, is ex SAS. He is a career criminal with convictions and prison stints stretching back to the 70's.
Mo Joe said:10-28-2016
KK may have been his work vehicle? JR and CG may have been his personal vehicle?
JWSleuth said:10-28-2016
Could it possible that csk is dead, or in jail but there is an accomplice that they can't quite link so they don't announce yet? So many similarities in some cases..
crabstick said:10-28-2016
There has been article written that some POIs would not be subject to a fair trial even if they went to court. They made mention the court would have to be in potentially another country but for the most part. Some POIs will never receive a fair trial.
Ill see if I can find it for you.
Originally Posted by JWSleuth
Could it possible that csk is dead, or in jail but there is an accomplice that they can't quite link so they don't announce yet? So many similarities in some cases..
Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #6
Nugget77 said:10-11-2016
Originally Posted by Bartholemeus
I'd speculate he chose north and south because these would be familiar routes out of the city for anyone living in the Claremont surrounds. South is Rockingham, Mandurah and the Yallingup/Margaret River region. North is Lancelin, Yanchep etc. All seaside holiday spots.
I'd also speculate he chose the distance out of the city as a function of night time hours available, chance of getting pulled over, and remoteness - which he rationalised the edge of the city. Close enough to drop the body under darkness, not too far as the longer he drives with a body in the car the increased chance of being pulled over, and sufficiently remote for the body not to be discovered immediately.
But there's a lot of places he could dump the body north and south and satisfy whatever criteria he had. Somehow they ended up exactly 180 degree from each other. Could be coincidental but that's a hell of a coincidence.
How exact are we talking in terms of 180degrees? Are we talking to the nearest metre? Or within a few km?
crabstick said:10-11-2016
Maybe some wealthy individual had a fetish for catholic virgins? How long had the boat been in the Swan? It is sunk direct west of Janes body, 13.5 kilometres
In July 2007, the 34.14 metre timber cabin cruiser W. Saville-Kent sunk in Mangles Bay, near Garden Island navy base
"The story was that about 10 years ago it was parked up in the Swan River, off East Fremantle, and used as a brothel," he said.
Psi said:10-11-2016
May not have the locations exact.
Nugget77 said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by Psi
May not have the locations exact.
Looking at that, it looks like the killer might just have taken the most convenient routes to get away from Claremont to a secluded spot. The fact that one goes north and another south probably means he followed the freeway in Perth which goes only two directions (you guessed it, north and south).
Going East means having to go through the city most likely or back through Fremantle. A lot of messing around.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016 01:05
Originally Posted by Nugget77
How exact are we talking in terms of 180degrees? Are we talking to the nearest metre? Or within a few km?
From the exact spot from where JR was dump to the exact spot CG was dumped - that line goes right over the top of The Conti.
Could be a coincidence.
He may have dumped JR and then when deciding where to dump CG he chose to play a game and go 180 degrees.
The CSK may have pre-planned it before the killings.
There's a lot of places to dump the bodies north and south so to choose spots that are on a straight line through the Conti is a massive coincidence.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by Nugget77
Looking at that, it looks like the killer might just have taken the most convenient routes to get away from Claremont to a secluded spot. The fact that one goes north and another south probably means he followed the freeway in Perth which goes only two directions (you guessed it, north and south).
That's a given as to why he went north and south. But there's still a lot of area about the same distance out he could have dumped at.
Nugget77 said:10-12-2016
Cool. Thanks for your patience with my questions. They probably seem a little basic but just trying to make my way through the massive amount of information (and disinformation) involved.
88mph said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by crabstick
That would mean that Ciara was kept overnight, then taken away next day.
I think they drove up Stirling highway and headed north or south to the respective positions via Freeway on ramp in the city which lead them in the corresponding directions north south with no traffic lights for some way. With a taxi driving through the city would essentially bury them in hundreds of other taxis, leaving everyone none the wiser.
Even coast road for that matter. They hit the roads and head up or down. Or they run the victims to the nearest yacht club, put them on a sail boat and sailed up and down the coast totally away from anyone held without scrutiny. Then when the heat died, they would put the body in a car and take the bodies from the nearest anchor point to the prospective sites.
Police said some were killed in short time, they didn't say they were dumped in short time. Bodies were discovered some time later. Both sites are coastal.
I think both points were not far from the prospective freeway points of planning.
So you'd take a body out to sea, then bring it back??
Are you actually serious?
crabstick said:10-12-2016
So there is nothing to say the bodies were dumped the same night they were abducted. Anyone have evidence that the bodies were dumped the same night? That would be a presumption.
Both body sites are about 1.4 km from the main arterial of existing or future freeway. So someone drove south, then turned left, dumped a body. Someone drove north turned left, dumped a body which miraculously create a meridian through the Claremont hotel.
Anyone have a Perth road map image in 1996?
In todays more efficient road system of todays road design, say at midnight, best time from Bayview to Pippidinny is 1 hour 2 minutes; from Bayview to Woollcoot (Jane) 58 minutes.
So you would presume with the roads in the day not being as efficient, it may take considerably longer.
Last edited by crabstick; 10-12-2016 at 03:52 AM.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by crabstick
So there is nothing to say the bodies were dumped the same night they were abducted. Anyone have evidence that the bodies were dumped the same night? That would be a presumption.
Police have stated they believe the girls were killed nearby and soon after abduction and dumped on the same night.
Of course it's possible the girls were kept overnight and dumped the next night but it's unlikely.
Possible explanations for the brickie discrepancy;
1. The CSK dumped CG on the next night
2. He got his days mixed up and he saw it on the Saturday morning (he did state he knew it was a Sunday because he had a job that was on every Sunday that he got up at 4am for)
3. He's somehow mistaken
4. He's lying (it's not like that doesn't happen much)
crabstick said:10-12-2016
Bart: "Police have stated they believe the girls were killed nearby and soon after abduction and dumped on the same night."
Do you have a reference please Bart for they were both dumped the same night? I do believe I read, police believe at least one the victims were killed not long after.
There is two yacht clubs within 3 minutes of the abduction points. By the time the third abduction came around, you would think the roads would be hot with police, and cameras. Yeah, sure, Im not discounting the possibility the victims were taken to a boat off the streets in three minutes. Police presence on the water was essentially non existent in the day. It would be a free run with not a cop in sight. Victim gone in three minutes.
One cleared POI had 46 houses apparently. Thats a lot of choice.
Someone may have even had access to a house that was on the river, with a finger jetty at the rivers edge.
Last edited by crabstick; 10-12-2016 at 04:25 AM.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by 88mph
So you'd take a body out to sea, then bring it back??
Are you actually serious?
I'm waiting for Crabstick to explain how the CSK got CG off the boat near Eglington and onto land and how he then got her from there to the dump site.
Helicopter obviously.
Last edited by Bartholemeus; 10-12-2016 at 04:26 AM.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by crabstick
Bart: "Police have stated they believe the girls were killed nearby and soon after abduction and dumped on the same night."
Do you have a reference please Bart for they were both dumped the same night? I do believe I read, police believe at least one the victims were killed not long after
Nope, that just my recollection. Could be wrong. You might want to watch the CIA episode - it could be in there.
There is two yacht clubs within 3 minutes of the abduction points. By the time the third abduction came around, you would think the roads would be hot with police, and cameras. Yeah, sure, Im not discounting the possibility the victims were taken to a boat off the streets in three minutes. Police presence on the water was essentially non existent in the day. It would be a free run with not a cop in sight. Victim gone in three minutes.
It wasn't discovered that the victims had been abducted until the next day.
MyLeftFoot said:10-12-2016
Post by Peter Kurten
I have been told that it is a general consensus by many external and internal profilers, based on the facts of the investigation, that the circumstances in which the crimes were carried out led the offender to become psychologically conflicted immediately afterward. I've also been told that this became a paramount profiling approach when filtering information that was coming into the Task force.
What circumstances to do with the crimes led them to believe this I'm not sure, but I've been told of this by more than one person close to the case at the time.
Thanks Peter.
Questions for Peter and others ~
1.What is your interpretation of “Psychologically Conflicted”
2. Any thoughts on why police believe the girls were killed nearby? (as opposed to being closer to dump sites)
CSK? said:10-12-2016
I've put a lot of time into researching the convicted rapist Steven Ainsworth as his rapes in Adelaide were almost identical to rapes/assaults in Claremont before and after the known CSK victims. He is currently serving a sentence here in Adelaide for rapes he committed in the mid to late 80's, he moved to Perth in 1994 and worked as a carpenter. he moved back to Adelaide in 1998 and then back to Perth in 2000, He ended up being linked by DNA to the 1980's rapes and extradited back to Adelaide. While it is possible he is the CSK it is probably unlikely BUT, I'd bet my right testicle the man is responsible for a portion of the attacks in and around Claremont from 1994 -1998 there are just way too many coincidences between those attacks and his rape/assaults here in Adelaide (abducting from known pubs/nightclubs, bashing heads into walls, using a brick to bash 1 victim and then raping them in lane ways). The biggest factor for me ruling him out is the possibility of police having DNA or a partial DNA sample from CG and the KK rape victim so one would assume if this was correct then of course Steven Ainsworth would have been checked.
In regards to how these girls were dumped, I understand common sense would dictate to us if in the same position of dumping a body that travelling at night via the path of least resistance would be your best option for dumping a body, but some people discuss this like the police were pulling over any and every vehicle they seen. there are several cases of serial killers dumping the body during day time, hell, Joel Ripkin even drove around and filled up gas with one of his deceased victims propped up in the front passenger seat. I think dumping on a Sunday morning would be very plausible, after all the effort of abducting e.t.c one would certainly want to take their time and "enjoy the moment" you have to remember these serial killers have a sense of self importance and feel like they won't be caught because they are simply smarter than the police, so driving around with a body and or dumping during daylight hours wouldn't be too far fetched for them unless they suffer super paranoia.
I too would love to know why the police think the women were killed shortly after abduction, certainly a body exposed to the elements for weeks and months could not be used to pinpoint the time of death to the nearest 12 hours, a day or two I'd believe but not a matter of hours. And it's never been common knowledge that police found the "kill" site so I think the police are just guessing that fact based on a lack of evidence at the dump site.
As with the boat/yacht theory, if you abducted someone or managed to get a body on board a boat/yacht/ship I will give you one guess where that body is getting dumped, and here is a clue, it won't be on land whatsoever.
According to FBI there would be a 90% chance the CSK has been caught for either assault/rape/abduction or murder following the Claremont killings, I've been using MAKO.org to try and find matches, but this is limited to sexual offenders, does anyone know of a similar database that lists in general, violent crimes?
Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #6
crabstick said:10-12-2016
People are presuming they just dumped the bodies. But the last post just explains how they think they are smarter than the police. Megalomania. So there is no reason why they just didn't sail up to Two Rocks marina, and drove down, or sail down to Mangles bay to meet a car at any point and place the bodies so the line between intersected the Claremont hotel.
Why dump the bodies at sea, when you can tease police, because you are smarter than the cops right? right?
If the bodies werent coastal I could discount it, but the bodies are relatively coastal to places of safe anchorage, and quiet pick up points.
No one has evidence the bodies were placed at the discovered sites the same night.
Peter Kurten said:10-12-2016 09
Originally Posted by MyLeftFoot
Post by Peter Kurten
I have been told that it is a general consensus by many external and internal profilers, based on the facts of the investigation, that the circumstances in which the crimes were carried out led the offender to become psychologically conflicted immediately afterward. I've also been told that this became a paramount profiling approach when filtering information that was coming into the Task force.
What circumstances to do with the crimes led them to believe this I'm not sure, but I've been told of this by more than one person close to the case at the time.
Thanks Peter.
Questions for Peter and others ~
1.What is your interpretation of “Psychologically Conflicted”
2. Any thoughts on why police believe the girls were killed nearby? (as opposed to being closer to dump sites)
I was told the majority of the profilers came to a consensus that:
A. It was very likely the offender was remorseful immediately after the murders.
B. It was very likely that the offender became anxious upon hearing news of the bodys' discoveries.
C. Something at the crime scene led profilers to this conclusion. The amount of time between murders may have contributed to this finding.
I can't give you any solid information for point 2. My best guess is that, because the victims received significant injuries and appear to have put up a struggle, the offender would not have been able to confidently travel far with them in the vehicle.
MyLeftFoot said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by Peter Kurten
I was told the majority of the profilers came to a consensus that:
A. It was very likely the offender was remorseful immediately after the murders.
B. It was very likely that the offender became anxious upon hearing news of the bodys' discoveries.
C. Something at the crime scene led profilers to this conclusion. The amount of time between murders may have contributed to this finding.
I can't give you any solid information for point 2. My best guess is that, because the victims received significant injuries and appear to have put up a struggle, the offender would not have been able to confidently travel far with them in the vehicle.
Thanks for that insight Peter.
Regarding A. More likely his artificial courage (stimulants) had worn off and he was now fully cognizant of the risk of detection. I'd bet CSK?'s left testicle on that!
It didn't stop him from killing again.
phantman said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by Nugget77
How exact are we talking in terms of 180degrees? Are we talking to the nearest metre? Or within a few km?
They are placed exactly, 180 degrees apart. No margin for error here.
phantman said:10-12-2016
If you look at the aerial photos of the two sites where Jane and Ciara were found, you will notice that they were both unsealed roads. They were both sealed shortly after. So, this suggests that whoever killed these girls and dumped them knew that the roads were about to be sealed and that the bodies would be found, since they were laid out on the ground covered with foliage, rather than buried. I have previously written, on other blogs, of the line between Jane and Ciara and how it runs through the corner of St Quentin Ave and Bayview Ave. So it can definitely be stated that the killer researched these locations prior to using them. So, who would know about these plans for the road sealing? Surveyors leap to my mind first, since the killer laid the girls in specific locations EXACTLY 180 degrees to each other. Could the killer be a Surveyor who has been contracted either by the State Govt or Local Government? A Surveyor could work out these locations in his sleep. I wonder if there are any Surveyors Bench Marks near these locations.
Others who might know about the roads could be contractors delivering material, Council planning managers, Town Planners.
Something else to mull over. If you extend the line in both directions, you will find that as it runs south, it crosses through the centre of Collie where Lisa Mott disappeared in Oct 1980 and it also passes very close to Lake Navarino where Annette Deverall was found. She disappeared 29 days before Lisa Mott from Mandurah. Extend the line north and it finishes at a point south of Exmouth intersecting the Tropic of Capricorn.
Also each dumping site was, using the UTM measurements, near a grid line. The grid line for Jane is on Millar road, so rather than dump her in an open area, she was dumped on Woolcoot Rd near a creek. But that spot is still in the actual line between the sites. The same for Pippidinie Rd. Here also the grid line is on the road, so Ciara was dumped in the bush nearby, but still on the line between her and Jane. So with that sort of data, we can draw a profile of where to look for Sarah.
First it must be on a road with a grid line. Then it must be in a spot where the line runs through Bayview. It must also be in an isolated or secluded area. Possibly within an hours drive of Claremont. The cops carried out a search at the Spectacles in their search for Sarah. This area is also on a grid line between Thomas Rd and Anketell Rd, Mandogalup.
In The West, when Ciara was found, the reporter mentioned that her body was found in an area similar to her surname, the same as Jane was. I can put Glennon alongside Eglington, but I can't see where Jane Rimmer fits in the general area where she was found.
More to follow.
Last edited by phantman; 10-12-2016 at 02:52 PM.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by crabstick
People are presuming they just dumped the bodies. But the last post just explains how they think they are smarter than the police. Megalomania. So there is no reason why they just didn't sail up to Two Rocks marina, and drove down, or sail down to Mangles bay to meet a car at any point and place the bodies so the line between intersected the Claremont hotel.
Why dump the bodies at sea, when you can tease police, because you are smarter than the cops right? right?
If the bodies werent coastal I could discount it, but the bodies are relatively coastal to places of safe anchorage, and quiet pick up points.
No one has evidence the bodies were placed at the discovered sites the same night.
Sorry, but the idea the bodies were transported in a boat is absurd. Can we move on from this please.
Bartholemeus said:10-12-2016
Originally Posted by MyLeftFoot
Thanks Peter.
Questions for Peter and others ~
1.What is your interpretation of “Psychologically Conflicted”
2. Any thoughts on why police believe the girls were killed nearby? (as opposed to being closer to dump sites)
1. My guess is that the CSK is first and foremost a rapist and the murders are more about decreasing chance of detection. So "psychologically conflicted" could mean the killer struggled with the whole killing thing and maybe developed some empathy with the families. Maybe it was the actually killing itself, maybe it was empathy to the victims and their families, or maybe he just thought to himself "that's a hell of an ordeal just to get a root".
2. I think 2 reasons;
a. Control. Assuming he wants them alive for whatever he does to them, it would be very hard to control them safely in a car over long distances
b. His killing field. He probably had a preferred spot to take them, do his thing and then kill them. He probably felt familiar and at low risk.
Also maybe the fibres. I think they claimed they felt they were killed locally before they allegedly recovered the fibres but maybe that's incorrect and the fibres gave them an indication JR may have travelled in a position for a long period where she was likely to be deceased. Tenuous but you never know.
crabstick said:10-12-2016
The idea that a fake taxi down to the two very nearby yacht clubs or homes is far from absurd. Ill make a map from Sarahs abduction point to the two yacht clubs. I guess knowing the area in 1997 makes it sound very plausible.
But I like your shot at rail road a theory without any substantiation to back it up. It was a nice try. Its a lovely presumption.
Im not going to push the topic, as long no one provocates continued discussion, but to call it absurd smells of someone trying to put people off a trail.
Gone in three minutes, disappeared. A yacht club with poor lighting in 1996, shut at 12, but gates open to boaties. One example.
The Crucifixion of the Nuisance but Lovable Koala Bear
Part One
'... It's All About Honesty Ma’m .... 'The Nuisance but Lovable Koala Bear stated to
Queen Elizabeth II of England..
as the Nuisance but Lovable Koala Bear requested a stay on his Crucifixion
The Nuisance but Lovable Koala Bear
The Queen, Elizabeth II of England
'A high court of justice claim for one billion pounds in damages'
This a story full of suspense, humor, pathos and Irony .....
by Steven Wijat more commonly known as
'Mr Wijat'
Enquires for this or other books written by
Mr Wijat on the adventures of the Nuisance Koala Bear please email to:nusicancekaoalabear2016@gmail.
Enquires for this or other books written by Mr Wijat on the adventures of the Nuisance Koala Bear please email to:nusicancekaoalabear2016@gmail.
Other books written by Steven Wijat
1. 'The Nuisance but Lovable Koala that could not fit on the Square '
2. My Life is stranger than fiction;
3. Who really organized the murder of Thomas Graham Allwood and why?
4. Murder, Fraud and Scullduggery over Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane;
5. Nightmare in Garratt Close -Beddington, Surrey, London;
6. Lord Patrick Hodge, the English Wolf, Posing as a Scottish Lamb;
7. The Australian Media Conspiracy;
8. Keystone Cops, Shady Lenders, Fraudulent Receiver Managers and Corporate Cowboys in the Gold Coast;
9. Who Really Runs the World and Why?;
10. My Years as Perth's Italian Godfather's 'Little Mate;
11. Living Next Door To Len Buckeridge, the Psychopath for 60 years…
(..the nightmare that continues even after Len’s Death…)
Contact Information for Matilda's End Holiday Units
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Karumba Tides- One Tide a Day
“…Unique and amazingly beautiful places like Karumba, Queensland on Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria and other places like the Gulf of Thailand, the Persian Gulf, the South China Sea and even the Gulf of Mexico, are some of the very best places on Earth for catching fish..”
One-tide-a-day thing happens in Karumba, Queensland, Australia as well as other places, for exactly the same reason - places like the Gulf of Thailand, the Persian Gulf, the South China Sea and even the Gulf of Mexico. It just so happens that all these places are some of the very best places on Earth for catching fish. I wonder if the once-a-day tides makes the fish all confused, and easier to catch?
When you travel around the coastline of Northern Australia, you soon notice something odd about the tides. Over on the West coast of Western Australia near Derby, you get your standard two high tides and two low tides a day (and the difference between high and low tide can be up to 12 metres). But travel East across to Karumba (down in the bottom right hand corner of the Gulf of Carpentaria, or the bottom left-hand corner of Cape York), and the tides are very different. Even though Karumba is roughly as far from the equator as Derby, you'll find that the tide in Karumba is back to the average height of a few metres or so, but that there is only one high tide and one low tide each day. What's going on?
While I was up in the Gulf, I asked everbody why Karumba had just one tide each day. Everybody had answers that were very convincing, and very different.
But eventually I got the right answer (I think it's the right answer) from Bill Mitchell, a research associate at the National Tides Facility at Flinders University. In fact, he'd written a scientific paper on the tides in the Gulf. His answer reads "A Kelvin wave with a clockwise rotating amphidrome just west of the centre of the Gulf is the dominant feature of the diurnal components of the tide. The semidiurnal components exhibit a line of minimum amplitude with associated amphidromes located centrally in the Gulf. This feature prevents a large amount of the potential energy at the latter periods penetrating the southern half of the region." So here's my attempt to explain Bill's answer in words, not equations.
It turns out that the tides involve more than just the Earth, Sun and Moon. Once you add in complicating factors (like the ocean has different depths at different places, and the continents have odd shapes, and the Earth is actually tilted some 23o off the vertical, and the Earth spins, and half a dozen other factors) and then you do the complicated equations, you'll find that there are about 120 different possible tides. So there are possible tides that happen once a day, twice a day, three times a day, four times a day, and so on.
World-wide, there's a certain amount of energy available for the tides, but as we can see at the beach, most of the energy appears in the tide that happens twice a day. Most of the remaining tidal energy appears in the once-a-day tide, and the small amount of energy left over is shared between the other 118 possible tides.
Now most of the tidal energy in the Gulf, and in fact most of the water in the Gulf, comes from the Indian Ocean. Hardly any gets through that little 200 km gap between the tip of Cape York and New Guinea. So the Gulf of Carpenteria is virtually a closed body of water, almost like a bath tub with the plug in.
If you fill your bathtub with water, and gently pat a bread board onto the water at one end, you'll see that the wave takes 2 seconds to get to the other end of the bathtub, and another 2 seconds to get back - a total of 4 seconds. So, if you pat the water with the bread board every 4 seconds, you'll soon get a big wave of water sloshing over the end of your bathtub. The timing is critical, like the pushing of a swing.
Now this is the hard bit, so you might have to concentrate. It takes 2 seconds for a wave to slosh along your average bathtub, but the mouth of the Gulf of Carpenteria is much bigger, and it takes 12 hours for a wave to slosh across from east to west (and vice versa). By an enormous coincidence, this 12-hour-period is the same as the time between two high tides (or two low tides).
As the twice-a-day tide comes across the top of Australia from the Indian Ocean into the Gulf of Carpentaria, it has to pass through the mouth of the Gulf. The twice-a-day tide heading into the Gulf gets trapped by this potential 12-hour-wave that exists across the mouth of the Gulf. Very little twice-a-day energy is left over to go into the Gulf. Now the next most energetic tide is the once-a-day tide. This tide gets through because its timing is different. And that's why you have only one tide a day at Karumba. (The other tides get through as well, but you don't notice them because they are so small.)
Now this special one-tide-a-day thing happens in other places, for exactly the same reason - places like the Gulf of Thailand, the Persian Gulf, the South China Sea and even the Gulf of Mexico. It just so happens that all these places are some of the very best places on Earth for catching fish. I wonder if the once-a-day tides makes the fish all confused, and easier to catch?
General Facilities - Guest laundry, guest freezer, fish cleaning area, barbeque area, off street parking.
Contact Information for Matilda's End Holiday Units
Yappar St
Karumba 4891
Ph: (07) 4745 9408
Fax: (07) 4745 9319
Click here for on line bookings for the Karumba Lodge Motel and Matida's End Holiday Units
Welcome to Matildas End Holiday Units and Motel. Karumba is serviced by a bitumen road from both the east and the south. Access is usually not difficult from April to October, but can be denied due to flooding during the Monsoon Season, November to March. Prior to travelling during the Monsoon Season, it is advisable to check road conditions.
Karumba is situated on the mouth of the Norman River which flows into the Gulf of Carpentaria and is the centre of the Gulf's prawn and barramundi industr
For bookings at Karumba Motel, also known as Matilda's End Holiday Units please click here
Contact Information for Matilda's End Holiday Units
Yappar St
Karumba 4891
Ph: (07) 4745 9408
Fax: (07) 4745 9319
Click here for on line bookings for the Karumba Lodge Motel and Matida's End Holiday Units
Cairns – Ravenshoe – Georgetown – Normanton – Katherine
6 days driving
Drive from Cairns, through Queensland’s lush Tropical Tablelands and historic goldfields, and across the Northern Territory border to Katherine. Walk through World Heritage-listed rainforest in Kuranda and explore the produce-rich countryside around Mareeba. Visit a century-old Chinese temple in Atherton and spend the night in Ravenshoe, Queensland’s highest town. Marvel at Millstream Falls, Australia’s widest waterfalls and lose yourself in the caves of Undara Volcanic National Park, the world’s longest lava system. Fossick for gold in historic Croydon and Georgetown and spot crocodiles in the wetlands around Normantown. Discover hidden gorges and Aboriginal rock art in Boodjamulla National Park before crossing the Central Gulf into the Northern Territory. From here, the Savannah Way continues across the outback all the way to Western Australia’s pearling town of Broome.
Drive out of tropical Cairns, on the doorstep of north Queensland’s islands, rainforest and reef. Bushwalk, visit Barron Falls and browse the markets in the butterfly-fringed rainforest village of Kuranda. Then continue on to Mareeba, set amidst orchards, coffee plantations and sugar cane fields. Bushwalk and spot rare native birds in the Mareeba Wetlands and explore the volcanic rock formations of Granite Gorge. See Aboriginal rock art galleries in Davies Creek National Park or picnic next to the peaceful pools of Emerald Creek Falls. For an off-the-track adventure, drive 140 km west to the famous Chillagoe-Mungana Caves. Or continue past the wildlife-rich Tolga Scrub into Atherton, in the heart of the scenic Tropical Tablelands. Walk through rainforest and past miniature waterfalls for a top-of-the-tablelands view from Halloran’s Hill. Take a steam train to the old tin mining town of Herberton. Picnic in Platypus Park, visit the century-old Chinese temple and discover a sweet cacophony of birds in Hasties Swamp.
Discover more picturesque attractions around Atherton. Hike through rainforest, pine and eucalypt plantations in Danbulla State Forest or fish for barramundi from Barron River. Drive to dairy-rich Malanda to see ancient Bromfield Swamp and walk to Malanda Falls. Or detour south to Hypipamee National Park to see a deep crater filled with water. From Ravenshoe, Queensland’s highest town, it’s just a short bushwalk to Tully Falls, an awe-inspiring torrent after wet season rains. Camp, water ski and fish at Kombooloomba Dam, a little further down. Drive the Waterfall Circuit past picture-perfect waterfalls to quaint Millaa Millaa. Head to Millstream Falls, Australia’s widest waterfalls, and relax in the therapeutic mineral waters of Innot Hot Springs. Make your way through vine thickets and giant fig trees in Wurruma Swamp. From here, its west to the world’s longest lava system in Undara Volcanic National Park. Fossick for gems in Mt Surprise before heading into the old gold centre of Georgetown.
Get fossicking in Georgetown, once nicknamed the 'poor man's goldfield', for the nuggets that could be grabbed straight from surface. Today, with the help of a permit and some modern gadgets, you can still haul a respectable loot of gold and semi-precious gems. See thunder eggs and agates in Forsyth, then head to the Agate Creek Mineral Reserve to find your own agate, with its own spectacular swirls and colours. Pass the Cumberland Chimney, all that is left of a giant crushing plant built by Cornish masons during the Savannah gold rush. Stop in the Croydon, where National Trust buildings stand testament to the town’s history as a grand gold-mining hub. Visit Croydon Cemetry and see the elegant Chinese inscriptions carved into Chinese graves. Stop to swim and spot birds in Lake Belmore, the largest body of fresh water in the Savannah. Visit historic Golden Gate Mine, before heading to Normanton on the edge of the Gulf of Carpenteria.
Cast your line for barramundi and spot native birds in Normanton, which sits on a high, sandy ridge, overlooking grasslands to the west and wetlands to the north. Get a photo with Krys the Savannah King. At almost 9 metres, it’s a life size replica of the largest crocodile ever captured. Visit the historic penitentiary and wind through the countryside on the Gulflander train back to Croydon. Explore the wetlands between Normantown and Karumba, home to saltwater crocodiles and a third of Australia's migratory wading birds. Stop in Karumba for prawns and fish caught fresh from the Norman River. From here, you’ll be driving mostly dirt roads next to thundering road trains. Stop at Burke and Wills Cairn - the most northerly point of the ill-fated explorers 1861 expedition - or for a picnic beneath Leichhardt Falls. Your day’s destination is Burketown, the Gulf’s oldest town on the banks of the Albert River.
Test out the town’s reputation as Australia’s barramundi capital by casting your line on the Albert River. Then head south to the bird-watching paradise of Bluebush Swamp, and Gregory Downs on the tranquil Gregory River. Canoe and bushwalk here or in Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park – an oasis of sandstone cliffs, tropical vegetation, emerald creeks and Waanyi rock art. Follow the Wild Dog Dreaming path, take in panoramic views over the Constance Range and see freshwater crocodiles basking in the sun. Head west through the Aboriginal community of Doomadgee, where you can stay overnight with prior approval. Otherwise, stock up on food and fuel at the general store and continue on your way. Stop at Hells Gate, the gateway to the Northern Territory’s Macassan Coast, for great views over flood plains and the Barkly Tableland escarpments. Catch a fish at Kingfisher Camp waterhole, then drive across the Northern Territory border to the remote fishing community of Borroloola.
You can linger an extra day and hire a house boat from King Ash Bay. Or detour south to explore the Caranbirini conservation reserve, home to towering sandstone spires, Aboriginal art sites, a waterhole and many endangered species. Further south you’ll pass Cape Crawford and the sandstone skyscrapers of The Lost City, one of three in theNorthern Territory. To reach Katherine in a day, head north from Borroloola. Catch an early-morning barramundi in the McArthur River, then drive to Roper Bar on the Roper River. Stop here to fish, refuel or break up your journey by camping overnight. Then continue on to Mataranka, where you can relax and revive in the palm-fringed thermal pools of Elsey National Park. From here, the sealed Stuart Highway takes you north to bustling Katherine, near Nitmiluk National Park, with its dramatic waterfalls and lush gorges. From Katherine, you can drive the Savannah Way all the way to Broome inWestern Australia.